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Long ago, as a young marine infantryman in the 1980s, I realized the wrist watch was an endangered species threatened by scratches and destruction of it's owner by glint reflections and dial illumination by enemy detection and fires.

The 1st solution was the wide COMMANDO watch band by legendary SOF operator, Mitch Werbell's Brigade Quartermasters that I immediately put to use that soon absorbed my sweat and began to stink to high heaven. Moreover it's wideness interfered with my wrist's freedom of motion and actually hurt.

So you took the stinky band off and attached your watch to the pen hole flap on your cammies/BDUs or wrapped it around your wrist and draped it over with your sleeve.

Former Combat Engineer "Sapper" Sergeant Ryan Taylor, USMC said he likes to drape his watch OVER his cammie/BDU sleeve but while it's less tedious than constantly pushing away your sleeve it's still exposed to damage and giving yourself away to the enemy


Lightning flashed as I re-thought the problem!

Having 6x rolls of BLACK Self-Cling Wrap (SCW) like GEAR AID's CamoFORM around....I came up with the following Field eXpedient (Fx) "COMMANDO Mummy Wrap Watch Cover" solution:

Wrap just your watch face with self-cling wrap 3x to 4x times.

With sharp scissors CUT A WINDOW hole in the middle of the mummy wrap so you can see the watch face.

Cut a roughly 3" piece of SCW and attach it across the mummy window as an open/close cover flap.

While the self-cling holds the cover flap, over time it loses its clinginess (unlike some people! hahahaha) so glue the left side of the cover flap (cut into 2x former a conformal fit to the round watch) to the mummy wrap left side to act as the secure hinge.

The cover flap will close to the mummy wrap around the watch but as said before it will lose it's cling so glue a piece of soft Velcro to the area where the flap closes onto and a piece of hard Velcro to the corresponding end of the flap so they act as the reliable closure.


Problem solved!

The mummy cling wrap is soft enough for you to push watch buttons.

ONLY the watch itself is camouflage covered--the watchband is still minimal to not absorb sweat & stink to high heaven. I suggest the vinyl plastic watch bands as the BEST non-sweat-absorbing retention of your watch to your wrist directly or over cammies/BDUs.

Too Much Work for Ya?


If someone with tactical web gear making capabilities acted on this concept...they could make everything already with a "store bought" solution that you only have to slip over your watch.

Too easy, huh?

4x decades late...but better late than NEVER!

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Another scam alleged J316 Christians absolutely adore is SNOBBERY. As I was graduating from LFU, this fatfuck snob and Coast Guardsman, the late Education Department Head, Dr. Robert Gaunt asked me if I'd feel the same about my degree if everyone I had started with were here today?

I thought for a moment about all those faces of struggling students who attended class with me...then replied; "I would be much happier if EVERY ONE OF THEM WAS GRADUATING WITH ME NOW...you know the Lord not wanting any to perish? That thing we call CHRISTIANITY?"

I should have socked that fat fucking slob in the mouth... but I needed to graduate. What a piece of snobby shit he was... and is a reflection of many secular humanist-behaving alleged Christians who conflate Horatio Alger pull-yourself-by-your-own-boot-straps "conservatism" with actual KJB Christianity... which it damn well is not. Instead of being smug, Zero Sum Game assholes, they should be advocating mandatory, 2 years of National Service (NS) in a corps of choice so afterwards young people can launch in life with college paid for. Nah. Nope. That would be too helpful...we want young people to struggle quote like we did unquote and have many more fail so we can have someone to look down on, ridicule and feel superior to!

I graduated from LFU only because I needed a world-accredited college degree to become an U.S. military officer young Lion described in Ezekiel 38; I more wanted to go to KJB genius Dr. Peter Ruckman's (he read the Bible at least 124 times to fully begin to understand it) college where I believe in the truths they fight for... but i'd have been stuck as an enlisted NCO blue collar victim unable to have any shot at reforming the corrupt USMC or later U.S. ARMY as God directed me to do.

High I.Q. smart... but secularly immoral and easily deceived by Satan's devils masquerading as fake alien/ETs instead of the historical elves, fairies and gremlins... people in the MILINDCOMP work in the horrid Black Secret Space Program (BSSP) using high technologies like Free Energy and Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC), destructive weather death rays etc. as proven by the 2009 Herrera incident where Special Feces thugs were caught collecting dead Indonesian bodies from a probably perpetrated tsunami to their AGC transport back to base for STPI sick medical experiments to prolong their lives....unfunny, evil Young Frankensteen without breasty sexy Terri Garr.

Obviously, I'm a moral Mr. Low Technology reformer who fights supernatural evil devils with experience in a Deliverance street ministry in-between colleges not cavorting with them in black projects; if you want to play the lazy doubter go look at the 4 DECADES of my selfless service to God and mankind beginning with paper magazine articles in military journals, books and web pages and videos: combatreform.org dynmicpara on fuckYOUTUBE and here on BIT CHUTE. I just will not tolerate any dumbshit or knowingly evil shit any longer.

I condemn LFU as the world evil Satanic AmeroBabylon sheeple mill that it is.

Collectively, none of its participants have read the entire KJB and even begun to reconcile it's many commandments and understandings or else it would NOT be a fuzzy fascist conservative fangirl cheerleader for the STPI Rockefeller war faction patriotic New World Order (NWO) driven by Mammon god money $$$ to build more buildings as was founder Dr. Jerry Falwell's temporal racketeering fetish.

LFU is a secular conservative fascist university that pretends to be Christian with quasi-Hippie Jesus alternating with Nazi Jesus icing and is NOT a Christian college. It's graduates are AOK in bed with the evil corrupt AmeroBabylonian world... or they'd be publicly attacked like Alex Jones is who like it or not... publicly contradicts Satanism. Has AJ been invited to speak at LFU? LFU graduates pose no threat to the world run by Satan because they are in bed with it for social approval and middle class materialistic lifestyles which are really deathstyles. LFU alumni are not new idea reformers as even secularist Spengler noted as necessary for a civilization to thrive; like calling on a prohibition of all mind-altering drugs like alcohol, passing a drug test for motor vehicle driver's licenses, elimination of UNsafe flammable wood buildings, homes, cars/trucks, boats, planes, spaceships because THEY ARE UNDISCIPLINED, UnBiblically-educated DUMBSHITS not doing their damn Christian jobs to be salt life preservatives for society.

If you are DEAD you can't ask for God's John 3:16 pardon. .

Thousands are murdered by Satan as we speak and LFU graduates do nothing.

BUT quote "NOT THIS ONE" unquote as sexy Luciana Paluzzi proclaimed in "Thunderball" though for the enemy side.

Fuck evil. Yes, I said a vulgarity to let you know this is a matter of LIFE and DEATH, dumbshits.

Continued in COMMENTS.

Long ago, as a young marine infantryman in the 1980s, I realized the wrist watch was an endangered species threatened by scratches and destruction of it's owner by glint reflections and dial illumination by enemy detection and fires.

The 1st solution was the wide COMMANDO watch band by legendary SOF operator, Mitch Werbell's Brigade Quartermasters that I immediately put to use that soon absorbed my sweat and began to stink to high heaven. Moreover it's wideness interfered with my wrist's freedom of motion and actually hurt.

So you took the stinky band off and attached your watch to the pen hole flap on your cammies/BDUs or wrapped it around your wrist and draped it over with your sleeve.

