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Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

1 video

Category People & Family

Jozua is a resilient individual who has faced overwhelming challenges, leaving him with nothing and desperately seeking employment. Not too long ago, he enjoyed a comfortable life, stable job, and a sense of security. However, a devastating chain of events shattered his world, leaving him in a state of hardship and uncertainty.

Jozua's downfall began with the sudden closure of the company he worked for. As a result, he lost his job and his primary source of income. With the economy in turmoil, he struggled to find a new job in his field. Despite his qualifications and experience, the job market proved to be unforgiving, leaving him facing continuous rejection.

As months passed without any success in his job search, Jozua's financial situation deteriorated rapidly. He had to rely on dwindling savings and support from family and friends to meet his basic needs. The mounting pressure and stress took a toll on his emotional well-being, leaving him feeling anxious, defeated, and with a diminished sense of self-worth.

To make matters worse, he eventually lost his home due to his inability to keep up with mortgage or rent payments. This led him to move from place to place, couch-surfing at friends' homes or seeking temporary shelter in shelters for the homeless. This unstable living situation made it even more challenging for him to secure employment, as potential employers questioned his lack of a fixed address and the gaps in his work history.

Jozua's journey to find employment became an exhausting and emotionally draining process. He spent countless hours searching online job portals, attending job fairs, and networking with industry professionals, hoping for a breakthrough. Despite facing numerous setbacks and rejections, he refused to lose hope and continued to send out resumes and attend interviews with determination.

Throughout this ordeal, Jozua demonstrated incredible resilience and resourcefulness. He took on odd jobs and freelance work whenever possible to earn a meager income, no matter how menial the task. Even in the face of adversity, he remained committed to improving his skills and knowledge, enrolling in online courses and workshops to enhance his employability.