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We are the Flame!
Once again, the stars are right, and the Manor sits at the very epicenter of cosmic unrest. Cultists rally to their twisted idols, and great gongs sound in anticipation of the coming sacrifices. Far below, life-laden shadows pulse to the unrelenting rhythm of a beating heart...

Teetering on the brink, facing the abyss

The gluttons taste for morbidity is made more pronounced by his mutation

Curious is the trapmaker's art, his efficacy unwitnessed by his own eyes

A momentary abatement

Ancestors Memoirs: Viscount
The feasting and revelry would last for weeks at a time. Great stone tables were set with such an abundance of rare delicacies that we would stuff ourselves until the exotic became mundane. When the lavish spread began to spoil, a ravenous gourmand gleefully proposed that we sample from the fetid pile of composting refuse ! The notion was dismissed as decidedly unhealthy. But days later, he was found cackling madly atop a heap of rancid comestibles, licking his fingers in delight.

We fall so that we may learn to pick ourselves up once again

Perhaps things are not as bad as they seem

A brilliant confluence of skill and purpose!

As victories mount so too will resistance

Slowly, gently, this is how a life is taken

Ringing ears, blurred vision, the end approaches

A match is struck, a blazing star is born

Robbed of their writings, the Swine will grow ever more ignorant - if such a thing were possible.

Ancient traps lie in wait, unsprung and thirsting for blood

I always wondered what became of the unfortunate little waif

The frothing waters subside, the advantage is ours

Huddled together, furtive and vulnerable, rats in a maze.

Great adversity has a beauty - it is the fire that tempers

Ancestors Memoirs: Swine King
My first attempts at summoning were crude and the results disappointing. I soon found however, that the type and condition of the host's meat was a critical factor. The best results came from pigs, whose flesh is most like that of man.

A spark without kindling is a goal without hope

Recover these lost shipments of rarities, that we may prevent them from falling into even less scrupulous hands

Behold - righteousness and zealotry, gleaming in the morning sun

Prodigious size alone does not dissuade the sharpened blade

Ancestor's Memoirs: The Drowned Crew
Prying eyes had become a nuisance along the old road, and so I undertook to receive my most curious deliveries by way of marine shipments. A sheltered jetty was accessible by a narrow stone stair off the back of the manor, and a discreet system of pulleys could hoist even the heaviest prizes up the rock face from a securely tied dinghy below.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

355 videos

Category Gaming

May remembrance shake you to the core

"I have to re-create the universe every morning when I wake up, and kill it in the evening." - Bjork

"Machines were mice and men were lions once upon a time
But now that its the opposite its twice upon a time" - Moondog