Former Combat Engineer "Sapper" Sergeant Ryan Taylor, USMC said he likes to drape his watch OVER his cammie/BDU sleeve but while it's less tedious than constantly pushing away your sleeve it's still exposed to damage and giving yourself away to the enemy


Lightning flashed as I re-thought the problem!

Having 6x rolls of BLACK Self-Cling Wrap (SCW) like GEAR AID's CamoFORM around....I came up with the following Field eXpedient (Fx) "COMMANDO Mummy Wrap Watch Cover" solution:

Wrap just your watch face with self-cling wrap 3x to 4x times.

With sharp scissors CUT A WINDOW hole in the middle of the mummy wrap so you can see the watch face.

Cut a roughly 3" piece of SCW and attach it across the mummy window as an open/close cover flap.

While the self-cling holds the cover flap, over time it loses its clinginess (unlike some people! hahahaha) so glue the left side of the cover flap (cut into 2x former a conformal fit to the round watch) to the mummy wrap left side to act as the secure hinge.

The cover flap will close to the mummy wrap around the watch but as said before it will lose it's cling so glue a piece of soft Velcro to the area where the flap closes onto and a piece of hard Velcro to the corresponding end of the flap so they act as the reliable closure.


Problem solved!

The mummy cling wrap is soft enough for you to push watch buttons.
ONLY the watch itself is camouflage covered--the watchband is still minimal to not absorb sweat & stink to high heaven. I suggest the vinyl plastic watch bands as the BEST non-sweat-absorbing retention of your watch to your wrist directly or over cammies/BDUs.

Too Much Work for Ya?


If someone with tactical web gear making capabilities acted on this concept...they could make everything already with a "store bought" solution that you only have to slip over your watch.

Too easy, huh?

4x decades late...but better late than NEVER!

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

The horrid AmeroBabylonian, evil god, Satanic, Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic, FEDERALIST 1787 U.S. Constitution, ENLIGHTENMENT, anti-supernatural, absent good God deism, neutral life delusionality that it's just automatic natural processes that can be exploited by scientific trial & error, reductionism, by secular legalism instead of French revolutionary violence, 1st Amendment anarchy empire destined for Revelation 18/Ezekiel 38 destruction is an immoral, UNdisciplined, UNorganized, UNsafe clusterfuck operating by Satan's DEATH MACHINERY, yet alleged Christians and secularists can't figure out how or why we are now a Banana republic, evil shit hole self-destructively run by Luciferian secret crime societies when even nihilists like U.S. Navy veteran, YOUTUBER "Black Pidgeon Speaks" concludes we have no culture. The AmeroBabylonian experiment in having no moral, stoical life survival efficient culture and just mindless socio-economic-military exploitation "freedom" anarchy (see movie, "Paint your Wagon") as described by French spy Joseph Hepburn in "Farewell, America" has failed.

AmeroBabylon is a failed nation-state.

Without even being a John 3:16 pardoned Christian with supernatural Holy Spirit life understanding help, it's OBVIOUS that the weak 1787 U.S. Constitution is not enforced and the illegal CIA stole the 2020 election and nation-wide moral collapse for senile sex pervert, UNelected Biden to be the 25% psych-sociopath, Satanist theosophist, pedo-Illuminati (STPI) puppet to destroy us and most of the world for their horrendously evil malicious 8 billion people mass murder... if you are DEAD... you can't ask for God's John 3:16 pardon to pass his life's audition to participate in filling the stars. Yet, alleged Christian educational bureaucracies like Liberty University mass produces AmeroBabylonian 40% authority-following fascist sheeple that gleefully go into the world and have no refutational impact on Satan's DEATH MACHINE and STPI criminal elitist rule. Liberty Fascist University gleefully endorses the immoral and illegal CIA/NATO/Biden war against moral, stoical Russia thru Nazi fascist UKRaine instigating World War 3 global nuclear incineration and has disappointing globalist scum like former U.S. ARMY Armor officer and CIA director, Mike Pompeo come speak without any factual vetting to see if he's even a good moral guy much less a Christian. One must conclude Liberty Fascist University is a WORLDLY apostate, heretical useful idiot tool of Satan since it's not directed by the entirety of God's commandments and directions in his King James Bible (KJB) given to the world thru the nation-state of England in 1611 A.D.

Hold on to that truth word: idiot.

AmeroBabylon is populated by low I.Q. descendents of the "Paint your Wagon" greedy settlers who are sub-sets of weak mental and physical post-Flood humans who live less than 100 years and can barely ponder more than 1 idea at a time and need vast memory storage helps like books and computers to even barely start to understand God's complex realities. It's doubtful that any of Liberty Fascist University's (LFU) students and graduates have even read the KJB completely even once... that is 1 time... to even begin to reconcile its many commandments into an accurate Christian way of life that rejects the world; look at how LFU students and graduates are ao fucking K with the status quo of the world. All Christian "churches"... groups of J316 pardoned believers should MANDATE all members read the entire KJB and write reports on every one of it's 66 books on what it is communicating.

Too much work for Undisciple-ined, lazy, careless over factual details, objective reality irresponsible defacto functional nihilist, decadent consumerist AmeroBabylonians? Then shut-the-fuck-up about you believing a righteous, Holy God exists and you follow his words. You are a lazy liar.

However, let's say some smug LFU cheerleader claims he or she has read the entire KJB once or even 100 times. Point out how they are ignorant that the STPI run the world and concocted the 1787 USC and we were only Christian from 1607 to 1786 as a confederation of colonies. The KJB warns that evil men conspire together to rule civil governments; "A prudent man for see ith the evil and hideth himself, the simple pass on and are punished" Proverbs 22:3. Prudence: thinking ahead means engaging at least 2 ideas at the same time: 1st understanding the present day and then secondly, anticipating what could and likely will happen in the future.

This is way too much I.Q. demand for dumbshit, AmeroBabylonian 40% sheeple who worship the USA instead of God.

Continued in COMMENTS.

The message got through, but there was something suspicious about the style. Culture is a major threat to modern American society. A society fears its deserters more than its enemies, and in its mind intelligence is too often equated with leftism. Kennedy said, "Our nation cannot allow itself to be economically rich and intellectually poor." And Steinbeck added, "What a joy that literacy is no longer prima facie evidence of treason."

But a portion of American society instinctively understood that Kennedy was declaring war on its own. "High society," like the middle classes, felt only suspicion or dislike for his university professors. The American upper crust tries in so far as possible to preserve itself in a superb state of ignorance. For these people, brilliant men like Theodore C. Sorensen or Adlai E. Stevenson, the kind of men who are too poor to leave big tips and too proud to accept them, are intruders in a society that places no value on pure intellect, or accepts it only when it occurs in one of its sons.

These well-to-do, these profiteers, these weaklings, and these simple people had one thing in common: their fear of everything that Kennedy represented. His principal fault was that he was not like them. He did not share their desires and their complacency, their weaknesses and their intolerance. These citizens of the Twentieth Century had no conception of the responsibilities of a President whose role, in reality, is that of viceroy of the universe.

The United States has never faced the irreparable. She has never even experienced a catastrophe. She has known no Roman domination, no barbarian invasion, no feudal wars, no massive bloodbaths. In consequence, she finds it difficult to accept a dominant leader. On the contrary, she wants a President who is subject to the will of his constituents, and even of his adversaries.

