Hinduism & Current Events w/ Premanand Das Bhagat

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Hinduism & Current Events w/ Premanand Das Bhagat

Hindu Scriptures & Current Events w/ Premanand Das Bhagat


Pratah Smarana Stotram by sage Adi Shankara

Translated by S. N. Sastri

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

0:00 โ€“ Intro to rant against Christians who would convert you to Jesus Christ away from Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism | deceptive Christian missionaries disguised as the good guy
8:08 โ€“ Religions co-existing with non-violence
10:07 โ€“ Not all religions are the same (i.e. religious universalism) | history of Christian missionary tactics in India by Unitarian Universalists
17:32 โ€“ Jesus is not an avatar of Krishna | Isha in the Upanishad is not Jesus | real religions vs unity of all religions
22:46 โ€“ Don't be afraid of eternal damnation in an unbiblical Hell | believing Dante's Inferno | multiple chances at life with reincarnation vs no second chances
30:30 โ€“ Jesus loves you implies Krishna doesn't care | Christianity insults Hinduism | sex is bad | reading Bhagavad Gita 9:29-31 on Krishna's love
37:09 โ€“ You need salvation from sin as you are worthless & can't change without Jesus | manipulating ideas | original sin is not Hindu | believing in holy books you don't believe in
45:53 โ€“ If you died tonight would you go to Heaven? | not believing in Heaven means the question is meaningless | living in fear
51:10 โ€“ Original sin says we're all born bad, but after salvation have to walk on glass all our life to avoid sin | limited number in Heaven | Hinduism offers alternatives
55:33 โ€“ Is Christian conversion annihilation of diversity & cultures? | are we all to be the same?
1:00:04 โ€“ Conversion is condescending | your life without Jesus is not as good as a Christians
1:03:47 โ€“ No reason to convert away from Sanatana Dharma | finding yourself & living a good life without Jesus
1:06:28 โ€“ Christian propaganda game in India | you can have the benefits of Christianity without converting

Live 6/28/2024, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected] & find me on twitter @PremandDasB
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Kaupeena Panchakam (aka Pentad of the Loin Cloth) by sage Adi Shankara

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Bhaja Govindam, or Moha Mudgara, by sage Adi Shankara

Translated by S. N. Sastri

See here for more info https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhaja_Govindam

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Atma Panchakam (aka Pentet On Soul) by sage Adi Shankara

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

0:00 โ€“ Intro to 2nd reaction video of interview with Amma Sri Akrunamayi (not the hugging saint)
5:39 โ€“ This channel is not Advaita Vedanta nor all religions are one nor common narrative but shares what is true for my life (based on being logical, rational, scriptural, authoritative) | being honest vs playing a religious game
12:40 โ€“ Not believing Satya Sai Baba was enlightened or avatar | devotee & spiritual author Hugh Colmer | "Prema Vahini" book
16:16 โ€“ Mother Mary is not Hindu
17:40 โ€“ Reacting to interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMNM_Onsy): Amma is divine avatar like Satya Sai Baba & is Mother Mary | non-Christian re-writing Christianity & Bible | reading about definitions & usage of "Mother of Mary" from Catholic (https://jerseycatholic.org/cardinal-newsletter-connection-between-mary-and-holy-spirit
) & Protestant (https://biblical-christianity.com/why-mary-is-not-the-mother-of-god) POVs | religious universalism creates theological confusion & calling all Christians wrong | god is rational
40:36 โ€“ Reaction con't: Loving a diverse world
43:38 โ€“ Reaction con't: Deceptively avoiding answering questions | dishonest teachers
48:22 โ€“ Reaction con't: What is maya aka illusion? (Note: I was wrong about illusion, as that is part of Advaita Vedanta, which I discovered reading about after this video.) | do we know the meaning of Hindu terms we use
53:53 โ€“ Reaction con't: Service (Seva)
56:10 โ€“ Reaction con't: Being self-realized & in bliss | god is in control as everything is a lesson
1:03:00 โ€“ Reaction con't: Raised a divine child due to Ramana Maharshi | Boons from Baba
1:10:34 โ€“ Reaction con't: Living for 12 years without eating | being called to an avatar | living Golden Age
1:15:56 โ€“ Reaction con't: European spirituality & 4 yogas of the world | judging others
1:21:21 โ€“ Reaction con't: Spiritual paths | "Radical Univeralism: Are All Religions The Same" by Sri Dharma Acharya debunks oneness of religions | disease & natural disasters as karma
1:27:09 โ€“ Reaction con't: Individuality in enlightenment | boundless circle of god | maya | god's home is earth among many universes
1:41:01 โ€“ Closing thoughts | convoluted spirituality not logical

