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My money's still on old Joe. But there is a strong push to have the Cackling Hyena replace him. The question is will there be enough time? That, in my opinion, is their biggest problem. What do you all think? Do you it will be Trump VS Biden again? Or do you think it will be Trump VS Hairy Ass?

I though about dropping my usual 4th of July special but with all the talk about Hyena Harris taking over, (all get out the vote operations have stopped in order to prepare for her over Joe I'm hearing) I thought it was my duty for my country to edit this old video from 2019 and re-run it. It will also be on the HOME PAGE so you can all share it.

"Kamala" is an Indian name that means, "lotus flower" Her Great grandfather was a slave owner of at least 86 slaves but of course this doesn't fit with the narrative about reparations and bussing right, Kamala? You're a fraud and I am going to see to it that every black voter in this country knows it. I'm not attack Heels Up Headboard Harris for her ancestry, obviously she can't help that. I'm attacking her from running from it and trying to HIDE it. Well, you can run but you can't hide.

Trump's campaign has a golden opportunity to smash old Joe and stop his campaign from creating a new narrative. How do they do it? By reminding the American people that the illegitimate regime has LIED to them for 4 years. If they are willing to lie about his mental acuity, what else are they capable of lying to you about? The Biden Campaign, knowing they are likely stuck with old Joe will try to convince the American people that what you all saw last week didn't really happen. And, if you don't agree, or question his mental fitness, well than you are an ageist! Their goal: Make Biden out to be a victim of age discrimination and hope people vote for him out of pity. Will it work? I highly doubt it. This shit is just too easy to figure out...

No Gavin. No Big Mike. No Gretchen. No Cankles. Nobody but Heels Up Headboard Harris can be their nominee. Also, no real threat of any of those other demons being placed on the ticket as VP either due to the fact that they would have to be confirmed by 2/3rds of the House and Senate. So, suck on that leftists! Your stuck with old Joe and that is great news for Trump and America!

Thank God for the 25th Amendment. Our Founding Fathers sure as hell got this one right. The 25th clearly states, the succession order MUST be to the Vice President, Heels Up Head Board Harris. Not Big Mike, or Gavin, or Cankles. Only Hairy Ass. Plus, there are 3 very important swing states, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin that make it nearly impossible. So, likely they are stuck with old joe and that is very very good for our next President Trump.

If you haven't seen this yet, it is a textbook masterclass on how to shut down, embarrass, ridicule, and EXPOSE media bias. If I was fielding these questions, I would have done the same thing but likely much more aggressive and meaner. Also, BONUS coverage of Tucker Carlson's post Trump-Biden debate analysis which is also priceless!!! ENJOY!!! This is why I have said that a Trump-Tucker Ticket would be amazing, but I do hope he chooses Dr. Ben Carson or Byron Donalds.

Please pray that the United States Supreme Court rules in FAVOR of President Trump in his immunity case, which the decision will be this coming Monday. This is by far the most consequential case the court has EVER heard and I meant that. Not only could President Trump die in a prison cell if God for bid somehow they steal it again, but more importantly America will NEVER be able to defend herself from our enemies ever again because any future act by any future President could be criminally prosecuted. This means we would likely refrain from defending ourselves due to fear of being prosecuted at the Hague for war crimes. If you think I lost my mind and went bat$hit crazy I have not. PRAY with everything you have that the court sides in favor of Immunity...

If you liked yesterday's "Bernstein Breakdown" you are going to LOVE this one even more. President Trump MUST pick a Black Conservative as his Vice President. HE ABSOLUTELY MUST!!!!!! He is doing amazing with Black Voters and he MUST capitalize on this momentum. I PRAY he is doing a "head fake" and throwing off the media and instead will pick Dr. Ben Carson or Byron Donalds. The left is lying in wait like a savage tiger ready to pounce. They are waiting for his choice first. If he picks Bergum or Vance they are going to switch out Biden with Big Mike faster than his dick can spin in Obama's corn pop hole lol. Don't forget to tip your waitress!