The chances of becoming President of the United States are extremely slight, even for a man in the forefront of public life, and such opportunism is needed that the way is left open for a mediocre but crafty politician who knows how to please [BIDEN]. With Eisenhower, the United States was content to spend 8x years in an armchair. The intellectual emancipation and the agitation of the new generation succeeded at the beginning of the Sixties in defeating, by a narrow margin, the advocates of a placid administrator of a complacent nation devoted to the welfare of the majority -- in other words, corrupt. It was the strength of his electoral organization that carried Kennedy to victory, with the help, perhaps, of the seasonal favor of an actual minority that suddenly tired of mediocrity or, like a woman, was momentarily seduced.

But, once he was President, Kennedy set out immediately to give the nation a sense of responsibility and of pathos. This was all the more disturbing in that it was abstract, and therefore unfamiliar. How many of the 185 million Americans in 1960 sensed that this man would betray their heritage, the American way of life, the established order?

Often primitive, readily stubborn, and capable of sudden violence, the American character contains dangerous elements with which men like Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt have had to contend. If, as Machiavelli wrote, men find it easier to forget the loss of their father than that of their patrimony, then "there is nothing more difficult, more dangerous, than to try to change the order of things."

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

America accepted Franklin D. Roosevelt only because she had no other alternative. She found herself again in Harry Truman, a solid citizen with no perverse ambitions who declared that "the combined thought and action of a people always lead in the right direction." (7) Eisenhower was the ideal President. A victorious commander, he dazzled the crowds. Inconsistent, he had no dangerous political philosophy. A petty bourgeois, he dared not oppose the Titans.

And suddenly Kennedy appeared, the first President born in this century, a millionaire, a liberal, and an intellectual. The Democratic candidate nevertheless made no attempt to conceal his aims.

"In the decade that lies ahead -- in the challenging revolutionary sixties -- the American Presidency will demand more than ringing manifestoes issued from the rear of the battle. It will demand that the President place himself in the very thick of the fight, that he care passionately about the fate of the people he leads, that he be willing to serve them at the risk of incurring their momentary displeasure."

"We stand today at the edge of a New Frontier -- the frontier of the 1960's -- a frontier of unknown opportunities and perils -a frontier of unfulfilled hopes and threats." (8)

"Woodrow Wilson's New Freedom promised our nation a new political and economic framework. Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal promised security and succor to those in need. But the New Frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises -- it is a set of challenges. It sums up, not what I intend to offer the American people, but what I intend to ask of them. It appeals to their price, not their pocketbook -- it holds out the promise of more sacrifice instead of more security . . ." (9)

"The Scriptures tell of a time when there were giants on the earth, and that is what our country needs today. This is not the time for futilities. This is not the time for petty complaints and half-measures. This is the time for men of action, not men of words -- this is the time for giant hearts, not faint hearts . . ." (10)

"We have no time for complacency, timidity, or doubt. This is a time for courage and action." (11)

"The old era has ended. The old ways will not do." (12)

It was all so beautiful, so unreal, that no one believed it. They even admired his inscrutability, his ingenuity in using a metaphor borrowed from American folklore, from the myth of the West, to mask a demagogy that was all the more inoffensive because it seemed credible. Others, more cunning, grew concerned when, in West Virginia, under the low roofs of a forgotten America, the Senator from Massachusetts spoke to the abandoned miners, to the unemployed, to the families vegetating in the hills. America began to ask herself if Kennedy was speaking seriously when he bent towards the little people and the forgotten.

Kennedy's socialism aimed at enriching the poor rather than impoverishing the rich, but it was dangerous nevertheless. For one hundred million Americans, the gravest danger, after bankruptcy, is that those just behind may catch up with them. The nouveaux rich are only rich so long as no one grows richer. The have-nots live in constant fear of the down-and-outs, and the hate and fear of the little Puerto Rican for New York are really no more than the hate and fear of half of New York for the little Puerto Rican.

Millions of Americans have risen from the proletariat to the middle class with insufficient intellectual means. They or their sons want to continue to climb the ladder of society. This new American bourgeoisie, which has risen by its own toil, works less today and lives better, and pays less taxes. It claims to be descended from the Pilgrim Fathers, but its origins go back to the washing machine. The Great Society is essentially sectarian and violent. Its mottoes are "each man for himself," "it's none of their business" and "woe to the vanquished."

Today's American is at the mercy of his anxieties. The United States has grown so wealthy that she has lost touch with the rest of the world. America is neither here nor there, be it a question of power or of weakness. She no longer knows what is happening on this earth. Her universe exists in the third person.

The difference continues to widen between the American radicalism of the Thirties and the radicalism of today, whose ethical basis is possession. True, this basis can be traced far back into the American past, and finds its theme song in the ballads of the Far West, where men killed for a horse or a bottle of beer. But Jeffersonian tradition placed, or restored, human values above real estate values.

Continued in COMMENTS...


Farewell America


"It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link in the chain of destiny can be handled at one time."

--U.K. Prime Minister, WINSTON CHURCHILL

Chapter 2: Legacy

"The worst fault of a highly-intelligent sovereign is to impose tasks on his subjects which are beyond their forces, for his aims go far beyond what they are capable of doing and, when he is in charge of an undertaking, he thinks he can foresee its consequences. His administration is therefore fatal to the people. The Prophet himself has said, 'Pattern your step on that of the weakest among you. Too great an intellect is a burden for the people."


Americans are the sons of Calvin. John Calvin preached that the pursuit of wealth and the preservation of property is a Christian duty. He taught that the temptations of the flesh demand a discipline as strict as that of the military profession. "He created an ideal type of man theretofore unknown to both religion and society, who was neither a humanist nor an ascetic, but a businessman living in the fear of God." (1)

Two centuries later, this new type of man came under the influence of John Wesley. (2) "We exhort all Christians to amass as much wealth as they can, and to preserve as much as they can; in other words, to enrich themselves." For President Madison, "The American political system was founded on the natural inequality of men." Correlatively, the moral philosophy of the United States is based on success.

At the end of the Eighteenth Century a Frenchman, the Chevalier de Beaujour, wrote on his return from North America, "The American loses no opportunity to acquire wealth. Gain is the subject of all his conversations, and the motive for all his actions. Thus, there is perhaps no civilized nation in the world where there is less generosity in the sentiments, less elevation of soul and of mind, less of those pleasant and glittering illusions that constitute the charm or the consolation of life. Here, everything is weighed, calculated and sacrificed to self-interest."

Another Frenchman, the Baron de Montlezun, added, "In this country, more than any other, esteem is based on wealth. Talent is trampled underfoot. How much is this man worth? they ask. Not much? He is despised. One hundred thousand crowns? The knees flex, the incense burns, and the once-bankrupt merchant is revered like a god."

The British went even farther than the French. "They are escaped convicts. His Majesty is fortunate to be rid of such rabble. Their true God is power." (3)

In an introduction to a series of articles by historian Andrew Sinclair, the Sunday Times wrote in 1967, "In the five centuries since Columbus discovered the New World, savagery has been part of American life. There has been the violence of conquest and resistance, the violence of racial difference, the violence of civil war, the violence of bandits and gangsters, the violence of lynch law, all set against the violence of the wilderness and the city."

