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Man caught at Labour Conference last year inciting a Palestine demo to attack him,, has given Starmer's Labour half a million.
Right, so to possibly no surprise whatsoever, very rich pro Israel businessmen have been donating heavily to the Labour Party since Rishi Sunak called the snap General Election, which finally culminates tomorrow, but as should always come with big donations to major parties, we should always ask ourselves what they are donating for, what are they getting in return and in who’s interests are they acting? As far as the case implied in this video title, well, just check out the next bit of footage as to the conduct of one particular donor, who has just handed Keir Starmer’s party over half a million pounds and ask yourself in who’s interest he’s acting because, frankly it’s pretty obvious and is a dead giveaway as to the direction Labour will be taking on such matters.
Right, so quite something that wasn’t it? Boo me, attack me, you murdered children, you murdered grandparents, this is not the time to be doing this, it’s like another pogrom, it should not be allowed, go back, I’m allowed to tell you what I think, you’re standing there, hundreds of you, I’m on my own, you like that don’t you, innocent people unable to protect themselves, are you going to murder me he said to one little old woman as a police officer appeared to be admonishing her, rather than the very loud shouty man berating her, claiming he isn’t allowed to speak despite very much appearing to be the one doing any speaking, everyone else just peacefully stood by or indeed booed him.
That folks, was Stuart Roden, at Labour Conference in Liverpool last October, so in the aftermath of the night of October 7th, telling people what he thinks they shouldn’t be allowed to do, attacking people standing in support of the innocent Palestinian lives lost as he refers to the demonstrators themselves as murders of innocent people and given that he gave Keir Starmer’s very much pro Israel ..

If this is a typical example of what Keir Starmer means by a high quality Labour candidate, then the country is stuffed!
Right, so the Labour Party National Executive Committee imposing candidates on local constituency parties rather than letting them select their own candidates has very much been a defining aspect of Keir Starmer’s authoritarianism leading up to the election, he only wanting people who seemingly won’t question him, people from his faction installed and blow to what local people want, let alone when it comes to actual representation by someone who knows their areas and puts their local needs first. Where some of the more well known impositions of this election might be the replacement of Jeremy Corbyn with a multimillionaire private healthcare CEO, or members of that Labour NEC awarding themselves safe seats where they have no local connection, all for the sake of becoming MPs, not caring one iota about where they are supposed to represent, like Luke Akehurst, have caused considerable anger, but another less known example, but a no less disgusting imposition has really shown just how poor some Labour parliamentary candidates and you have to see this to believe it.
Right, so that was Chris Ward, the Starmer imposition on Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven and if you might have been wondering perhaps why the Green Party is doing so well this time around in that seat, frankly wonder no more. He couldn’t detest being questioned by a local person more if he tried could he? He was really annoyed, that’s the first impression you get. He didn’t want to make a statement on Israel and Gaza, he was quite sulky about that, he was quite sulky about being filmed, it was the Brighton & Hove Palestine Solidarity Campaign who were filming and asking questions incidentally, hence the Palestine flags seen, but Ward? Well, get used to being filmed and questioned like that if you want to be an MP, but he eventually managed to stutter out that he supported a ceasefire, ..

Keir Starmer is proving that despite being on the cusp of power, he is presiding over a party that is still falling apart.
Right, so as I reported on yesterday, for as much as Labour appear nailed on for a thumping victory and being swept to power on Thursday, the bedrock that the party is actually built on, the members, local politics, local councillors have been deserting, with 4 county and borough councillors quitting in just the last few days. The party and that has been especially notable during this election campaign itself as finally more media attention is switched onto Keir Starmer and what people have seen, they have not liked. 49% of the UK public according to a recent poll consider him untrustworthy and his recent dogwhistle racism over Bangladesh has been especially notable, likely what he’s going to be remembered for in this election campaign in no small part, but also his ongoing unequivocal support for Israel over Palestine, also made notable during this election campaign because he’s already essentially binned his pledge to recognise a Palestinian state by now placing conditions on it, including making sure Israel is secure first, when Israel are the nation currently committing genocide. But now another Labour councillor has quit the party, but instead of remaining as an independent, they’ve shown there are other, better options voters might care to take notice of, by defecting to the Green Party instead!
Right, so yet another resignation from the Labour Party at local level during this election campaign, during an election campaign that Labour is expected to win and win big at, so the fact they are literally losing councillors right now ought to be being shouted from the rooftops and if Jeremy Corbyn was still leader it absolutely would be. A collapsing leadership usually triggers desertions, not being on the cusp of power, but such is the offensiveness of the Labour Party to even elected officials of the party itself now, that resignations are c..

