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In the eerie town of Eldritch Hollow, where shadows stretch long and the fog rolls in thick waves, there existed a crypt-themed retirement home known as Cadaver Joe’s Eternal Crypt. The home was a place of respite for dark practitioners and undead beings who had long served the dark arts. The most notorious resident was Cadaver Joe, a skeletal figure with a gaunt, pallid face and thin, wispy white hair. His eyes glowed dimly, a remnant of the powerful magic he once wielded.

Cadaver Joe was no ordinary undead. His existence depended on a strange and unsettling source of power: a concoction of 60 different supplements and drugs. These substances, brewed and ingested daily, were the only things keeping his ancient bones moving. Each step he took produced a creaking sound, like the groan of old wood, and when he walked in the light, the invisible strings that held him together glistened faintly.

One particularly misty evening, as the moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the town, a strange event was set to unfold. The fog seemed thicker than usual, and the air was filled with an unsettling chill. Cadaver Joe, feeling a surge of nostalgia for his mischievous days, decided to entertain himself with a bit of old-fashioned terror.

In a darkened chamber of the retirement home, Cadaver Joe began to weave a new spell. His skeletal fingers traced arcane symbols in the air, and the room grew colder. His raspy voice echoed through the halls, "Tonight, the town shall remember the name of Cadaver Joe."

With a final, whispered incantation, Cadaver Joe transformed himself into a form he had not taken in centuries: a vampire. His skeletal features softened slightly, taking on a more human visage, though still ghastly pale. His eyes glowed with a crimson hue, and sharp fangs protruded from his mouth. His thin hair remained, now slicked back to complete his eerie transformation.

Eldritch Hollow, unaware of the impending chaos, continued its nightly routine. But a..

Aurōra surgit, pugnæ hōra,
Contrā barbarōs stāmus fortī animō.
Puellae bellātrīcēs, armātae splendidē,
In terrā sacrā, praestāmus audāci.

Baka Barbarum, iter incipit,
Contrā hostēs, exclāmāmus.
Fide nostrā, pugnamus,
In victōriā, semper audīmus.

*Verse 2:*
Romae mūrōs defendimus,
In Hierosolymā, progredimur.
Per saecula, hostēs debellāmus,
In unitāte, viam facimus.

Baka Barbarum, iter incipit,
Contrā hostēs, exclāmāmus.
Fide nostrā, pugnamus,
In victōriā, semper audīmus.
*Verse 2:*
Romae mūrōs defendimus,
In Hierosolymā, progredimur.
Per saecula, hostēs debellāmus,
In unitāte, viam facimus.
Saxōnēs, Hunī, et Gothī stant,
Sed puellae fortiter resistunt.
In cordibus nostrīs, lūmen vēritātis,
Baka Barbarum, nuntiī exitii.

Baka Barbarum, iter incipit,
Contrā hostēs, exclāmāmus.
Fide nostrā, pugnamus,
In victōriā, semper audīmus.

Cum risū puellārum, adversāriīs obstāmus,
In pāce, vēritātem invenīmus.
Baka Barbarum, iter glōriōsum,
Ad finem, victōriā, triumphāmus.


*Verse 1:*
Dawn rises, the hour of battle,
Against the barbarians we stand with strong spirits.
Warrior girls, splendidly armed,
In the holy land, we show our boldness.

Foolish Barbarians, the journey begins,
Against our foes, we cry out.
With our faith, we fight,
In victory, we always listen.

*Verse 2:*
We defend the walls of Rome,
In Jerusalem, we advance.
Through the ages, we defeat our enemies,
In unity, we make our way.

Foolish Barbarians, the journey begins,
Against our foes, we cry out.
With our faith, we fight,
In victory, we always listen.

Saxons, Huns, and Goths stand,
But the girls bravely resist.
In our hearts, the light of truth,
Foolish Barbarians, heralds of doom.

Foolish Barbarians, the journey begins,
Against our foes, we cry out.
With our faith, we fight,
In victory, we always listen.


Verse 1:
In the shadows of the ancient world, where giants roamed the land,
Lurked a serpent sleek and silent, with a cunning, deadly plan.
Najash, like a mythic Naga, slithered through the night,
With eyes that gleamed like emeralds, and fangs that struck with might.

