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ANNOUNCEMENT -- this is bad news

Nearly 10 years is it now when the chemical attacks started. It is still unrelenting, unabated and with no end in sight. But now at least we know what we are dealing with and what we can talk about it.
Now we have irrefutable proves, that the chemicals are targeting the processing of Oxygen in the body. This is a real killer strategy that results in "Death In Slow Motion" if this path is followed.

Listen to this podcast. I urge you to listen to all the 31 minutes. This is very serious and disturbing not only for me but any living being on this planet.

#BodyOxygen #Running #MECsan #SwissTerrorism

This is just a reflection on the number 13 that many people are feeling uncomfortable with. Here my solution.

BREAKING: just an announcement

Now we have a rather good knowledge what is aimed at with all those chemical attacks. NOTE; we are in the 8th year now.
Come back in a couple of days to hear what we know now.
This is a brief telling of the harrowing happenings since early 1990.

In this small talk I am going into various topics that need to be mentioned that all are in one or the other way related to those chemical attacks.
This is a brief telling of the harrowing happenings since early 1990.

This podcast gives a glimpse into the thinking of #PetHus and the Swiss Pharma Industrial Complex (SPIC) and how far they are willing to go to achieve their goal and fulfill their agenda.

On my latest run - Yes I am trying to rebuild my running, I reflected on where those chemical attacks are going and if I one day will see an end to it. I must disappoint my readers and podcast listeners - it will not. Those chemical attacks will NEVER go away anymore - sadly.

Enjoy this special (destructive) gift from Switzerland.

#SwissCrimes #ChemTrails #Running

I give you in this episode a brief insight how I recognize when a chemical attack happens.

The Nuremberg Code is a set of ethical research principles for human experimentation created by the court in one of the subsequent Nuremberg trials that were held after the Second World War.

In this podcast I mention 2 point where Switzerland blatantly violated that code by spreading their chemicals in plain seight and turning anyone into a guinea pigs. Point 2 is that all chemical attacks where conducted by uneducated individuals. The Nuremberg Code is clear that "The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required".

I am sure there will be a more detailed podcast done later.

#NurembergCode #SwissCrime

I am trying to get a grip in my running. In May and June 2022 I wasn't able to run at all. Only in July I started with very small runs to get a feel of where I stand and what the work will be to get into "more or less normal" running. But this run a few days ago was pretty shocking. I could not run 7 km through and had to insert walking parts almost every kilometer. At the end my breathing was complete shit - you can hear it clearly in the podcast.
I started running first time in 1975. Those chemical attacks have destroyed all I have build throughout my life. Today, 47 years later I stand physically in a worse situation then back then when I started.

Switzerland, the Swiss Pharma, and #PetHus have build the ideal Weapon Of Mass Destruction. Let that sink in.

#PetHus #SwissCrimes #ChemTrail

Since I started publishing my podcast on the chemical attacks by #PetHus and supported by the Swiss Government and the Swiss Pharma Industrial Complex, I am getting more and more hints and news on the purpose of all those chemical attacks.

Here a short talk in this RawTalking podcast. Later I will make a specific podcast on this top. So for now, listen to those few minutes and you will sure be eager to hearing the full story behind.

Remember, RawTalking is a sort of Note Taking. It helps to keep my mind free and not forget what podcast to produce.

The Killing Feet by Swiss Pharma - ep004 MECsan Podcast

This short video shows you how my feet changed to the worse in just a couple of months. I made this podcast after listeners of my long podcast ("ep002 MECsan | YADfiles | Full Details Of 7 Years Chemical Attacks Switzerland") complained, that those feet are not mine. So here we go, fake talking points exposed.

Here the direct link to "ep002 MECsan" podcast

NOTE: MECsan is not searchable due to Google, on request of Switzerland blocked MECsan everywhere.
My Video Platforms are:
@MECsan on Rumble, Odysee, BitChute
@MECsan_me on Telegram

My Free Speech Platforms are:
@MECsan on Gettr, Gab, Parler

ep003 MECsan | YADfiles | Short telling of 7 years chemical attacks Switzerland

This is the Short Telling of my long podcast published yesterday. I speak of the 7 years of chemical attacks perpetrated by #PetHus a #Swiss state employee in higher position. The podcast shows the extend of health and physical damage done to me. #Running has become a no option anymore.
This Short Telling is without data, pictures and graphs. Those you find in the Full Podcast.

Full Podcast:
Rumble |
Odysee |
BitChute |
Telegram |

In early 2016, #PetHus a higher ranking Swiss state employee started to target and attack me with Swiss made chemical. His goal was - and still is, to damage my health to the point where I become incapacitated and dependent and hopefully have to stop running. This podcast is telling you "The How"! It shows you how over the period of 7 years #PetHus increased the load of chemicals and intensity to a point where #running became no option anymore for me. For you and to keep in mind for now, "The Why" he is doing this will be covered in another podcast under the label YADfiles.

This podcast under the label YADfiles is the only comprehensive recording where listeners can follow the destructive pathway taken by #PetHus and the Swiss Pharma Industrial Complex (who produced the special chemicals) and the Swiss Government (who paid for the whole operation). This podcast shows you the "dark side of Switzerland and it's unknown measures of dealing with humanity".

This particular podcast - episode (ep002) - is over 5 hrs long. It is unedited and shows added data, pictures and graphs. For those who don't want to inform themselves on such an important happening, can listen to the short version (ep003). That short version is less then one hour and has no added data.

