Some Guy!

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Some Guy!



See Globalist Spokesperson, Klaus Schwab, announce the next stage of the plan to corral and manipulate humanity using AI and technology. The message is cloaked in jargon words, but was shared in June 2024 at a meeting in China. The opening address was a wolf-whistle to businesses and governments to implement the next stage of their attempt at a totalitarian, technocratic takeover of our lives.

Sources: and

Britain is moving towards being a dystopia. Here is why the change in leader to Keir Starmer will accelerate the process. WakeUpPlanet is back with this new, original video!
Exposing the establishment manufactured rise of the fake right-wing/fascist politicians in Europe over the past weeks for the sole purpose of the destruction of the white race.
The Alan Buttle podcast has now been totally censored after this last post.
The Artificial Rise of the Right in Europe and The West - Alan Buttle Radio Show

[1] Starmer Tri-lateral Commission:

[2] David Rockefeller Tri-lateral Commission:

[3] Starmer 10 Downing St Video:

[4] Klaus Schwab Great Reset Video:

[5] Starmer - Westminster or Davos video:

[6] Keir Starmer World Economic Forum page:

[7] DDN video about Starmer's lies:

[8] Rishi Sunak WEF page:

Exposing the latest climate change scams, the return of COVID with a bird flu twist, and the global puppet masters pulling the strings. From Joe Biden’s identity crisis to Canada’s pension fund scandal. There's never a lack of ways the DICs can destroy Western civilization!

Watch on Odysee:

Watch on Rumble:

Watch on Twitter:

Exposing the establishment manufactured rise of the fake right-wing/fascist politicians in Europe over the past weeks for the sole purpose of the destruction of the white race.
The Alan Buttle podcast has now been totally censored after this last post.
The Artificial Rise of the Right in Europe and The West - Alan Buttle Radio Show

Richard Medhurst

Donations in need to finish both of these important documentaries, which will be free to view for the entire world upon release!
Bad Medicine link to donate-

VAXXED III Link to donate

Regardless of whether you believe Covid-19 was genuine or a total Psyop, these are all essential accounts from the Plandemic, including the vaccine deaths and injuries, the Hospital Protocols conducted and most importantly the mass Medical murder that occurred.

"We Can't Forget: Hospital Protocols, Past + Present" Conference (edited to some of the key speeches)

‘Join us for a pivotal conference dedicated to shedding light on past and present hospital protocols. Gain valuable insights to safeguard the health of your loved ones during illness and stay updated on the latest lawsuit developments. Hear powerful testimonials directly from families impacted by these protocols and nurses and doctors who witnessed firsthand what was happening behind locked hospital doors. This hybrid event will feature both in-person and virtual speakers.

‘How do families that lost children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and loved ones senselessly, just move on? How do we protect ourselves? We need to understand what and how such things were even possible. We must learn how to prepare and protect our loved ones presently and going forward.

‘We will discuss efforts on the way to hold the guilty accountable and explore the history leading up to these crimes that made it possible and efforts to stop these atrocities going forward. Hear from victims, doctors, nurses, advocates and lawyers.’

Scott Schara
Patty Myers
Vera Sharav
Mikki Willis
Erin Olszewski, BSN, RN
Rebecca Charles
Ben Rall, D.C.
Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN
Warner Mendenhall, Esq.
Rachel Rodrigues, Esq.
Jeffrey Mueller, M.D.
Stella Paul
Nurse Nicole
John Beaudoin
John Davidson
Andrew Zywiec, M.D.
Michael Uphues, D.O.
Mary Flynn-O’Neill
Tanya Parus
Erin Green-Rettig
James Roguski

Regardless of whether you believe Covid-19 was genuine or a total Psyop, these are all essential accounts from the Plandemic, including the vaccine deaths and injuries, the Hospital Protocols conducted and most importantly the mass Medical murder that occurred.

"We Can't Forget: Hospital Protocols, Past + Present" Conference (edited to some of the key speeches)

‘Join us for a pivotal conference dedicated to shedding light on past and present hospital protocols. Gain valuable insights to safeguard the health of your loved ones during illness and stay updated on the latest lawsuit developments. Hear powerful testimonials directly from families impacted by these protocols and nurses and doctors who witnessed firsthand what was happening behind locked hospital doors. This hybrid event will feature both in-person and virtual speakers.

‘How do families that lost children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and loved ones senselessly, just move on? How do we protect ourselves? We need to understand what and how such things were even possible. We must learn how to prepare and protect our loved ones presently and going forward.

‘We will discuss efforts on the way to hold the guilty accountable and explore the history leading up to these crimes that made it possible and efforts to stop these atrocities going forward. Hear from victims, doctors, nurses, advocates and lawyers.’