Keir Starmer is changing the Labourt alright, into something driving elected representatives to resign in disgust!
Right, so if there is one thing the regime of Keir Starmer has caused plenty of in it’s war on the left, the diktat and impositions of candidates, the hierarchy of racism that has become synonymous with Labour since Starmer took over and the Forde Report that pointed it all out, largely gone unacted upon in any obvious manner, especially in light of recent attacks on Bangladesh, but the party it must be said still claims to be acting upon, it is resignations. We’ve seen so many not just members of the Labour Party quit, but elected officials too, councillors across the country in no small number have resigned the party whip, but four resignations have come just in the last week, in the last few days actually and racism and candidate imposition have been behind all of them, Two coming as a result of Keir Starmer and Jon Ashworth’s comments over Bangladesh, and two are down to Luke Akehurst, who’s campaign in North Durham goes from bad to worse, when for the sake of installing him there, Labour have just lost two of their councillors from Durham County Council.
Right, so for as much as the media and the same old Labour politicians cropping up on said media keep harping on about how Keir Starmer has changed Labour, none are asking the very pertinent question about whether that change is a good thing or a bad thing and frankly the closest we’ve come during this election campaign to putting that out there has been Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer’s mic-drop moment in a televised hustings talking about how Keir Starmer has changed the Labour Party into the Conservative Party. She’s not been wrong about that either, with droves of socialist members, proper ones who mean it, not the right wingers who just say it, leaving the party or being thrown out, purged, suspended or expelled, as Labour refers to it as shaking off the fleas and Keir Starmer tells them ..

Keir Starmer's racist comments concerning Bangladesh have now caused a diplomatic incident at the High Commission!
Right, so Labour’s election campaign, thanks in no small part to their leader Keir Starmer’s racist attack on Bangladesh and Bengali communities is still suffering significant fallout from that and when the boss man still can’t seem to say the words I’m sorry about that, just expressions of regret and no intention to cause harm it just doesn’t cut it and when Starmer’s literal words were ‘people from Bangladesh are not being removed’ he very much has something to apologise for, but Keir Starmer never says sorry, never takes responsibility and when the next screw up inevitably comes once he’s in power, for this isn’t the first time he’s failed to say sorry, it won’t be the last either, so look out for it going forwards, because that lack of an apology, that horrendous flaw to Starmer’s character as well as the vile nonsense about Bengali’s he inferred, that they shouldn’t be here, that for some reason they have no right to claim asylum here, has, before he’s even crossed the threshold into 10 Downing Street, managed to cause a diplomatic incident over it.
Right so, the fallout from Keir Starmer’s awful Bangladesh rhetoric, his dogwhistle racism targeting Bengali communities both here and abroad, possibly seen as a tactic for political gain, a vote winning race card being played perhaps, have dominated this last week leading up to polling day this coming Thursday and whilst I’ve covered in recent videos the consequences of that for Labour, the hurt caused by the words of Starmer himself and his shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth, the anger and the upset here in this country and actually one other aspect of this I’ve not covered is of all parties to capitalise on someone else being racist, the Tories have now jumped on this, Starmer giving them ammo, which is perverse in the extreme, but never let it be said a Tory won’t shamelessly exploit an op..

The UK government has blocked Israel arrest warrants at the ICC from being issued to Benjamin Netanyahu & Yoav Gallant.
Right, so you might have been thinking to yourself, those arrest warrants that the International Criminal Court Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan had applied for were taking a long time to materialise. Well it looks like the UK government has stepped in with an attempt to block the issuing of these warrants, by questioning the legality of the matter, by questioning whether the ICC actually has jurisdiction here and unfortunately the ICC judge presiding over this case has decided to allow the UK to present evidence to try and make it’s case, which seems like one heck of a stretch to me, but it does go a long way to underline just how far this current government will go to try and get Israel off the hook despite meting out getting on for 10 months of genocide.
Right, so the UK government, into it’s almost certain last week of existence in it’s current form anyway, has deployed it’s lawyers to try and save the bacon of Benjamin Netanyahu and his defence secretary Yoav Gallant, following the Chief Prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, himself British, applying for arrest warrants against the two men, accusing them both of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
And we’ve only just got wind of this, despite the government issuing it’s claim to the court back on the 10th of this month, despite having until the 12th July to do so, that pesky matter of a General Election that the Conservative Party are almost certain to lose, but it will now delay the issuing of these arrest warrants, should the UK petition fail, by at least a month. We’ve in fact only got wind of this application, made in secret because the election is coming so in light of that, the court has unsealed the application now, in order to ensure it get’s heard, having been made it must be heard, but the current government must still technically be in power I presume for the..

