Robert F. Kennedy, Jr

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr



Americans deserve a better choice.

@breakingpoints #kennedyshanahan24 #kennedy24 #rfkjr

Don’t tell Cheryl Hines about this. 😉🐍

What I do to stay healthy 💪🏻😎

#kennedyshanahan24 #kennedy24 #rfkjr

“If there is an appetite for truth in this country, I will be President.”

I love when interviews involve tough, great questions. I recently had the pleasure of having an in-depth conversation with Jibrial Muhammad (@19KEYS) about everything from Big Pharma’s unchecked power and the CIA’s shadowy dealings to government secrets and corruption. Here’s a preview of our discussion; more clips coming soon.



#kennedyshanahan24 #rfkjr #kennedy24

How do I know I can win? Because there’s never been an independent candidate in American history who’s been in as strong a position as I am right now.

Thanks for having me on, @drphil.



What would you do to make childcare more affordable?

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#kennedyshanahan24 #kennedy24 #therealdebate

I continue to be blown away by the passion and heart of America’s young people. They care deeply. They know what they stand for. And they are demanding that we, as a country, do better.

Become a student ambassador today ➡️



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Black families still earn far less than white families. Black mothers are still three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related causes. Black Americans are imprisoned at five times the rate of white Americans. What do you say to black voters who are disappointed?

Watch Now ➡️


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Get ready for Independence Day! 🇺🇸 Please join me in celebrating by attending local events and sharing videos featuring you wearing your Kennedy merch. Together, let's emphasize the importance of independence from corrupt state and corporate power. Please share your photos or videos on social media with the hashtag #kennedyindependence for a chance to be featured in an upcoming compilation video that I’ll share on my social accounts!

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Do you believe the Americans voting for Trump are voting against Democracy?

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The national debt soared to record highs with the US facing trillion dollar deficits and record debt. Why should top earners and corporations pay even less in taxes than they do now?

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Americans agree Kennedy won the debate. Now help him win the election. DONATE TODAY ➡️

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Should The Government Do Something About The Fact That Minorities Don't Do As Well As White People?

What Actions Would You Take To Slow Down The Climate Crisis?

There Is A Childcare Crisis. Is That Something The Government Did Or Can Fix?

What leverage would you use to get Hamas and Israel to end the war?


We all know what to expect from Presidents Biden and Trump on CNN’s debate stage tonight. Arguments, name calling, accusations, and culture war issues– but no debate on most of the subjects that matter to Americans. That’s because Trump and Biden aren’t so different when it comes down to it. Both represent corporations, private equity firms, pharma, and the military-industrial complex - the interests of which determine what they can talk about.

The good news is that you can still see the three-man debate. We are hosting an alternative debate where you will hear not only Trump’s and Biden’s answers, but mine as well.

Tune in tonight at 6pm PT/ 9pm ET to see the debate as it was meant to be seen, and learn about the election that is really happening--not CNN’s version.

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Watch the real debate. Tonight at 6 pm PT / 9 pm ET.

Streaming on X and on


CNN and the incumbents just wittingly bucked decades of democratic traditions and the will of millions of American voters by excluding me from the debate. Why? Are they afraid I can win the election?

They should be.

If you think the American people should be able to hear from a competitive third party candidate, come watch my alternative debate, held simultaneously on At my debate, you’ll not only hear from Presidents Biden and Trump, but from someone outside the system, someone nearly one in five Americans already want to vote for.

If you like what you see, please pitch in TODAY to help propel my message. Independents are actually the LARGEST voting block, and half of all Americans are too fed up to vote at all. Now is our moment. Let’s unify and show them how many of us there are.



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Created 1 year ago.

677 videos

Category News & Politics

Born to a political family, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is the nephew of America’s 35th President, John F. Kennedy, and the son of his Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy. Both of them lost their lives to the assassin’s bullet: JFK in 1963, and RFK, Sr. in the midst of his 1968 Presidential campaign.

Rather than enter politics himself, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. carried on his family’s legacy of public service by devoting himself to environmental causes and children’s welfare. He is the founder of the Waterkeeper Alliance — the world’s largest clean water advocacy group — and served as its longtime chairman and attorney. He then went on to found Children’s Health Defense, a mass membership organization where he served as chairman and chief litigation counsel in its campaign to address childhood chronic disease and toxic exposures.

Kennedy’s reputation as a resolute defender of the environment and children’s health stems from hundreds of successful legal actions. TIME Magazine named Kennedy its “Hero for the Planet” for his leadership in the fight to restore the Hudson River. This achievement helped spawn more than 300 Waterkeeper organizations across the globe. The New York City watershed agreement, which he negotiated on behalf of environmentalists and New York City watershed consumers, is regarded as an international model in stakeholder consensus negotiations and sustainable development.

Kennedy has enjoyed legal victories in many milestone environmental battles over the past four decades in Latin America, Canada, and the United States. Most recently, Kennedy was on the trial team in the landmark victories against Monsanto in 2018, and against DuPont in 2019 in the contamination case that inspired the movie “Dark Waters.” In addition to his environmental work, he has represented Indigenous groups asserting legal and treaty rights across Latin America and Canada.

Kennedy is also an award-winning writer whose articles have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, the Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Atlantic Monthly, Esquire, The Nation, Outside Magazine, the Village Voice, and many others. Among his published books are two New York Times’ bestsellers: “Crimes Against Nature” (2005) and “The Real Anthony Fauci” (2021). His highly reviewed biography is American Values: Lessons I Learned from My Family. Kennedy is the author of two children’s books on American history and a third on Saint Francis of Assisi.

After graduating from Harvard University, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. studied at the London School of Economics and received his law degree from the University of Virginia Law School. He then attended Pace University School of Law, which awarded him a Master’s Degree in Environmental Law. He served on the Pace Law School faculty from 1986 to 2018 and cofounded and supervised Pace's Environmental Litigation Clinic.

Kennedy was born on January 17, 1954, in Washington, DC, and is the third of 11 children of the late Sen. Robert Kennedy and Ethel Skakel Kennedy, who recently celebrated her 95th birthday.

Kennedy is married to Cheryl Hines, a noted actress. The couple has seven children, including Kennedy’s six children from two previous marriages.