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Welcome back to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. This video will be the last campaign video until Difficulty Tweak. But don't worry, there will still be some more Titanfall 2 content to come. We're not done with the game yet. But for now, let's give our farewells to BT.

*Straight into the gameplay: 1:50

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfof8OTG1N4&pp=ygUcdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgYWxsIGNvbGxlY3RpYmxlcw%3D%3D

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

Welcome back to titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. today we're hopping into some big titan battles, and probably the most annoying boss fight in the whole game. When you get to hell Viper, tell them Cooper sent you.

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:00

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfof8OTG1N4&pp=ygUcdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgYWxsIGNvbGxlY3RpYmxlcw%3D%3D

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

Welcome back to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. Hopping back in from where I previously left off. And it's times for some boss battles. Hadn't done one of these in a fps in a long time.

*Note: This video is late and out of order do to some minor setbacks behind the scenes.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfof8OTG1N4&pp=ygUcdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgYWxsIGNvbGxlY3RpYmxlcw%3D%3D

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:35

For a good minute I've been hearing some people wonder why Pride month seems to overshadow Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. Today I'm going to be tackling this topic because I believe I have the answers. Sources for my research on this topic will be down below. Yes, I did some research to makes sure my suspected answers may be correct.

*Sources Related to Men's Mental Health Awareness Month---


*Sources on Pride Month---


*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Previous Pride Video:

Welcome back or welcome if this is your first time visiting my channel. About a week ago from the time of this video's publishing date I made video talking about the Disney Primos controversy from the perspective of an American Hispanic/Latino. Today's video is a continuation of the previous top as well as a reaction video to a creator by the name of Cartoonshi. Whom made a video on the matter himself with his final verdict being the hate was justified. As you can probably tell be the thumbnail, I'm not to happy with what I reacted to.

Yes, Disney's Hades is their to represent the mood I was in while reacting to this. It just seemed like the perfect asset to use to represent my mood as well as a character that just happens to be a Disney character. Yeah, he's not like my avatar or anything like that. Just an image to represent my mood.

Now just to be clear, I do not hate Cartoonshi or have any ill will towards him. I'm just not happy with him speaking on a matter related to an experience he doesn't understand. The experience of being an American Latino. Which I can understand growing up as one. Now he doesn't necessarily need to be one to know or understand the experience because who could have asked others or done some research. Unfortunately, the only good research he did was on the show itself and it's controversy around it. As well as why the show hasn't premiered yet even though it's premier date has already past.

Admittedly, this was not information I knew before watching this video. And he did do a good job on his research on the show and it's controversy, but if he did some more digging on American Latinos and our experiences, well let's just say we wouldn't be here and I wouldn't have made this.

To get the full context of the video or if you want to see it for yourself before you see my reaction then click the link below to his video.

*Cartoonshi's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSy9GIlgRhA

*My previous video on the topic: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cJSmIR9JhbdF/

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

Welcome back to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. Hopping back in to get the beacons running. I'm really taking a liking to BT.

*Straight into the gameplay: 1:25

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfof8OTG1N4&pp=ygUcdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgYWxsIGNvbGxlY3RpYmxlcw%3D%3D

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

Welcome back to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. getting back into it from where we left off and I feel like talking a little bit about the dangers of time travel. Just a little bit. On another note, this game design is freaking beautiful.

*Straight into the gameplay: 1:35

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfof8OTG1N4&pp=ygUcdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgYWxsIGNvbGxlY3RpYmxlcw%3D%3D

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

By the time this video is published the Disney show PRIMOS will have already premiered. So I'm going retrospect on the whole controversy around it a year ago and give my personal thoughts on the matter along with my personal experience as a Latino. I don't typically touch on controversies let alone other forms of media I'm personally not interested in. But today is an exception cause I am interested in the outrage around it. Spoiler alert, the controversy is brain rottenly stupid.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Background Gameplay: Titanfall 2

*The Wiki Articles:


*The full theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jm6gG7SOhEc

*The video that made me want to talk about this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANzwWRFej2o&t=219s

