Jim Rizoli

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Jim Rizoli

Jim Rizoli


*** Weather, Hurricane Beryl
*** Jim’s health update
*** Hoaxbusters
*** jpconference.net
*** Holodomor
*** Henry Herskovitz report.
*** Election atrocity - VOTE? Write in - NO CONFIDENCE
What an Awful Choice! Eric Margolis https://ericmargolis.com/2024/06/what-an-awful-choice/
This week’s presidential debate [June 27] made me both horrified and dismayed. Here was the world’s most powerful nation trying to decide which elderly candidate to select as its presidential candidate. Maybe the best expression is ‘cringe-worthy.’ Joe Biden was left looking feeble and halting before the bombastic Trump … The former president’s mouth is his biggest enemy as well as his strongest point. Biden was shockingly inarticulate. Few should doubt that President Biden is much too old for a second term … The Biden White House is under the thumb of a cabal of pro-Israel neocons allied to the extreme right wingers now in power in Israel … What a dark time in US history. America seems to be going the way of the old Soviet Union, with a decrepit leadership sitting atop a sea of corruption.
The Debate Should Be a Wake-Up Call For Americans Ron Paul
… The danger posed by our foreign policy seemed to escape both candidates, who each tried to convince us they were “tougher” than the other. Despite Donald Trump’s sober and accurate warning that Joe Biden has taken us to the brink of World War III, his solution to the problem is doing more of the same. His stated foreign policy seems to be that were he in office the rest of the world would not dare do anything against his will … But the world does not work that way. Decades of US sanctions placed on any country that fails to do what Washington demands have backfired and led to the emergence of a block of countries united in their resistance to American dictates. Being “tough” on less-powerful countries may work…until it doesn’t. That’s where we are today. Neither candidate seems to realize that the world has changed.
*** SFR into FTJ
*** Barbara Jansen’s harassment from the MA Police
*** Main books - moneytreepublishing.com
THE SIX MILLION, FACT OR FICTION ( Featured on Hoaxbusters each week)


Jim and (Late Joe Rizoli), Diane King (Dianna Ploss)
*** RADIO: https://speakfreeradio.com/category/podcasts/hoaxbusters/
*** VIDEO/AUDIO: speakfreeradio.com/hoaxbustersvideoopens in a new tab
Recommended Channels
BITCHUTE - Jim Rizoli - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/kDHBE5vylTdI/
GOYIM TV - HOLOTRUTHER - https://www.goyimtv.tv/channel/2244538652/Holotruther/videos
BRIGHTEON - RizoliTV - https://www.brighteon.com/channels/jimrizoli
UGETUBE: https://ugetube.com/@nosixmillion
ODYSEE: https://odysee.com/@RizoliTV:d
Recommended Videos/Links
**** moneytreepublishing.com/shop
**** THE HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE, Dr. E. Michael Jones
**** Joe's BitChute videos: https://www.BitChute.com/channel/aErQDXgmf3tO/
**** https://www.voy.com/241653/
**** Holocaust links
****** http://colchestercollection.com??/subjects??/holocaust??.html
****** Holocaust Deprogramming Course: https://ia801707.us.archive.org??/26??/items??/holo??-deprogramming??-course??/Holo??%20Deprogramming??%20Course??%20??.pdf
****** Holocaust Handbooks
****** AMREG https://armreg.co.uk/

Holocaust Facts: https://justpaste.it/7zupf
Zundel videos: https://archive.org/details/zundel-videos

There are more of us than them.

This tax is still out there and no one seems to care

Another controversial topic

Can't dispute the basic facts

Catchy song

*** Cow report on our street, pestered by untethered dogs.
*** VAX DEATHS - https://old.bitchute.com/video/t2qjEaDrvDg4/
*** Atrocities BY THE JEWS, People Forget WHAT Happened, Holodomers (3), July 4, 2024
*** Jim’s BitChute channel topic coverages
*** Cat flea collars
*** Jim’s health update.

Jews behind all of them
Holodomor - directed against the Christians.

*** Diane’s FOURTH OF JULY, 2024
*** Forget the Old Jokes, Foreign Policy Was the Real Debate Horror, Kelley Beaucar Vlahos - Responsible Statecraft
If one was hoping to distinguish how the two major presidential candidates view the most critical foreign policy issues of our time, the debate last night was a shattering disappointment. If one’s expectations were so low as to believe nothing but second-hand embarrassment would be gained from the exchanges last night, then maybe not so much. On Ukraine and Israel, President Biden and former President Trump inflated, conflated, and bloviated their way through 11 minutes of foreign policy discussion, only turning back to the topics in fleeting moments of taunting incoherence during the rest of the time on the stage.
*** Biden, Trump Go to Bat for Israel in Presidential Debate Middle East Monitor
Israel’s war on Gaza was a central feature of the first US presidential debate, with both current President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump, trying to outdo the other in positioning themselves as a champion of Israeli interests … The incumbent and his challenger, on Thursday night, traded barbs and bragged of all the ways they have helped Israel, along with pledges of continued support and remarks that drew outrage for their racist connotations. Biden inaccurately claimed that all parties, except Hamas, had agreed to the ceasefire proposal he announced on 31 May and had secured a comprehensive agreement for the three-part ceasefire plan, including from Israel. … Trump criticised Biden’s stance, calling him a so-called “bad Palestinian” and accusing him of preventing Israel from “finishing the job” against Hamas.

One nation is not allowed to celebrate their history or heritage

Germar's full talk at the JP conference

*** Jim’s Health Update
*** 2024 Review so far
*** Candace Owens - Let’s Talk about Hitler
*** Big Pharma - POISON distributors
*** Solution for depression? GET UP AND DO SOMETHING - Arbeit macht frei

Update, his latest topics

Owen Benjamin - Come to your own conclusions about FE based on the evidence and not the hype.

Jews have always run the Govts

Candace Owens meets the challenge and gives her thoughts

*** Jim’s recovery update
*** JP Conference Speakers

Former representative and author, 3x GA-D congresswoman, refused to sign a loyalty oath for Israel.