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Ascension Teachings. 9th dimensional Mouth of God figure 8 breath pattern to activate the Monad. Explanation of Kathara grid, tree of life and how we move through the chakras/dimensions . We are multidimensional beings on the ascension path. As we activate our greater energy body, called the lightbody, we access higher energy centers moving from the physical body, (dimensions 1,2,3) to the soul body (dimensions 4,5,6), to the monadic body (dimensions 7,8,9), to the avatar body (dimensions 10,11,12).

You make your own astrology. Many astrologers and people are freaking out about the upcoming astrology for the new moon in Virgo and the end of February. Even the most positive astrologers seem like they’re living in doomsday. This is a short video to let you know, that astrology is just a map of what the stars and the planets looked like when you were born. Just because the astrology for the planet and the collective is challenging, it doesn’t mean that it has to be that way for you. 🙌🏼 Check out our website www.communiteayoga.com or leave us a message here to book a personal reading🌀#vibesup #frequncyupgrade #Astrology #Breathing, #YouMakeYourOwnAstrology #Prayer #Meditation, #ToolsForLife #FullMoonVirgo #February2024

2024 Tantric Numerology for those individuals in a 3 year with the gift of a 10. Book private sessions link in bio or go to our website under services. #TantricNumerology #FreeReading #2024 #3Year #PositiveMind #8Year, #Astrology. Yoga/Meditation/Pranayama Resources:
1. Practice Kirtan Kriya for 31 minutes or longer daily.
2. Engage in the Yoga meditation “So Darshan Chakra Kriya.”
3. Any yoga set incorporating Triangle Pose.
4. Perform Breath of Fire for 5-11 minutes (add 3 minutes with arms up at 60 degrees in “Ego Elevator” pose).
5. Chant the “Magic Mantra” to dispel negativity (Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad, Ek Ong Kar).
6. Practice segmented breathing – inhale in four parts, exhale long, for 4-7 minutes each morning to reduce stress.

Tantric Numerology for those in a 5 cycle for 2024. Book your full reading on our website under services. Yoga/Meditation/Pranayama Resources:
1. Engage in the "Guru Gaitri Meditation" daily for 7-11 minutes—a mantra embracing all facets of God, providing protection from adversity and negativity.
2. Practice the "Kirtan Kriya" meditation, also known as "Sa Ta Na Ma," for 18, 24, or 30 minutes a day—cleansing karmas and alleviating anxiety and stress.
3. Key Pranayama Technique: A simple yet effective technique for balance (5) and stress relief (3) involves alternate nostril breathing for 5 minutes twice a day. Close your right nostril with the index finger of your right hand and inhale slowly through your left nostril. Quickly switch fingers to close the left nostril and exhale slowly through the right nostril. Repeat this pattern for 5-7 minutes with closed eyes. Conclude with a deep inhalation through both nostrils, hold for 5-10 seconds, and exhale slowly. Repeat this twice daily.
4. Challenge yourself with the classic "Nabhi Kriya" yoga set at medium durations. Practice the "Flexibility and the Spine" set.
5. Chant "Humee Hum Brahm Hum"—a mantra for a 3 Gift house-cleaning!

Tantric Numerology for the 10 Year in 2024. Calculate your personal numerology. Book readings on our website. www.communiteayoga.com under services. #2024 #Numerology #10year #radiantbody Yoga/Meditation/Pranayama Resources:
Yoga/Meditation/Pranayama Resources:
1. Practice Sat Kriya, Flexibility & the Spine Kriya.
2. For courage, chant “Chattra Chakara Vartee” from Jaap Sahib (Lightness of Being CD).
3. Recite “Adi Shakti” (any version), the Long “Ong” chant (when feeling small), and the “Guru Gaitri” meditation.
4. Engage in Archer Pose with Breath of Fire, incorporating it into a kriya or as an individual practice while chanting any of these meditations.
5. Meditation to Harmonize the Tenth Body
1. Sit up straight either in a crossed legged position on the ground or in a chair with both feet on ground.
2. Touch the tips of the thumbs to the ring fingers of each hand
3. Hold the hands out to the sides of the body as if making a vow
4. Breath of Fire: Exhale as you press the navel point back towards the spine. Let the inhale come in as part of relaxation rather than through effort. Breathe fairly rapidly about 2 or 3 breaths per second through the nose while you pump your navel point and abdomen inward on the exhale and relax them during the inhale. Chest is relaxed.