-Introduction: 0:00
-What is PRIMOS?: 0:35
-Primary issues with this show: 2:15
-Might not be relatable: 2:15
-Might not be good representation: 8:40
-How to seek representative media: 16:25
-The intro theme song that upset people: 18:21
-Breaking down the names & nicknames: 10:15
-Improper Spanish Grammar: 27:25
-Learning Spanish as an American Hispanic: 30:55
-Concerns of show quality: 41:15
-tHiS sHoW iS rAcIsT!: 47:15
-Conclusion: 50:00
-A Testimony from my Aunts: 59:40
-A testimony from my grandparents: 1:04:15

It's that time of the month again. So I'm going to dive right into our topic today and give the solution to on going controversial discussion that I really think should be common sense and require no debate.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Background Gameplay: Titanfall 2

In my previous video on this topic I did find one video of one other group discussing the same thing as me last time I did research on this topic, but forgot to mention it in the video. Unfortunately they're the only ones. It was a recommended link to check out in the last video and will be linked here again as well. If you want to here another opinion.

*Recommended video: https://youtu.be/tU1mw3xj_Fs?si=QMaPLabhd0SzMIKi

*Previous video on the matter: https://youtu.be/iZbJOgi-NEI

Welcome back to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. Finally taking a look at the campaign and getting to know the Titan that made people fall in love with Titanfall 2.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:35

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfof8OTG1N4&pp=ygUcdGl0YW5mYWxsIDIgYWxsIGNvbGxlY3RpYmxlcw%3D%3D

*Past tutorial course: 10:25

Welcome back to DBD on Difficulty Teak. For those new to me may wonder what is Diffuclty Tweak. For those familiar with me may wonder why I'm doing a Difficulty Tweak on DBD. Click on the video to find out and see how difficult is killer is compared to the last. This is the no loadout Difficulty Tweak. Nothing but default settings on the killers.

This video will only include the game's based killers and will not include any DLC killers now or later due lack of ownership of DLCs and lack of interest to purchase them.

*NOTE: Click timestamps down below to get straight into the gameplay.

*Killer/Difficulty Timestamps---
-Trapper | Easy: 7:15
-Cloaker | Easy: 20:30
-Hillbilly | Moderate: 30:25
-Huntress | Moderate: 41:35
-The Doctor | Hard: 52:46
-The Nurse | Very Hard: 1:04:37
-The Hag | Very Hard: 1:14:15

Welcome back to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. Today I'm hopping into the multiplayer aannndd..... How can I put this respectfully? This is freaking boring. No crazy LMG edits. Just my raw Experience.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 3:15

Welcome to Titanfall 2 on What Did I Miss. Turns out, quite a bit here. But before I get into the multiplayer or campaign, I wanna see the PvE wave mode. I'm a sucker for wave based survival modes. No crazy MLG edits. Just my RAW experience.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 6:35

Well peeps, I'm all caught up. Now it's time for one last match before I give my farewells. Now let's get this sh#t the hell off of my harddrive.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay---
-Hardline: 1:10
-BF4: 7:50

BONUS Difficulty Tweak! Going back to The Gauntlet Episode to run through it on the hardest difficulty and taking out every cop I see. Let's see how challenging it is or if it's a cake walk.

*Straight into the gameplay: 1:20

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVUIeB9YrCU&pp=ygUaYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgNCBjb2xsZWN0YWJsZXM%3D

Welcome back to DBD on WDIM and---YOU dumb old hag! What are your decoy alarms supposed to do?! Tickle them?! Your scarecrow tactics will not work on skilled survivors! Damnit!

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 3:25

Welcome back to DBD on What did I Miss. Moving on to the next killer and it's time to get the doctor. Because the nurse has nearly passed out before the match has started. GET THE NURSE HER INHALER! She's out of breath from getting the doctor his hooks.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 3:40

Welcome back to DBD on What Did I Miss. Today we're moving onto the next killer and a new set of survivors. Just what the doctor order. NURSE! Grab the prescription hooks!