Oh, Najash, the hunter bold, beneath the moon's soft glow,
In a world of mighty dinosaurs, you move so swift and low.
Through the ferns and ancient trees, your silent hunt begins,
For in the dark, you seek your prey, and every move’s a win.

Verse 2:
Beneath the towering ferns, a nest of eggs did lie,
Unseen by the lumbering beasts, under the starry sky.
Tiny hatchlings, unaware of the danger creeping near,
For Najash, the ancient predator, their end was drawing near.

Oh, Najash, the hunter bold, beneath the moon's soft glow,
In a world of mighty dinosaurs, you move so swift and low.
Through the ferns and ancient trees, your silent hunt begins,
For in the dark, you seek your prey, and every move’s a win.

With teeth so sharp and deadly, and a body built for stealth,
Najash struck with precision, in a world of untold wealth.
The hatchlings never saw it, the danger in the night,
For Najash, the ancient serpent, struck swift and out of sight.

Verse 3:
A tiny dinosaur, barely born, felt the serpent’s bite,
In the heart of the Cretaceous, beneath the pale moonlight.
Najash wrapped around it, with coils of ancient might,
In the world of giants, even small ones must fight.

Oh, Najash, the hunter bold, beneath the moon's soft glow,
In a world of mighty dinosaurs, you move so swift and low.
Through the ferns and ancient trees, your silent hunt begins,
For in the dark, you seek your prey, and every move’s a win.

So remember, in the ancient past, not all hunters were so grand,
For Najash, the tiny serpent, left its mark upon the land.
In a world where giants thundered, and the mighty dinosaurs roared,
The silent hunt of Najash, in history, is forever stored.


**Verse 1:**
In the heart of the city, where the streets are alive,
There’s a creature from the past, that’s learned to thrive.
With wings wide and strong, and a tail like a bat,
It’s the Rhamphorhynchus, those cheeky little rats.

Oh, Rhamphorhynchus, flying through the night,
Stealin' crumbs and causing fright.
City birds with a prehistoric past,
Cheeky little bastards, flyin' fast.

**Verse 2:**
They perch on the rooftops, and dive through the air,
With beady eyes watching, for a chance to snare.
From your sandwich to your chips, nothing’s safe at all,
They’ll swoop and they’ll snatch, and leave you in thrall.

Oh, Rhamphorhynchus, flying through the night,
Stealin' crumbs and causing fright.
City birds with a prehistoric past,
Cheeky little bastards, flyin' fast.

In the shadows they gather, in flocks they descend,
On unsuspecting picnics, their antics never end.
They’ll laugh with a screech, as they steal and they soar,
Rhamphorhynchus, the city’s own airborne folklore.

**Verse 3:**
From dawn until dusk, they’re a mischievous sight,
In the hustle and bustle, they bring their own fright.
With their leathery wings and their toothy grin,
They’re the city’s new menace, let the mischief begin.

Oh, Rhamphorhynchus, flying through the night,
Stealin' crumbs and causing fright.
City birds with a prehistoric past,
Cheeky little bastards, flyin' fast.

So watch your snacks, and guard your food,
These ancient thieves, they’re up to no good.
In the concrete jungle, they rule the skies,
Rhamphorhynchus, the city’s cheeky surprise.

Oh, Rhamphorhynchus, flying through the night,
Stealin' crumbs and causing fright.
City birds with a prehistoric past,
Cheeky little bastards, flyin' fast.

Upon the seas so wide and vast, where legends oft are spun,
There sailed a crew of valiant men, 'neath the golden sun.
Legends speak of a beast below, where darkened waters run,
A monstrous foe, with jaws agape, our tale hath just begun.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, the sailors' voices sang,
Through storm and strife, and cannon's roar, their courage bravely rang.
But lo, the beast did rise anew, from depths of Neptune's bane,
With mighty force, it struck our ship, and tore it clean in twain.

Verse 2:
The captain stood with steely gaze, his sword aloft in hand,
“Prepare the cannons, men!” he cried, “We make our final stand!”
The Mosasaurus, fierce and grand, emerged from ocean’s sand,
Its eyes aglow with ancient fire, a terror 'cross the land.

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, the sailors' voices sang,
Through storm and strife, and cannon's roar, their courage bravely rang.
But lo, the beast did rise anew, from depths of Neptune's bane,
With mighty force, it struck our ship, and tore it clean in twain.

