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Taking their political fame trophy like a boss, Alex Lifeson proves that the language of Blah can be precisely translated into English.

A once in 100 years late June hurricane, Hurricane Beryl has now twice intensified at rates never seen before September 1st . The seas are so overwarm in the formation zones, let's hope this isn't a harbinger or foreshadow of doom ushering in other monstrous seasonably timely hurricanes.

Atlas hurt any male human who got in his way but all he really wanted was his girlfriend, the little pooch in the car. There are no bad dogs just bad owners. His is a sad but cautionary tale. The bizarre English growl occurs when he's in the cage and they're poking/prodding him through the cage with catch poles at 19:51

As usual, Israel is actually guilty of what it accuses Palestinians of doing.

Rabbi Luft: "it's worse than killing them."

God bless them all. Here are two, Haytham and Sumaya.

Publicly Anti-Zionist in America? You're unemployable. Being anti-Zionist in the US will make you pay the price. Marc Lamont Hill on CNN, Candace Owens by Ben Shapiro, and here we have Briahna Joy Grey of The Hill. Being critical of Israel in public must be a masochistic display of self harm. Jim Traficant, Helen Thomas, Katie Halper, Norman Finkelstein, Rick Sanchez, we can go on and on. There are few who dare, but of those few it's a 100% casualty rate eventually.

This video provides examples of the precedents which led to the "eye roll" that got Briahna Joy Grey fired. These kinds of confrontations in this video led to an unasked-for Israeli guest targeting her. I'm not suggesting that the suave Robby Soave is responsible for any of this. All he did was honestly express himself. On this issue he avoids facts to remain indifferent (somehow the "libertarian" position) to this conflict.

Over the past few years, more than 200 people have disappeared from the vicinity of Lake Tanganyika. Their deaths were initially attributed to tribal warfare or a serial murderer, but the killer is actually a giant predatory crocodile estimated to be 30 feet long and nearly a century old. A rescue mission aims to catch this giant predator and relocate him to safe waters-before he kills again." ~MagellanTV

Credits: MagellanTV

Rainbro wasn't "hiking" anywhere. He was at home. And he was never prostrate, he was standing up the whole time.
These two know-it-all celebrity atheists have done the calculations and they know how it all works. A big universe sitting there without a reason.
"Why does it happen? Because it happens. Roll the bones." Or why does it happen the way it does? Because it does.
Empty rhetoric dodging the question. To genuinely answer it might require a moment or experience like Paul Vasquez (the double rainbow guy) had. Belonging to the universe and diving into its meaning vs merely observing the universe, ignoring the meaning and laughing at the human reaction they're too trained not to have. Necessity is the mother of invention but wonderment is the mother of science. Dawkins and Tyson would go back in time and laugh at the ancient philosophers, all the while having no idea the same laugh is on them.

FirstPost reported 30 maybe as high as 50 IDF soldiers are now being diagnosed with PTSD each month. Good soldiers pound for pound being ordered to do terrible unimaginable things in a stupid policy that has almost no chance of victory. And some of us are happy with this. The "supporters" of Israel. Like Ungoliant the Israeli military in its lust for violence is now consuming itself. Burning through the minds of its forces as fast as US taxpayer money. Maybe they'll make a documentary grieving for the 10 lost souls. Anything to distract westerners from the genocide.

Avner Gvaryahu in 2016 spills the tea about his occupation of Palestinian homes.

Fan-powered masterpiece 'Star Trek Continues' finishes the 5-year mission of the Original Series. This is an excerpt from Episode 3 of the mini-series revisiting the parallel universe of the original.

It's unfortunate what's happened to the Star Trek franchise in recent years. If I was the boss at CBS I would have gathered all resources to make this little ball of sugar THE next Star Trek series. Alas it is nothing but a cult classic now, but an important show for kids (and adults) to watch because it doesn't shy away from morality, something the human race needs now more than ever as we mindlessly give our world away to the highest bidder..

Credits: Vic Mignogna and his wonderful cast and crew

thereby consolidating his eroding power. Netanyahu is so weak in Israel right now that perhaps the only way he can stay a free man is to continue cleansing God's children Palestinian girls and boys. Who is this British mop speaking the King's English? I'm tired of all this dual citizenship Israel uses to leech and mooch off of other countries. If you're an Israeli, live in Israel. When it comes to Israel, a "dual" citizen is just code for a half-assed citizen. Find out where you belong, and stay there.

at his Juneteenth concert in DC.

Credit Forbes

I see 1/2 of an Eyeroll when this Israeli tried to jam "I Believe Her" in between Ms. Joy Gray and Israel. Certainly no reason to fire her, but this is what happens to our people who speak out for Gaza. This is why I'm shadowbanned on YouTube. It happened to me a few days after vocalizing support for Palestine, I'm the first to know it'll happen to anyone.

mRNA Vaccine Fears Confirmed
Dr. Joseph Fraiman blows the whistle
Credits: Dr. John Campbell

Credit: South Park Studios

And we know why because he was clear about it. He demanded a real plan for the long-term administration of Gaza and recovery of hostages by this date and thus we now know Netanyahu has no plan. Their self-destructive thinking is laid bare by their actions: Ethnic cleansing hiding behind the moral excuse of hostages and the rhetorical excuse of "Hamas." Killing 270 people in the act of rescuing four people are the results we get and will continue to get. This isn't in Israel's interest, isn't in America's interest, or Gaza's, or Palestinians' or the world's. Why the addiction to self-destruction?

Balian was a blacksmith, a widow, a murderer, and now most fortunately, the bastard son of a mighty Crusader.

From 'Kingdom of Heaven' Director's Cut

Infamous Astronaut Buzz Aldrin took no shit and single-handedly dispelled every piece of hoaxster's "evidence" used for denying the moon landings. In this interview he calls on a new defined purpose for going back to the Moon and exploring deeper into our solar system traveling to asteroids and to Mars. Living on the Moon is a logical precursor to living on Mars so the next Moon mission seems obvious.

then starts throwing punches after sitting on them. These people have every right to protest and it doesn't matter how badly it irritates the unwashed masses or how violent the police get. The longer the ethnic cleansing continues, it'll reach the point when we'll realize we're as good as Gazans ourselves.
Credit: Big Jon Farina

The official narrative is BS and the case is a conspiracy. Judge Joe Brown lays it down.

select passages

Credits Babylon Bee

$75,000/year tuition+books. Does that include free speech and the right to protest? Not in this case. Israel is more powerful than the US Constitution.

Justice is blind, and it is coming. With the walls of reality caving in around his narcissistic bubble, Ben Nitay is having yet another bad day.


Created 4 years ago.

343 videos

Category News & Politics

Digging up principle and burying ideology.
Practicing skepticism through observation.
Preserving hope with anger and courage.
Finding where but trees that morals grow.