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**original post** Australia vaccine stadium for children monitored by the police. Parents are not allowed in, 3 children collapsed, and 2 are in a coma! Video from a close friend in Australia. It’s at the sydney Olympic Park Qudos Arena. Vaccinate your kids they say... GENOCIDE


This is heart breaking to listen to. I really hope we are at the end of a cycle like kali yuga and all these monsters get what they deserve or cease to exist or something.

Imagine you're Woody Allen (even his first name in this context turns my stomach) and your phone rings

Ring ring and he's like hello and the most beautiful voice on the other end says hey woody it's me Jesus and we need to talk and woody will be like it's a good thing I don't believe in you hotshot

Then Jesus is like I'm standing right behind you- The End

Anyway I thought you Christians are all about forgiveness and turning the other cheek

and my response is

Keep reading


Spamdemic classic that should never be forgot.

For the bamily. Bam! Now drag on and so forth.

How you know Trump and Biden are on the same team:

They don't actually talk about what's actually happening. In all actuality they're likely two fingers on the same hand, actually. That's how it seems to me. They won't say the real T. They allude to different truthzzz, but only to gain our trust so they can Bill Cosby us later after the dinner and movie. It's called being zzz pilled when they lie you to sleep to use you. Or it could be 75d chess (75d pilled) for all I know, but I'm not optimistic.

Also, one of the great pleasures in my current day to day is the thought that someone like the great James Corbet would read my posts. Not because I think they're funny or whatever, but to critize my grammar. He does it all the time to his fans who send him questions and it's hilarious. So I think he would have a meltdown (melt pilled) and not only would it be funny, but also we'd all learn a thing or two, about when to use a comma and when not to. #commapilled

Are you vaccinated?
It’s time to sue your doctor .. 🧑‍⚕️ share this everywhere

You can also sue your pharmacy 👇 ☠️💉

What happens when you trust the psyop.

It's true there is a part of me that would love to see drivers just sailing along, not stopping as the red mist catches the sunlight.... glinting, but I digress.

Just stop oil is the result of dangerous misinformation. Irony has always been in the room with us here on the farm. These misguided young people are incredibly valuable. Beyond the obvious intrinsic value that I'd assign even to myself, they are important. Young people turned out by the state to create chaos and division to help destroy human freedom and dignity. So why win them back? The kakistocracy would lose a useful idiot each time we get through. Think of the uniquely powerful pov they will have if they get a chance to undo the brainwashing. Their/them story can reach other young people who are still on the Plantation sweating due to climate catastrophe, I mean climate boiling and all the other psychological torture traps big brother has set for them. At least as much as possible (amap, shit).

Support him here. No bull

Most people don't stand a chance. Gullible isn't even a real word and so forth. This is incredibly dangerous to our democracy.

The world is full of Burt's and Mike's and quivering knock kneed butchers on Broadway who believe they've got it figured out and are sure they know who to hate and who not to hate while being all about tolerance (yay🤗🌈). When their sharpest arrow is only you're a bum and not any real arguments you know you're wasting your time. We are all so dumbed down that we think just regurgitating some cleverly crafted TV morsel sound bite is enough. I know I'm retarded, I was after all raised here by them while eating poison 💉 and being abused by earlier generations that went through earlier versions of the process. The funniest part about my all encompassing retardation is it took me to tell you about the mask, lockdowns, the toxshot and more. So all your clucking and cucking for the man, what has it got you? Things? What other people think? A high horse to look down on me from while we both stand behind the same barbed wire fences under the same cctv cameras in the same concentration camp. My child, what about the emptiness(terror) you feel? Guess it's hard to notice the camp when your vision is filled with: Things, What other people think, A high horse, burls, etc. So my jellyfish critics fall back on "you were mean to kids. I saw it on the NEWS!" and " you're a bum" and blah blah fuming blah. I'm reminded of that greasy film Fight Club and the "you're not your fucking khakis, you're not your fucking car" lines. Right now I don't have those things to be proud of so I can pretend to be better than you because I can pretend to be above it. Lol or its possible I've learnt or am learning it.

Anyway, I say all that to say this: let's keep fighting over bullshit while the enemy picks the lock at the front door. Also why is it always these wimpy white 'men' who are so hostile to me? Could be the same reason, for example, why the moral degenerate victim class gravitated so heavily to trusting pig pharma and being good little mask nazis abusing anyone the states propaganda didn't work on during the spamdemic. You do the meth.

Something about ouroboros and they/them believing in a system/the state because it supports the identity the system tricked and drugged and groomed them into in the first place while the propaganda convinces them/they that they're under attack and anyone critical of or questioning what the state is doing to them hates they/them and therefore the state is here to protect and therefore the state is good and altruistic. Trust the psyop. That is not to say they/them are unworthy of love. Its very much the opposite, they need more love and support. Its obvious right, just because they're somebody else's child doesn't mean they're not all of our child. I mean we should care about others the way we care about our own. Having gone through my version of it I can relate. My inclination is to love them, though they can't see it because of the things I say, its still true and this is a process, today I've made it this far or thus far, thus far.

The most important video on the internet part seven thousand three hundred eighty two point six zero five five zero nine, etc.

I actually haven't seen the original video. Someone sent me this song a few minutes ago and my life can never be the same. I think if 'just stop oil' starting using this song during their/them public outreach and networking events like the one we just witnessed at Stonehenge, they could gain even more support than the 46 17 year olds they got now, well anyway, this sentence has gone on just about long enough..