Book full readings on our website www.communiteayoga.com under services.
1. Chant the "Guru Gaitri Meditation"—a mantra embracing all 8 primary aspects of God, protecting from adversity and negativity. RaMaDaSaSaSeSoHung
2. Engage in the "Long Form of the Mul Mantra" to elevate your life.
3. Meditation to Harmonize the Fourth Body
1. Sit up straight either in a crossed legged position on the ground or in a chair with both feet on ground.
2. Place the tips of the thumbs and index fingers together. Cross the forearms at the heart with the left arm closest to and touching the heart.
3. Inhale through the nose in 4 strokes
4. Exhale in one breath out of the mouth
5. Practice for 3 - 11 minutes

2024 Tantric numerology for those in an 11 year with a gift of the nine. Check out our website, www.communiteayoga.com to book private sessions under the services tab. #TantricNumerology #2024 #YearOfTheDragon #11Year #8Year #Numerology #Astrology. #freenumerologyreading
So Hung Breath.
Ang Sang Wahe Guru .
Magic Mantra. Eck Ong Kar Sat Gur Prassad, Sat Gur Prassad, Eck Ong Kar

Tantric Numerology for those is a 7 cycle with the gift of 5 in 2024. Book your complete reading at the link in our bio, or on our website. www.communiteayoga.com under services. #tantricnumerology #freereading #personalreading #numerology #astrology #7year #2024

Remedies To Support You:
1. Chant “Grace of God” meditation or sing "Amazing Grace."
2. Practice Strengthening the Aura or any other Aura Building yoga sets.
3. Chant the “Magic Mantra” Ek Ong Kar, Sat Gur Prasad
4. Practice the "One Minute Breath" for calmness and de-stressing. All breath techniques and divine chants aid in support and strength throughout this cycle.
5. Meditation to Harmonize the Seventh Body
1. Sit up straight either in a crossed legged position on the ground or in a chair with both feet on ground.
2. Place the left hand flat over the heart chakra
3. Extend the right arm straight out in front at a 60 degree upward angle with the middle finger and index finger extended and the other fingers folded into the palm of the hand
4. Whistle on the inhale
5. Whistle on the exhale
6. Practice for 3 - 11 minutes

Tantric numerology for those people in a 9 year as their personal annual cycle with the gift of the seven in 2024. Book your personal readings on our website. #numerology #ASTROLOGY, #GearOfTheDragon #ChineseNewYear #ComplementaryNumerology #TantricNumerology
4. Incorporate the "One-Minute Breath" daily, even if it takes time to reach that duration.
5. Cultivate gratitude as a daily practice.
6. Meditation to Harmonize the Ninth Body
1. Sit up straight either in a crossed legged position on the ground or in a chair with both feet on ground.
2. Bring arms up over the head with palms down and the right hand on top of and touching the left creating a circle around the head.
3. Roll the tongue into a taco shape and extend the tongue out of the mouth slightly.
4. If you can't do this with your tongue then open the mouth and extend the tongue out and then use your lips to hold the tongue in a taco like shape.
5. Inhale through the rolled tongue
6. Exhale through the nose
7. Practice for 3 - 11 minutes

Tantric Numerology for those in a 6 cycle in 2024.
To book complete numerology or astrology readings go to our website, www.communiteayoga.com under the services section.
Yoga/Meditation/Pranayama Resources:
1. Practice the "Balancing Heart and Mind Unto Infinity" pranayama technique from the Prana, Praanee, Praanayam manual.
2. Engage in Arc Line yoga or Self-Blessing techniques while chanting.
3. Chant “Ardas Bhaee” frequently, amplifying your 6 Cycle's power of prayer. Practice chants with hands in a “heart lock” or "Lion’s Paws" movement.
4. Recognize your hands as healers, briefly touching others with compassion—an ancient Ayurvedic practice known for transmitting heart energy.
5. Meditation to Harmonize the Sixth Body
1. Sit up straight either in a crossed legged position on the ground or in a chair with both feet on ground.
2. Touch the tips of the thumbs to the middle fingers of each hand and extend the arms straight out in front of the heart at a slightly upward angle so that the fingers are level with the third eye
3. Inhale in 8 strokes through the nose
4. Exhale in 8 strokes through the nose
5. Practice for 3 - 11 minutes

The eight year in numerology. This is the next part of the series getting into all of the aspects of the number eight and what is important for us to remember in this year. At the end, you can calculate your own personal numerology year and we will go deeper into that in the next videos. Check out our website, www.communiteayoga.com, to book your own personal longer numerology session for 2024 and see when your best months and worst months are as well as, what you should do financially, and in the area of health and romance. #8Year #TantricNumerology#leadership #ExecutiveMind #NumerologyReadings #BookPrivateNumerologyReadingSessions

One more thing! 2024 Year of the Dragon. Lucky number 8!

New Free Numerology Series. 2024 Year of the Dragon. Clearing out 12 and 20 Year cycles.

Qualities of the Wood Dragon. 2024 Year of the Dragon, Chinese Astrology and Tantric Numerology

Stop reacting to childhood patterns, kundalini yoga and healing plus White Hole meditation.

Kundalini Yoga is for everyone from beginners to advanced. It rebalanced the mind, strengthens the body, resets the nervous system and glandular system.
Enjoy the class, the astrology and the expansion.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

16 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Our yoga and meditation is not like anything you would normally experience in a yoga studio. We offer Kundalini, Vinyasa and Meditation and Sound Healings. These yogic modalities are not found together or even separately at most yoga studios. This type of yoga focuses on the nervous and endocrine system of the body to promote overall health and wellbeing. It is a complete workout and balance for the body, mind and soul. Meditation and Sound Healing elements are included in every class. Yoga means union. Union of the body and spirit and union with each other. This community is for everyone and for all age groups.