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the original version was published 20th May 2021.
Censored by YouTube - My channel was eventually deleted by YouTube for being 100% accurate about Covid
Journalism is not a crime - Free Julian Assange

New version. Previous stopped working.
Moydolf Dada Art - part 55 - Keep fighting to the end
Dedicated to Vivek Ramaswamy
Don't let the scumbags bring you down.
This video is version 2, i wanted to add a little more.
Video dedicated to my father. He's not well.

"I wake up every morning surprised"

Meat Beat Manifesto
Slayer & Atari Teenage Riot
LCD Sound System

"Music is the best" ~ Frank Zappa

Repost. The old video does not play.
Originally released 27 ‎August ‎2020 during the lockdowns.
Moydolf Dada Art- part 14 - dedicated to Ben Swann & Shaun Attwood.
Use headphones and not mobile phone speakers. Bass missing on shitty iphones.

28/07/2023 Moydolf collective will take a summer break but will leave you with a reminder of the evil of our puppet politicians and the media.

23rd of July 2023
Dedicated to Robert Kennedy Junior.
"In more general terms, think of a puppet show. There are heroes and villains, we root for the former and boo the latter. Ultimately however they both have the same hands controlling them. Same goes in our world. The lodges and secret societies play both the black and white pieces on the checkerboard. Currently the cartoonish evil WEF characters have been primed for a fall and the heroes are now being introduced on the scene to 'take them down'. So once you understand this pattern, you surely need to be as wary of the heroes as you are of the villains?

It's basically the same modus operandi as the infamous Pike letter."

Malochians Vs Lutherians

Mike Keneally - Tomorrow
Underrated musician who played for Frank Zappa in 1988.
This video was sponsored by the Moydolf Dada Art which is a pretentious art collective who fight against tyranny and censorship.
Video dedicated to JiJi King.

"I’m Mike Keneally, writing things about myself. What’s happening with you? You good?

Here are a few words about my life in music. I appreciate you reading them, if in fact you do:

I started playing keyboard when I was seven, when my parents gave me a Magnus chord organ for Christmas. It was like a box of magic to me. For my eleventh birthday I got a guitar and that was a whole different beast, and one that I loved just as much. I played both of them obsessively.

I loved The Beatles obsessively starting when I was five years old, and over time that love extended to Frank Zappa, ELP, Alice Cooper, The Rolling Stones, Steely Dan, Todd Rundgren, Stevie Wonder, Yes, The Beach Boys, Henry Cow, Joni Mitchell, Gentle Giant, Sly Stone, The Residents, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Steve Reich, XTC, Radiohead and a million other incredible artists. They Might Be Giants too. Beefheart obviously. Thelonious Monk, sheesh. Laurie Anderson too. Crimson! Tull! Let’s talk Thomas Dolby and Leonard Bernstein for a second! All of those influences and countless others have found their way into my music; music which, I hope, doesn’t really sound like any of it, ultimately.

I was a weird kid, and I slowly learned to adapt in different circumstances, except when I didn’t. To the extent that I did, this came in handy when I was 25 years old, in late 1987, and got hired to play guitar and keyboard with Frank Zappa, my ultimate musical hero when I was growing up. It was also my first real professional gig as a musician, and it came with a lot of hard and fast learning. It was mind-blowing in every way, literally a dream come true, but also more than that. I feel the repercussions every day.

It took me a while to recover after the Zappa tour, and decide on a next step, but as the 90s got underway I eventually got a solo career going (while also working with Frank’s sons in the group Z, and then playing in Steve Vai’s band for six years. Both extremely fun and educational experiences). Some friends of mine (Jeff and Suzanne Forrest, and thank you to them!) in San Diego started a label, and I signed with Immune Records and did eight audio or video projects with them from 1992 to 1998 – this was when I did hat., Boil That Dust Speck and Sluggo! as well as other titles. Then my pal Scott Chatfield (thank you to him as well!) and I formed Exowax Recordings in 1999, and starting with the instrumental one-man-band album Nonkertompf we unleashed another thirty or so Keneally releases over the next two decades, including regular albums, EPs, limited editions with DVDs or bonus albums, etc. All are available at store.keneally.com.

