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LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:52 UTC on July 4th, 2024.
Clarissa Johnson - Facebook

๐ŸบBait and switch...They had to remove this evil icon because it focused on the Polaris, which, in itself, proves our home is stationary...A stationary home kills the illusion of a moving solar system...Are you still being distracted by the orchestrated election???

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:31 UTC on July 4th, 2024.
ADHD & Matters - Facebook

๐ŸบSimple reminder of how we all need each other!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:49 UTC on July 4th, 2024.
Auto Immune Disorders Awareness - Facebook

๐ŸบListen closely as the part about the fake salt is truth...Get yourself REAL salt...Yep, it costs more as they want you buying the fake salt...For those with clogged blood vessels, you really need to add 1/4 teaspoon of organic Cayenne Pepper to a liter/quart of COLD water and drink it throughout the day...The Cayenne will entered the circulatory system and assist in removal of blockages...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 01:01 UTC on July 4th, 2024.
Cyniss - Instagram

๐ŸบWell, we knew it was coming...Strength in numbers and unified communities...Get it going NOW!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:32 UTC on July 2nd, 2024.
Chabad Lubavitch HQ - X

๐ŸบThis is from February of 2024...What's wrong with this video???...OH, by the way, they've taken over Ukraine, claiming Kiev to be the New Jerusalem...Strange how they create a new holy city...Maybe research Chabad or Lubavitch...It's right in your face!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:11 UTC on July 2nd, 2024.
Grim Hustle - Facebook

๐ŸบThis is more relevent than ever before...Check out the shared link...Facebook in Canada will not allow news to be shared...


LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:51 UTC on July 2nd, 2024.
The Hodgetwins - Facebook

๐ŸบLMAO, you guys still gonna vote!!!...Those freaks are controlling so many people that seem to love it...It's official, we are in hell...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:04 UTC on July 2nd, 2024.
Wake Up Channel - Facebook

๐ŸบThis information is totally opposite of what the medical and health officials have been preaching...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:43 UTC on July 1st, 2024.
Americanzombie.co - Instagram

๐ŸบThey really hate it when you tell them it's wrong - This is from personal experience...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:32 UTC on July 1st, 2024.
BrianFitzpatrick17 - Instagram

๐ŸบDoes it deliver a payload, does it perform surveillance or is it even real...Seems pretty shoddy in contruction to me but hey, we do know drones exist...STAY FROSTY!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:12 UTC on July 1st, 2024.
Portnoo Market Gardens - Facebook

๐ŸบSeems pretty simple...Avoid GMO products as much as possible!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:09 UTC on June 27th, 2024.
TheSearch4Truth - Odysee

๐ŸบI'm still looking but I've heard they have escalated this FALSE FLAG into a full blown lockdown...Note the 3 on the hand of the field reporter...Don't forget, 194 countries have made it a crime to refuse a jab for this Bullshit bird flu...DO NOT COMPLY!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:42 UTC on June 27th, 2024.
Wake Up Channel - Facebook

๐ŸบFood coloring has been causing brain disruption for generations now...Throw that shit out and anything else with food colors in it...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:20 UTC on June 26th, 2024.
Cultivate Elevate - Facebook

๐ŸบSALT...It's more important now than ever before to have a good source for your health and well being...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:26 UTC on June 26th, 2024.
Statius - Bitchute

๐ŸบYou must watch this video in completion as there is vital information near the end...Operation War(p) S(p)eed, the P is silent...Here's the reality...Your governments can not be trusted as they want you dead or under their tyrannical control...Whatever you do, DO NOT COMPLY...Get ready to resist in whatever form and level that is required...STAY FROSTY!!!

Trump Gates and Fachi have killed 350,000 people in the USA and between 17 million and 35 million people around the world with billions injured and one reason is that the world now learns that the vaccinated dead were classed as unvaccinated and info is missing and underestimated. Synthetic DNA in vaccinations for DNA integration began in 2020 in cripsr not 2024 Trump is a murderer and is threatening to once again remove the constitution for the "Convention of States" (taking guns etc...see all below)

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:58 UTC on June 26th, 2024.
Flat Earth Research - Facebook

๐ŸบJust another POV on the upcoming Hollywood propaganda flik...Once you know, you know!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 10:42 UTC on June 25th, 2024.
Gewoon Merel - Bitchute

๐ŸบThis is a re-upload as the Bitchute video has been disabled...Interesting because he mentions communism and that is exactly what is emerging in many countries...Communist governments have the distinction in the killing of much of their populations...