Scott Schara
Patty Myers
Vera Sharav
Mikki Willis
Erin Olszewski, BSN, RN
Rebecca Charles
Ben Rall, D.C.
Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN
Warner Mendenhall, Esq.
Rachel Rodrigues, Esq.
Jeffrey Mueller, M.D.
Stella Paul
Nurse Nicole
John Beaudoin
John Davidson
Andrew Zywiec, M.D.
Michael Uphues, D.O.
Mary Flynn-O’Neill
Tanya Parus
Erin Green-Rettig
James Roguski

Regardless of whether you believe Covid-19 was genuine or a total Psyop, these are all essential accounts from the Plandemic, including the vaccine deaths and injuries, the Hospital Protocols conducted and most importantly the mass Medical murder that occurred.

"We Can't Forget: Hospital Protocols, Past + Present" Conference (edited to some of the key speeches)

‘Join us for a pivotal conference dedicated to shedding light on past and present hospital protocols. Gain valuable insights to safeguard the health of your loved ones during illness and stay updated on the latest lawsuit developments. Hear powerful testimonials directly from families impacted by these protocols and nurses and doctors who witnessed firsthand what was happening behind locked hospital doors. This hybrid event will feature both in-person and virtual speakers.

‘How do families that lost children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and loved ones senselessly, just move on? How do we protect ourselves? We need to understand what and how such things were even possible. We must learn how to prepare and protect our loved ones presently and going forward.

‘We will discuss efforts on the way to hold the guilty accountable and explore the history leading up to these crimes that made it possible and efforts to stop these atrocities going forward. Hear from victims, doctors, nurses, advocates and lawyers.’

Scott Schara
Patty Myers
Vera Sharav
Mikki Willis
Erin Olszewski, BSN, RN
Rebecca Charles
Ben Rall, D.C.
Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN
Warner Mendenhall, Esq.
Rachel Rodrigues, Esq.
Jeffrey Mueller, M.D.
Stella Paul
Nurse Nicole
John Beaudoin
John Davidson
Andrew Zywiec, M.D.
Michael Uphues, D.O.
Mary Flynn-O’Neill
Tanya Parus
Erin Green-Rettig
James Roguski

Regardless of whether you believe Covid-19 was genuine or a total Psyop, these are all essential accounts from the Plandemic, including the vaccine deaths and injuries, the Hospital Protocols conducted and most importantly the mass Medical murder that occurred.

"We Can't Forget: Hospital Protocols, Past + Present" Conference (edited to some of the key speeches)

‘Join us for a pivotal conference dedicated to shedding light on past and present hospital protocols. Gain valuable insights to safeguard the health of your loved ones during illness and stay updated on the latest lawsuit developments. Hear powerful testimonials directly from families impacted by these protocols and nurses and doctors who witnessed firsthand what was happening behind locked hospital doors. This hybrid event will feature both in-person and virtual speakers.

‘How do families that lost children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and loved ones senselessly, just move on? How do we protect ourselves? We need to understand what and how such things were even possible. We must learn how to prepare and protect our loved ones presently and going forward.

‘We will discuss efforts on the way to hold the guilty accountable and explore the history leading up to these crimes that made it possible and efforts to stop these atrocities going forward. Hear from victims, doctors, nurses, advocates and lawyers.’

Scott Schara
Patty Myers
Vera Sharav
Mikki Willis
Erin Olszewski, BSN, RN
Rebecca Charles
Ben Rall, D.C.
Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN
Warner Mendenhall, Esq.
Rachel Rodrigues, Esq.
Jeffrey Mueller, M.D.
Stella Paul
Nurse Nicole
John Beaudoin
John Davidson
Andrew Zywiec, M.D.
Michael Uphues, D.O.
Mary Flynn-O’Neill
Tanya Parus
Erin Green-Rettig
James Roguski

Regardless of whether you believe Covid-19 was genuine or a total Psyop, these are all essential accounts from the Plandemic, including the vaccine deaths and injuries, the Hospital Protocols conducted and most importantly the mass Medical murder that occurred.

"We Can't Forget: Hospital Protocols, Past + Present" Conference (edited to some of the key speeches)

‘Join us for a pivotal conference dedicated to shedding light on past and present hospital protocols. Gain valuable insights to safeguard the health of your loved ones during illness and stay updated on the latest lawsuit developments. Hear powerful testimonials directly from families impacted by these protocols and nurses and doctors who witnessed firsthand what was happening behind locked hospital doors. This hybrid event will feature both in-person and virtual speakers.

‘How do families that lost children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and loved ones senselessly, just move on? How do we protect ourselves? We need to understand what and how such things were even possible. We must learn how to prepare and protect our loved ones presently and going forward.

‘We will discuss efforts on the way to hold the guilty accountable and explore the history leading up to these crimes that made it possible and efforts to stop these atrocities going forward. Hear from victims, doctors, nurses, advocates and lawyers.’