The opinion of these Europeans is subject to question, but George Washington, speaking of the future of American civilization, commented that he would not be surprised by any disaster that might occur.

The disasters began as triumphs. The conquest of the West, the rise of the merchants, the industrial revolutions were America's great crusades, and from them were issued her Titans and her gods. Every civilization has its ideal man. an archetype that stands as a model for the average Citizen. Athens chose the philosopher and the artist; for the Jews, it was the law-giving prophet; for Rome, the Soldier-administrator; for China, the learned Mandarin; for England, the empire builder; for Japan and German, and professional Soldier; for India, the ascetic. For the United States, it was the businessman!

While other nations might have chosen wisdom, beauty, saintliness, military glory, bravery or asceticism as their popular divinities, the United States chose the civilization of gain. The true gods and the only Titans of America were Jay Gould, Daniel Drew, Jay Cooke, Andrew Carnegie, Charles T. Yerkes, Solomon Guggenheim and Irenee Du Pont.

Some of these men, like J. Pierpont Morgan, became gay, high-living nabobs. But most, like Henry Ford, were frugal and dreary puritans. All of them, even the most devout, even the most devoted, even the most sincere, had one thing in common: where business was concerned, they were tough. The churches approved of this attitude. In his book Heroes of Progress, the Reverend McClinock wrote:

"May he long enjoy the fruits of his work and promote the reign of Christ on this earth, not only through the Christian use of the vast fortune with which God has favored him, but through the living example of his active and peaceful piety."

Continued in COMMENTS.

Dr. Ruckman elaborates on his sources & methods used to write his ground-breaking book, "Black is Beautiful"... that are frankly troubling.

Apparently, sources within the BLACK Secret Space Program (BSSP) gave him 5 "Matrixes" ie; bound documents revealing the secret U.S. Government collusion with Satan and his fallen devils, disembodied Genesis 6 Nephilim, Principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places to get high technologies in exchange for surrendering OUR PEOPLE to them to kidnap, murder, torture and mutilate their bodies for sick medical experiments with animals like cattle/bulls to make horrid hybrids like they did to mock God during the dangerous times before Noah and his family escaped in their huge Ark survival ship.

Spielberg's "ET" is a Dangerous and Sick Pedophile Murder Set-up to Deceive them that Satan's Horrid Ugly Devils are somehow Cute

The horror is 30,000 CHILDREN went missing each year in the 1990s and they were murdered and EATEN by the devils concocted to look like the bug-eyed grays by skin absorbption. So much for those who mock this with "Satanic Panic" when it's disgusting Satanic evil mass murder realities. I know someone who lost a child this way... so shut the fuck up, in-bed-with-evil, normies. Dr. Ruckman says if a mere fraction of what his Matricies say are true it'd turn your hair white in fright as this sick treason is underneath the barren southwest AmeroBabylon in James Bond like Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) where a high speed underground train system interconnects them.

I CAN PERSONALLY VERIFY THIS having strayed into a forbiden (miss spell intentional) area at Fort Irwin, National Training Center in 1994 in a M113A2 Gavin light tracked tank where mysterious floating orbs lit a hub of the secret underground train system.

I've also encountered a HUMAN Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) and a horrid hybrid BIGFOOT while UNwisely solo testing a lightweight sleeping bag at Fort Bragg, North Carolina a year later.

Dr. Ruckman in this video, illustrates the supernatural Satanic deviltry Intra-Terrestrials (ITs) can be ordered away by invoking the Lord Jesus Christ but doesn't discuss the kinetic humans and animal cryptids that might be working with them that need gunfire to be thwarted.

In his book "Black is Beautiful", Dr. Ruckman frustratingly notes again and again and again how the establishment doesn't want the sheeple aware that the supernatural exists lest their normie consumerism within Satan's DEATH MACHINE be disrupted. During the waning days of the horrid "Hippie Jesus" Baby Boomer Clintons they considered playing their God-is-dead fake alien/ET card using a train going to every major city in AmeroBabylon with vats of alleged creatures from outer space exactly like depicted in the Revelation of the Method movie, "Independence Day" that has a troubling Area 51 laboratory scene where a captured UFO pilot laughs that they are there to DESTROY mankind... which is exactly Satan and his pedo-Illuminati secret society's goal starting with demolishing our faith in God, Almighty.

The key here is that John 3:16 pardoned Christians with King James Bibles have combat over-matching T B A S E powers over supernatural evil beings. I'm not ending this with typical, do-nothing-kinetic pussy talk. We need a 24/7/365 Earth Defense Force (EDF) composed of J316 Christian Soldiers with both T B A S E and T B A M weaponry for actual national air defense. To effect this, ALL secret society members must be banned from ALL governmental positions so they can't block moral, stoical national survival reforms like the EDF which would be a 2-year National Service option reserved for only J316 Christians.

Play time is over!...boys & girls!

The Satanist theosophist, Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic weak to subversion, 1787 U.S. Constitution and it's horrid 1st Amendment anarchy is over.

Christian reality that combats the supernatural must become our national defensive and way of life organization like it once was for 180 highly successful years from 1607 to 1786 when we were a confederation of Christian colonies living by God's Laws and best practices that work.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Wear a HAMMER when off-duty, heroic IDF Soldiers!

You need it for car/truck escape to bust out windows and thwart knife attacks.

CRIMSLAM is DEBUNKED; watch Trey Smith videos for details; it's NOT a valid good faith religion. It's all a made-up concoction of a Petra civil military governmental thug. Let me see...make up my own religion...yummy....I can have as many wives as I want! (Mormonism)....no, that looks obviously degenerate hedonistic...Got it! Murder non-CRIMSLAMISTS and get a bunch of virgins in Heaven...Yeah! that's the ticket! Get to abuse women here on Earth, too! Sign me up!


Israeli Soldier killed by Arab citizen in stabbing attack at shopping mall

by: Jessica Barshis 07/03/2024

Israeli Soldier killed by an Arab citizen in stabbing attack at shopping mall

An off-duty Israeli Soldier was killed and another seriously injured after an Arab citizen went on a stabbing attack at a shopping mall in northern Israel Wednesday, according to the IDF. The attack, which was captured on security footage, has been hailed by HAMAS and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad criminals.

The attacker, later identified as Jawwad Omar Rubia by security officials, was killed at the scene by the slain officer who was able to shoot him before collapsing. The officer was identified by the IDF as SGT. Aleksandr Iakiminskyi, 19, a truck driver in the 188th Armored Brigade’s 71st Battalion, per The Times of Israel. The wounded Soldier also served in the 71st Battalion.

The surveillance footage showed Rubia approaching Iakiminskyi from behind and stabbing him several times in the neck. Rubia began stabbing the second Soldier in the chest as Iakiminskyi briefly fell to the floor, then grabbed his gun to begin firing at Rubia who also briefly fell before running. The video cut off with Rubia off-screen and Iakiminskyi still standing, covered in blood, firing at the assailant. A large pool of blood could be seen on the floor where the Soldiers were initially stabbed.

Rubia hailed from Nahf, an Arab town in Israel, and arrived at the mall in Karmiel on foot, according to police. Several of the assailant's family members, who worked at the mall, were arrested according to the Haaretz Daily. Police then went to Nahf to arrest more of Rubia's relatives. Police said they were treating the incident as a "suspected terror attack," per BBC News.

