Furious Frank

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Furious Frank



Mirrored from... You'll have to guess.

People actually watched this on TV and believed it was real. So, you understand that people have been victims of dumbing down ever since cinema and TV found their way into the world.

Latest video. This one is actually worth watching, which hasn't been the case for some time. So, comments are open.

To think, sheeple actually swallowed this shit. Frightening! The implications are frightening. Switch off the TV, if you're crazy enough to still have one, throw it away, and wake the fuck up. Or don't.....

All the way from a Hollywood basement to a Hollywood basement.

Seeing is believing.

This is a real situation in Paris France, once the cultural heart of Europe. Now a shit hole full of subhuman rapists and drug addicts. It's in French, but you don't even need a soundtrack to understand what's going on. Wake up guys, do something about this, or your children (if they survive) will curse you.

If you understand, all well and good. If you don't understand, you can begin by thinking about Karma. Karma is what made the suffering possible, but that doesn't mean we can't help. Indeed, if we don't help, one way or another, we may be setting ourselves up for a future life in the same cages.

The evil dictator we bombed out of existence.

Any diehard globetards looking at my account might like to explain this.

I'm not suggesting that your beliefs are misplaced, not at all. But, I am insisting that many texts have been heavily edited and the so called history we are taught is 100% lies. Take a look at this, until recently, very recently, this world that we think we know so well, was very different.

So, you think you know who he was? You think you're well educated and you know all about his paintings? Well I have some unpleasant news for you. Take a look. Or don't.

You'd better wake up extremely quickly. Or your children will curse you.

The incredibly hopeless attempt at convincing sheeple we can actually go to non existent outer space. And walk around in a vacuum ( wonder who was filming?).

Let's take just a few minutes to see how ridiculous the spinning ball yarn really is.

How Islam, aka Satanism, will slither into your country.

I honestly couldn't care less about the so called British king or the deluded young men who join his military. But this has to be seen. The scum, the unwashed subhumans just have to be seen.

Or is it?

The degenerate filth aka Zionists.

White ladies, listen well to this woman because this is YOUR future. Unless something is done very urgently and very thoroughly, this is what's in store for YOU. Wake up before it's forever too late.

Dear deluded globe believers, this is the spinning ball you supposedly live on. Have a good look, and maybe wake the fuck up. Or don't.

The maps that we the sheeple have been shown for only the last 120 years, are false. You can wipe your ass with them.

Traitor judge is questioned, why did you send a six foot two male serial rapist, to a women's prison? You might get a little angry watching this.

Does anyone know what this is?

Latest video, comments are open.


Created 6 years, 10 months ago.

801 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I was on Gab as FrankGoneMad 15.200 followers and zero reaction to my posts. Totally shadow banned, so I deleted my account, Andrew Torba is just another crypto jew busy fucking people over. Now, BitChute is being totally fucked over too, I won't be posting any more videos here, as soon as I choose another site I'll leave a link here for anyone who's interested.