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Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/uFtpSSMo2xI I hope you all had a good Fourth of July filled with delicious barbeque and a night of fireworks. We're just two years away from a good 250 years. Will our country still be standing then? The future is unknown so just live in the moment.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/DbpzEUiMvO8 Road To Gehenna is finished so it'll be the next project after Classic Second Encounter is finished.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/av3PfadWlhM Summer Power Trips are becoming more common. I have to be careful or all my footage will be useless.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/uWtHkwLf86k It's been tough trying to find time to record. Is it too much to ask for one hour to make sure I at least get everything in one go? During times when I haven't been able to find recording time, I've been practicing Road To Gehenna and seeing if I can beat Psychonauts.

I had to rewatch the footage of the previous level to make sure I wasn't crazy. I was absolutely sure I finished that level with over 190 armor and you're telling me it didn't carry over to this one. I start this level with no armor and yet I finish it with 200 armor and that somehow carried over to the next one.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/iFdifjQ23wY I finished this level with 300/300 and it carried over to the next one. I'm glad.

Nothing to say.

Take a left inside the exit for another secret level.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/e8UpDJ0QP5M I love that intro cutscene.

After finishing this level, immediately run backwards as soon as the next one starts for a secret area skipped over during a cutscene.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/kPrnU2rUDnU Nothing to say.

Nothing to say.

Watch here for better quality: https://youtu.be/wvQO0bjLjcY Nothing to say.

Nothing to say.

Nothing to say.

Nothing to say.

Nothing to say.

The tomb of the Man in Gauze himself.

When I first started the very first Summer of Sam years ago, I never played the original, I played the Revolution remaster. I couldn't play the original with a controller...until NOW! The thumbstick sensitivity needs some adjustment. I'll fix it before I start the next level.

It took a lot of fiddling, but I got the thumbstick sensitivity to where I want it.

Always remember the way to access the secret level.

A minute and fifteen seconds worth of deaths trying to get that jump gap secret were cut out.

The next fight is a dogfight above the sea as we defend our aircraft carriers from enemy planes and blimps.

Our plane is shot down on the way to the Crystal Tower that the Tan Army controls and we crash land into a jungle of grass. We are now in the Red Army's territory and they've allied themselves with the Tan. The Red Army is notorious for creating mad science experiments and sending them into the battlefield. We eventually make our way to a toy town. We open up the way to a burnt and demolished part of town where the Red Army's ultimate experiment awaits us. IT'S A MOTHERFUCKIN' T-REX!

We fight our way through the real Tower and defeat everything in our way. After destroying the Tan Guardian and all remaining enemy forces, we win the battle. The Greens have finally won a war at last.


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

3130 videos

Category Gaming

I'm just an Aspie gamer who will use anything to beat the game. My preferred genres are first-person shooters, puzzles, and point n clicks.

This channel has four commandments.
Commandment number one: I shalt not play Call of Duty.
Commandment number two: I shalt choose what games I shalt play as well as what I shalt not play.
Commandment number three: I shalt use anything to beat the game whether it be cheats or a sibling's help.
Commandment number four: I shalt not surpass thirty minutes in length.

Who wants to play 20 Questions?
Q: Why put "Watch here for better quality" followed by a YouTube link in the description?
A: Sometimes the transfer from YouTube to BitChute doesn't always work so I have to manually upload the video to BitChute after waiting for a day since it was uploaded to YouTube. In the event it does work after some time longer than a day, I delete the manual upload and putting in the "Watch here" YouTube link helps differentiate which one is the manual upload.

Q: Why don't you like Call of Duty?
A: I have many reasons why I don't like that series. A big reason is that it saturated the market too much and every non Call of Duty game wanted to be just like it to compete.

Q: What's your favorite game or series?
A: I love all the games that I play. I'm not too good at picking one favorite and there's too many to list.

Q: What was your first video game?
A: Sonic 2 on the Genesis.

Q: What's Aspie mean?
A: It's a term people with Asperger's Syndrome use to refer to themselves.

Q: Can I request a game?
A: Maybe. I do have a schedule for games I want to record. Chances are either your request is on there and I'll get to it eventually or the request will probably be denied if I didn't enjoy it or if it doesn't run well on my computer.

Q: You do Let's Plays yet there's no commentary. Why?
A: I'm not a talker. Also, I can't call them Walkthroughs if I'm gonna cheat.

Q: What's your least favorite cheat and why?
A: Noclip. I hate using it. When I'm platforming or avoiding traps, I'd like to make it through on my own. Sometimes bullshit occurs and I'm forced to use noclip. Oh sure, let's just have our protagonist fly back up after falling into the bottomless pit or slip right out after getting crushed. It doesn't feel real, does it?

Q: You call yourself GodModeHeroes yet you seem to handle most games just fine without cheating. Why?
A: It's a reminder that I may use cheats during gameplay, though most games like point n clicks and puzzles don't even need them. FPS games are a different story. I won't use cheats until things get dicey even on the easiest difficulty.

Q: Why play the easiest difficulty?
A: Enemies die quicker which saves me a lot of time. Less time equals less file size.

Q: Why not play the hardest difficulty?
A: The hardest difficulty may have elements considered non canon. Enemies may come back to life and I don't like that. Also, I'm not that good.

Q: Why don't you git gud?
A: Why don't you git gon?

Q: What's your least favorite puzzle?
A: A puzzle that has the same solution, but the beginning is randomized each playthrough and getting the solution requires doing some algebra.

Q: Do you plan on going beyond PC games?
A: If I can get a successful capture device recording with no problems then probably.

Q: If you do go beyond PC games one day, what consoles will we expect?
A: Nintendo 64, GameCube, Xbox, PlayStation 3, Wii, Wii U, Switch, and PlayStation 4.

Q: Can we be friends on Steam?
A: I have my guard up at the moment. I don't accept friend requests from everyone. I'm currently a target for scammers tempting me with free games or accusing me of "illegal" item duplication.

Q: What is your stance on violent video games?
A: I don't believe video game violence is to blame for real world violence. We here at GodModeHeroes do not condone the use of violence outside of a fictional environment.

Q: You mentioned having a brother. Will he be contributing any Let's Plays?
A: He might be playing games for this channel that he can complete that I can't, eventually.

Q: Will there be Co-Op Let's Plays?
A: Definitely at some point.

Q: What will you do once you've covered every game you've wanted to play?
A: I'll most likely retire until something new comes out and there's always a new game I want every month or so.