Whilst keir Starmer might be measuring up the curtains to number 10, some key allies looks likely to be left out in the cold.
Right, so Keir Starmer’s Labour are still taking a lot of flak for essentially pulling their candidate out of Clacton, out of the election race against Nigel Farage and effectively giving him a free run at it and when I covered this the other day I covered an angle whereby there were reports that Starmer did this because the campaign for his candidate there, Jovan Owusu-Nepaul, had gone viral due in part to the young man’s dapper dress sense that saw him written up about in GQ magazine, but also because pictures of him meeting Farage at a food truck went viral on social media, but actually there might be another more worrying reason for it and this is something that I’ve covered before and was certainly reflected in local election results over the past couple years, where Starmer might be making gains and winning seats come this Thursday, but he might face losing others too and where Labour’s Clacton candidate got sent, his seat also deemed unwinnable, does imply that that fear is very real.
Right, so Keir Starmer’s Labour are still taking a lot of flak for effectively giving Nigel Farage a free run at the Tories in Clacton, the optics of that being the only seat Labour have done this with, very much playing into the reported belief that Starmer was jealous of the attention and social media reaction Jovan Owusu-Nepaul was getting, stealing his thunder so to speak and therefore packed him off elsewhere. Ultimately though, however Labour have abandoned their campaign in Clacton, to the disgust of local members that hey don’t matter and actually this entire campaign and the tactics thereof are more about delivering Keir Starmer into power than serving this country, something you’d be daft to believe otherwise over, Owuso-Nepaul’s name will still be on the ballot and people in Clacton can still vote for him, even if Labour HQ have seemingly giv..

The Labour Party continues to drive Muslim voters away in droves and when they are being insulted in their own mosque who can blame them?
Right, so the hierarchy of racism and the racist endeavour that is the Labour Party just continues on ad nauseum as yet another Labour MP becomes embroiled in a racism row, but this one truly has to be seen to be believed, an explanation as to why he hasn’t been removed as a candidate for this vile, rude attack upon Muslim constituents, insulting them and berating them inside their own mosque! The sense of entitlement is stupefying, it really has to be seen to be believed, so watch this.
Right, so that was the former MP, now of course Labour candidate, since we have no MPs right now, for Birmingham Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood, himself the first Muslim elected to parliament in England, attacking fellow Muslims in their own mosque. Right now, you can imagine a great many Muslim communities are anything but happy with Starmer’s Labour, but instead of meeting that head on, especially in an area he absolutely should know full well is as multicultural and multi faith as Birmingham is, the ire over Starmer’s comments over Bangladesh, the party position on Gaza and it’s support for Israel ongoing, Labour’s reputation amongst ethnic minority communities especially right now is mud. Yet instead of dealing with that, taking that head on, answering the questions put to him, he simply told those who’s votes he is meant to be appealing for, to shut up and listen. That their problem is that too many can’t read, that they are illiterate in response to demands that he explain the racism in the Labour Party, the racism aimed at their community and rather than answer them, he claims they can’t read, that they are illiterate in angry, venomous denials of that being the truth. Remember Mahmood is himself Muslim, but has built up a bit of a reputation for not standing up for Muslim issues, and the organisation The Muslim Vote, a recently formed collec..

Sinister suspicions have been raised over Labour's racist targeting of Bangladesh, that this may have been planned...
Right, so the fallout from Labour attacks on Bangladesh and Bengali people, having come in the most appalling manner from both Keir Starmer himself and his shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth has only continued to increase, with damage limitation attempted, though as always with Keir Starmer, he cannot bring himself to apologise for what he said, he never says sorry, he never accepts fault. When Bangladesh is not even amongst the top 10 of nations where we see migrants and asylum seekers come from however, where did Starmer’s claims about Bangladesh come from, why were they repeated by another shadow minister, because surely that is not coincidence and as it happens there might be at least a couple of reasons why Starmer’s Labour are singling Bengali’s and Bengali communities out and none of them are good.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer clarifying his position in a couple of clips there over his awful comments singling out Bengali people here in the UK, questioning as to why they might be here, singling them out specifically, an awful racist attack that was followed up upon by his shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth, implying this was not clumsiness, you don’t get two people being clumsy over the same racist mantra and besides, clarifying your position once again is not apologising, is not saying sorry for the hurt and fear your comments will have caused to people, just repeating ad nauseum in several interviews now that he didn’t mean to cause any offence, but not saying sorry for actually having done so. Keir Starmer never says sorry. But actually there may well be more to this and there are at least two very valid reasons that I’ve come across to indicate that this may well have been an intentional targeting of Bengali communities in this country, which I’ll come onto in a moment and let you see what you think.
He brought up that ..