Her website https://karunamayi.in/

"Prema Vahini" can be found free online here: file:///C:/Users/AJOY/Desktop/prema-vahini.pdf
Find books by Hugh Colmer here: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=hugh+colmer+in+books&crid=27NA8CASN97WI&sprefix=hugh+colmer+in+books%2Caps%2C93&linkCode=ll2&tag=aaronjoyautho-20&linkId=de3e04fada8f2e9e5ec826ef29333312&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Find "Radical Universalism" by Sri Acharya here: https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Universalism-Are-Religions-Same/dp/0986252689?&linkCode=ll1&tag=aaronjoyautho-20&linkId=36a8dc02762dc725a6bf49b5fc099eb2&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
(you support this channel by buying from these Amazon Associate links)

Live 6/19/2024, unedited and off the cuff.


Vignana Nauka Ashtakam (aka Boat of Spiritual Science) by sage Adi Shankara

Translated by P. R. Ramachander

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Excerpts from "The Wilderness of Food" by Saniel Bonder, which is the introduction to the diet/sexuality/right living book "The Eating Gorilla Comes In Peace: The Transcendental Principle of Life Applied to Diet and the Regenerative Discipline of True Health" written by Adi Da Samraj (formerly known as Bubba Free John, Da Free John, Heart Master Da).

Saniel Bonder is no longer associated with Adi Da, and teaches on his own. He can be found here teaching the 'Waking Down in Mutuality' work with his wife Linda Groves-Bonder https://www.sanielandlinda.com/saniel_bonder.html

This book is out of print and can be found used on amazon, ebay, etc..
The book has a companion volume in "Green Gorilla", which can be purchased here http://www.dawnhorsepress.com/ProductDetail.aspx?PID=3654
A raw food site related to the book can be found here http://www.rawgorilla.org/index.aspx

For more information about Adi Da and the Reality Way of Adidam https://www.adidam.org/

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

#eating #food #vegetarian #rawfoodie #spirituality #spiritual

0:00 โ€“ Intro to responding to videos saying musician Taylor Swift is a cult leader & that fans (aka "Swifties") are a cult | cults vs cult of personality vs fringe elements | cult studies (Note: my previous show based on how to recognize a cult https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8nWY9YFwNg)
11:51 โ€“ Definition of cult via Robert J. Lifton's 1951 study of 8 criteria points (See article on cult criteria by Dr. Lee Ann B. Marino here: https://www.patheos.com/blogs/leadershiponfire/2023/08/what-makes-a-cult-a-cult/
31:40 โ€“ Personal music background (See my website for details of my music work: https://aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com/musicreviewblog.html#/)
32:47 โ€“ Reacting to response video on cringy Swifties (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTHlgR6Gvg0): Not being a fan | Taylor connects with youth | crazy fans & my experience as a fan | immature fans are not a cult
1:00:09 โ€“ Reacting to video on 10 reasons why Taylor is successful (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpA_rAHgjpg): Not a cult but clickbait
1:13:13 โ€“ Reacting to Christian video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxHbtTWve70): Taylor representing horrible feminism, Satanism, promoting sin & worst parts of society | Taylor a cult due to not being Christian & Christians being a cult | kids not understanding lyrics | Salvation (Note: See last episode on definition of salvation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wx1K514g0R0) @FightForTruthMedia
1:35:47 โ€“ Reacting to video on Taylor's fashion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3xznCimClI): Using cult as clickbait
1:40:12 โ€“ Overview if Taylor is a cult leader & fans are cult members | Taylor knows craft of how to become famous

