Hippie Buff Mom

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Hippie Buff Mom

Hippie Buff Mom


Pilots from all over the world are being recruited through the Internet to help with Weather modification.

These positions typically require Candidates to have extensive flight experience, as well as extensive experience in atmospheric science or meteorology. In addition, pilots must demonstrate proficiency in flying specialized aircraft equipped for cloud seeding, and other weather modification techniques, able to operate in variable weather conditions, and have excellent problem solving skills.


You can’t get more obvious than this!! Shaq literally shows off his Freemason ring for everyone to see. It’s part of his “profession” as he states.

Just a reminder, people are still dropping dead after these jabs. 17 year old badminton players shouldn’t be dying on the court.

What’s this baphomet saying now? Her and Zac Effron are the same people? Is she on drugs or trying to tell us something? I love how these Hollywood demons always do their 666 when they spew out their BS 😂

I may have posted this a few years ago, X Files literally tells us in several episodes that the government is trying to kill us through DNA altering vaccines.

Next time you sprinkle some spices on your food, make sure it’s a trusted and pure source. McCormick spices have a lawsuit against them for having heavy metals in their basil, ginger and tumeric. Heavy metals cause illness as well as cancer in our bodies.

Don’t know if this was recent, but here’s Satan’s girls on the view talking about jabs that don’t work since one of their hosts got covid, but make sure you get your new updated jab to keep yourself from getting covid!! Satan doesn’t take a break when it comes to money.

Obama admits the vaccine was “tested” worldwide on billions of people. He boasts how fast the vaccine came out. Operation warp speed was pushed by Trump. This proves that these politicians all back each other despite what they say.

This person who claims to be a man seem very feminine to me. It’s obvious now that I’m older. He has a lot of feminine features including the complete lack of a visible trachea and Adam’s apple.

Ralph seems to have been chosen to do particular photoshoots with the Freemason pose. Also his wife seems to have a more square and manly looking face than he does.

Evil right in our faces. Why is the number 113 appearing in movies like Monsters Inc? This video may explain it all.

That’s an interesting symbol on the window of the Bieber’s vehicle. I don’t believe for one second Hailey Bieber is pregnant. These Hollywood demons are not hiding what they represent.

Controlled opposition is here to confuse the masses and make us “believe” that they are telling us all these “truths” that others don’t know. The truth is, all these Hollywood and political demons push the same agenda, Satan.

Is this real life or AI? It’s hard to know what’s real or fake now a days. What do you think? This was on Twitter.

The whites are homeless and dying on the streets everywhere in Canada, while the immigrants of Canada are getting their rent and cars paid for by the Liberal government. This is the Kensington area in London Ontario. Justin Trudeau did a great work on Canada according to the WEF agenda…..

if you think Canada’s freedom fighters are actually helping Canada went back. It’s freedom… You are wrong. Theo Fleury is connected to the WEF, as well as Ezra Levant from Rebel News, Tamara Lich who “supposedly” went to jail for the “Trucker Convoy”, Chris Barber and more.

Why are these con artists winning awards? Does anybody ask themselves this question? It looks like a Hollywood award show. These are nothing but con artist making money off of your fear, winning awards for “freedom”. I’m telling you right now nobody is here to save us. Humanity needs to unite and save us, but everyone is non stop fighting all the time to help each other.

Honestly, if you are in the United States or any part of the world, it doesn’t matter who you vote for, they are all on the same team. All the politicians are here to deceive you, they are not for the people… Trump supports Israel much more than he supports his own country. Trump is a Zionist Jew, pretending to be Christian. Trump pushed the vaccine warp speed, and his worshippers either deny it or praise him while everybody is getting myocarditis, cancer or just dead from these vaccines, and meanwhile blaming Biden when Trump is the one who pushed those vaccines out warp speed…. he knew what he was doing. He is for Israel. This is a Jew takeover of the United States thanks to Trump and every United States president….. He is not your friend. Trump is an actor. Biden is an actor. They are all actors who want to imprison us in a slave world….if you haven’t figured that out yet, there is no saving you from your cognitive ignorant dissonance.

Pictures of Joe Biden from 1953 to present day.

All one evil giant club in our faces through the internet, movies, cartoons and celebrities

This is starting to get upsetting. These are all white people. The Syrians are fine. They get all their housing paid for by the liberal government.

This is so obvious right now that Kanye’s concert was a satanic ritual, like I mean look at what’s going on. And all the sheep just watching and participating 🤡

McDonald’s, the worst food out there. I mean, why would people think this is a good thing to eat? It’s apparent why obesity is an epidemic now. Most people walking on the street are fat and unhealthy now and totally unattractive in general. Yuck!

This is real. The mayor of Calgary tells Calgarians during a water main break to drink beer instead of water as the city attempts to restrict water use.

Funny how Mars looks like a place in Canada. It’s because it’s not real.

Why does Killary keep talking about the glass ceiling that they all keep trying to shatter? Is it code for the firmament? They know there’s no “space”. Are these elite demons trying to flood us out? What do you think?

This truck was spotted downtown. Toronto telling Canadians to wake up. We are under siege.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

1343 videos

Category Education

I started this account as a way for me to seek and spread the truth, and hopefully wake people up. We are all living through the biggest lie and scam that anyone has ever experienced. The media, government and Hollywood elites should be exposed for the liar frauds that they are. Every last one of them are liars and puppets.

Everything we know is a lie. What you were taught you can forget it, we have been used as pawns for a very long time to help the elites push their satanic fakery, as well as keeping them rich through taxes and consumerism.

I don’t support any political leader or billionaire in the world, they are all connected and all on the same team. Don’t be a fool, do not worship fake idols and do not fall for propaganda! I will repeatedly post about all these lair frauds to wake your asses up! All these Hollywood celebrities, News Reporters and politicians are in on it, including Trump, Zelensky, Putin, Trudeau, Biden, Stew Peters, Tucker Carlson, every News channel, Kanye West, Joe Rogan, Russel Brand, Info Wars, and anything else that works to distract you….. Wake up!

If you don’t like my posts then you are at the wrong page. Go on a different page who loves Trump or tells you the vaccines are safe and effective. Keep your head in the sand if you choose. That is your decision if you want to stay in the dark.