Sinister suspicions have been raised over Labour's racist targeting of Bangladesh, that this may have been planned...
Right, so the fallout from Labour attacks on Bangladesh and Bengali people, having come in the most appalling manner from both Keir Starmer himself and his shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth has only continued to increase, with damage limitation attempted, though as always with Keir Starmer, he cannot bring himself to apologise for what he said, he never says sorry, he never accepts fault. When Bangladesh is not even amongst the top 10 of nations where we see migrants and asylum seekers come from however, where did Starmer’s claims about Bangladesh come from, why were they repeated by another shadow minister, because surely that is not coincidence and as it happens there might be at least a couple of reasons why Starmer’s Labour are singling Bengali’s and Bengali communities out and none of them are good.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer clarifying his position in a couple of clips there over his awful comments singling out Bengali people here in the UK, questioning as to why they might be here, singling them out specifically, an awful racist attack that was followed up upon by his shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth, implying this was not clumsiness, you don’t get two people being clumsy over the same racist mantra and besides, clarifying your position once again is not apologising, is not saying sorry for the hurt and fear your comments will have caused to people, just repeating ad nauseum in several interviews now that he didn’t mean to cause any offence, but not saying sorry for actually having done so. Keir Starmer never says sorry. But actually there may well be more to this and there are at least two very valid reasons that I’ve come across to indicate that this may well have been an intentional targeting of Bengali communities in this country, which I’ll come onto in a moment and let you see what you think.
He brought up that ..

Sinister suspicions have been raised over Labour's racist targeting of Bangladesh, that this may have been planned...
Right, so the fallout from Labour attacks on Bangladesh and Bengali people, having come in the most appalling manner from both Keir Starmer himself and his shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth has only continued to increase, with damage limitation attempted, though as always with Keir Starmer, he cannot bring himself to apologise for what he said, he never says sorry, he never accepts fault. When Bangladesh is not even amongst the top 10 of nations where we see migrants and asylum seekers come from however, where did Starmer’s claims about Bangladesh come from, why were they repeated by another shadow minister, because surely that is not coincidence and as it happens there might be at least a couple of reasons why Starmer’s Labour are singling Bengali’s and Bengali communities out and none of them are good.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer clarifying his position in a couple of clips there over his awful comments singling out Bengali people here in the UK, questioning as to why they might be here, singling them out specifically, an awful racist attack that was followed up upon by his shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth, implying this was not clumsiness, you don’t get two people being clumsy over the same racist mantra and besides, clarifying your position once again is not apologising, is not saying sorry for the hurt and fear your comments will have caused to people, just repeating ad nauseum in several interviews now that he didn’t mean to cause any offence, but not saying sorry for actually having done so. Keir Starmer never says sorry. But actually there may well be more to this and there are at least two very valid reasons that I’ve come across to indicate that this may well have been an intentional targeting of Bengali communities in this country, which I’ll come onto in a moment and let you see what you think.
He brought up that ..

The Labour Party continues to drive Muslim voters away in droves and when they are being insulted in their own mosque who can blame them?
Right, so the hierarchy of racism and the racist endeavour that is the Labour Party just continues on ad nauseum as yet another Labour MP becomes embroiled in a racism row, but this one truly has to be seen to be believed, an explanation as to why he hasn’t been removed as a candidate for this vile, rude attack upon Muslim constituents, insulting them and berating them inside their own mosque! The sense of entitlement is stupefying, it really has to be seen to be believed, so watch this.
Right, so that was the former MP, now of course Labour candidate, since we have no MPs right now, for Birmingham Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood, himself the first Muslim elected to parliament in England, attacking fellow Muslims in their own mosque. Right now, you can imagine a great many Muslim communities are anything but happy with Starmer’s Labour, but instead of meeting that head on, especially in an area he absolutely should know full well is as multicultural and multi faith as Birmingham is, the ire over Starmer’s comments over Bangladesh, the party position on Gaza and it’s support for Israel ongoing, Labour’s reputation amongst ethnic minority communities especially right now is mud. Yet instead of dealing with that, taking that head on, answering the questions put to him, he simply told those who’s votes he is meant to be appealing for, to shut up and listen. That their problem is that too many can’t read, that they are illiterate in response to demands that he explain the racism in the Labour Party, the racism aimed at their community and rather than answer them, he claims they can’t read, that they are illiterate in angry, venomous denials of that being the truth. Remember Mahmood is himself Muslim, but has built up a bit of a reputation for not standing up for Muslim issues, and the organisation The Muslim Vote, a recently formed collec..