๐ŸบI hope your not following this POS controlled opposition...It's pretty hard to refute the evidence provided in this documentary...Dollars to donuts he sold his soul and is now an evil Cuck...Know you Enemy!!!...Please Share...

A documentary exposing Jordan Peterson's agenda to subvert and destroy the rising political right wing, and neutralize European nationalism. He does not care about the Marxist take over of our nations, in fact he was hired by the United Nations to help usher it along.

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:14 UTC on June 24th, 2024.
KimOsboel - Rumble

๐Ÿบ1+1=2...The vaxxed are ripe for the picking if they get anymore jabs...Whatever happens next, DO NOT COMPLY!!!...They been doing DNA modifications for decades "Editing DNA with precision has been a holy grail for scientist for decades"...It's right there!!!...That freak of nature even flashes the horns at 3:39 (time stamp) of the video...Once again, these freaks of nature are trying to rewrite the Prime Creator's work...I believe time is very short for them...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:33 UTC on June 24th, 2024.
wil paranormal - Bitchute

๐ŸบThere is something afoot here...Ruby is correct, the wellness company is not to be trusted...All the high profile people who make up the staff are heavily promoted on what we all know as controlled opposition channels...If you've been watching, a previous video shows them telling us about RNA being the marker for CRIPR technology...Remember this fact as I believe they are setting up people to get the final CRIPR jab to activate the gene splicing to turn off what's left of your immune system...The final jab may be induced by, as Ruby puts it, a cure for the previous jab...Think about it for a second, don't you find it strange that they are now coming out and stating that the jab was harmful???...Oh wait, we can undo that mistake if you take this new jab...For fucks sake, don't trust any of the pedo physcopaths...Old billy girl will be explaining it to you in the next video...Ruby, no matter how you feel about her, is expressing some common sense truth in this video...Let's see what gets attacked in the comments...The presenter or the information???...In the meantime, the weather warfare against humanity continues...

Dr. McCullough says through studies that the vaccine effects can be reversed but Dr. Jane Ruby calls him out as a liar saying there are no such studies anywhere.

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:52 UTC on June 23rd, 2024.
Theprimalbod - Instagram

๐ŸบThe word Hard is not in many people's vocabulary any longer...There are more buttercups out there running around with a false sense of entitlement...There really isn't such a thing as the Easy Button...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:09 UTC on June 23rd, 2024.
Rapture Bride TV - Facebook

๐ŸบThey've been putting it in your face all this time...Don't forget to go and vote in the controlled choices given to you...

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:58 UTC on June 21st, 2024.
Goldennuggets4u - TikTok

๐ŸบAnother method they use to distract, control and make you complacent is politics... DO NOT COMPLY as you already know the governments worldwide are compromised!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:39 UTC on June 21st, 2024.
Dr. Group, DC - Facebook

๐ŸบNow you know why you have to detox and do a parasitic cleans...Don't forget, your body is meant to be slightly alkaline...Parasites hate an alkaline environment...

Ever wondered about the spike protein's source? It's not just your cells but also parasites living within your body, from mold to bacteria, all contributing. That's why antiparasitical treatments are proving effective.

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 12:13 UTC on June 19th, 2024.
Tishima Gramby - Facebook

๐ŸบA quick reminder for the men to be manly and protect your women and families!!!

LoneWolfOnAStar - Odysee - First published at 11:46 UTC on June 19th, 2024.
33Withthesun - TikTok

๐ŸบThis video is dedicated to the hard working trolls out there trying to keep you trapped in a globetard world...Enjoy the ride trolls as it's almost gave over!!!...Oh, BTW, I've got more to get your panties tied even tighter in a knot!!!


Created 2ย years, 1ย month ago.

2267 videos

Category Health & Medical

Question everything my friends...It's so important to learn new skills and gather useful information to move forward...No one should ever silence or censor/ban you...If this happens then consider it a blessing from the Universe as now you know there is one more untrustworthy source to avoid in your Journey...Please feel free to drop a comment or request and I will attempt to answer/respond to the best of my ability...All videos I drop will be of an educational topic as I am not a Truther...The truth is a personal journey for each of us and I will never attempt to sway you or your beliefs...I will never give you 30 second videos designed to dumb you down by reducing your attention span...Anything posted is intended to be Educational, informative and get the viewer to pose more questions for themselves...Thank you.

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