The mayor of Nahf, Muhammad Zuri, stated he hoped that the attack wouldn't "spoil" good relations the town had with neighboring Jewish communities. "There is outrage in the village over this incident, and we hope it will remain an isolated one," he said.

Israeli Police spokesman Eli Levy stated to Ynet: "Incitement to terrorism is running rampant on social networks. At the same time, together with the Shin Bet and the Israeli Defense Forces, we are destroying a lot of terrorist infrastructure and thwarting many attacks."

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Fast forward to UFOs if not interested in how hot & miserable the Middle East is (like Florida but more violent! Hahahaha) . Edited UFO-only version now uploaded:


John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL


Co-author [CIA?] William Birnes in the background as LTC Corso spouts off alien/E.T. story the MILINDCOMP wants sheeple to believe to hide THEIR HUMAN Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) derived from Satanic devils and 4th Reich Nazi Germans.

Rockefeller, war-mongering, Satanist Theosophist, pedo-Illuminati (STPI) Free Mason, Senator Thurmond (sadly, a WW2 82nd Airborne Paratrooper) threw his former assistant, LTC Corso under the bus--probably on orders from his scum bosses.


Senator Regrets Role in Book on Aliens
By William J. Broad
June 5, 1997

A new book contending that the nation's military and industrial power largely derive from a crashed alien spaceship is being disparaged by Senator Strom Thurmond, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, who wrote the book's foreword.

The book, ''The Day After Roswell,'' published by Pocket Books, says the Government found an alien craft that had crashed in the desert near Roswell, N.M., in July 1947 and set up a program to glean and use its secrets, including lasers, computer chips and fiber optics. Meanwhile, the book says, the Government covered up the existence of the aliens. The author, Philip J. Corso, who retired from the Army in 1963 and wrote the book with William J. Birnes, says he helped with this endeavor.
The book might be dismissed, as others in the genre have been, except for the author's military background, his claimed role and Senator Thurmond's praise of the author in the foreword.

Mr. Corso contends that, while at the Pentagon, he personally spearheaded an Army project that secretly planted the alien technologies throughout the economy and military, mainly to build up American strength to fight an inevitable war against alien invaders.

In the foreword, Senator Thurmond, a South Carolina Republican, says Mr. Corso worked for him as an aide after leaving the Army and praises him as a person of integrity who served his country well. ''He has many interesting stories to share with individuals interested in military history, espionage and the workings of our Government,'' Senator Thurmond wrote. But he made no mention of the book's central thesis of inadvertent aid to the United States by space aliens.

In a statement, Senator Thurmond said that he regretted that his foreword appeared to bolster claims of a Government conspiracy. ''I know of no such 'cover-up,' '' the Senator said, ''and do not believe one existed.''

Liz Hartman, director of publicity for Pocket Books, said in an interview that confusion over the book's topic appeared to center on Senator Thurmond's office and staff rather than Mr. Corso's revelations. ''We absolutely stand by the book,'' she said. ''It's a memoir.''

UNelected, Senile sex pervert, Illuminati puppet Biden will drop out from the POTUS race and be replaced by some fucktard of choice. If POTUS Trump goes to the sentencing he will not leave the building and be jailed/imprisoned then Epstein murdered leaving it open for their new puppet to be "elected" unless of course Biden cancels election like proxyfuck Zelensky did.

Jill and Hunter Biden run the UNelected White House.

DEATH is the Satanist Theosophist, pedophile Illuminati (STPI)'s goal.

8x BILLION sheeple mass-murdered.

5G tower microwaves triggering deathvax toxins to murder sheeple.

Sheeple refuse to acknowedge realities:

* The Supernatural exists and life is not neutral; evil is out to murder you

* Nature's automatic processes equalize thru normal climate change; there is no nihilist "Soylent Green is People" save life boat Earth desperation

* Evil Satanist devils fornicate with Earth human women creating horrid fake EBE alien/ETs akin to Genesis 6 Nephilim GIANTS

* Criminal secret societies run civil governments and military and instigate wars without your consent since the Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic 1787 U.S. Constitution creating AmeroBabylon set for Revelation 18 destruction

* Children are being kidnapped, tortured, murdered, organ harvested and eaten

* 5G and other electro-magnetic poisoning is coming thru your TVs and self phones to murder you

* You can be MKULTRA hypnotized against your will to commit crimes

* Satanists fly Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) that traverse the Solar system and maintain colonies on the Moon/Mars

AJ predicts a new pandemic is the next FEAR CARD the STPI will play.

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

...from UNsafe ZERO-ZERO Blast Offs...

The evil White Public Space Program (WPSP) NASA selection of the BS Boeing Starliner capsule is a multi-year, $9.5 multi-billion dollar MISTAKE: the DreamChaser winged Aerospace plane that works... should have been chosen to resupply/re-man the International Space Station (ISS) in conjunction with Musk's re-usable, 1950's sci-fi movie, tail-sitting landing, Dragon X Action Reaction Rocket (ARR) missions. Ask the 2x NASA astronauts now stranded on the ISS because it's Starliner capsule is defectively made crap about this.

If someone is "marooned" in space...no desperation drama like the 1969 movie...the mini-DreamChaser + Roc can get into space within 24x hours to RESCUE them.


The Scaled Composites Model 351 Stratolaunch or Roc is an aircraft built by Scaled Composites for Stratolaunch Systems to carry air-launch-to-orbit (ALTO) rockets

Launch of a Dream Chaser small spaceplane capable of transporting astronauts or payloads within 24 hours was also proposed.[47][48]

Private Dream Chaser Space Plane May Launch from Giant Aircraft


By Kelly Dickerson published October 6, 2014

PIC: Stratolaunch and Sierra Nevada Corp. Launch System

Stratolaunch and Sierra Nevada Corp. are teaming up to create a launch system to propel the Dream Chaser space plane into orbit. (Image credit: Sierra Nevada Corporation)

A private space plane may still carry people to orbit in the next few years, even though NASA passed the vehicle over as an astronaut taxi.

Last month, NASA chose SpaceX and Boeing to fly its astronauts to and from the International Space Station, apparently leaving Sierra Nevada Corp.'s Dream Chaser space plane out in the cold. But Sierra Nevada is now teaming up with Stratolaunch Systems to develop a way to get a scaled-down version of Dream Chaser spacecraft off the ground.

Dream Chaser was originally designed to carry up to 7x astronauts and launch vertically atop a rocket. But the new vision calls for a 3x-passenger [mini] Dream Chaser to be air-launched by a giant ["Roc"] plane developed by Stratolaunch, a company that billionaire Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen created in 2011 to make spaceflight [safer] cheaper and more efficient.

"Combining a scaled version of SNC’s Dream Chaser with the Stratolaunch air launch system could provide a highly responsive capability with the potential to reach a variety of LEO [low-Earth orbit] destinations and return astronauts or payloads to a U.S. runway within 24 hours," Stratolaunch executive director Chuck Beames said in a statement.

Stratolaunch Systems likely won't start test flights of its giant aircraft until 2016, company representatives have said. Sierra Nevada and Stratolaunch presented the new launch system idea at the 65th International Astronautical Congress in Toronto on Oct. 1.

Sierra Nevada won multiple rounds of funding through NASA's Commercial Crew Program over the last four years to develop Dream Chaser but lost out on the final contract, which was announced on Sept. 16. The agency awarded SpaceX $2.6 billion and Boeing $4.2 billion to continue work on their Dragon and CST-100 capsules, respectively.