Sinister suspicions have been raised over Labour's racist targeting of Bangladesh, that this may have been planned...
Right, so the fallout from Labour attacks on Bangladesh and Bengali people, having come in the most appalling manner from both Keir Starmer himself and his shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth has only continued to increase, with damage limitation attempted, though as always with Keir Starmer, he cannot bring himself to apologise for what he said, he never says sorry, he never accepts fault. When Bangladesh is not even amongst the top 10 of nations where we see migrants and asylum seekers come from however, where did Starmer’s claims about Bangladesh come from, why were they repeated by another shadow minister, because surely that is not coincidence and as it happens there might be at least a couple of reasons why Starmer’s Labour are singling Bengali’s and Bengali communities out and none of them are good.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer clarifying his position in a couple of clips there over his awful comments singling out Bengali people here in the UK, questioning as to why they might be here, singling them out specifically, an awful racist attack that was followed up upon by his shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth, implying this was not clumsiness, you don’t get two people being clumsy over the same racist mantra and besides, clarifying your position once again is not apologising, is not saying sorry for the hurt and fear your comments will have caused to people, just repeating ad nauseum in several interviews now that he didn’t mean to cause any offence, but not saying sorry for actually having done so. Keir Starmer never says sorry. But actually there may well be more to this and there are at least two very valid reasons that I’ve come across to indicate that this may well have been an intentional targeting of Bengali communities in this country, which I’ll come onto in a moment and let you see what you think.
He brought up that ..

The Labour Party continues to drive Muslim voters away in droves and when they are being insulted in their own mosque who can blame them?
Right, so the hierarchy of racism and the racist endeavour that is the Labour Party just continues on ad nauseum as yet another Labour MP becomes embroiled in a racism row, but this one truly has to be seen to be believed, an explanation as to why he hasn’t been removed as a candidate for this vile, rude attack upon Muslim constituents, insulting them and berating them inside their own mosque! The sense of entitlement is stupefying, it really has to be seen to be believed, so watch this.
Right, so that was the former MP, now of course Labour candidate, since we have no MPs right now, for Birmingham Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood, himself the first Muslim elected to parliament in England, attacking fellow Muslims in their own mosque. Right now, you can imagine a great many Muslim communities are anything but happy with Starmer’s Labour, but instead of meeting that head on, especially in an area he absolutely should know full well is as multicultural and multi faith as Birmingham is, the ire over Starmer’s comments over Bangladesh, the party position on Gaza and it’s support for Israel ongoing, Labour’s reputation amongst ethnic minority communities especially right now is mud. Yet instead of dealing with that, taking that head on, answering the questions put to him, he simply told those who’s votes he is meant to be appealing for, to shut up and listen. That their problem is that too many can’t read, that they are illiterate in response to demands that he explain the racism in the Labour Party, the racism aimed at their community and rather than answer them, he claims they can’t read, that they are illiterate in angry, venomous denials of that being the truth. Remember Mahmood is himself Muslim, but has built up a bit of a reputation for not standing up for Muslim issues, and the organisation The Muslim Vote, a recently formed collec..

Starmer is already breaking pledges in his manifesto as recognising a Palestinian state appears to have been binned.
Right, so to the surprise of nobody on the left whatsoever and should be coming as less of a surprise to voters who have been putting Keir Starmer under some kind of scrutiny and familiarised themselves with the fact he breaks promises, pledges, missions, oaths, vows, obligations and assurances repeatedly and then acts as if he did no such thing, he’s now already breaking manifesto commitments and doing so whilst we’re still in the election campaign period.
In the Labour Party manifesto is a pledge regarding recognition of a state of Palestine, a key measure working towards a two state solution, but Starmer is now already rowing back on this, to either delay, or as some Labour sources are saying, to abandon entirely, because they can afford to up set people for whom this is an important issue who end up handing their vote to Labour. What kind of administration decides before reaching power which people who supported them they can afford to laugh in the faces of by abandoning certain pledges, that they told the nation they were committed to? One that will lie with impunity once in power.
Right, so Keir Starmer, already well known to be unabashedly pro Israel, having effectively been bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby as he has, has done significant damage to his party’s reputation on the issue of Gaza especially over the last nine months, and it very much looks like he is going to double down on that, having promised to recognise a Palestinian state as part of moves towards a two state solution in the Labour Party manifesto. It states:
‘Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people. It is not in the gift of any neighbour and is also essential to the long-term security of Israel. We are committed to recognising a Palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a..

Keir Starmer's undemocratic imposition of candidates comes unstuck in Islington North as 72 members quit to campaign for Corbyn!
Right, so an absolutely massive story has broken today, in a possible sign of things to come under Keir Starmer’s leadership, if you can call it that, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party have now quit in order to support Jeremy Corbyn and have done so in a brutal takedown of Starmer’s antidemocratic conduct, issuing a scathing joint letter stating saying that the imposition of candidates, the lack of consultation, the prevention from selecting their own candidate was too much and coming as this move does following the resignation of fifty Labour members over Faiza Shaheen being blocked from standing, and resignations from the party having happened up and down the country in other areas as well as a result of candidate impositions and arbitrary blocks being placed on favoured local candidates, Keir Starmer might be riding high in the polls and be on course for a parliamentary majority, but what exactly will be left of the Labour Party, which is collapsing at a grassroots level to a degree never before seen?
Right, so huge news breaking today and a massive blow to Keir Starmer’s hopes of installing a Labour loyalist off the back of 40 years of Jeremy Corbyn’s hard work, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party or CLP, including a dozen members of the Executive Committee, an overwhelming majority of the executive who run the CLP, which will throw the Labour election campaign into disarray there and deservedly so in my view, have today issued a jointly signed letter of resignation telling Keir Starmer exactly what they think of him, his candidate Praful Nargund and the antidemocratic war he seems intent on waging against the membership itself. Words have not been minced. The letter reads:
‘A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: Vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Independent.