Live 6/8/2024, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 31: "Narada Instructs the Pracetas"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 30: "The Activities of the Pracetas"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 30: "The Activities of the Pracetas"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 29: "Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 29: "Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 29: "Talks Between Narada and King Pracinabarhi"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 28: "Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

0:00 โ€“ Intro to reaction videos of interviews with Amma Sri Karunamayi (not to be confused with Amma the hugging saint) | see her website: https://karunamayi.in/
& official youtube https://www.youtube.com/@AmmaSriKarunamayiOfficial/videos
7:29 โ€“ Reacting to interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_KqVenjbCc): Vedic gods | ego & pride vs spiritual growth | Amma's divinity
16:34 โ€“ Reaction con't: Spirituality of children | questions on how karma works
25:23 โ€“ Reaction con't: Paths to god & ego | avatarhood & god expressing emotions | seeing light like Adi Da Samraj | dealing with negativity in life | difficult working life vs spirituality
44:51 โ€“ Reaction con't: Salvation in Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma vs Christianity | reading from "Sanskrit Non-Translatables : The Importance of Sanskritizing English" by Rajiv Malhotra & Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji
58:43 โ€“ Reaction con't: Karmic illness | prayer from the heart | death & fear | doubting avatarhood
1:05:15 โ€“ Reaction con't: Duality & non-duality (Advaita Vedanta)
1:16:27 โ€“ Reacting to interview (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHG1MKnXgsg): Religious universalism | being a "real christian" | bhakti
1:23:00 โ€“ Reaction con't: Knowing god's voice (see my show on recognizing god's voice: https://www.youtube.com/live/8FrNGlZmrqs) | surrendering & maturity | fearlessness
1:30:34 โ€“ Reaction con't: Lakshmi definition | remedies for pain | womens' rights worldwide vs at home in India
1:40:10 โ€“ Closing thoughts | "soldier babies" | supporting this channel

Find the recommended book "Sanskrit Non-Translatables" here: https://www.amazon.com/Sanskrit-Non-Translatables-Importance-Sanskritizing-English/dp/9390085489?&linkCode=ll1&tag=aaronjoyautho-20&linkId=04c9eaa19c9a42a900c8c44e8e85e5a8&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl (you support this channel by buying from this Amazon Associate link)

Live 6/1/2024, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Originates on youtube, found on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 28: "Puranjana Becomes a Woman in the Next Life"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 27: "Attack by Candavega on the City of King Puranjana; the Character of Kalakanya"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 26: "King Puranjana Goes to the Forest to Hunt, and His Queen Becomes Angry"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 25: "The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

Canto 4: "The Creation of the Fourth Order"
Chapter 25: "The Descriptions of the Characteristics of King Puranjana"

By Vedavyasa, translation by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

I cite the youtube channel Better Bachelor about the dating scene, that I highly recommend: https://www.youtube.com/@BetterBachelor

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

0:00 โ€“ Intro to non-spiritual show on being recent victim of "Kia Challenge" crime where cars are hotwired & stolen for TikTok videos (see wikipedia on history of this here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kia_Challenge) | understanding President Donald Trump's labelling of criminals as animals after being a victim of a crime reflecting animal instincts
5:51 โ€“ Story of breaking our car window & destruction of ignition to hot wire & steal our car | inefficient police force & insurance | coordinating repairs | not using the car
18:29 โ€“ Kia Challenge disrupts & ruins lives for TikTok likes
21:28 โ€“ What type of person participates in crime just for social media likes? | photos of my car | animalistic instincts & forgivable motivations for crime
32:18 โ€“ Helping criminals | hurting 1% not working class | living a fulfilling life | closing thoughts

