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Eden is a naturopathic life coach and is teaching on the immune system
Educational purposes only

Ashley Bravo and Susan Pierce the CDC whistle blower of Eden’s Living TV are being hunted . Stalked . Tortured by m13 and a Satanist in Gadsden Alabama
Kristin Cantrell Sherman is a terrorist killing People for life insurance
Deadpool game

My testimony of being human trafficked in Alabama
Etowah county
Corrupt officials and sheriffs
Ritual killing of our children

ASHLEY HELMS BRAVO was beaten by Ashville police(Alabama) & her MEXICAN husband also attacked her - the POLICE took the VICTIM to jail rather than the Mexican immigrant who was hitting her and reaching for his knife in his pocket
She fled and was pulled over by police and then beaten
Ashley is being trafficked by the Mexican cartel who is organ harvesting and sex trafficking Alabama Children
THE CARTEL is working with the Local police and mixed in with CPS - DHR
Her three CHILDREN were STOLEN by CPS - this organization are TRAFFICKERS
This momma needs help —-!!!!!!!
Truck loads of drugs (cocaine) are being shipped into Etowah - corrupt agencies are behind it ALL - a PSYCHOTIC informant is setting people up for her crimes - running CIA DARK OPS

Etowah county is trafficking children through CPS and DHR
I am fighting and running with her
DHR has shown up at my door now harassing me
WE need HELP
Local police and Senator Warner of the intelligence committee - and local FBI now have my report
I am being tortured and stalked by these criminals
Your police are involved in trafficking
I submitted proof
MAC addresses
Physical address
Ham operator call sign
Your time is ticking criminals
You have been EXPOSED

Fair use act
Educational purposes only
Graphene when hit with Frequency _ SPIKES and this is why people are dropping dead
Eden is ex biotech pharma_ nanotechnology expert warning you
If you took the c o v I d bioweapon you altered your God given DNA....a divoc spirit was also merged with your holy body, repent and detox
I use food grade hydrogen peroxide in 8 Oz of water a daily _ a dropper
Not treating _ curing ^ or managing disease

Eden is a trauma specialist teaching on how to overcome FEAR
Educational purposes only

Self defense education
Entertainment purposes only

Eden is a trauma practioner teaching on trauma and the wound of rejection
Fair use act

Fair use Act
Eden is dropping truth
The shot is the DNA changing aspect that alters you into something not human when activated by frequencies
Educational purposes only

Eden dropping truth on the massive Radioactive elements affecting the weather _ earth _ human bodies
Educational purposes only
Not treating or curing disease

My composition of obtaining FREEDOM
/ dedicated to Slavic

Eden is ex biotech pharma whistle blower and is dropping truth on HARRP
EUGENICS and the end game to Transhumanism

Eden is the CDC whistle blower ex biotech pharma _ EMF expert and ordained minister laying the TRUTH down

Eden is ex German biotech pharma
Educating you that dental anesthetic is allowing graphene in the body.

Eden is Cherokee and is teaching the lessons of the Red man and birds who follow the lay lines and know about electromagnetism

Fair use act
Educational purposes only

Eden is ITR trauma trained / certified teaching on the FREEZE RESPONSE and when you are coming out of that freeze stage and re-engage with life
Educational purposes only

Eden is teaching on ozone therapy in Dentistry
Root canals leave trapped bacteria which has been linked to cancer and auto immune

Eden is teaching on how Stress affects the body and body systems
Educational purposes only

Eden is teaching on traits of Narcessistic people
Educational purposes only

Eden is teaching on complex ptsd vs ptsd
Eden is ITR therapy certified
Instinctual Trauma Release method
Educational purposes only

Eden is am expert in trauma
ITR therapy practioner
Teaching on Toxicity _ things you didn't deserve

Eden is a trauma practioner and naturopathic life coach teaching on why you want to smoke after sex and eating

Eden is ex biotech pharma now Naturopathic educating you on the toxicity of Graphene
Educational purposes only

Eden is ex German biotech pharma now educating you on health monitoring systems getting your biological data and selling it
Creating disease within your body and tons of inflammation

Eden is ex German biotech pharma warning you of the enslavement of humanity


Created 4 years ago.

919 videos

Category Health & Medical

Eden's Living TV is a show based on Naturopathic approaches to healing.
I also give Hope to those chronically ill through the Salvation and Grace of Jesus Christ.