The cannons roared, the muskets blazed, 'gainst scales as hard as stone,
Yet none could pierce the beastly hide, nor still its ghastly moan.
With every lash of tail and fin, the waves did crash and groan,
Our hopes did wane, 'neath starless skies, as deathly winds were blown.

Verse 3:
The sailors fought with valiant hearts, 'gainst nature’s fiercest beast,
But one by one, they fell away, the slaughter never ceased.
The captain roared a final call, 'fore he was thus released,
“To Davy Jones, we all shall go, from life we are deceased.”

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, the sailors' voices sang,
Through storm and strife, and cannon's roar, their courage bravely rang.
But lo, the beast did rise anew, from depths of Neptune's bane,
With mighty force, it struck our ship, and tore it clean in twain.

**Verse 1:**
In aurora prima, cum risu puellarum,
Exspectamus iter sacrum,
Loca sancta per orbem terrarum,
Christiana an non, videre cupimus.

Cruciata Kawaii, iter sacrum,
Locus sanctus, quis habitat?
Christi fideles, vigiles sunt,
Exploramus, veritas nunc.

**Verse 2:**
Romam petimus, Vaticanum,
Intra muros, pietas magna.
Pergimus in Jerusalem,
Hierosolyma, terra sancta.

Cruciata Kawaii, iter sacrum,
Locus sanctus, quis habitat?
Christi fideles, vigiles sunt,
Exploramus, veritas nunc.

Smyrnam, Antiochiam,
Per terras sacras, quaerimus.
In unitate, cum fide,
Puellae bellatrices, pergunt audax.

Cruciata Kawaii, iter sacrum,
Locus sanctus, quis habitat?
Christi fideles, vigiles sunt,
Exploramus, veritas nunc.

**Verse 3:**
Si non Christiani possident,
Cruciata Kawaii adest,
Nationes mutare paramus,


**Verse 1:**
In the first light of dawn, with the girls' laughter,
We await the sacred journey,
To holy sites around the world,
To see if they are Christian or not.

Kawaii Crusade, sacred journey,
Holy place, who resides there?
Christ's faithful are vigilant,
We explore, the truth now.

**Verse 2:**
We head to Rome, the Vatican,
Within its walls, great piety.
We proceed to Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, the holy land.

Kawaii Crusade, sacred journey,
Holy place, who resides there?
Christ's faithful are vigilant,
We explore, the truth now.

Smyrna, Antioch,
Through the holy lands, we search.
In unity, with faith,
The warrior girls move boldly.

Kawaii Crusade, sacred journey,
Holy place, who resides there?
Christ's faithful are vigilant,
We explore, the truth now.

**Verse 3:**
If not possessed by Christians,
The Kawaii Crusade is here,
We are ready to change nations,
In faith, we establish the truth.

Kawaii Crusade, sacred journey,
Holy place, who resides there?

### **The Legend of Quetzalcoatlus in the Age of Cortez**
**Verse 1:**
In the age of Cortez, when the conquistadors arrived,
There flew a mighty creature, that none could have contrived.
With wings as wide as ships' sails, and a beak so sharp and long,
The Quetzalcoatlus soared the skies, in ancient tales and song.

Oh, Quetzalcoatlus, grande y fuerte (great and strong),
In the sky you roam, nunca muerte (never dying).
A legend of the heavens, from ages long ago,
In the time of Cortez, your story grows.

**Verse 2:**
The Aztecs called you Quetzal, el dios emplumado (the feathered god),
In reverence and awe, your name they loudly echoed.
"Teuhtli icniuh" (noble brother), they cried, as you flew above the land,
A guardian of the mountains, with a wingspan so grand.

Oh, Quetzalcoatlus, grande y fuerte (great and strong),
In the sky you roam, nunca muerte (never dying).
A legend of the heavens, from ages long ago,
In the time of Cortez, your story grows.

"Volando sobre el valle" (flying over the valley), the Spaniards would proclaim,
As you cast a mighty shadow, igniting fear and fame.
"Que grande es este pájaro" (how big is this bird), they'd whisper in the night,
A creature of both myth and truth, taking to the flight.

**Verse 3:**
In the land of the Nahuatl, your spirit did reside,
"Tonatiuh yohualli" (sun and moon), in the sun and moon you’d glide.
A symbol of the ancient world, unbroken by the years,
Quetzalcoatlus, soaring high, amidst the conquistadors' fears.

