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Here are the details regarding the treasonous senators responsible for $95 Billion Dollar Bill that recently passed that will be sending billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine, Taiwan (WHY?) and Israel (Funding Genocide).

This was an amendment: S.Amdt.1388 to Bill H.R.815 which was disguised as a billed written to help veterans to receive reimbursement for emergency
treatment furnished through the Veterans Community Care program, and
for other purposes;

The List Of Senators Who Voted Yes :

The Details Of The Treasonous Amendment not only sending billions of our tax payer dollars to fund genocide and foreign wars but also funding to prepare our own U.S. troops to fight and die in a foreign war before years end.

Read The Amendment Here:


The Ring Leader Senators Responsible For Sponsoring & Submitting The Amendment: Chuck Schumer & Patty Murray


Find your senator's name on the list and reach out to them and let them know that enough is enough.

This will only continue if we do nothing.

They are pushing us towards financial ruin and WWIII.

In this video I talk about the obsession with being a "high value man", seducing women, and building your masculinity on things outside of yourself. I also briefly touch on the current dating practices of seducing people who you probably have no business seducing if your goal is to elevate yourself consciously.

Now more than ever, protesting and demonstrating is something we need. But I sometimes questions their effectiveness in the long term.

Climate Change, Climate Action, Green New Deal, Agenda 2030, California Fires, Texas Freeze, Geo Engineering

Crypto is in a bubble whether you like it or not. I'm a strong supporter of blockchain technology. And I know enough about to know that if you're talking about Bitcoin, you're behind and probably just on the bandwagon. I plan on investing in crypto, BUT AFTER THE DIP. The industry is still in its infancy, it's not invulnerable and it still has a long way to go before it even gets close to any kind of supremacy. The Bitcoin bubble is built on hype and millions of people that don't TRULY understand what they're investing in and the fact that bitcoin is actually the outdated dinosaur of the crypto space. And I say that with all due respect.

The bottom is going to fall out of this sky high market sooner or later. And when it does, what bag are you going to holding. Cash or crypto. This time around i'm in favor of cash. I briefly explain why in this video,.

I spent a little time swiping through Facebook's new dating feature and realized that the bulk of the women on the app were older women that shared a-lot of the same characteristics. I made this video to try and provide younger women with some straight up and honest dating advice and highlight some of the common mistakes most women make in their prime years leading them to a future that most women in their 30's seldom talk about.

I love women, especially young women with potential. I made this video to tell it like it is and give you the facts.

I came across a few articles that went into detail about the insane levels of competition that Coupang is now facing in Korea from the biggest players in the country. Like Naver, CJ Logistics, E Mart and more. This is going to be a major hurdle for the company and it is my belief that the stock price will be moving closer to the Mid 30's before years end. I could be wrong, but this information is new to me and extremely important in regards to my buying timing.

Ai & Controlled Greenhouse Smart Agriculture Company Appharvest made a recent acquisition that will definitely help them in the long run. I'm definitely eyeing their stock for an investment in the near future. And Beyond Meat is making major moves in China and the states. I'm a big believer in their business and can't wait to invest.

Is another civil war coming to America? Maybe. Is it a good thing? Almost certainly not? In this video I explain why a violent civil war should be avoided at all costs. And I give some alternatives that people can use to take back our future.

Even though it might be more difficult than ever in the busy world we live in, more parents need to put more effort into tailoring and being more conscious about how their children are educated. Are your children being educated or indoctrinated?


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

11 videos

Category Vlogging