I started playing live with my own bands a lot in the late 90s, translating intricate studio compositions into live templates, improvising a lot and doing a lot of crazy things onstage, not quite settling into a jam band scene, or a fusion scene, or an alternative scene, or a prog scene, or a composed jazz scene but (I guess?) combining something of all of that, without ever attempting to do anything specific genre-wise at all; I just keep making music that I enjoy hearing. Add in the energy we get from the many varied and wonderful music-lovers we’ve played for around the world, and it’s all been an extraordinary thing for me to be a part of. I’m endlessly grateful to all the musicians who’ve played my music through they years, and to all the people who’ve enjoyed it.

Sometime around 2000 I started occasionally seeing brown triangles, giving me musical instruction according to some arcane outer-planetary notational system. This would happen, sometimes, when I was playing guitar onstage with my eyes closed. After a couple of years, it stopped. I think it helped my playing for good, and I enjoyed it a lot.

In 2006 I started writing songs with Andy Partridge, former leader of XTC and songwriting hero of mine. Six years later in 2012, I put out an album called Wing Beat Fantastic: Songs Written By Mike Keneally & Andy Partridge. Working with Andy was another fairly unbelievable dream come true for me, similar to working with Zappa in terms of the impact they’ve have had on my life.

This album and other recent albums of mine have been recorded at Scott Chatfield’s studio Chatfield Manor, with ace engineer Mike Harris a constant co-conspirator. Every moment it’s possible for me to be working on music here, I do my best to take it. I love making albums. It’s an addiction.

Other recent-ish releases include the mostly instrumental You Must Be This Tall; Scambot 1 (part one of an epic ongoing saga); Evidence of Humanity with drummer Marco Minnemann; and a live DVD/CD set of the Mike Keneally Band"

Moydolf Dada Art - part 52 dedicated to the Sound Of Freedom & Matt Kennard
Keep fighting
Free Assange

Moydolf Dada Art - part 51 - dedicated to Whitley Strieber & Jeremy Corbell

First uploaded 27 ‎July ‎2020 on youtube before being censored. The original version stopped working on BitChute a while ago. This version has been slightly remixed for 2023.

Moydolf Dada Art - part 11

Sudden death sponsored by big pharma, World Health Organisation, Larry Sinclair university of truth and The Gates Foundation.
Adult sudden death syndrome is not caused by climate change. Insanity.
50th video anniversary - all music made at home, composed by NCP and Mellifluous Anonymous.
Larry Sinclair, this man hasn't been proven wrong. He had relations with Obama.
Please subscribe to NCP & Mellifluous Anonymous where you can find my Zappa influence cruddy music.


Art Against Tyranny - Let's keep fighting the good fight, kill the WEF and WHO and Free Julian Assange

Moydolf Dada Art - part 49 - Safe and effective
Only people who have had a minimum of 4 poisonous jabs are allowed to watch this video.
Doctor John Campbell apology for naively trusting the government. Since nine eleven, the Moydolf collective have not trusted the government.

Music by NCP & Mellifluous Anonymous

Video dedicated to Richie Evans
Miss you buddy. Always in my heart.

Moydolf Dada Art - part 34 - dedicated to Ankle Pants & Dollar Vigilante. Moydolf do not agree with some comments by Dollar_Vigilante but we believe in freedom of speech. He's on BitChute.
Art against tyranny.
Health doesn't come form the tip of a needle.

Art for truth, art against tyranny.
Happiness within an insane world.
Music by NCP & Mellifluous Anonymous (including an Aphex Twin loop).
This video was banned on YouTube.
YouTube is run by prudes who think erotica is porn.
Erotica is not porn, it's classy erotic sensual pornography.
Very different. We love BitChute. No ridiculous censorship or double speak.