NASA hopes at least one of these private American spaceships is up and running by 2017. The agency has depended on Russian Soyuz spacecraft to fly American astronauts to and from the space station since 2011, when the space shuttle fleet retired.

On Sept. 26, Sierra Nevada filed a protest with the U.S. Government Accountability Office over NASA's handling of the final commercial crew contracts.

Follow Kelly Dickerson on Twitter. Follow us @Spacedotcom, Facebook or Google+. Originally published on Space.com.

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Dream Chaser Teams with Stratolaunch to Carry People into Space
By Bethany Whitfield / Published: Oct 02, 2014

The Dream Chaser, a reusable crewed space shuttle currently under development by Sierra Nevada Corporation, may one day carry people into space with the help of Stratolaunch's massive carrier plane, the brainchild of aviation legend Burt Rutan and Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

The news comes on the heels of Sierra Nevada Corporation's announcement that it will legally challenge NASA's decision to snub the company's bid for a Commercial Crew Transportation contract in favor of the competition's two other proposals, submitted by Boeing and SpaceX.

Continued in COMMENTS.

In "James Bond is REAL" (2011) we detail how the CIA sabotaged Flight TE901's navigation computer to send it into Mount Erebus to end civilian sight seeing over the many crimes going on below away from nation-state laws.


We know from Dr. Greer, Whistle Blower (WB), Eric Hecker that weather weapons attacks and Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) perpetrate from the South Polar Antarctica. Beyond disgusting.

The one thing the Satanist theosophist, pedophile Illuminati (STPI) CIA are good at is MURDER BY AIRCRAFT which they learned from the British MI6-SIS who assassinated many people during WW2 that crossed them like Polish general Sikorsky, General Strafer Gott etc.

The CIA wanted LT Gary Powers' to eject from his altitude-sabotaged U-2 spy glider so an explosive charge blew him and spy camera technology to bits so the Soviets couldn't recover them and shut him up. The crafty Powers wisely chose to bail-out (manually separate from his flimsy U-2) and parachute to safety below and then refused to commit suicide by the CIA supplied poison. After a lot of embarassment that ruined the 1960 President Eisenhower/Kruschchev peace summit as evil STPI scum CIA Director Allen Dulles intended, Powers was released in a prisoner swap and wrote a dishonest book lying that U-2s could only go 65, 000x feet AGL and not the actual 80k--but the evil CIA still wanted their filthy revenge so they tampered with his helicopter's fuel gauge to murder him.


The CIA aircraft murdered, JFK whitewash Warren commission skeptic, Congressman Hale Boggs and Nick Begich with a bomb over remote Alaska, Clinton Secretary Ron Brown by navigation sabotage and even though a female USAF NCO survived the crash, Special Feces thugs murdered her to shut her up. The list goes on and on: NEWS FLASH: if you are a prominent hero fighting STPI evil, DO NOT FLY in BS planes the 25% psych-sociopaths can easily sabotage that dumb shit 40% sheeple will buy into whatever lie excuses authorities feed them that it was just "pilot error" or "mechanical failure" anything to believe UNelected Joe Boden is somehow NOT a senile sex pervert that showered with his daughter aka live their consumerist normie HIVE delusion.


Only national defense-necessary, MILITARY AVIATION at risks with ESCAPE SYSTEMS like ejection seats and everyone wearing bail-out parachutes. UNsafe tube & wing planes superceded by Burnelli BWBs.
Civilians traveling overland should travel at 200+ mph speeds in SAFE High Speed Trains (HSTs) like Japanese bullet trains from 1964: deaths ZERO.

Civilians traveling over ocean waters only in safe Burnelli BWBs that can land on water and float as 1-time defacto seaplanes to be rescued when what can go wrong will go wrong respect for the supernaturally and naturally dangerous reality we live in. Safer HSTs that have tunnels must eventually replace even the above.

Continued in COMMENTS.

An AmeroBabylon fangirl continues:

"They can't.

I am an outlier on the opinion; is the BRICS an existential threat to the "West"? I still stand by it.

One last point The [STPI run] U.S. has been provoking Russia to make a strike against the West. In my opinion, to give them an excuse to either enter the war or call for an Emergency U.N. Security Council meeting.

Let's hope Russian contingent sent to Washington results in settlement. But I don't hold much hope.

U.S. Air Supremacy Beyond Visual Range Air Combat Woes

U.S. was first to have AESA advanced radar. The U.S. is upgrading F-22s and F-35s with a 2nd generation AESA radar.

It took Russia time to deliver a comparable AESA radar that could fit in the nose of their jets.
First put into the SU-57--then added to the SU-35.

Just as an U.S. pilot prefers to fly an F-22 over an F-35 until the F-35 can incorporate engineering changes. The Russian pilots prefer the upgraded SU-35 over the SU-57 until the kinks are worked out.

BUT THE RUSSIAN PILOTS LOVE THEIR IRST RADAR (InFrared Search&target ) radar. The upgraded SU-35s carry both. This IRST can identify and track an airborn missile, jet, helicopter, drone, etc. They have added IRST sensors on the two flanks of the fuselage in addition to the forward facing IRST for expanded capabilities. Russia also can now detect UKRaine jets/missiles (since early 2023) that were blurred against the ground cover down to 50 meters.

Here is the bottom line.

* October 22 the Russians shot down a UKRainian jet at a distance of 124 miles.

Can go to 185 miles. Some say 250 miles. Unheard of. It was using their new R37m air-to-air missile.

The best U.S. air-to-air missile is the AMRAAM ((AIM-120) that goes 85 to 100 miles. A lie. More like 45 to 60 miles.

U.S. has better in development but added even more. The U.S. has 6 new missiles in development and 30 new Hypersonic missiles. Not all will make to phase II or production.


* U.S. AIM-260 , 185 miles , can maneuver, multi-mode radar.. Production started last year. Will take time to ramp up production.

* MAKO Hypersonic missiles fit in the radar stealth bay of the F-22 and F-35. The manufacturer lost a contract to Air Force due to not meeting range requirement. Now the Navy wants it and is reported being funded by special finance arrangement. Range 220 miles. Hypersonic, maneuverable. Can reach target at 220 miles in 3 minutes.

* U.S. is committed to provide ground-based Hypersonic missiles to Germany by Dec '22. Obviously, they missed that date. BUT a few weekends ago, tested two ground-based Hypersonic missile fired from California base to test range in the Marshal Islands 5,000 miles away successfully!

Also , there are more problems with the F-35s then they let on.

They will get it right... but the "refresh" upgrades are also behind schedule. The Pentagon said the U.S. military has 685 F-35s. Senator Ted Cruz in a Senate hearing 2 months ago asked [Secretary of Defense] Austin how many F-35s the U.S. has? Austin said he would get back to Cruz. Cruz pulled out a report and said; "I have the report here... the number is 385". Cruz then asked Austin how many are operational? Austin again said; "I'll have to get back to you". Cruz said; "don't bother I have the answer. It's 29%! That equates to 111 operational F-35s and about now 135 F-22s. $1.7 Trillion spent on the F-35!!!... and that doesn't count the outrageous maintenance costs after put in use. Plus, they are short on spare parts because the mean time between parts failure is about half then expected . . . . including the Pratt & Whitney engines."

