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Attempts to out last the toddler's energy

Torin's first time in the water

...But not rly

Family trip out to the park to let the baby terrorize the park

Day after Day of looking after baby. Just needed a short break after 7 long months of baby sitting and working everyday with very little rest.

Baby's longest hike at well over a mile.

In-laws from both sides come up to see the baby

Just strolling about the aquarium

She had to head home early due to issues out of our control so, we took some time off to show her around.

Out and about hiking through the woods

First short hike in awhile, out to the hills while there is some sun

Checking out the local state park in finding out that has a big old Garden in a beach

A trip out of the house up to Norwich to see the falls

Traveling about CT looking for interesting hiking trails, today we landed on Hubbard Park with out high outlook bluff. It's suppose to be one of the tallest outlooks in the area.

President's weekend hike just the two of us. Just a simple following the river and playing on the rocks

The final entry of the Ontonagon winter holiday to see mom

Just hanging out for a day just looking about town. It had been snowing all the previous day so everything was covered in 14 inches of fresh snow; this made getting to some places too difficult by foot. So, when in doubt hit the skies

Just a simple day of wandering about Ontonagon after a snow dump of 14 inches

From the coastline of lake superior we headed into the frozen woods where we no longer had tracks. Somehow we managed to find our way to a ice filled river with a large waterfall

Freezing hikes through the forests of Upper Peninsula Michigan. It was a perfectly good snowy day and yet we decided to head out in the wood for unknown reasons... some how we ended up making back to warmth only to leave and head to a Freezing water fall.

A fast summary of the first two days in Ontonagon. A walk along lake superior and roasting peeps on the fire.

Quickie snapshot of a hike though the woods in the middle of winter up in Ontonagon, MI

First day of the week long trip to visit Mom and Curtis. It took a failed attempt in Boston and a mad dash for a 5 minute overlay in Chicago but we were able to land in Hancock, MI. It was nothing more than a flat place for a plane to land; but, it was interesting when the plane made a u-turn on the landing strip since it ran out of run way.

I was asked to be part of a research program that is testing GPS locator beacons and -54 degree Fahrenheit weather. These beacons are one of the last lines of defense for Rescuers in the Great Lakes that have to deal with extreme cold and extreme circumstances so is imperative to see how far these things could go


Created 5 years ago.

34 videos

Category Travel

Home movies of the various trips and experience of life.