Please find below the direct links to both podcast episodes "ep002 MECsan" and "ep003 MECsan".

I'm posting on Rumble, Odysee, BitChute, Telegram, Gettr, Gab, and Parler.

NOTE; #MECsan is Google wide banned - thanks #PeHus. You will have great difficulties to find #MECsan in any search engines. So head over to the respective platforms and make your local searches for /MECsan/.

#MECsan #JoRogan #PetHus #SwissCrime #WorseThenCovid #Bongino

A not so happy anniversary. Exactly 7 years ago I became aware of the chemical attacks against me. A lot of damage has being done. Listen to my RawTalking clip.

There is news on the horizon. We know more what the new chemicals should achieve. Stay tuned.

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Since way over a year I am trying to establish a chart where we can see who is involved at which level in those chemical attacks against me. As already mentioned in my previous Raw Talking podcast, we now know a bit more.
Remember, those attacks are instigated by the higher ranking Swiss State employee #PetHus and in high secrecy and for sure outside of his legal scope. They try very hard to make it impossible to prove anything. But that is getting harder and harder for them to achieve. I have to find such information and links all by myself. But I am glad to have a small but valuable help.
So here is it. Hold tight and take a seat first. It's going to blast you off. Somewhat unexpected from my side. This is just a first take and I am sure more will follow. So stay connected, follow and share as wide and far.

My other platform:

Not long ago I posted a video telling how in early February 2022 I was exposed to a big chemical attack with larger impact. At that time all looked there is some respite from the many chemicals that trashes my soft tissues to the extend that I can't run for a couple of days. But I was clearly mistaken. It seems that big attack was just indicating the start of a longer lasting attack series.
In this podcast I shortly speak of those attacks by summarizing the past 5 weeks.
This last post can be found on your most favorable video platform below.

Rob Braxman in his Live podcast from 22nd of March 2022 answered many questions by his users. One asked about Session. Rob's reply can be heard in this video clip.

In early February 2022 I was on a long run. It must have being somewhere around kilometer 6-8 where I was hit by chemicals that had an immediate effect and was forced to cut short my run. This is what I am facing almost every time I am on the street running.

Please share and tell your runner fiends and also other friends what is happening here can happen to all. It is only a matter of time till this becomes the "New Normal". Shame on Switzerland to allow this to happen.

Title of this post: MECsan Rawtalking - Long Run Cut Short
Length: 2:27 min

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I am herewith introducing an added format for MECsan podcast. It will allow me to post more often what is happening around me either while running or otherwise on the move. The chemical attacks are very big problem that has not only disrupted my life but also my health and running ability. #PetHus a Swiss State employee in the city of Basel is clearly determined to end my life. I will make it harder for him to achieve this goal.

Watch also my introductory podcast "ep001 MECsan" on this topic. It gives you a detailed overview what to expect.

ep001 MECsan Podcast - YADfiles exposed - the basics

After many years of constant bans and deplatforming I am finally in the position to upload my first podcast that will shed light on the ordeal I have suffered and still do at the hands of a corrupt and criminal minded Swiss state employee in higher position. 30 years is a long time - it is close to half my life. But it was the last now 7 years that have being destructive in all senses.

MECsan Podcast will go through all those times and tell you in detail how #PetHus a nobody - a small and insignificant little person needed a soft target for him to satisfy his criminal needs and gain power. As all this didn't work out for #PetHus he started to use special crafted chemicals (made by the Swiss Pharma Industrial Complex) to destroy what consists of a persons ability to live, work, do sport, and stay healthy. Knowingly or not, but the Swiss government paid for all this.

The first episode is just the basics and will tell what you can expect from MECsan Podcast.
Please share this with your friends and runners.

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In preparation for my upcoming larger podcast I made this short video to test the output quality. As I am not an expert I have to figure things out by myself. If you wish giving advises how to improve it and if it is not demanding investments, I am gladly listening.

Thank you and eagerly waiting for your comment.

MECsan's Podcast intended to offer all the nice things about running Marathon, Trail, Ultra, Lifestyle, Nutrition you name it. But alas my life took an ugly turn some years back. This is why I will have to present you my knowledge "How Running Saved My Life". My made experiences will show you how running can be a life saver.

This is just a short intro and my first ever podcast. Please share and comment and give feedback.

I completely disagree with Scott Adams take on School Sport. PE is as important as singing the anthem and raising the flag to unite a country. Sport is essential for the physical and mental development and wellbeing of the young generation. No matter if you're a pro or not - Do Sport For Life.

This is the link to Scott Adams podcast I referred to in this video.
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-- Twitter: @MECsan_me


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

23 videos

Category Sports & Fitness

After many years of constant bans and deplatforming I am finally in the position to upload my first podcast that will shed light on the ordeal I have suffered and still do at the hands of a corrupt and criminal minded Swiss state employee in higher position. 30 years is a long time - it is close to half my life. But it was the last now 7 years that have being destructive in all senses.

MECsan Podcast will go through all those times and tell you in detail how #PetHus a nobody - a small and insignificant little person needed a soft target for him to satisfy his criminal needs and gain power. As all this didn't work out for #PetHus he started to use special crafted chemicals (made by the Swiss Pharma Industrial Complex) to destroy what consists of a persons ability to live, work, do sport, and stay healthy. Knowingly or not, but the Swiss government paid for all this.