As Sun Tzu said, " he who occupies the high ground...will fight to advantage". The high ground is the sky. It just happens today... for now... Russia holds the high ground.

U.S. could take out Russia in a couple of years... but the problem is the UKRaine military is collapsing NOW.






Don't forget that Russia and U.S. have substantial submarine conventional and nuke capacity.

As I have been saying BRICS is an existential threat to the [STPI] West (U.S.).

The West will create a crisis.

Probably humanitarian. The Nuke power plant, Russia taking out Ukraine electricity (even though the U.S. has done likewise in every conflict since WWII, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya, Serbia, etc, etc. Also the (1) Air Force released a paper approving attack on civilian infrastructure (2)
The U.S. DOD War Manual includes attacks on civilian infrastructure.)..."

Continued in COMMENTS.

SAY IT: DISBAND THE CIA. Talbot reveals embittered Satanist theosophist, pedophile Illuminati, exCIA Director Dulles Mandarin was in the world control room on November 22, 1963. WHY? He has no business being there as an alleged "civilian". This Whistle Blower, Pedro Orta concludes the CIA murdered JFK and his administration in general beginning with the deliberately bungled Bay of Pigs fiasco in 1961.


POTUS JFK's mistake was not immediately firing Dulles and disbanding the CIA instead of TALKING about it.


John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Since the 2020 CIA Biden election steal and rainbow-colored, nihilist hedonist WOKETARD degenerate, Rothschild Satanist, pedophile Illuminati, neo-Marxist revolution and moral collapse, the entire Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic 1787 FEDERAL AmeroBabylon government has been deliberately steered towards World War 3 nuclear destruction to mass murder 8 billion people for now demolished (hehehe) Georgia Guidestone evil goals. WE THE PEOPLE don't run jack shit how our too-big-to-manage-morally, secular materialist, delusional empire exploits our previously good name and huge population and land mass socio-economic-military powers for evil. We were moral and stoical when a confederation of Christian colonies following God's Laws and best practices from 1607 to 1786.. one hundred eighty highly successful years which we must MAGA 1607 return to or else we will all die. Clear enough? A nation-wide, stay-at-home economic strike like the French did to get their slacker work/life balance is our only non-violent, social contract refusal card to play to stop the UNelected Biden presidential dictator, sock puppet from UKRoid Nazi instigating nuclear World War 3 incineration at morally-justified Russia self-defending from attacks on its Citizens since the 2014 CIA coup in Kiev.

One malicious and greedy sabotage of the U.S. military is the destruction of Tactical Airpower (TacAir) required for Air Supremacy air cover for decisive ground MANEUVER by the bait of fighter pilot egotism over g-pulling Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) expressed in the 2d TOP GUN movie by Scientology false religion, cult degenerate, Tom Cruise who is a self-made civilian defacto fighter pilot. ACM can't happen if your egotistical USAF bureaucracy insists on pampered air bases with long runways and comfortable delicious chow halls, O clubs to attract breasty women groupies to fornicate with back at the bachelor officer's quarters if you are so obvious from air/space/ground level that you and your chicks are Destroyed-On-The-Ground (D O T G ed) as seen in constant videos of what the Russians are doing to the NATO proxy, UKRainians that started a war against them in 2014. The same 720 degree, Non-Linear Battlefield (720 NLB) vulnerability applies at sea due to the direct TOP GUN "tail hook" super aircraft carrier mafia's 5,000 man/woman handfuls of floating airfield targets where all fixed-wing TacAir eggs are co-located with thousands of gallons of fuel and tons of high explosive ordnance asking to be set afire by just 1 enemy directed missile hit "sinking their battle ship" and throwing thousands of Sailors into the sea to die from salt eating their skin off, sun dehydration and sharks ripping their flesh apart and eating them like how the partially-prepared, U.S. Navy murdered over 600 men of the USS Indianapolis in 1945. The USN lost 685 ships in mostly unguided munitions, World War 2..let that sink in before pondering WHO runs their (not ours) snobby navy?

We said partially-prepared because the so-called "Greatest Generation" at least had seaplanes which one courageous junior officer landed his to get the USS Indianapolis men adrift for 3 days out of the fucking water NOW.. or else none of the 316 barely floating, Sailors would have survived from the over 900 incinerated and/or drowned after Japanese submarine torpedoes explolded the 10,000 ton tin can light cruiser in 1945. Today, the bullshit malice/greeed/ego driven U.S. Navy has no seaplanes and doesn't even require Sailors to wear uninflated LRU-18/P life rafts costing a mere $713 that drooled-over pilot TOP GUNS have a version of in their ejection seats. Abandon ship, you die, foreign port of call, party-going nihilist hedonist, non-warrior junior enlisted Sailors! The Love Boat is over..it's sinking in flames in the distance...got your Bat, shark repellent, Robin?

There are MANY solutions to solve D O T G and D O T sea problems; and we have posted many videos here on BITCHUTE detailing them. However, the Satanists destroying the U.S. military want none of them so they must be removed from power or we will all die in their nuclear World War 3.

For the sake of techno-tactical understanding, let's say the USAF stopped cluster fucking on bloated centralized bureaucratic, air bases like the Swedes did with their dispersed highway & road BAS90 system and the Navy decentralized from 1 or 2sies of stupor carriers to over 100 over 20,000 ton, armored aircraft battle cruisers starting with returning 40,000 ton heavily armored USS New Jersey and Wisconsin battleships with ski jumps for TacAir that can take a hit and keep fighting... instead of running for their lives like the USS Eisenhower did for Diego Garcia after hit by mere Houthi rebel missiles. TacMANEUVER in M113A4 "Super Gavin" light tracked tanks operated by MECHANDOs that evicts thugs with Anti-Ship Missile from firing ranges cthat an be flown from AABCs by new CH-53K "King Stallion"

Continued in COMMENTS.

War & Violent Peace: 1969 to Today

The STPI discovered post-Vietnam, the President as dictator of the U.S. could start and participate the automatic obedience volunteer victim military in all the wars he was directed to start without any consent of WE THE PEOPLE; let alone any restraint by GOD'S LAWS. AmeroBabylon now lives simultaneously at consumerist, hedonist suburban PEACE as the volunteer victim military dies by WAR hence Satanist scum like the Clintons can be degenerates at home and crave for nuclear war with Russia to meet their STPI master's goals of global 8 billion population reduction to bring in their Type B personality, druggie and sexy Huxley, "Brave New World" NWO. If a Rockefeller war scum like W. Bush steals the presidency, he boasts about consumerism while cococting False Flag Attacks like 9/11 to con the sheeple into wars for corporate error using national AmeroBabylon, patriotic self-worship akin to Orwell's "1984" who was only off by a few years. UNelected Biden in the debate against populist POTUS Trump not remembering that over a dozen G.I.s have died under his malicious regime publicly demonstrates STPI disdain for the unwashed masses.

STOP Wars for Peace: Today--or else there will be No Tomorrow

The social contract between WE THE PEOPLE and the STPI U.S. Federal government is over.

Stay home: we must STOP all national economic life to force the STPI regime to stop arming and equiping the UKRoids and tell them to accept morally-justified Russia's peace terms which are to not join NATO and de-militarize and stop attacking Russian Citizens.

There are 3x main human evil vices: MALICE, GREED and EGO.

