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Prem Ojas


Stand for yourself, do not have a leader, do not vote, pay cash, do not visit supermarket's, help people in need... not giving them cash... no really helping them !

To believe in or not,
that's the Quest.

kent u Videre? doe ze de groetjes van Prem Ojas

Don't worry, first part is only 1.5 minutes, left over is beautiful piano music...

The Sustainable Development Goals.

SDG 1 benefit dependency,
SDG 2 genetically modified food,
SDG 3 forced vaccinations,
SDG 4 mass indoctrination,
SDG 5 destruction of the family,
SDG 6 rationed water,
SDG 7 cameras everywhere,
SDG 8 no property rights,
SDG 9 slave labor,
SDG 10 communism,
SDG 11 prison cities,
SDG 12 one currency,
SDG 13 rationed energy,
SDG 14 control of all marine life,
SDG 15 control of all life on land,
SDG 16 permanent war,
with of course. finally !,
SDG 17 the world government.

Dear awoken people never ever do the tricky survey.
This is to let you know that there applied rules...
No-Way... when you do not sign for our rules - i just click to access, that all.
I did not agree to any of your appealed law's... Be free, let others be free !
As long you do not make a other living soul and his/her property a victim !

Flat humor…

As soon as you come up with that pancake soil,
like a thunderclap, fanatical flat believers
emerge from their Matrix holes and scream
at the top of their lungs that THEY are awake,
and the 'round' followers do not.

Then I think something is not
properly understood.

Waking up is of consciousness,
and not whether something is flat or round.

That is pure matter, the substance,
this material manifestation that appears so
convincing that people believe it is real.

To wake up, regardless of whether something is flat,
round or square, is to realize that All is One,
excluding nothing and no one.

And those who shout the loudest that people of other
faiths are still asleep are far from awake themselves.

The moment your inner eyes open, you will
see that everything is very different than
we could ever imagine.

So let's not call each other flat or round sissies, but
let's step out of that material hypnosis and realize
that everything is as it is, whatever form it takes.

Finally, no one is right,
not even me… sometimes…

Rob Meyer,
June 13, 2024

please be aware... Go slow, cause they do not know themselves...

What are we doing with tax-money, wasting it...

Accountability is when you accept responsibility for
the consequences of your actions, words, and decisions.

"Ancient Aliens"
if you love to believe please do... when you stop 'believing', you will be free at last...

was not allowed on fb so that's why here...

it's clear, covid it's self doesn't exist..
we are fooled

Who gonna see it totally ?

To take a mud bath seem to be very healty

Bullying is taken to unimaginable extremes when a student is raped at an exclusive private boys school.

Poor boy, hopefully He is still alive

'De Koning' zegt wat.

Laat 'm eens met en onder het gewone volk leven voor 3 jaren.
Waarschijnlijk dat hij zulke onzin dan niet meer uitkraamt ....

22-09-'23 gedownload


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

49 videos

Category Education

No one is sure what's going on, please eyes wide open, see for your self, don't believe all these lies, prepare for the worst, may god bless you