Mudfossil Rabbit Hole

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Mudfossil Rabbit Hole



Professor Dave has over 1500 videos on every Science Topic. He is a Broad Spectrum Scientist and does a Fabulous job at presenting "Mainstream" Science however I would like to discuss New Findings based in "Broad Spectrum Facts". I also study every Scientific and Historic and Biological and other disciplines that tell a very different story..... and I have an alternative view of everything almost based on evidence not theory.
My email is [email protected] and Prof Dave is [email protected]
I would be most appreciative if you emailed him and ask him to contact me to discuss geology or any theory he likes.
We need exposure and trust me I can hold my own on any topic.
Please do me a favor and Email Prof Dave and ask to discuss with me Any Topic. I am going to Critique his Videos on topics. This is NEW INFO and nobody ever suspected this so not being critical....I simply want to discuss my findings with a worthy opponent. Please My Friends... EMAIL and ask Prof Dave to do as he speaks and we can explore together...its new to most all humanity.
[email protected]

A common bacteria is causing serious complications in mostly the young and old. It is common in most people but does not cause illness. The research is pointing to the gut.
Virtually all invasive diseases are from invasion thru the Membranes where the invasive bacteria grow uncontrollably but why only in certain people....What causes infections in some and not in others?

What you will see is ELEMENTARY particles called photons .... which make up protons and each is a dipole and made of smaller elementary particles. There are 2 Muons and 2 electron neutrinos (paired like dipole magnets but tiny) in each photon. Photons are about 1000 times smaller than Protons.
My claim is that Protons and neutrons are made of the same elementary particles......Protons are big and quite stable at periods of approx 1823 dipoles which are the Muons and electron neutrinos.
I hope the video will make it clear and there is also a paper

Mudfossils has changed History completely because it validates the earliest works about what we call "Myths". The claims made by Hesiod and Appolodorus and Ovid and the evidence is now very clear.
Imanuel Velikovsky wrote a book based on ancient documents but little HARD HARD FACTS are mudfossils and show he was correct.

I am here to show you Material Evidence leading to truth and reality.
The ancient texts of all cultures had a common thread.....
Mudfossils has changed History completely because it validates the earliest works about what we call "Myths". The claims made by Hesiod and Appolodorus and Ovid and the evidence is now very clear.
Imanuel Velikovsky wrote a book based on ancient documents but little HARD HARD FACTS are Mudfossils and show he was correct.

The thumbnail is Devils Tower......
What do you think created Devils Tower in Wyoming?
Look carefully at the blocks and the wrinkle surface that is peeling from the blocks......WHY is that happening?
....also look at the top edge and see a scruffy section at the top edge which is also a wrinkle zone and I can explain Exactly how this formed. Its all about the DETAILS in the DEVILS TOWER.........
Geologists say it is Magma that turned into these blocks with this wrinkly looking Scale on it but i disagree. And here is why........
Leave a comment what you think please and please share thumb up etc...Big Love.

In the past when a "Gene" did not create a product in the body we assumed the genetic code sequence in the DNA failed but new research shows that is not correct for the most part.
The latest indicates enzymes (from beneficial bacteria) are required to "Turn on" the code for each sequence because these codes are rarely used so the gene is ok and simply is waiting for the ON SWITCH.
The on switch is called Methylation and only happens from bacterial enzymes..... "DNA methylation is one of several epigenetic mechanisms that cells use to control gene expression."
Drs are just now beginning to understand the role of enzymes which are catalysts and only come from Good Bacteria.

As you will see Several biological formations are on Mars that are anatomically exact for biology. These pictures are from the Curiosity mission and we now know what they are and it is Biology..... so lets see who will comment why my evidence is unworthy of discussion????

If Protons are not understood or gravity or Dark Matter how can "Scientists" weigh light ...they dont even know if it is a particle...its hillarious.
Dipole Electron Flood Theory solves 100% of subatomic mysteries as you will see.
Scientists cannot even define light but claim they know its weight....I will show you light and it is a dipole and weighs approx .0005845amu.
Ask a Physicist to show you light or even define it to you and you will be shocked...ask them to define an electron...ANOTHER shocker.

This will shock you to the core. I use anatomy and chemistry and biology and microscopy and more inc texts that speak of these things.
You decide and comment but please thumb up and share and speak up for truth however bizarre it may be.

I Respectfully request a comment on my work from Neil DeGrassee Tyson and Terrence Howard. They claim it is REQUIRED and INCUMBENT on them to respond...I agree. Neil..."Peer Review thats just how we roll".
I am a material Scientist and will present experimental research on light which is an elementary particle. There are 2 Muons and 2 electron neutrinos (paired like dipole magnets but tiny) in each photon. Photons are about 1000 times smaller than Protons.
My claim is that Protons and neutrons are made of the same elementary particles......Protons are big and quite stable at periods of approx 1823 dipoles which are the Muons and electron neutrinos.
I hope the video will make it clear and there is also a paper

Forever there has been confusion about the Landscapes and the great things seen on earth and Grand Structures created bu "Man". What if creatures were much bigger and humans were hundreds of feet tall...then these things could done and Humans were Giants long ago and my copllection tells the this 4in wide artery or my 2in wide hair follicle.
Academia Must Peer Review this evidence according to Neil Degrasse Tyson. "It is our JOB to investigate such claims".