Some very good news for a change. #1 Kansas, Louisiana, Idaho, Utah, and Mississippi all joined now to sue Pfizer and Moderna for Vaccine injuries and deaths. They soon could be joined by Florida, Montana, and Missouri, and hopefully many more. #2 House votes 3-2 to de-legitimize the Jan 6th Committee and followed with an emergency petition to SCOTUS to keep Steve Bannon out of jail. #3 FBI committed multiple crimes during illegal Mar A Lago raid including shutting off the cameras. #4 FBI scumbags admit to tampering with and doctoring fake classified documents. #5 Get ready for Jacked Up Joe and his mean vitriol against Trump on Thursday night. Trump needs to not take the bait and stay calm and measured and destroy Joe on his record which Democrats are telling Joe not to discuss lol. All this in 20 minutes? How do I do it?

What is Provigil? This is a legal drug used to treat severe narcolepsy and sleeping disorders. This is what Biden will be on for the debate on Thursday.

I am cautiously optimistic they will turn back towards freedom, law and order, and liberty. But anyone of these decisions could and likely will put us on a bullet train to totalitarianism if God for bid these Justices rule against the Constitution. What will they do? We will all know soon enough...PRAY for our Nation. PRAY for these Justices to do the right thing.

Tim Kaine, is a Clinton Klingon. A politician with zero talent who has never won an election on his own merit. He is a grifter, a keyboard warrior, whose only fear has been getting a paper cut in his air conditioned office. It is time to send a REAL AMERICAN to the Senate and that candidate is Hung Cao, who has the endorsement of President Trump and now Josh Bernstein. It is time to retire Tim "the Paine" Kaine... HUNGFORVA.COM

So about 20 minutes or so in the power went out. Bad storms in the area so I put up an image for the rest of it.

The Great Replacement Theory is 100% real and the regime just admitted to it which is treason. The Disney Corporation is actively discriminating against hiring white males, and a very sad look at the vaccine injured.

Lots of talk about Joe Zombie being replaced? Could it happen? Is the upcoming debate a sacrificial lamb for Joe Biden? Setting him up to fail so miserably they have to replace him? I smell a set up....

The SCOTUS has 28 monumental and important decisions to decide in the next two weeks. Tonight we discussed three of their most important and impactful cases. Pray these three cases are decided by the court's majority as they could effect each and everyone of our lives.

I was so busy editing I had to skip the images so look closely at the thumbnail please. Biden's promise to "pardon" his crackhead son is about as real as his new immigration policy. Scumbag AG Merrick No Balls Judy Garland deserve to be buried underneath the jail not in it. Monkeypox created by Dr. Death Falsey to kill more people than Covid and is it Dr. Ben Carson?

Last night I had an emergency that I had to take care of. So I apologize for not having a show. Everything is all good so no worries. Hunter Biden's Gun Trial is already winding down. Do you think he will be held accountable? I won't hold my breathe that's for sure.

Lot to unpack here in this one. Could it be Dr. Ben Carson, God I hope so. The Covid "Vaccine" has been legally ruled not a "vaccine. Let the legal floodgates open wide. Gavin is a dumbass who has to pay back 53 million in an already bankrupt state. And a suggestion for the great Caitlin Clark.

Can you say forced error mistrial? One jury just blew up Merchan's entire non case and it is beautiful. Plus is Hobbs going to be prosecuted by her own Attorney General??

This actually was last night's show. i don't even know what happened but I was sooooooooooo damn busy yesterday, I found time to record, John put it all together, and then I just literally forgot to put it up last night? I literally was so busy I forgot to put the show up? I've never done that before.

CORRECTION: Thankfully the WHO Treaty was NOT signed but these psychopaths did agree to keep negotiating towards an agreement which I pray will NEVER come to fruition.

I was not at my studio and instead was someplace without good lighting so we did audio only. We cover a whole host of topics, too many for me to even remember but there is a ton of good content here. ENJOY!

I could be wrong, but I am going to go with what Alan Dershowitz recently said. He feels Merchan will sentence Trump to 60 or 90 days in jail but will allow either house arrest or a suspended sentence on appeal. The optics of jailing Trump would backfire on the regime in a way where I think they might not go that far. Judge Merchan is a dirty cocksucker and Alvin Bragg's his hoodlum black bitch.

This was a really fun but solemn Full Access. It is so great to hear what you all have to say. I wish more of you would join this discussions because all of your voices are important. I learn something from each one of these shows and they are why I do what I do on a daily basis. Thank you all. Also we are at 52 pre orders. Not bad but we can do much better. If you haven't ordered a copy of Preserving Liberty yet please do here:


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

747 videos

Category News & Politics

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