The Dean Of Oz

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The Dean Of Oz

The Dean Of Oz


Rosa opens the lid and exposes what the environmental movement, Sustainable Development and U.N AGENDA21 is truly about.

David Irving exposes hidden historical facts concerning Churchill, the WW2 and Nazi Germany.

This 2012 film criticises fractional reserve banking, debt-based economy and political lobbying by banks, which it regards as a serious threat to Western civilisation. It criticises the War on Terror, which it maintains is not fought to eliminate al-Qaeda and other militant organizations, but to create larger debt to the banks.

An examination and insight into the Jewish supremacist mindset.

Full Documentary

An examination of 9/11 and the evidence that points to the part Israel played in it.

A brilliant documentary on the Jewish Bolshevik atrocities carried out against Russian Christians and others.

This documentary exposes the atrocities committed against the German people directly after WW2.

An examination of the lies, manipulation, coercion and corruption that was carried out during the false pandemic.

History is a lie. Another great documentary that shines a light on the crimes that were committed against Germany during and after WW2 and what those who rule this world don't want the masses to know. This film contains disturbing material. Viewer discretion advised.

A documentary that shows how they get away with it and why there will never be another honest election again.

An in depth exposé of the Climate Change lie, interviews with scientists that aren't funded by the Billionaires and Corporations who are making a fortune from renewable energy and the global warming agenda, plus how Governments and the U.N are using the agenda to bring in new laws and codes which will give them the ability to micromanage the lives of every human on Earth.

An eye opening exploration of who and how the Zionists own and control the United States in the present day and their involvement in 9/11.

A look at the misery, skulduggery, Crimes Against Humanity and suffering caused by Big Pharma, Government, and Complicit Doctors, Nurses, Police officers, Media and Corporations during the Pseudo Covid19 Pandemic.

The Corporatisation of our Countries and our Lives.

A James Jaeger film.
Globalists in the power elite—working through the United Nations—are waging war against property rights, gun rights and capitalism in order to usher in a Marxist World Order. This war is known as “Agenda 21”.
Considered a “conspiracy theory” by the mainstream media and other apologists of globalisation, the flagship term for Agenda 21—”sustainable development”—crops up in thousands of federal, state and local government laws, regulations, policies and documents. So is Agenda 21 really just a “theory”?
The UN says “sustainable development” is simply the “environmental movement” reconfiguring the planet into a safe, green world. Others maintain it’s the forced inventory and control of all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, building projects and human beings on the planet. In other words, a blueprint for what many fear could morph into a totalitarian world government. So what’s the real agenda behind Agenda 21?

Exposing how the agenda to normalise animalistic behaviour and how those responsible are brainwashing children to achieve their goals. This is a long game and just one in the Cultural Marxist/Zionist playbook to destroy the Western World from within.

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing.

The Ashkenazi infiltration and Cultural Genocide of the Western World.

This episode exposes and proves that the Jews of todays Israel have no linage that can be traced back to Abraham. The are fakes and imposters. The Bloodlines are exposed.

Getting away with Human Rights Violations and Genocide while the world watches on and does nothing.

The British Zionist Plot for World Domination and the abuse, torture, murder and Human Rights Violations carried out on the Palestinian people by Zionist Israel.


Created 6 months, 1 week ago.

52 videos

Category Education