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:10

Welcome back to DBD on What Did I Miss. Today's killer we're running with is the Huntress. Let's see if the lag will--- I mean game-- I mean, 'The Entity' will allow the Huntress to complete her task.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 3:40

Welcome back to DBD on What Did I Miss. Trying out the following killer by difficulty. In this video I'm going to show the survivors this Billy is this towering hill with eyes.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:45

#dbd #dbdkiller

Welcome back to Battlefield Hardline in the current most action pact mode still alive in Hardline. And yet I feel nothing.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNA0xzskMEU&pp=ygUoYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZXZpZGVuY2UgZnVsbCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D

*Gun Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DgynmCuwjM&pp=ygUiYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZ3VuIGxvY2F0aW9ucw%3D%3D

*Straight into the gameplay: 1:40

Welcome back to Battlefield Hardline multiplayer 2024 on What Did I Miss. Let's see if this game even still has a pulse.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNA0xzskMEU&pp=ygUoYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZXZpZGVuY2UgZnVsbCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D

*Gun Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DgynmCuwjM&pp=ygUiYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZ3VuIGxvY2F0aW9ucw%3D%3D

*Straight into the gameplay: 2:20

Welcome back to the final server check for Battlefield Hardline. For now, maybe. Serve check is where I check to see if a games multiplayer or servers in general (in the case of coop modes) & see if they're alive.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Previous server Checks---
-BFH Server Check #1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/IKX2zi3x5wwA/

-BFH Sever Check #2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3o9J5QMC5h6o/

-BF3 Sever Check: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GfbBDDfv3izR/

Final Selected Hardline mission on Difficulty Tweak. Let's put our full skills to the test and see if it's a true challenge.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNA0xzskMEU&pp=ygUoYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZXZpZGVuY2UgZnVsbCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D

*Gun Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DgynmCuwjM&pp=ygUiYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZ3VuIGxvY2F0aW9ucw%3D%3D

*Difficulty Timestamps---
-Cadet: 2:35
-Officer: 21:15
-Veteran: 36:40
-Hardline: 1:00:55

Back on Hardline for Difficulty Tweak to try out the one mission on Hardline with vehicle combat.

*Other Channels: http://linktr.ee/hk47

*Collectibles Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNA0xzskMEU&pp=ygUoYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZXZpZGVuY2UgZnVsbCBndWlkZQ%3D%3D

*Gun Locations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DgynmCuwjM&pp=ygUiYmF0dGxlZmllbGQgaGFyZGxpbmUgZ3VuIGxvY2F0aW9ucw%3D%3D

*Difficulty Timestamps---
-Cadet: 1:30
-Officer: 16:30
-Veteran: 29:45
-Hardline: 47:10


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

375 videos

Category Vlogging

Welcome & Hello to anyone reading this. My name is Hyperr Khaotic, & I'll be doing several things on my channel. and it will not be strict to one type of content. If you may be interested in what I have to offer down below, feel free to subscribe.

Gaming playthroughs, mission by mission and What Did I miss where I play old games I missed out on when I was younger.

*The Dank Hill-
The show where I will review Cannabs/Nicos & Cannabs & Nico accessories. Cannabs short for cannabis & Nicos short for Nicotine.

*Khaotic's Collection-
Series of me looking at collectables. As well as my own personal collection(s).

I don't consider this a commentary channel, news channel or drama channel. Nor do I care if a hot topic goes cold by the time I talk about it. If I feel like talking about a certain topic/subject whether it's hot, notable or not, I don't care. If I feel like talking about something then I'll talk about it. If I have something to say, I'm going to say it. Agree or disagree, your views and comments are appreciated and your opinions are welcomed.

I might get try other stuff too down the line. But this up above will be the primary channel content.

My quality may not be the best, but I will get better. And I just like to make and edit. For as tedious as it can be, I enjoy editing. To hear more about the content on the channel and to know the channel schedule, click on the video link below for the channel schedule update.
