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African men unable to relate to concept of rape trauma. There is no theory of mind. No concept whatsoever.
Millions more, this is definitely our greatest strength!

This is the sequel to the 2010 documentary "What in the world are they spraying". Both are amazing documentaries with interviews by experts who use scientific data to prove we are in fact being sprayed. I will thread the other documentary below.


Artificial intelligence systems can now create remarkably accurate reconstructions of what someone is looking at based on recordings of their brain activity.

Meanwhile Chinese scientists have created a Frankenstein-like robot that is powered by a tiny human brain in a first-of-its-kind feat!

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers the latest advancements in the transhumanism movement that seeks to merge man with machine into an Orwellian surveillance control grid.

Canada has started rolling out 15 minute cities.

The city of Edmonton is preparing to divide itself into fifteen "districts", as part of the globalist agenda to implement "15 minute cities" worldwide.

"The plan also calls for half of all future travel to be done by transit, and for residents to access all their daily needs within 15 minutes."

Coming to your country soon, unless you resist!

Andrew Tate talks about 'Matrix control' and yet uses control as a primary tool. Here a criminal lawyer has some advice for him - 'stop self snitching'. But it's too late - he already has so many times.
The 'big name' 'alternative' interviewers who smile and nod compliantly and the Mainstream 'Alternative' Media (MAM) in general should be ashamed at the part they have played in giving credibility to Tate and his brother.
The conspiracy to enslave humanity is a reality that needs to be exposed in depth and detail - not exploited as a vehicle for misdirection and cul-de-sac creation.
To promote them to urge people to vote for Farage's party is an insult to the electorate and in fact to Farage's party - they are just too blind and pathetically unresearched to see it.

America’s 🇺🇸greatest ally…
But keep sending Israel 🇮🇱 billions of our American tax money 💰
The faster society collapses the faster their Messiah arrives…Moshiach. So the faster the bette

🚨 25-year veteran of the FBI, John DeSouza, is exposing the truth of the UFO invasion that the Pentagon is currently promoting. Why now? What is their agenda? UAP

"There are now millions of people who can’t accept that masks don’t work; that just fundamentally reject hearing the truth because they were convinced masking made them a good person."

Video editing expert discovers ‘Low Frequency Infrasound’ embedded in Obama’s ‘Leave The World Behind’ movie
When Downloaded & Put Into An Editing Program the Movie Has 4 Audio Files Instead Of The Standard 1 file.
One Of The Audio Files Is Just A Frequency “Low Frequency Infrasound”
“For the last 15 years that I have been using Sony Vegas and other editing software and have gone through downloading movies, 100% of the time, it's either an MKV or a MP4 (…) There’s always 1 video file and 1 audio file.
Now let me show you what happened when we downloaded the movie “Leave the World Behind” onto Sony Vegas. Here you go
One video file, 4 audio files opened up! And this one, this 4th audio file seems to be the weapon. This is a low ELF - Low Frequency Infrasound.

Note from the uploeader if this short video!
This film is part of predictive programming that they have been pouring over us for years.
Obama and his globalist satanic friends who are now taking over power worldwide. They always let you know what they are going to do. That is a permanent part of satanic karma. As a Satanist, according to their faith, you are obliged to first inform your victim if you want to do something. This can be done through music, film, art, etc.
So in addition to 5G attacks, you can also expect ELF attacks!

BREAKING: Federal Contractor Exposes Massive Internment Camps Being Built In All 50 States For Trump Supporters Ahead Of Martial Law

Who remembers the Covid Magnet Test?

Well now they’re testing it on the food with similar results.

Here is evidence of our governments conspiring in an undemocratic plan to transition us to an authoritarian political system called Stakeholder Capitalism.

If you only watch 3 minutes of the Joe Rogan podcast with Terrence Howard and Eric Weinstein, this is the 3 minutes


MP Andrew Bridgen reveals he has received shocking information indicating an impending world war

Neil Oliver: "They pushed a pandemic, they pushed products that may have been neither safe nor effective into billions of people. and sacrifice the hundreds of thousands for the sole aim of making and laundering money. They get caught lying, they refuse to contemplate the dreadful consequences of what the did. They're exposed for all of these crimes and more besides and are any of them ever held to account? On the contrary. The usual suspects, all the guilty parties now have more prestigious jobs, more money, their reputations are untouched and unblemished. The politicians among them have the unmitigated gall to stand for re election. And which is the worst of all they are collectively closer to the masters objectives than ever before. But we are goaded into hating one another, distrusting one another, our enemy stands shoulder to shoulder. To get where we want to be, to achieve what we want to achieve being the protection of our freedom we have to stop demanding of each other the condition of having been right about everything every moment.
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Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

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