Future Wave

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Future Wave



Music: Rome - Uropia O Morte, from "Le Ceneri di Heliodoro" (2019)
Video: From UnBanned

Our eagle, once proud, soon old and croaking
Our chants, once loud, will quiet down, hearts broken
Your hopes always were airy and unreal
'Cause you try not to see what's there for you to see

You said we didn't bleed enough
Are we bleeding enough for you now?
You said we didn't bleed enough
Are we bleeding enough for you now?

Lei-la-la-lei, lei-la-la-lei
Uropia o morte
Lei-la-la-lei, lei-la-la-lei
Uropia o morte

We are the snakes lurching in the laurels, when you pin medals on thieves
Our cause, our source, they rose from secret fields
Are we to dance in the ashes of your hate?
And if by chance war is won, treat it as a wake

You said we didn't bleed enough
Are we bleeding enough for you now?
You said we didn't bleed enough
Are we bleeding enough for you now?
Oh, are you sure
We're not bleeding enough for you now?
Are you sure
We're not bleeding enough for you now?
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Lei-la-la-lei, lei-la-la-lei
Uropia o morte
Lei-la-la-lei, lei-la-la-lei
Uropia o morte
Lei-la-la-lei, lei-la-la-lei
Uropia o morte
Lei-la-la-lei, lei-la-la-lei
Uropia o morte

You said we didn't bleed enough
Are we bleeding enough for you now?
You said we didn't bleed enough
Aren't we bleeding enough for you now?
Oh, are you sure
We're not bleeding enough for you now?
Oh, are you sure
We're not bleeding enough for you now?

R.I.P., May 22, 1942 – June 10, 2023.

Song by Bell Witch, from the album Longing (2012), scenes from The Masque of Red Death (1964), with Vincent Price, based on story by Edgar Allan Poe.

This is a slowed down version of the video (Career Opportunities (1991)) edited by youtube-channel Diana Darkangel set to Mr. Kitty's "After Dark" song. Original (normal speed) here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waAlgFq9Xq8

Music: Dido "Thank you" [Slowed]
Video: From all over.

Security questions are becoming harder in this modern day and age.

(This is a re-mix of a meme I found from MemelordForHire on gab).

Some RoboCopWave / synthwave for the masses. Music by The Encounter, featuring Stilz; video edit by me; scenes from RoboCop 1, 2, 3.

This is a re-upload. Note: I'm not the original author of this, but people keep asking me for this video, as my channel is the only one making "Allardwave" (so far), besides the original author of this video.

Scenes are from the movies "The Network", "Falling Down", "Taxi Driver", "Mandy", and "Death Wish 3", and news footage from the KillDozer incident; see Count Dankula's excellent retelling of the events that lead up to Marvin John Heemeyer's rampage, (link below). The music is not by me, unfortunately I don't know where I originally found it, but might be titled "End of an Era", please share if you know who to credit.


Longer and higher resolution. Apu in search of Hyperborea, the land in the far north.

This version adds the text from Brahmin's poem, and has replaced the original video [1] with higher resolution of same BBC nature documentary footage, and it also adds a new thumbnail and closing image by Wave Guy [2], links below:
[1] https://www.bitchute.com/video/tMdnQ9MQDAKV
[2] https://gab.com/wave_guy

Vote God Emperor Trump!

Från Markus Allards replikskifte med Vänsterpartiet, när (V) röstar för mer pengar till sig själva, samtidigt som man säger sig vara emot det. Från Örebro Kommunfullmäktige 2020-09-23, onsdag.

Se fulla replikskiftet här: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKq9Noupzlg

Diskläjmer: kilppen är tagna ur sitt sammanhang, är ironiska, uttrycker sarkasm / humor. Denna kanal och video har ingen koppling till Markus & Malcom eller Örebropartiet. Hell seger!

(För tydlighetens skull: den svartvita sekvensen föreställer Carl Gustaf Mannerheim, som ledde Finlands kamp genom tre krig)

Spegling av: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkMhX7Wn_1o

Markus Allard, partiledare för Örebropartiet, under behandling av motionen att stoppa bygget av kulturkvarteret.

Spegling av videon: https://youtu.be/APH338E57ek1

This is a re-upload (with slightly lower music-volume).

For original version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ch2PDeVHdhk

För de som önskar se hela anförandet, utan musik: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epYoLh_-0ak

Markus Allards anförande i Örebro komunfullmäktige 2019-10-22, där politikerna beslutat att spara in på färdtjänsten till handikappade och pensionärer, samtidigt som man lägger enorma summor på sig själva och projekt till eliten.

Mirror of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAkpBXl7pV0

In 1968 Enoch Powell gave a strangely prophetic speech, warning about the violence and mayhem that will follow if current policies are not brought back to normal. They did not listen.

Music by Xurious: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/xurious/

This video was removed from youtube.


Created 4 years ago.

18 videos

Category Music

Synthwave, the future was yesterday, with heavy leaning towards Swedish populist party Örebropartiet, and it's glorious leader Markus Allard.