Oh, Quetzalcoatlus, grande y fuerte (great and strong),
In the sky you roam, nunca muerte (never dying).
A legend of the heavens, from ages long ago,
In the time of Cortez, your story grows.

So listen to the mariachis, as they play this ancient tune,
Of a bird that touched the heavens, and kissed the silver moon.
In the age of Cortez, when legends c..

In a land of ancient legends, where myths and beasts collide,
An Oni from the mountains roared, with rage it could not hide.
But down in the valley, armoured strong and low,
The Ankylosaurs stood ready, it's courage would show.

Oh, Oni vs. Anky, in the twilight's fading light,
The demon and the armored beast, prepared to fiercely fight.
With clubs and spikes, and fearsome might, they clash beneath the sky,
Oni vs. Anky, who will win, who will die?

**Verse 2:**
The Oni’s eyes were burning, with fire deep and red,
Its tusks were sharp and gleaming, as it charged ahead.
Anky stood firm, his armor tough and true,
With tail like a mighty hammer, he knew just what to do.

Oh, Oni vs. Anky, in the twilight's fading light,
The demon and the armored beast, prepared to fiercely fight.
With clubs and spikes, and fearsome might, they clash beneath the sky,
Oni vs. Anky, who will win, who will die?

The ground shook with fury, as the battle raged on,
Raijin’s thunder roared, with strikes that broke the dawn.
The Oni roared in anger, but Anky did not back down,
In this epic struggle, who would wear the crown?

**Verse 3:**
With a final mighty swing, Anky's tail did fly,
Amaterasu's light shone bright, as the beast began to cry.
The Oni stumbled, roaring, its strength began to fade,
While Anky stood victorious, in the glade he had remade.

Oh, Oni vs. Anky, in the twilight's fading light,
The demon and the armored beast, prepared to fiercely fight.
With clubs and spikes, and fearsome might, they clash beneath the sky,
Oni vs. Anky, who will win, who will die?

**Verse 4:**
The Gods will feast and drink, a spectacle to behold,
The spirits of the forests, the kami of the trees,
Would see the battle raging, under the evening breeze.

In the ancient forests, where legends come alive,
The Oni met its match, and Anky did thrive.
With courage and with armor, he held his ground..

Verse 1:
In a land of giants, where shadows loom so large,
Tiny dinosaurs scurry, beneath the foliage they charge.
Compsognathus, Microraptor, swift and small they go,
Hiding from the stomping beasts, in the undergrowth below.

Oh, we’re the tiny ones, hiding from the sun,
Big stompy sounds, and roars on the run.
In the world of giants, we scuttle and we flee,
Through the ancient forests, where danger roams free.

Verse 2:
Parvicursor, Epidexipteryx, so light and swift,
Sneaking through the forest, their paths are finely sift.
Hesperonychus and Fruitadens, they hide beneath the fern,
Listening to the thundering steps, from which they swiftly turn.

Oh, we’re the tiny ones, hiding from the sun,
Big stompy sounds, and roars on the run.
In the world of giants, we scuttle and we flee,
Through the ancient forests, where danger roams free.

Roars echo through the night, shaking leaves and trees,
We stay silent, out of sight, swaying with the breeze.
Lesothosaurus, Protoceratops, keeping out of sight,
In the shadows we find hope, and shelter from the fright.

Verse 3:
Anchiornis, with feathers bright, glides from tree to tree,
Escaping from the giant jaws, in the canopy.
We tiny ones must stick together, in this world so vast,
Finding safety in our size, from dangers that are cast.

Oh, we’re the tiny ones, hiding from the sun,
Big stompy sounds, and roars on the run.
In the world of giants, we scuttle and we flee,
Through the ancient forests, where danger roams free.

In a land where giants rule, we make our quiet stand,
Tiny dinosaurs united, surviving in this land.
With every roar and every stomp, we find a place to hide,
Living in the shadows, with courage as our guide.

Oh, we’re the tiny ones, hiding from the sun,
Big stompy sounds, and roars on the run.
In the world of giants, we scuttle and we flee,
Through the ancient forests, where danger roams free.

#dinosaurmonth #june

**Verse 1:**
Down in da swamp, where dem cypress trees grow,
Live dem swamp fellers, with a secret to show.
Dey ain't farmin' no gators, nor catfish, nor corn,
Dey got Velociraptors, since da day dey was born.