Old video stopped working... Art against tyranny.
Moydolf Dada Art - part 39 - dedicated to Harold King, Verne Troyer & Sharon Tate

Moydolf Dada Art identify as pacifists and info addicted gay radical non binary shit eating pigeons. We were banned from YouTube who are big corporate cunts. We enjoy art and spread information regarding Covid stupidity and we will keep searching for the truth regarding neo nazi Ukraine supporters such as Hunter Biden and his toffee laptop and that rotten lady Victoria Nuland.
--- Art against Tyranny ---
‎Originally posted on youtube on 23 ‎January ‎2021 before being banned

Moydolf Dada Art - part 48 - dedicated to the children
Pretentious art people we are who want the truth.
The lies. Expose the lies.
* To not die from Covid-19.
* To NOT clutter a hospital bed if I get sick.
* To hug my loved ones
* To Not have to do PCR or antigenic tests to go out dancing, go to a restaurant, go on holidays and many more things yet to come
* To live my life
* To have my kids/grandkids go back to school and play sports.
* For Covid-19 to be an old memory.
* To protect us.

Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in late August 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. However, Comirnaty is currently not available, and while the experimental, emergency use authorized (EUA) Pfizer shot is substituted for Comirnaty, the two products are clearly legally distinct and not the same
A licensed vaccine is not shielded from liability until or unless it’s added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule by the CDC. So, if you were injured by Comirnaty, you could sue Pfizer. You cannot sue if injured by the EUA Pfizer shot (or any of the other EUA COVID injections)
Even though several hundred claims have been filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) for injuries resulting from the COVID shots — which is the only possible avenue to obtain damages — not a single claim has been paid out
Natural immunity is much stronger than what you can achieve from the injection, which only provides antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and wanes within a few months. The shots may in fact permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to later be exposed or infected with COVID
Children’s Health Defense has filed a lawsuit arguing you cannot have a vaccine that is both an emergency use product and a licensed product at the same time. That's against the law, but the government has done it anyway. Remarkably, the request for an injunction was initially thrown out, but the CHD has not given up and is still pursuing the case

In this interview, Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist specializing in toxicology, vaccine-induced illnesses and Gulf War illness, shares her insights into the dangers of the COVID jab, which received an emergency use authorization October 26, 2021, for children as young as 5.

Original version released ‎18 ‎July ‎2020
This is educational entertainment for the people who comply. Learn to say no and don't be afraid to express yourself. Music and art are the best.
Agenda 21, Nazis in Ukraine, 15 minute cities. All the horrible shit they want you to accept with questioning.
Moydolf, art against tyranny, free, Julian Assange, Moydolf Dada Art, video acid, video mdma, enculez, truth, censored, god is art, truth shall set you free, freedom of expression.

unrelated link, do not copy, ignore it

Moydolf Dada Art - part 9 - the existential spiritual warfare reprisal - remix & fix for acid, truth and MDMA
1st posted on the 9th of July 2020 on the despicable YouTube. Since then, it has been remixed with added material at the start of the video. The kind of material and information which is banned on YouTube because they work with Satan and The World Economic Forum scum.
Dedicated to all the people who I met at the anti-lockdown protests in London.
In 2004, Google landed a search contract with the CIA. The value of the deal isn't known, but the agency did ask Google's permission to customise the CIA's internal Google search page by placing the CIA's seal in one of the Google logo's.
Hence, Youtube are cunts.
"During the Nazi era in Germany, eugenics prompted the sterilisation of several hundred thousand people then helped lead to antisemitic programmes of euthanasia and ultimately, of course, to the death camps. The association of eugenics with the Nazis is so strong that many people were surprised at the news several years ago that Sweden had sterilised around 60 000 people (mostly women) between the 1930s and 1970s. The intention was to reduce the number of children born with genetic diseases and disorders. After the turn of the century, eugenics movements—including demands for sterilisation of people considered unfit—had, in fact, blossomed in the United States, Canada, Britain, and Scandinavia, not to mention elsewhere in Europe and in parts of Latin America and Asia. Eugenics was not therefore unique to the Nazis. It could, and did, happen everywhere."
Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada artMoydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art Moydolf Dada Art moydolf dada art

Moydolf Dada Art - part 8 - remix & fix for acid & MDMA
I am a 71 year old canadian. My father, Steve Elniski, fought the nazis for 6 years in WWII as an RCAF pilot seconded to the RAF. I am horribly disgusted with the Canadian cbc broadcaster for turning a blind eye to Ukrainian nazis while "covering" the war. I am particularly disgusted and outraged that the canadian deputy prime minister, chrystia freeland has done photo ops with nazis. She speaks ukrainian and knowingly supports the murderous nazis and is indignant when people like me call her out. She has zero chance of getting re-elected here in alberta canada.

wisdom is not intelligence, wake up and ask questions.
Viva Bitchute

Moydolf Dada Art - part 6 & 7 - remix & fix for acid & MDMA
2 for the price of 1
Share with your enemy.
Stop eugenics. Build back better. Tell them "no".
Population control via virtue signalling.