Starmer is already breaking pledges in his manifesto as recognising a Palestinian state appears to have been binned.
Right, so to the surprise of nobody on the left whatsoever and should be coming as less of a surprise to voters who have been putting Keir Starmer under some kind of scrutiny and familiarised themselves with the fact he breaks promises, pledges, missions, oaths, vows, obligations and assurances repeatedly and then acts as if he did no such thing, he’s now already breaking manifesto commitments and doing so whilst we’re still in the election campaign period.
In the Labour Party manifesto is a pledge regarding recognition of a state of Palestine, a key measure working towards a two state solution, but Starmer is now already rowing back on this, to either delay, or as some Labour sources are saying, to abandon entirely, because they can afford to up set people for whom this is an important issue who end up handing their vote to Labour. What kind of administration decides before reaching power which people who supported them they can afford to laugh in the faces of by abandoning certain pledges, that they told the nation they were committed to? One that will lie with impunity once in power.
Right, so Keir Starmer, already well known to be unabashedly pro Israel, having effectively been bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby as he has, has done significant damage to his party’s reputation on the issue of Gaza especially over the last nine months, and it very much looks like he is going to double down on that, having promised to recognise a Palestinian state as part of moves towards a two state solution in the Labour Party manifesto. It states:
‘Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people. It is not in the gift of any neighbour and is also essential to the long-term security of Israel. We are committed to recognising a Palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a..

Keir Starmer's undemocratic imposition of candidates comes unstuck in Islington North as 72 members quit to campaign for Corbyn!
Right, so an absolutely massive story has broken today, in a possible sign of things to come under Keir Starmer’s leadership, if you can call it that, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party have now quit in order to support Jeremy Corbyn and have done so in a brutal takedown of Starmer’s antidemocratic conduct, issuing a scathing joint letter stating saying that the imposition of candidates, the lack of consultation, the prevention from selecting their own candidate was too much and coming as this move does following the resignation of fifty Labour members over Faiza Shaheen being blocked from standing, and resignations from the party having happened up and down the country in other areas as well as a result of candidate impositions and arbitrary blocks being placed on favoured local candidates, Keir Starmer might be riding high in the polls and be on course for a parliamentary majority, but what exactly will be left of the Labour Party, which is collapsing at a grassroots level to a degree never before seen?
Right, so huge news breaking today and a massive blow to Keir Starmer’s hopes of installing a Labour loyalist off the back of 40 years of Jeremy Corbyn’s hard work, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party or CLP, including a dozen members of the Executive Committee, an overwhelming majority of the executive who run the CLP, which will throw the Labour election campaign into disarray there and deservedly so in my view, have today issued a jointly signed letter of resignation telling Keir Starmer exactly what they think of him, his candidate Praful Nargund and the antidemocratic war he seems intent on waging against the membership itself. Words have not been minced. The letter reads:
‘A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: Vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Independent.

Starmer is already breaking pledges in his manifesto as recognising a Palestinian state appears to have been binned.
Right, so to the surprise of nobody on the left whatsoever and should be coming as less of a surprise to voters who have been putting Keir Starmer under some kind of scrutiny and familiarised themselves with the fact he breaks promises, pledges, missions, oaths, vows, obligations and assurances repeatedly and then acts as if he did no such thing, he’s now already breaking manifesto commitments and doing so whilst we’re still in the election campaign period.
In the Labour Party manifesto is a pledge regarding recognition of a state of Palestine, a key measure working towards a two state solution, but Starmer is now already rowing back on this, to either delay, or as some Labour sources are saying, to abandon entirely, because they can afford to up set people for whom this is an important issue who end up handing their vote to Labour. What kind of administration decides before reaching power which people who supported them they can afford to laugh in the faces of by abandoning certain pledges, that they told the nation they were committed to? One that will lie with impunity once in power.
Right, so Keir Starmer, already well known to be unabashedly pro Israel, having effectively been bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby as he has, has done significant damage to his party’s reputation on the issue of Gaza especially over the last nine months, and it very much looks like he is going to double down on that, having promised to recognise a Palestinian state as part of moves towards a two state solution in the Labour Party manifesto. It states:
‘Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people. It is not in the gift of any neighbour and is also essential to the long-term security of Israel. We are committed to recognising a Palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a..