๐ŸŽป๐ŸŽต Find Bamboozle & the Bass Pixie here: https://www.youtube.com/@UCBooA2nJdcJm2YezA7A6gqQ

Live 5/18/2024, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

#religion #sanatanadharma #spirituality #hinduism #hindu #ancientwisdom #india #krishnaconsciousness #tiktok #kia

0:00 โ€“ God is not one size fits all | introduction to 2 real life examples of hearing vs not hearing god's voice
6:44 โ€“ Overlap of experiences of those who do/don't speak to god | being on a spiritual journey vs circle spirituality
10:11 โ€“ Story of a former friend who is Kali's chosen prophet & speaks to her daily - but does he really hear god's voice?
20:31 โ€“ When god's voice 100% agrees with you and/or reflects your personality its not god but your own internal conversation
22:01 โ€“ Personal story of avoiding death due to possibly hearing god's voice | Personal story of declining dream writing job due to hearing god's voice - or was it not god's voice?
38:58 โ€“ Why I believe god spoke to me & it wasn't my own thoughts
50:29 โ€“ Being honest about if god speaks to you or not

Live 5/18/2024, unedited and off the cuff.

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.

0:00 โ€“ Self-proclaimed spiritual teacher Sir Pierre Bernard taught & invented yoga a century ago which helped promote yoga in America | "The Great Oom: The Improbable Birth of Yoga in America" book by Robert Love
6:33 โ€“ Avoiding American cultural appropriation soul sucking of Hindu yoga | not caring about India & calling gods myths (Note: yoga isn't completely a naked man on a mat, but it is not what it is sold as in the west)
10:03 โ€“ Stealing from Hinduism over other religions
11:04 โ€“ Recommended book on relative's legit spiritual search "Theos Bernard, the White Lama: Tibet, Yoga, and American Religious Life" by Paul Hackett on Theos Casimir Bernard
12:13 โ€“ Closing thoughts | authentic spiritual tradition

Live 5/12/2024, unedited and off the cuff.

Find "The Great Oom" here: https://www.amazon.com/Great-Oom-Improbable-Birth-America/dp/067002175X?&linkCode=ll1&tag=aaronjoyautho-20&linkId=3eaf1e94b55bb3a73947c24143ac4787&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
Find the other book here: https://www.amazon.com/Theos-Bernard-White-Lama-Religious/dp/0231158866?&linkCode=ll1&tag=aaronjoyautho-20&linkId=8da5ef7b53c425ed37411f4c3cd7106e&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl
(you support this channel by buying from this Amazon Associate link)

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected]
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.


Created 1ย year, 10ย months ago.

396 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Weekly live show on society & religion, plus Vedic scriptures. Vishishtadvaita Vedanta Vaishnava. Combating conversion! Sanatana Dharma not Neo-Hinduism.

I am Premanand Das Bhagat (Aaron Joy), in Maine USA.
๐Ÿ“ฃ * Contact: [email protected] & find me on twitter @PremandDasB
๐Ÿ“š * My books: http://www.aaronjoyauthor.weebly.com
๐Ÿฎ https://buymeacoffee.com/aaronjoy Buy Me A Coffee for one time or long-time support and exclusive perks

I am your spiritual cheerleader, wanting to help you grow spiritually, discover your life's purpose, know god, and avoid the dark places.

๐Ÿ“š I'm a Mystic, Certified Spiritual Life Coach, Certified Ayurveda Specialist, and currently studying Integrel Vedic Counseling under Dr. David Frawley (Pandit Vamadeva Shastri). Spiritual name bestowed by Dr. Chaturbhai Babaria (of Swaminaryan Gurukul USA, Ramanuja lineage). Student of Dr. Frawley & Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya.

Channel originates on youtube, duplicated on Rumble, Spotify, Bitchute, Amazon, Audible, Apple & Google Podcasts, iHeart, Pocket Casts, Castbox, Chromecast, Listen Notes, Podcast Addict, People Ai, Everend, Rephonic, allfeeds.ai, fyyd.de.