Moydolf Dada Art - part 5 remix & fix for acid & MDMA

Tink Walks Amok Frank Zappa The Man From Utopia Video
11/16 time signature
- this is not computer music, this is played in a studio by real musicians.
Arthur Barrow's childhood nickname, Tink, provided the title for the track Tink Walks Amok.
"Here's a brilliant instrumental featuring 2 bass tracks. The slap bass is charted to PART GUITAR while the micro bass track is on PART BASS. It's named after then Zappa bassist Arthur Barrow whose nick name was Tink. The song was improvised on the spot with Frank cueing changes on the fly along to a drum machine. Drummer Chad Wackerman later recorded acoustic drums."

This is video is exclusively sponsored by the anti zionist art group called "Moydolf Dada Art"

Frank Zappa – guitar, vocals, drum machine, ARP 2600
Steve Vai – guitar, acoustic guitar
Ray White – guitar, vocals
Roy Estrada – vocals
Bob Harris – boy soprano
Ike Willis – vocals
Bobby Martin – keyboards, saxophone, vocals
Tommy Mars – keyboards
Arthur Barrow – keyboards, bass, micro bass, rhythm guitar
Ed Mann – percussion
Scott Thunes – bass
Chad Wackerman – drums
Vinnie Colaiuta – drums
Craig Twister Steward – harmonica
Dick Fegy – mandolin
Marty Krystall – saxophone

Moydolf Dada Art - part 4 - remix & fix
NCP DJ mix of Aphex Twin with Meat Beat Manifesto with psychedelic bus argument followed by Eno Byrne's My Life in a Bush of Ghosts "America is waiting" James Rettie and Chip in fridge fun in Pluckley.
Finishing with 200 motels, Zappa genius.

updated version from the vault
1st televised on 24th January 2020
No, this is not pornography or erotica.
It's Moydolf.
We made a short documentary whilst drunk or on drugs.
Moydolf, a hypnotic crude disjointed avant garde documentary/collage. The visuals and animations are both disturbingly absurd, degrading and beautiful; accompanied by a rich and powerful listening tapestry ranging from classical music to dissonant messed up quadrospazzed techno. It's certainly an interesting sonic journey.
The film is somewhat a psychedelic diary into the mind of a non conformist art collective in London consisting of bizarre characters lurking in the background such as Mouflaf (photographer), Moon (writer), Flowerpunkchip (editor), Tickleroid (painter) and Nicos (musician) who all clearly loath all forms of copyright and censorship.
The film might not have a plot, and the script was probably more like an outline of the various real life sequences mixed with political news clips. There are no actors, no story per se and yet there is unconventional drama surrounding one of the artist's father with dementia. Of course, there isn't a story but more of a mounting disbelief at what our species is capable of.
This bizarre documentary film will never see the light of day but I could easily see this played in a gallery somehow.
Give this a watch, even if only once. It's a unique film/documentary/diary, and I feel like each person needs to have a surreal, ethereal experience which this film attempts to provide.

Moydolf Dada Art - part 2 - remix & fix
Banned from YouTube. Art against lies & tyranny shall prevail but this video does not touch upon these issues. The later episodes do which got Moydolf banned.
This silly video is dedicated to Jamarl Thomas.


Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

77 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Videos about Moydolf, politics, music, truth (hopefully) and a mixture of all those things.

This channel supports the above. Especially Clare Daly, Disobedient Media, WikiLeaks, Mellifluous Anonymous, Dollar Vigilante, Moydolf Dada Art, UK Column News, Eva Bartlett and many more.