Starmer is already breaking pledges in his manifesto as recognising a Palestinian state appears to have been binned.
Right, so to the surprise of nobody on the left whatsoever and should be coming as less of a surprise to voters who have been putting Keir Starmer under some kind of scrutiny and familiarised themselves with the fact he breaks promises, pledges, missions, oaths, vows, obligations and assurances repeatedly and then acts as if he did no such thing, he’s now already breaking manifesto commitments and doing so whilst we’re still in the election campaign period.
In the Labour Party manifesto is a pledge regarding recognition of a state of Palestine, a key measure working towards a two state solution, but Starmer is now already rowing back on this, to either delay, or as some Labour sources are saying, to abandon entirely, because they can afford to up set people for whom this is an important issue who end up handing their vote to Labour. What kind of administration decides before reaching power which people who supported them they can afford to laugh in the faces of by abandoning certain pledges, that they told the nation they were committed to? One that will lie with impunity once in power.
Right, so Keir Starmer, already well known to be unabashedly pro Israel, having effectively been bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby as he has, has done significant damage to his party’s reputation on the issue of Gaza especially over the last nine months, and it very much looks like he is going to double down on that, having promised to recognise a Palestinian state as part of moves towards a two state solution in the Labour Party manifesto. It states:
‘Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people. It is not in the gift of any neighbour and is also essential to the long-term security of Israel. We are committed to recognising a Palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a..

Keir Starmer's undemocratic imposition of candidates comes unstuck in Islington North as 72 members quit to campaign for Corbyn!
Right, so an absolutely massive story has broken today, in a possible sign of things to come under Keir Starmer’s leadership, if you can call it that, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party have now quit in order to support Jeremy Corbyn and have done so in a brutal takedown of Starmer’s antidemocratic conduct, issuing a scathing joint letter stating saying that the imposition of candidates, the lack of consultation, the prevention from selecting their own candidate was too much and coming as this move does following the resignation of fifty Labour members over Faiza Shaheen being blocked from standing, and resignations from the party having happened up and down the country in other areas as well as a result of candidate impositions and arbitrary blocks being placed on favoured local candidates, Keir Starmer might be riding high in the polls and be on course for a parliamentary majority, but what exactly will be left of the Labour Party, which is collapsing at a grassroots level to a degree never before seen?
Right, so huge news breaking today and a massive blow to Keir Starmer’s hopes of installing a Labour loyalist off the back of 40 years of Jeremy Corbyn’s hard work, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party or CLP, including a dozen members of the Executive Committee, an overwhelming majority of the executive who run the CLP, which will throw the Labour election campaign into disarray there and deservedly so in my view, have today issued a jointly signed letter of resignation telling Keir Starmer exactly what they think of him, his candidate Praful Nargund and the antidemocratic war he seems intent on waging against the membership itself. Words have not been minced. The letter reads:
‘A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: Vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Independent.

Keir Starmer's undemocratic imposition of candidates comes unstuck in Islington North as 72 members quit to campaign for Corbyn!
Right, so an absolutely massive story has broken today, in a possible sign of things to come under Keir Starmer’s leadership, if you can call it that, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party have now quit in order to support Jeremy Corbyn and have done so in a brutal takedown of Starmer’s antidemocratic conduct, issuing a scathing joint letter stating saying that the imposition of candidates, the lack of consultation, the prevention from selecting their own candidate was too much and coming as this move does following the resignation of fifty Labour members over Faiza Shaheen being blocked from standing, and resignations from the party having happened up and down the country in other areas as well as a result of candidate impositions and arbitrary blocks being placed on favoured local candidates, Keir Starmer might be riding high in the polls and be on course for a parliamentary majority, but what exactly will be left of the Labour Party, which is collapsing at a grassroots level to a degree never before seen?
Right, so huge news breaking today and a massive blow to Keir Starmer’s hopes of installing a Labour loyalist off the back of 40 years of Jeremy Corbyn’s hard work, as 72 members of North Islington Constituency Labour Party or CLP, including a dozen members of the Executive Committee, an overwhelming majority of the executive who run the CLP, which will throw the Labour election campaign into disarray there and deservedly so in my view, have today issued a jointly signed letter of resignation telling Keir Starmer exactly what they think of him, his candidate Praful Nargund and the antidemocratic war he seems intent on waging against the membership itself. Words have not been minced. The letter reads:
‘A plea from resigning and former members of Islington North Labour Party: Vote for Jeremy Corbyn. Independent.

