Perception Awareness Change

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Perception Awareness Change



The first and second are the shown the negivity of this realm of matrix overall. Now this one is more positive and engligement by know the suffering so you search for the hidden truth to free yourself from being feed by parasitical gods archons.

So has I forgot the ideas due to drinking alcohol, I still remember what i analysis with the pervious things i research or looked at astral hidden realms.

Now has I been talking about the reincarnation trap and the light with the exposure of aliens of reptilians, greys, and Anunnaki with more exposure of human brain engineered from a year now. I will analyze with those things and put it into a conclusion that will help you to be ready to exist this matrix for good after I have said how bad the governments, central banks, the repeat process of bad hierarchical horrible system and most people are never learned but still be in the believe in these things even after the truth be told. Truth will hurts a lots but once you keep learning, you are realize and admit the whole system itself is a illusion evil sick holographic negative energy farm has we are the batteries energy food feed off by reptilians and archons. The only way to escape all of these things is to know the astral life by knowing the truth and search life after death which is very hidden from us for millennium and the religions is the tools for us to be here to be their god food meals. and then prepare of what happen after watch or studied near death expencies and pre birth experiences or out of body experiences to to know what is to be happen. do it now before death so you know the aware to not be in this hell horrible realm ever again to find a way to build our own home through intentions and remember the intentions is one of main answer for escape the reincarnation trap soul harvesting machine from the moon by the reptilians or archon. the first is tricks and then the challenge of frequency weapons and the pulling from the light by our mind to move straight to the ground earth and then the holes of the grid or rest is come after this and this only is you prepare the awareness of the archon soul harvesting machine light and have a right intentions to escape same with others things the physical realm but with severe limitation. remember that this reincarnation is the last time if you listen and learn.

Since I go through lots of information about the the life after death and matrix on pervious videos. i will tell you in a short video about the preparation of perception at grandvarlia ski resort in Andorra. if you keep watch my next video you know the whole topic :

Since i was searching for truth in 5 years figure out with all of ideas that change me forever. never ever give up for the fake system, the truth will send you free and the life after death and reincarnation is much more than the rest and system in this holographic 3 d dimension is never change has the more truth i learn.

learn near death expenciences:
reincarnation soul trap expose:

statism and central banking plus with collapse:

Since I was talk the same topic back in Tbilisi about the trap part that help you to be aware the issues, then this the another version at the top of mountains near Bakuriani to discuss more details or more information.

Now I talking about the trap we face to overcome to understands the awareness about the circumstances I talking about

Since i talk more about life or information after deaths and hidden electricity inventions more overtime, I will have to discuss about the energy to let you understand at the top of killington peak vt has I show you in last videos the view of this mountain.

After I tell you anything about start from the physical ilumiti and rulers in this 3 d dimensions to the statism and religions mindcontrol to the history with it and the determination of collapse with the coming covid vaccines new era depopulation. Now with recently the biggest hidden truth of all time with the near deaths expencies and the expouse hidden of reincarnations evidance as we don't have pervious life since very young age, I will help you the most important basics information that solves all the problems from the starts. First is to realize our brain was engineered by aliens or archons to causes all of the problems I was says over years. Free your mind from brain design by aliens to free yourself from the archons control of their simulations

The Last Video that information were taken at the town of Keswick in England, Now extended the information in the Laurentians mountains at the edge of ST. Lawrence river to the ocean in the winter winter near by Mont grands fonts Quebec at the left side of the Atlantic ocean. I will tell you more information from free energy to the policing ideas like before.

Has I was discussed in the pt 1 about the spiritual truth about the conscious and bring its information to this 3d physical holographic dimension has the truth will set you free from the illusions. By watching my pervious videos about the basic truth and awareness in this 3d holographic by learning some steps before you get into the higher levels of truth of that we never died but has a consciousness beings to live in dimensions slavery, but has we die we exit this dimensions to move on to mush more infinite awareness ideas like the tunnel of light reincarnation trap and more evidences of aliens and especially the reptilians is controlling our energy for their food is the ignorance of indoctrination of believing statism, false beliefs of fake controlled religions and fake gods that judge you to follow order, fear other almost anything for your safety without any reason but dumb disgusting beliefs without learning around it like Covid and others ideas like “what is there no government or police or school there will be violence, ignorance rubbish, chaos and destruction” for example, bad things that hurt others, and ideas of greed and controlled emotions of violence and abuse others over their controlled energy soul and low consciousness vibration like the humans controlled chickens, pigs and cows in this 3d world. I also said the future awareness of generations later with the freedom of beliefs and not other organizations like government or the company control your life but you and yourselves of your creativity of consciousness beings.

I am discussing about the understandment has I already explain the basics spiritual awareness in Scotland and now put the details in this dimensions to know the ideas of how to free humanity within the basics details that school or the mainstream or 99 percent of population never told.

I am talking about the ideas around the system through its determination of lessons while the collapse is accelerating to its knees has iI did describing in the details of spiritual information before and now tells the ways to build a new anarchy (means without rulers by of self governance, not chaos and destruction) civilization after we learn about the things in pervious collapse by caused its ignorance of statism by people are too stupid to learn the truth behind its shadows, greed, control, and faith on it to cause its collapse. Things i tell you is by learns what happen and then build a ways to avoids this systems ever again that cause it in the first.

Hi, SO has I talk so much about the whole thing about the steps to inform you and become the awareness to safe yourselves If there is the internet shutdown or platforms being shutdown. Please download my video from the links and on odysee is the easiest for me to uploads video to let you download so please click the 3 white dots at the bottom right end of the video screen and then click download for you to share others and upload my videos so i want to have the memories when the whole system of collapse and then computer works if you have store offgrid free energy electricity, but the internet vanish for good you still have one of my videos on the files of computer to watch offline.
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This Video is dated in 4/23/2022, Its show on the norths edge of the Catskills shows the distance Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and nearest place. So I said again with midpoint skills of mind


Created 4 years, 6 months ago.

79 videos

Category Education

The truth is lies with the life of itself, we are being fooled by the lies of its toxicity and things that are mentions are statism and central banks which is hiding you from the publics from schools to the depressing rob communities. I was learn with the views of the truth by expose any circumstances about it to the fact that changes you and the life of actions. there is no need to learn from colleges, universities or work that gives you what I said about its information. And share it information to everybody to know what going on, and the world will change there is no need from the governments or authorities to do things, Its done better by doing of people that you see not the things that never exists but a fantasy ideas that leads to deaths of other people by force of anger and judging of other people opinions to the suicide of people that hated life living out of it. So if you listen what I said and overcome these fake ideas of statism and take control of yourself then the life will become much better and easier to others has will. Since I was research about the near death expencies and life after death, then I will tells the deepest truth to determine the ways to escape the reincarnation of suffering and abuse

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