More info on the women

How we lost the war. Jk he's probably John Conner today. Though he does remind me of the guy who told me to go fight for Ukraine. 🔴

Vigilante Music
By truthmusictdv (not on Hive yet)
Originally posted here:

Follow The Neon Droid:

With this new approach we might just solve the problem of collapsing birth rates.

In this era of innovation and inside the box thinking, we now see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Now here's Tom with the weather...

Local pedestrian makes major breakthrough in combating declining population. This will prove to be unimaginably impactful for gen Z and woketardia.
Find the artist here

By charlie.robinson (@macroaggressions on Hive)

We know that the ruling class would like nothing more than for half of us to drop dead, so in looking 70 years into the past at life expectancy and demographics, have they been able to achieve their Malthusian fantasies over the decades to advance their goal of a culled population? Actually, yeah they have, and the numbers are terrifying.

Sure, people are living much longer, but the number of people being born these days is down massively from where it was just half a century ago. This is due to the Infertility Industrial Complex and the amount of money that is sloshing through there from NGOs pushing depopulation and involuntary sterilization, to the egg-freezing market being offered by all the Silicon Valley Big Tech companies as a corporate perk.

The Octopus of Global Control Audiobook:


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Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger talk to Swann about why the Netanyahu government might have allowed this attack to take place.

The Jimmy Dore show

Ben Swann on Twitter: / benswann_
Ben’s website:

"America is BUILDING these secret facilities in all 50 states" WHY?!? | Redacted with Clayton Morris

America is secretly building large scale detention facilities in all 50 states. Will they be used to house illegal immigrants? The answer is no and the real reason is far more nefarious. Former customs and border protection, supervisor JJ Carrelll shares this unbelievable story. You can pre-order J.J.'s new documentary called Treason right here:

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The new food guidelines are not based on what is best for you. They are based on what is - supposedly - good for the environment. But WHO and your government is trying to sell it to you as healthy for you as well. It is important that we understand that those are two different things. In fact, the new guidelines have the potential to make people very sick.

Subscribe to to be notified about new videos and get updates about my novels. Useful links and further resources can also be found here.


Before everyone shits themselves let me explain... 🔴

This is incredibly dangerous to our democracy.

Let the race wars begin... just be sure to buy your bullets and bandages from he who will not be named.

Yeah maybe. I think this could be a trick. Here's why.

I wonder if part of the chemtrail agenda is just to drive us crazy. Day in and day out we see it and we feel powerless and we Believe it is making us sick. That's powerful in itself.

So now they want you to think that your dreams are not yours, that you are never alone and advertisers aka the gobernment now occupy your sleep time.

It wasn't that long ago that people were all a buzz about the US I.R.S. buying millions of rounds of hollow point ammunition and the info wars side jumped on it and pushed the fear that the gov agents are coming to shoot you. What was it really? I mean infowars could be right, but so far it's just words. Words with a big impact and I wonder if those words increased the amount of money they were able to steal from people.

This video is how they get in your head but also LRAD ELF PDQ XYZ, etc.

Also they dont cover this at clown college, so I had to piece it together on my lonesome

Source material

20 million dead, 2 billion injured is the claim made by the man in the blue coat.

There is a lot of snake venom in the water, the well has been poisoned. I mean, how do we tell what's true?These days anybody can set up some chairs and a couple fake ferns and interview dudes in blue coats and call it the science.

If this is true or not, one thing I know is it does seem risky to be injected with an untested self-replicating gene therapy pushed by 1. our governments (are you fucking kidding me?) 2. Media whores ( the people that helped lie us into Iraq and helped murder hundreds of thousands of people) 3. Bill Gates (said he'll use vaccination to reduce global population, his father was a central banker eugenicist that helped found planned parenthood) 4. Pig pharma (huge profits, zero liability, doing it to help humanity). 5. every average npc because the tv said so. Also pushed by hollywood/pedowood, UN WHO WEF WNBA, etc.

I know let's pump that toxic shite into babies. Now what should we do about all this flouride toxic waste...

54 seconds plus I also have had eyes over the past whatever and have seen the death cult called pharma run amok with an unprecedented kill rate that would make even the most ardent commie blush.



A false dichotomy is a logical fallacy where only two options are given as solutions and everything else is ignored. The state either wants you to be a jellyfish or a killer. I wouldn't choose either.

I've been home invaded and I've confronted a man climbing through my kitchen windows, after breaking it, and I handled it with out killing him. That's not to say there's not a part of me that thinks they should get killed and loves seeing the fafo thieves getting f*cked videos, but I know it is wrong. It's poison and we're being fed it for a reason. Same reason every Liam Niesom movie for the past 15 years is about revenge and murder and presented in a way that's justified so it's okay. They did after all kill his dog after his wife died so hundreds must die. A short wick, kinda right on the nose 🔴. They seek to program us to rip each other apart when the trumpets blare. They know if they put sugar (revenge, victimhood, righteousness) on it we'll gobble it all up. So much so that we have type 2 revenge diabetes, but don't worry diabetes is good for this economy. Think of the jobs making caskets alone, now that's employment.

We going viral baby. I'm trying to think of something cunty to say. Looks like my fans will have to just look forward to the next post. Also, just focus on the good times you've had with cunty things I've said in the past....

Super foods


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

815 videos

Category News & Politics

Clown Show


Hebrews 10:24-25