The standard Atomic model never worked and thats why we dont understand Dar Matter or even Gravity. This new Model replaces Protons and Neutrons with Dipoles and solves every current issue with Physics.
Light particles are muons and electron neutrinos and light particles in mass makes up all matter and light can accelerate and slow...Einstein was Wrong.

Hello to all in search....what I will present is experimental research on light which is an elementary particle. There are 2 Muons and 2 electron neutrinos (paired like dipole magnets but tiny) in each photon. Photons are about 1000 times smaller than Protons.
My claim is that Protons and neutrons are made of the same elementary particles......Protons are big and quite stable at periods of approx 1823 dipoles which are the Muons and electron neutrinos.
I hope the video will make it clear and there is also a paper

100% certain Evidence and specimens that there were Giants here on Earth is now an undeniable fact. For over 10yrs Academia has not paid attention and I think that is a Legal issue now. What do you think...are Educators responsible to examine DNA tested cat scanned Mudfossils or can they take students money and ignore TRUTH???? Lets hear your thoughts.

The Standard Atomic model cannot account for anything in the SubAtomic realm...Dark matter where most weight resides is complexly unknown and light speed is not constant as shown and not even Gravity is understood.
Now "Scientists" admit the standard model cannot account for metals above Iron. This is the latest from a large study of metals....
"These findings suggest that gamma ray bursts may not be the hoped-for crucial source of the Universe's heavy elements. Instead, there must be a source or sources still out there." Guess where metals are found in Nature......IN BLOOD....and Space smells like Cooked meat and cooked blood metals..."Space smells like STEAK" is what astronauts say sfter a walk...the suits smell like well done SIRLOIN.
"whole blood (1). A panel of 26 elements was quantified in whole blood and in plasma: Li, Be, V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Te, Ba, W, Pt, Hg, Tl, Pb, Bi, U."

Geologists claim Giants Causeway is from Lava. I claim it is not lava at all and I will present enormous amounts of physical evidence to support that claim.......Lets examine the evidence using the newest Research Techniques.

Another Great Mystery...the ancients spoke of Battles in the Skies in Great Detail....recent research shows extreme temp vitrification. Now we Must Resolve How these bodies and even bricks were Vitrified.
How were the people vitrified at Mohenjo Daro? It takes about 5000f to vitrify skeletons so the conclusion is "NUCLEAR WEAPONS" but I say highly unlikely and I am not guessing I will present Evidence.

What were you told or what do you think about the Fabulous Ancient site in Jordan called Petra? How could this possibly be and who created it and how and when from what materials?????????
I think I have the answers to most of those questions.

Space is saturated with particles and fields which slow down ANYTHING moving thru that soup even light...called "Quantum Foam" by Fermilab
1...Is the climate changing?
2...If it is changing Is change natural or man made?
3...Regardless of the cause is there any solution we can employ?
4...I can and will show material evidence to support my claims and can others counter my claims as I can theirs?

The thumbnail is a 3ft wide HUMAN hand and I have fingers and more...DNA tested Homo-Sapien mtDNA and fingers cat scanned (2d and 3d scans).
I also have a HUMAN footprint in the Gray clay layer of the Triassic layers and easily seen. This is new details supporting the Velikovsky Claims.
The Triassic was the big one but Velikovsky explains these others as well.
"It is the greatest of the "Big Five" mass extinctions of the Phanerozoic.[17] There is evidence for one to three distinct pulses, or phases, of extinction.[15][18]"

Prepare to be blown away...this proves beyond a doubt what Velikovsky said and also my claims are 100% certain.
This Changes everything about our past and history and evolution vs creation....and the ancient Myths and Religions all based in FACT.

This is still a mystery to Drs. How does the molecules of life get to the Brain when there is a BARRIER that only allows the smallest molecules into the brain. This blood brain barrier is too small to let in enzymes but they somehow get into the brain.... but HOW is the question and I think this is the answer.

It seems all Cancer is invasion of the membranes and the things in membranes that stop invaders is enzymes and only bacteria create enzymes.


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

1339 videos

Category Education

Mirror and repository of MFU audio visual material.

Learn about the true nature of Rocks even the ones in space. Recent DNA verified "Mudfossils" are body parts and cat scans show anatomical details exquisitely. Mudfossils are perfectly preserved mineralized (now stone) soft tissues due to continuous wet anerobic mud packed conditions. You will learn how to identify these they came to be and the ramifications which are FAR reaching. You will also see that Comet 67P is completely biological and the chemistry and anatomy and gaseous emissions are unimpeachable.
Here are the details. Respectful factual questions based on the video evidence presented are WELCOME. If you are disrespectful you are instantly gone. No tests except by you for you. Open mind required as nothing taught is correct now because all knowledge is based on a false premise...therefore the Universe is alive and life is everywhere and the Earth is made of Giants exactly as ancient texts said so there is LOTS to cover. BTW credits.