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********Trigger Warning******** This video contains graphic audio description of Human Torture Trafficking. Please take care. This video is NOT for children.

Join me in this video where i discuss in graphic details what happens to victims of human torture trafficking when they are rented and leased.

********Trigger Warning******** This video contains details of Human Torture Trafficking. This video is Not for children!

Join me in this video and journey into the buying and selling of human beings for the purpose of Torture Trafficking.

*******Trigger Warning******** This video contains details of Human Torture Trafficking. These videos are NOT for children.

Journey with me on this episode as we continue the journey after breaking in. The ongoing training of a victim of torture trafficking is a victims lifetime. Here we discuss some of what is involved with that through my personal experience.

***********Trigger Warning********** This video is about Human torture trafficking. These videos are not meant for children,

Join me on this video as i talk about the dynamics of the torture trafficking ring. Learn how the "family" is created and learn the terms that will help understand the terminology they use.

******Trigger Warning******* This video is about Human Torture trafficking. VIDEO IS NOT FOR CHILDREN!

Journey with me in this video back to how it all began. From Beginnings of my Life to the Beginnings of the Adult human torture trafficking rings.

Now that you met me lets take a little deeper look into Why

Journey with me as i introduce myself, my journey and what Mission River Flowing is all about.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

9 videos

Category Vlogging

This mission is about a life, A life of one! One person that for decades and decades endured the darkest existence on the planet, a victim of Human Torture Trafficking.

Join and walk this journey with me. Learn what trafficking is really all about. Learn what brothers and sisters are enduring around the world. Learn what you can do to truly raise awareness, how to help stop it, and what you can do to help the survivors from it.

Hear how one against all odds made it out. Journey with me as I show what simple love can do to heal.

To see all videos please make sure you hit the change sensitivity rating by clicking on the click here at the top of the video page.

***************************TRIGGER WARNING************************** the videos continue talks about human torture trafficking. These videos are not for children.