Oh, dem swamp fellers, raisin' raptors fierce,
In da bayou shadows, where da nightbirds pierce.
With a banjo strummin' an' da crickets' tune,
Dem Velociraptor farmers, 'neath da Cajun moon.

**Verse 2:**
With cyber eyes gleamin', an' overalls frayed,
Dey workin' in da swamp, where da gators laid.
Dem raptors ain't no trouble, when ya know how dey be,
Swamp fellers got da knack, dey train 'em wild an' free.

Oh, dem swamp fellers, raisin' raptors fierce,
In da bayou shadows, where da nightbirds pierce.
With a banjo strummin' an' da crickets' tune,
Dem Velociraptor farmers, 'neath da Cajun moon.

**Verse 3:**
Der compound's got watchtowers, high in da sky,
With particle beam turrets, keepin' a keen eye.
Barbed wire fences, strong an' tall,
Protectin' da raptor pens, an' da farm they call home.

Oh, dem swamp fellers, raisin' raptors fierce,
In da bayou shadows, where da nightbirds pierce.
With a banjo strummin' an' da crickets' tune,
Dem Velociraptor farmers, 'neath da Cajun moon.

With laser muskets handy, an' plasma revolvers bright,
Dey guard der tiny herd, through da swampy night.
From poachers an' da wilds, dey keep der kin safe,
Swamp fellers an' raptors, in a timeless embrace.

Oh, dem swamp fellers, raisin' raptors fierce,
In da bayou shadows, where da nightbirds pierce.
With a banjo strummin' an' da crickets' tune,
Dem Velociraptor farmers, 'neath da Cajun moon.

**Verse 4:**
When da work is done, an' da moon starts to rise,
Dey gather 'round da fire, with a gleam in der eyes.
Singin' songs of da swamp, an' der scaly friends,
In da heart of da bayou, where da legend never ends.

Oh, dem swamp fellers, ra..

some kind of Dinosaur Is in there

### **Pterodactyl Riders in the Sky**

**Verse 1:**
An old moonshiner went riding out one dark and windy day,
Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his way.
When all at once a mighty flock of ancient beasts he saw,
A-soaring through the ragged skies, and up the cloudy draw.

Yippie-yi-yo, yippie-yi-yay,
Pterodactyls in the sky.
Their wings were wide, their cries a fright,
As they soared and flew on high.

**Verse 2:**
Their heads were sharp, their talons keen, their eyes a fiery gleam,
The moonshiner felt his heart race fast, as if caught in a dream.
He saw the Dino Moonshiners, their barrels held so tight,
With Pterodactyls flying fast, escaping into the night.

Yippie-yi-yo, yippie-yi-yay,
Pterodactyls in the sky.
Their wings were wide, their cries a fright,
As they soared and flew on high.

**Verse 3:**
The moonshiner's hat flew off his head, his horse began to rear,
He knew that he had seen a sight that few would ever hear.
He watched in awe as they escaped, with speed and skill and grace,
And Velociraptors on the ground, in a wild chase.

Yippie-yi-yo, yippie-yi-yay,
Pterodactyls in the sky.
Their wings were wide, their cries a fright,
As they soared and flew on high.

He heard a voice that thundered from the leader of the pack,
"Beware, oh moonshiner, you must turn, and never look back.
These ancient beasts, they rule the skies, their spirits wild and free,
And if you ride too close, my friend, they'll take your soul with glee."

Yippie-yi-yo, yippie-yi-yay,
Pterodactyls in the sky.
Their wings were wide, their cries a fright,
As they soared and flew on high.

**Verse 4:**
The moonshiner shook his head in awe, his heart pounding like a drum,
He knew he'd seen a wonder, in a land where time stands numb.
He turned his horse and rode away, with tales for campfire nights,
Of Dino Moonshiners in the skies, a truly mystic sight.


### **Gatorfolk Dino Huntin' Ballad**

**Verse 1:**
Down in dat ol' wasteland, where da cyprus trees sway,
Dem Gatorfolk set dey traps, at da crack o' day.
With speedboats an' laser muskets, dey huntin' high an' low,
In dem murky waters deep, where dem ol' beests go.

