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More evidence of being zero'd in on by Satan and his hive mind slaves.

Choose YEHOSHUA(JESUS CHRIST) as your Redeemer and commit your life to up-holding The Most High HAYA'S (I AM'S) Commandments and Statutes to see the light in this world of darkness.

***Ukraine = 79, 47
= 7+9 = 16
= 4+7 = 11

Ukrainian = 44, 98, 64
Fallen Angel = 44, 89, 55

Satan's = 88 = 16
= 74 = 11
= 43 = 7 = 25

Rat = 39,12,42,24

Final part....they inspired me to speak by flying that plane over my head.

Revelation 20:15:

“And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.”

All servants of Most High I AM and YEHOSHUA are testifying to the truth of the Gospel....that is all.

A servant of the Most High I AM and servant of YEHOSHUA(JESUS CHRIST) telling it as it is for those with ears to hear.

These clowns hacking my video editor thus rendering me unable to upload in one go....

Follow up to previous video.
Caught up with neighbour today and recorded his footage on my phone which I should have done previously as they have further cleaned up their sloppy work of last time.
However, in this video it is clear as day that the footage has been edited as the car window does not roll down in their footage which compounds their evil conspiracy.

Also, note, that they are live hacking my video converter which I prove so that I can't save the material in my email account and present to their demon judge in upcoming cases.

2 Corinthians 2:11:

“Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.”

Latest from the refining fire.

This evil is controlling and manipulating everything around you including you if you haven't accepted Yehoshua(Jesus Christ) as your Redeemer and Saviour and are not upholding the Most High I AM's Commandments and Statutes.

****Romans 6:16: “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?”

***35min mark***

Hand signals....watch below video and you might see what I'm talking about:


Tricks Satan uses to corner servants of The Great I AM and his redeemer Yehoshua/JESUS CHRIST.

June is shaping up to be a HOT month for some if not all of the 144.

Luke 21:12 coming at us like a freight train.

Remember once we disappear from the net its GO TIME for the next black swan event....

***In the meantime I have checked the footage on neighbours camera for the 4th of June incident and footage has proof of it being doctored and part deleted from 18:52-19:13.

To rule out the deniable plausibility on the owners camera.

They are all involved...as I said the entire street is a 33 set.

Hell is empty - all the devils are on earth right now:

2 Baruch 27:9: “In the eighth part: a multitude of spirits and the appearances of demons.”
2 Baruch 48:34: “And there will be many tidings and not a few rumours, and the works of the phantoms will be visible, and not a few promises will be told, some idle and others affirmed.”
Isaiah 60:2: ''For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.''
Revelation 9:3: ''And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.''
Revelation 18:2: ''And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird.''

Usual shite won't let me upload in one go.

Migrants here to stay...get used to it...Its the prelude to the JUDGEMENT.

Not a thing you can do about it.

8.45min mark...frequency of light these entities are visible at can be confirmed with chemical aids...example LSD.

The medical industry which is controlled by Satan (serpent wrapped around the staff) has indoctrinated the world into believing that all of these psychedelic substances produce hallucinations and thus discrediting anything those that have been and seen 'behind the veil' are claiming they have witnessed.

These monsters are there lurking and manipulating our reality and have turned it into the evil simulation we find ourselves in.

Remember this world is a test.... 2 Esdras 7:57

And the point of this reality is.... Ecclesiastes 12:13

Only the righteous make it out alive.

Righteousness at its principals and fundamentals is about choosing the truth and deprogramming/unplugging from this simulation/system.
The principal truth is John 14:6.
He's the door to salvation. Red pill or blue pill scenario.

Good luck.

What is the real sabbath day? as ordained by The Most High I AM from the beginning of the world as referenced to in Genesis 2:3 which has never changed since that day he ordained it and sanctified it.

There is so much disinformation regarding this day with little to no proof of what it actually is other than heresay.

The Jewish Passover was on the evening of the 22nd of April 2024 as a correlation as they take the new moon in Nisan/April as the sighting before the commencement of the new year.

Latest from the teletubbie reality...

Analysis and background to recent captured footage.

Analysis of criminal damage caused with prelude footage as proof.

This has happened over and over(see previous videos)...which crushes their deniable plausibility comeback.

No protest/demo is organic- all controlled by state.

Another day another Migrant py-op....attempted kidnapping, rape, violence all staged...

These migrants are all bots controlled by Satan.

The 'blame the Jew' py-op...

Deagle projection truth?

Also stalked by mountain bike crew...video analysis of previous video to follow.


Conclusion of analysis...

*Luke 12:12: ''For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.''

Luke 21:15: ''For the Holy Ghost shall teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.''

Part 3...

Continuation of analysis...

Part 2...

Continuation analysis of py-op court case.

Psalms 33:18 : ''Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy;''

Psalms 33:19 : ''To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine.''

We live in a world whereby having a world view according to the Holy Bible is grounds enough to permit the mother to restrict/prevent the father(who lives according to the Word) access to the child. This is where we are at.

Luke 21:16 manifesting....

We are approaching the end.

A Biblical world view in Satan's kingdom makes a believer the enemy of the State....

I have to upload this in 20min segments.
1 million % enemy interference.

Blowing the trumpet on this pestilence thats coming.
Memory wipe caused by taking future needles...most likely after Red Horse zombie mayhem(they'll tell us its rabies).
People will be pretty much forced to take the needles after the devastation within quarantine camps where they'll be ''treated''.

This is the rock people need to be prepared to die on. If you take their future poisons you will be completely fucked and will end up being cornered into taking the MOTB as you will be left desolate with no memory.
Finding John 14:6 and praying for protection from this is the only way to sanctuary.
MOTB will be presented as the solution to regaining your memories...most will go for it and those who refuse will be eliminated.

This will be the biggest test of your life...

DIE on your feet now or burn in hell for eternity later.

You better believe it...its coming.


It would appear the elect have been sealed based on the persecution coming at us end of April/May.

Just as our Saviour(Yasha) Yehoshua was executed shortly after the Passover...we are facing our own individual journeys of persecution after the true Passover on April 22nd...

What does that mean for the everyone else?...basically the beginning of the end.


A very watchable movie...will post link at bottom.

Key component: the 'rare' disease Knox has that is a type of dementia but a dementia on steroids in that the memory deteriorates rapidly.

This is predictive programming I believe for 'one' of the upcoming pestilences which will affect people in the future.

Luke 21:11 : ''And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and PESTILENCES; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.”

Cause: their needles....WATCH THE WATER!!!!

Just getting the blood off my hands.....



Created 2 years, 5 months ago.

145 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Deuteronomy 32:35

“To me belongeth vengeance, and recompence; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste.”