The Labour Party continues to drive Muslim voters away in droves and when they are being insulted in their own mosque who can blame them?
Right, so the hierarchy of racism and the racist endeavour that is the Labour Party just continues on ad nauseum as yet another Labour MP becomes embroiled in a racism row, but this one truly has to be seen to be believed, an explanation as to why he hasn’t been removed as a candidate for this vile, rude attack upon Muslim constituents, insulting them and berating them inside their own mosque! The sense of entitlement is stupefying, it really has to be seen to be believed, so watch this.
Right, so that was the former MP, now of course Labour candidate, since we have no MPs right now, for Birmingham Perry Barr Khalid Mahmood, himself the first Muslim elected to parliament in England, attacking fellow Muslims in their own mosque. Right now, you can imagine a great many Muslim communities are anything but happy with Starmer’s Labour, but instead of meeting that head on, especially in an area he absolutely should know full well is as multicultural and multi faith as Birmingham is, the ire over Starmer’s comments over Bangladesh, the party position on Gaza and it’s support for Israel ongoing, Labour’s reputation amongst ethnic minority communities especially right now is mud. Yet instead of dealing with that, taking that head on, answering the questions put to him, he simply told those who’s votes he is meant to be appealing for, to shut up and listen. That their problem is that too many can’t read, that they are illiterate in response to demands that he explain the racism in the Labour Party, the racism aimed at their community and rather than answer them, he claims they can’t read, that they are illiterate in angry, venomous denials of that being the truth. Remember Mahmood is himself Muslim, but has built up a bit of a reputation for not standing up for Muslim issues, and the organisation The Muslim Vote, a recently formed collec..

Sinister suspicions have been raised over Labour's racist targeting of Bangladesh, that this may have been planned...
Right, so the fallout from Labour attacks on Bangladesh and Bengali people, having come in the most appalling manner from both Keir Starmer himself and his shadow Paymaster General Jonathan Ashworth has only continued to increase, with damage limitation attempted, though as always with Keir Starmer, he cannot bring himself to apologise for what he said, he never says sorry, he never accepts fault. When Bangladesh is not even amongst the top 10 of nations where we see migrants and asylum seekers come from however, where did Starmer’s claims about Bangladesh come from, why were they repeated by another shadow minister, because surely that is not coincidence and as it happens there might be at least a couple of reasons why Starmer’s Labour are singling Bengali’s and Bengali communities out and none of them are good.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer clarifying his position in a couple of clips there over his awful comments singling out Bengali people here in the UK, questioning as to why they might be here, singling them out specifically, an awful racist attack that was followed up upon by his shadow paymaster general Jonathan Ashworth, implying this was not clumsiness, you don’t get two people being clumsy over the same racist mantra and besides, clarifying your position once again is not apologising, is not saying sorry for the hurt and fear your comments will have caused to people, just repeating ad nauseum in several interviews now that he didn’t mean to cause any offence, but not saying sorry for actually having done so. Keir Starmer never says sorry. But actually there may well be more to this and there are at least two very valid reasons that I’ve come across to indicate that this may well have been an intentional targeting of Bengali communities in this country, which I’ll come onto in a moment and let you see what you think.
He brought up that ..

Starmer is already breaking pledges in his manifesto as recognising a Palestinian state appears to have been binned.
Right, so to the surprise of nobody on the left whatsoever and should be coming as less of a surprise to voters who have been putting Keir Starmer under some kind of scrutiny and familiarised themselves with the fact he breaks promises, pledges, missions, oaths, vows, obligations and assurances repeatedly and then acts as if he did no such thing, he’s now already breaking manifesto commitments and doing so whilst we’re still in the election campaign period.
In the Labour Party manifesto is a pledge regarding recognition of a state of Palestine, a key measure working towards a two state solution, but Starmer is now already rowing back on this, to either delay, or as some Labour sources are saying, to abandon entirely, because they can afford to up set people for whom this is an important issue who end up handing their vote to Labour. What kind of administration decides before reaching power which people who supported them they can afford to laugh in the faces of by abandoning certain pledges, that they told the nation they were committed to? One that will lie with impunity once in power.
Right, so Keir Starmer, already well known to be unabashedly pro Israel, having effectively been bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby as he has, has done significant damage to his party’s reputation on the issue of Gaza especially over the last nine months, and it very much looks like he is going to double down on that, having promised to recognise a Palestinian state as part of moves towards a two state solution in the Labour Party manifesto. It states:
‘Palestinian statehood is the inalienable right of the Palestinian people. It is not in the gift of any neighbour and is also essential to the long-term security of Israel. We are committed to recognising a Palestinian state as a contribution to a renewed peace process which results in a two-state solution with a..


Created 5 months, 1 week ago.

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Category News & Politics

Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on
I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that associated with that living in Tory Britain and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism.
This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless.

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