Oh, Gatorfolk dino huntin', in dem swamps dey roam,
Chasin' dem monsturs, bringin' 'em back home.
With banjos strummin' an' a fiddle's sweet tune,
Dey huntin' dem dinosoors, 'neath dat apocalyp' moon.

**Verse 2:**
Dey bait dem traps wit' swamp rats, an' catfish tails so fine,
Hopin' fo' a big ol' beast, from dat ancient time.
With hootin' an' hollerin', dey ride dem swampy green,
Huntin' fo' dem lejends, in dat bayou dream.

Oh, Gatorfolk dino huntin', in dem swamps dey roam,
Chasin' dem monsturs, bringin' 'em back home.
With banjos strummin' an' a fiddle's sweet tune,
Dey huntin' dem dinosoors, 'neath dat apocalyp' moon.

Les gators watch in awe, as dem Gatorfolk set der traps,
T-Rex an' Triceratops, fallin' in dem snaps.
In da misty dawn, dey haul der prize ashore,
Dinosoors of dat bayou, tales of ancient lore.

Oh, Gatorfolk dino huntin', in dem swamps dey roam,
Chasin' dem monsturs, bringin' 'em back home.
With banjos strummin' an' a fiddle's sweet tune,
Dey huntin' dem dinosoors, 'neath dat apocalyp' moon.

**Verse 3:**
With gumbo pots a-simmerin', an' jambalaya too,
Dey feast upon der catch, a pree-historic stew.
Under mossy oaks, dey dance an' sing all night,
Celebratin' dino days, 'neath dem stars so bright.

Oh, Gatorfolk dino huntin', in dem swamps dey roam,
Chasin' dem monsturs, bringin' 'em back home.
With banjos strummin' an' a fiddle's sweet tune,
Dey huntin' dem dinosoors, 'neath dat apocalyp' moon.

So if ya find yaself down south, in dat bayou's mystic land,
Join dem Gatorfolk's ancient hunt, wit' a musket in hand.
With banjo tunes an' laughter, ya'll never be a..

**Verse 1:**
In aurora, vexilla volant,
Antiqua moenia sub caelo caeruleo.
Bellatores congregantur, corda ardent,
Per temporis nebulas procedentes.

Recuperatio Constantinopolis,
Echoes praeteriti, ducant viam.
Milites armati, cum gladiis fluentibus,
Turcam Heathenum nunc devincimus.

**Verse 2:**
Scuta alte levata, pugna vocat,
Vestigia resonant per antiquas aedes.
Quisque ictus precatio, in pugna,
Honore devincti, diem capturi.

Recuperatio Constantinopolis,
Echoes praeteriti, ducant viam.
Milites armati, cum gladiis fluentibus,
Turcam Heathenum nunc devincimus.

Sub luce lunari, umbrae serpunt,
Tacita vota, spiritus custodiunt.
In unitate, spes nostrae exprimunt,
In hoc crepusculo, viam invenimus.

Recuperatio Constantinopolis,
Echoes praeteriti, ducant viam.
Milites armati, cum gladiis fluentibus,
Turcam Heathenum nunc devincimus.
Recuperatio Constantinopolis,
In victoria, spiritus manent.
Praeteritum et praesens, coniungunt et dicunt,
Nos vindicamus, in hac sacra die.

**Verse 1:**
In the dawn, our banners fly,
Ancient walls in sight, under azure sky.
Warriors gather, hearts ablaze,
Marching forth through time's thick haze.

Retake Constantinople Day,
Echoes of the past, lead the way.
Armoured knights, with swords that sway,
We rout the Heathen Turk today.

**Verse 2:**
Shields raised high, the battle calls,
Footsteps echo through ancient halls.
Each strike a prayer, in the fray,
Honour bound, we'll seize the day.

Retake Constantinople Day,
Echoes of the past, lead the way.
Armoured knights, with swords that sway,
We rout the Heathen Turk today.

Under moonlight, shadows creep,
Silent vows, our spirits keep.
In unity, our hopes convey,
In this twilight, we find our way.

Retake Constantinople Day,
Echoes of the past, lead the way.
Armoured knights, with swords..

Dankula Goes on an Expedition

a response to "Malcolm P.L." The socio-economics of wooden armour.

a song about the last Dinosaur awaiting the end, as the meteor falls.

#dinosaurmonth #june #jurrasic

Carl's misadventures


Created 5 years, 5 months ago.

78 videos

Category Music