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About 9 degrees F today in Michigan and it snowed last night. I only feed them through winter but start in Fall and quit in spring. yes the squirrel gets fed too, but goes for sunflower seed and leave the little birds plenty of little seed. I tricked him or he tricked me. The hawk is fed too but that doesn't stop the doves. He's a jerk but also hungry.

Song: Love Raining down on You
GROOVED OUT by Jason Piekacz

I repaired a few things on my circuit bent Casio after years of use. I wanted to see what a kid would do with a circuit bent keyboard and found out in about 2 minutes she glitched it! I decided to fix everything and made this video of my LFO mod. The idea was to connect pin 2 and pin 3 of the 555 Timer and pan between square and triangle wave outputs to control my Vactrol. I did no math and used a pot to gauge my LED's and trimmers for calibration. I ended up connecting the output of pin 3 to a NPN transistor and did the same for pin 2. the collectors were connected to a 3.3 volt supply and the emitters were ran to resistors, capacitors and pots to create any effect you could wish for. finally the width of the wave shape and rate was controlled by a 220 mF cap on a pot and connected tp the output of the 10 mF cap on pin 2. this gave me duration and rate lengthening like analog gears. The alternating led circuit used VCO of 3.3 volts and the 555 Timer has a VCO of 4.5 volts. This allows the effective and pleasing use of delay and cut off alternating with bends. the Cut Off is toggled to either Vactrol and this creates an up or down effect. I was able to low pass the bends and then high pass the delay and normal keyboard sound. This is the magic I was after.

Added echo delay rate change pitch bend distortion super echo and some light feedback panning from echo to something else. I was going for pink Floyd but I was told it sounds like boards of Canada. Added a static shield grounded and it works pretty good. also slapped on the touch sensitive led vue meter. It does the knight rider thing when it isn't being played so I had to have it. Was tons of fun and the original speaker is still in tact. I was playing through a 1/4 inch jack strait to the computer recording. Another keyboard can be played into a 1/8 inch jack that uses every effect except for the keyboard pitch bend.

Built the Eric Archer LPF for Resonance, Cut off or Low pass Filter, and Mix. Made a simple 555 timer circuit for LFO to control 2 transistors that control Led's. Used 5 Photo cell resistors to create a Vactrol that controls 5 effects. modified square wave of LFO to more of a sine wave. Built the Synthrotek Delay. Added an Amp with External Speaker.

Links :
Eric Archer LPF:


Synthrotek Delay:



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Found a good Alpha Juno Programmer using Novation Remote Zero SL as a synth controller. I was able to download a template onto Novation Remote Zero Editor and change the name and location of knobs. Then I used Inkscape to design an overlay skin that Syleflip.com printed for the midi controller. The I added some knobs. Works well.

Style flip has an overlay for Novation Remote 25 SL, Not Zero Sl. I spoke with them and they seem willing to modify for Remote Zero Sl. They called me back and were nice to deal with. I just cut off the skin to fit my novation.

On the Alpha Juno Midi needs to be set to Channel 2 and System Exclusive set to on.

Midi out on Novation plugs into Midi in on Alpha Juno.

Download the template for Novation Remote, Unzip it and follow instructions. Open the template In the Remote Zero Editor. You can click and drop to move things around and rename buttons. The Editor has instruction on how to send template to the Novation.

A good video on how to load and save a template on Remote Zero Sl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1_JC...

Novation Editor: https://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0geK...

Roland MKS 50 Template For Novation Remote: https://resource.novationmusic.com/si...

6 bends connected to the wiper of a pot and a very reactive bend point to one of the other terminals. Used an old computer bus wire that is insulated.

To make it sound good and last: Used high rent pots and 3 way on off on switches as well as insulating most all wires and used 3M Duct tape for static shield on entire bottom of case. Glue everything.

Featuring Liquid Drums Live made by my Casio MT-65 V

Song made 2018 with circuit bent casio mt-65 and Yamaha DD-55c drums.

Song I made in 2017 using a Casio MT-100, Fender bass, Yamaha DD-55c electronic drums and one octive up for voice effects.

Instrumental Dance Music I made a few years back with software.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

9 videos

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