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Tonight on Club Grubbery.

The Altman Report as Dr Phil rejoins us to critique the spotlight program on Channel 7.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery

Prof Gigi Foster is back on to share the ins and outs of last nights spotlight on Covid show on channel 7.
Her insights are, as always topical and on target.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

The man behind the bar sees what's happening.
Brad Hill, the owner of The Cally Hotel in Singleton shares the man behind the bars' perspective of the last couple of years.
Since we filmed the interview, Brad had a visit from a regular he had not seen for a while.
The guy appears zombie like and somewhat not present. In conversation the man revealed that he had 5 covid shots. The man has since suffered a massive heart attack. His current condition at this time is unknown.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

Dr Beverley Peers, a tenacious and principled Dr has taken to task her contract employer and the State of Victoria about vaccine mandates and the intransigent nature that goes against the law and our constitution as well as the fair work act provisions.

God bless.
Hoody and Johnny
Youtube - True Courage -

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
With the NSW Health Department in a crisis of it's own manufacture, further insult is added to further injury as 40 doctors who have been legally prescribing medicinal cannabis under suspension.
This report is infuriating as it draws further attention to the hypocrisy in the health system.
Dr Sara Mc Donald explains.

You really couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight on Club Grubbery

Nicola Charles shares fearlessly and in so doing, demonstrates why she would make an excellent Australian Senator for Victoria in the next federal election.


God bless.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

An incredible interview with Prof Gigi Foster on the state of this nation home.
We have come to expect nothing but rational thought from Gigi.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
An Australian Centre For Disease Control? What could possibly go wrong?
Aneeta Hafmiester, president of the Australian Vaccination-Risk Network explains.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.
Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
As social media platforms come down hard on a community standards platform that smacks of hypocrisy, we chat with MP Russel Broadbent for some perspective.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.
God bless

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

Queensland nurse Michelle speaks out bravely about the political double speak inside Queensland Health.
This only has an impact if you share it.
You just couldn't make this stuff up!

God Bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
Roman Bystrianyk is a researcher and author of an amazing book co written with Dr Susan Humphries who will be our guest in a few day time.
The Book titled Dissolving Illusions, Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History is a journey through the terrifying past of medical history and how this impacts on our choices, if we still have them, today.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

Prof Robyn Cosford has returned from the Geneva project and shares her rational and well educated views on what she has seen and what may be coming.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight on Club Grubbery our long awaited interview with Dr Tess Lawrie from the UK.
This interview will generate a lot of comment and is a tad on the controversial side.
Such a great lady who has done so much and continues to work tirelessly on a cure and remedy for those affected by jab injury.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
Chris Nemith, a man who's life was forever changed after one jab has spent 461 days fighting the government for compensation that was promised by Scott Morrison.
The scheme has failed and left hundreds it was meant to protect in painful limbo.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.
Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
The Aligned Council Of Australia give us their analysis of the Global Pandemic Treaty negotiations and what it means going forward.
We must keep up the pressure.

Stayoutathetrees everyone and God bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight On Club Grubbery.
What's going on inside the UN and the WHO and what is possible?
Our special guests tonight can answer this question from personal experience.
This must be shared and thanks to the Aligned Council Of Australia for setting this up.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.
Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
We get the latest on the developments around the case of Julian Assange from movie producer Kym Staton.

God bless.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.
The profound wisdom of Prof Ian Brighthope as we discuss the pandemic treaty and vaccines.
You just couldn't make this stuff up.

Hoody and Johnny

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

Prof. Robyn Cosford on great initiatives to wake up a sleeping planet.

You just couldn't make this stuff up.
God Bless.

Johnny and Hoody

Some of you may have heard of the Geneva Project, an exciting initiative created and driven by The Inspired Network, and happening in Geneva (Switzerland) next week. See this link for more info -

Please consider sharing the link below along with the tiles attached. Collectively we represent 1.73 million people...we should easily be able to raise a few thousand dollars which will make a massive difference to Robyn, and in turn give us a seat at the table on 31 May at the Summit.

While we can’t attend in person (is anyone planning on going??), this is a wonderful initiative to support from afar and we hope to have a live stream link available for anyone who wishes to watch 31 May/1 June unfold. There will be a Summit on Friday 31 May, followed by a rally and march on Saturday 1 June in Place de Nations (where UN HQ can be found). Flyer attached.

George Christensen will be attending the rally and march on behalf of Citizen Go, and the indefatigable Prof Robyn Cosford (Chair of CHD Australia) has informed us she will be “honoured” to represent the ACA at the Inspired Global Leadership Summit. The Summit attendance is by invitation only, and 35 carefully selected people will gather to discuss “what to do after the WHO”. What happens after we have succeeded in extracting ourselves from the clutches of the WHO? This is spectacular news and a wonderful opportunity for ACA to have a presence at the Summit. We are indeed indebted to Robyn!

For those who attended the ACA meeting on Tuesday you will know that we discussed the possibility of supporting Robyn financially. We are still finalising accounts and establishing just how much we can support Robyn with. In the meantime, Cloi has created a Buy Me a Coffee. All proceeds of this will go to CHD Australia and contribute to paying or reimbursing invoices/receipts provided by Robyn on her return.

Professor Robyn Cosford
Chair, Children's health Defense.
Will be representing Australia at The Geneva Project as Chair of CHD Australia, Ambassador for AMPS, Ambassador for ACA. My website with past lectures, resources.
Healthy 100: a self help health programme - the Wheel of Life.

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

With our energy policy in tatters and a polity that has lost touch with reality, our wonderful panel ask the question.
What could possibly go wrong?

You just couldn't make this stuff up.

God bless.
Hoody and Johnny.

Tonight on Club Grubbery.

The rule of law in Australia has been trashed and corruption is destroying the system.
Weak leaders and political expediency is destroying our nation.
Tonight Constitutional experts Tim Dwyer and Prof Augusto Zimmermann brief us on the state of the law in this country.

Stayoutathetrees and God bless.

Hoody and Johnny.

For people wanting a Re Print of the 1901 Quick & Garran Annotated Constitution please email [email protected]

We have 10 in stock and have just ordered another 20 it takes about 3 weeks to have them printed.

The cost is $185 plus $14 postage.



Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

354 videos

Category People & Family