Scott Schara
Patty Myers
Vera Sharav
Mikki Willis
Erin Olszewski, BSN, RN
Rebecca Charles
Ben Rall, D.C.
Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN
Warner Mendenhall, Esq.
Rachel Rodrigues, Esq.
Jeffrey Mueller, M.D.
Stella Paul
Nurse Nicole
John Beaudoin
John Davidson
Andrew Zywiec, M.D.
Michael Uphues, D.O.
Mary Flynn-O’Neill
Tanya Parus
Erin Green-Rettig
James Roguski

Regardless of whether you believe Covid-19 was genuine or a total Psyop, these are all essential accounts from the Plandemic, including vaccine deaths and injuries, the Hospital Protocols conducted and most importantly the mass Medical murder that occurred.

"We Can't Forget: Hospital Protocols, Past + Present" Conference (edited to some of the key speeches)

‘Join us for a pivotal conference dedicated to shedding light on past and present hospital protocols. Gain valuable insights to safeguard the health of your loved ones during illness and stay updated on the latest lawsuit developments. Hear powerful testimonials directly from families impacted by these protocols and nurses and doctors who witnessed firsthand what was happening behind locked hospital doors. This hybrid event will feature both in-person and virtual speakers.

‘How do families that lost children, spouses, parents, friends, neighbors and loved ones senselessly, just move on? How do we protect ourselves? We need to understand what and how such things were even possible. We must learn how to prepare and protect our loved ones presently and going forward.

‘We will discuss efforts on the way to hold the guilty accountable and explore the history leading up to these crimes that made it possible and efforts to stop these atrocities going forward. Hear from victims, doctors, nurses, advocates and lawyers.’

Scott Schara
Patty Myers
Vera Sharav
Mikki Willis
Erin Olszewski, BSN, RN
Rebecca Charles
Ben Rall, D.C.
Kimberly Overton, BSN, RN
Warner Mendenhall, Esq.
Rachel Rodrigues, Esq.
Jeffrey Mueller, M.D.
Stella Paul
Nurse Nicole
John Beaudoin
John Davidson
Andrew Zywiec, M.D.
Michael Uphues, D.O.
Mary Flynn-O’Neill
Tanya Parus
Erin Green-Rettig
James Roguski

..........If you're a bird! LOL

Digital slavery creeping ever closer- kiss privacy and freedom goodbye.

The United Nations is an evil organization, and it's time for us to recognize it. Fortunately, We Are The Change, part of the Inspired Network ( ), put on a rally outside the United Nations headquarters in Geneva on June 1st to help the world do just that. Among the invited guest speakers to this huge rally, which had over 3,000 people in attendance, was James Lindsay, owner of New Discourses and host of the New Discourses Podcast. Lindsay delivered a short, fiery speech in which he condemned and denounced the United Nations as an evil organization, rejecting its ambition to claim any of our national and individual sovereignty to itself. He explained their big-picture ambition to act as a kind of "central nervous system" for a global "meta-organism" of all of humanity and nature, which is a Marxist agenda. In the end, he warns the UN of their hubris, comparing them to Babel and reminding them: "God shall not be mocked!" Check it out!

Finland is the first nation to provide a bird flu jäb. Here we go again.

WWIII info from Andrew Bridgen

GUESS WHO'S BLOCKING CONTINUED EXCAVATION OF ANCIENT ARCHOLOGICAL SITE - the same people who are trying to vaccine poison the entire world population are also blocking the continued excavation of Gobekli Tepe. That's because this war is an ancient war and they want to keep the past buried before we find out what's really happening.
This 2024 UPDATE of Gobekli Tepe is genuinely shocking and disturbing.

SilasSpeaks describes the hellish reality of living in a 15-Minute City!


A healthcare worker is blowing the whistle that this looks nefarious. She thinks the CDC and WHO may be behind it. They are not showing who is behind this massive international event in Washington, DC involving international "stakeholders," health authorities, and tech companies. They are looking for the most "sensitive" screening tests possible. Rehearsals for mass vax of humans, travel requirements, mass fatality, pets, quarantining, morgue overflow, military help, carcass overflow & slaughter and more. Are they seriously going to do this again? Looks like it.

Event 201 all over again?

International Bird Flu Summit 2024:

International Avian Influenza and One Health Emerging Issues Summit:

Credit to Odessa Orlewicz

Odessa Orlewicz:

The Artificial Rise of the Right in Europe and The West - Alan Buttle Radio Show

The Artificial Rise of the Right in Europe and The West - Alan Buttle Radio Show

Katie Olivia Hopkins is an English media personality, columnist, far-right political commentator, and former businesswoman. She came to prominence as a contestant on the third series of the reality television show The Apprentice in 2007.

The Artificial Rise of the Right in Europe and The West - Alan Buttle Radio Show


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

2210 videos

Category Education