The STPI's concocting nuclear World War 3 incineration is driven by MALICE.

STPI global malice can be stopped by stopping the automatic economic processes funding and weaponizing the UKRoids. This has to happen before Biden or the STPI's new puppet can murder POTUS Trump and/or cancel elections by FFAs or general war like UKRoid puppet fuck Zelensky did. Notice no UKRoid revolt to his illegal, automatic rule over them as Russian President Putin publicly condemned.

This is a short-term global survival remedy not a long-term fix which is removing ALL secret society members from ALL governmental positions or else it won't be just Biden's fair re-election chances but we will all be nuclear "toast".

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men,
Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

AmeroBabylon is run by ill-conceived, automatic process bucreauracies and not the direct active participation and direction of its people; that if harnessed by malicious directors will abuse its socio-economic and military powers for evil to include national destruction. Short of social influencer, "Pied Pipers" creating nation-wide, stay-home work strikes, nothing will stop the Satanic theosophist, pedophile Illuminati (STPIs) "democratic" republic, 1787 U.S. Constitution's and NATO's "Article 5" "automatic processes" based on secular unreality delusions being exploited by their senile puppet dictator, UNelected Joe Biden to push Russia into nuclear World War 3 to meet their 8 BILLION mass murder humanity reduction goals. Military men must refuse to be STPI pawns in the latter's immoral, illegal UKRaine war against Russia.

Since the dawn of the modern military age of gunpowder firearms, the evil STPI wanting to enrich themselves with war rackets $$$ has had to content with Type B personality, Toxic Pacifist Pussies (TPPs) who deceive themselves that the Lord Jesus Christ is a "Hippie Jesus" when he actually commands Christians to buy swords and fight evil in this world because if you are DEAD you can't ask for the John 3:16 pardon good news "Gospel". The best way for 25% psych-sociopath, STPI wolves allowed to rule over western nations due to TPP pussy alleged Christians to get 40% sheeple and 35% conscience doer, Lions into their wars is by concocting a False Flag Attack upon the collective everyone like the Babylon mystery religion, Free Masonic 1773 Boston Tea Party which UNelected Biden is pushing Russia to attack and appear the evil aggressor when it's been STPI UNpublicized aggressions attacking Russian separatists and now Russia directly since the 2014 CIA coup. Nazi Luftwaffe Field Marshall Goering's finest hour was giving the following warning:

“Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”


Read the 1962 Operation Northwoods plan for details how the U.S. CIA and military concocts wars.

Wars FOR Violent Peace: 1776 to 1944

With the dawn of mass media, the STPI Simon Says! controls automatically the minds of the 40% sheeple who refuse to live their lives according to objective reality and facts but whatever authorities or peer groupstink says... as proven by the Asch, Milgram and Stanford prison experiment and ponerologists. 25% + 40% creates a majority that clogs any "WE THE PEOPLE" revolt and greases the skids for evil automatic dictatorship war concoctions. This is why to survive and be moral and stoically successful, we must be GOD WE OBEY as we were for 180 years from 1607 to 1786 as a confederation of Christian colonies following God's Laws and best practices denying STPI take-over and control and libertine 1st Amendment anarchy.

Continued in COMMENTS...

10150 Table Top Mountain Observatory Government NASA

10151 “The Vault” NAS North Island, San Diego, CA Government

10152 Tinker AFB Government Oklahoma Tinker AFB (Oklahoma)

10170 Tonopah Area 52 Government CA USA Black Site

10153 Tonopah Test Range Government Tonopah Test Range

10154 Travis Air Force Base Government California – A large disc-shaped craft with transparent dome on top was seen inside a hangar during the late 1960s.

10155 TRW Government

10162 Underground tunnels around Barnes airport in Westfield, entrances on other side of East Mountain Road, opposing side from grass covered bunkers

Government Livermore Labs

10156 Village Supercomputing, Phoenix AZ Government

10157 Wackenhut Corp. Government

10158 Walter Reed Hospital Government Washington, D.C. Walter Reed Hospital (Washington, D.C.) – Location of an alleged autopsy of a Satanic ET in the early 1950s (may still have documents, photos and X-Rays on file).

10161 Westover AFB DUMB under granite of Mt. Tom
Government Livermore Labs

10159 White Sands Complex Government White Sands Complex

10160 Wright Patterson Air Force Base Government Dayton, Ohio A witness reports that deep under building 271 in AFMC headquarters may contain Satanic ET bodies. Homoscum Senator Barry Goldwater requested but denied access to its "Blue Room"

Wright Patterson Air Force Base (Dayton, Ohio) – Well known as a depository for recovered Satanic ET bodies, debris and craft.

10163 Yuma Proving Ground as of 1990; massive collection of material and equipment of unknown origin. Several underground facilities north of main base. Some off highway 95. Dirt roads go out to junk buildings that cover the access points to underground ramps and massive elevators


John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

Action Reaction Rocketry (ARR) is dangerous, inefficient means to get into space made worse by not having at least a kinetic motion head start by a high speed sled (Sanger's aerospace plane and "When World's Collide") or air launching an aerospace plane (X-15, "Superman Returns", "Moonraker", Orbital Launch Services, Branson/Rutan's White Knight, the ROC) or self-take-off like BG Yeager's NF-104 "The Right Stuff" and Cooper's "Aurora" etc.

The Rockefeller Satanist theosophist, pedophile Illuminati (STPI) favored von Braun's LIQUID ARR approach for the WHITE Public Space Program to con the sheeple and hide the BLACK Secret Space Program (BSSP). The FBI murdered their rival Rothschild STPI SOLID ARR faction led by sex pervert, Jack Parsons to elevate von Braun's approach.


von Braun was highly intelligent Bill Lyne says he visited the U.S. in the 1930s BEFORE WW2 to study Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC). He certainly must have known about Nazi flying saucers during and after WW2. FBI hostile files on him noted he had suspicious mail correspondence with 4th Reich Nazis in Argentina and someone sabotaged his private plane to try to murder him.

What was his view on AGC?

von Braun's: "The last card...the last card...the last card..."

FEAR Cards

Rogue Nations

POTUS Reagan's "Star Wars" SDI is really designed against the fake alien/E.T. threat...

The fake alien/E.T. fear card is highly developed as the 9/11 con proves...AmeroSheeple don't live according to objective reality and buy into whoever in authority Simon Says! or groupstink fad is...

John 3:16 is THE WAY...
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL

10099 Manzano Mountain Weapons Storage Facility and underground complex. Believed to be the location where one Satanic ET craft was stored.

10100 Marshall Space Flight Center Government Alabama Masonic Temple (York Rite)

10101 Masonic Temple Government York Rite Masonic Temple

10102 Maxwell AFB Government Alabama

10103 McClellan Air Force Base Government Sacramento, CA. Depository of UFO photographs/documents in classified library.

10104 McDonald Douglas Llano Plant Government

10105 Miramar Naval Base 4-5 hour drive to underground garage Special Project using “acquired” tech.

10106 MIT Government Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge Massachusetts Alleged location where Satanic ET debris was tested and analyzed

10107 MITRE Corp. Government MITRE Corp.

10169 Mount Hough Government Plumas National Forest CA USA 39º 56.2' N120º 56.5' underground base underground tunnels from the Ranger station to the base. Nickname "orphanage"

10109 NASA Ames Research Center Government Mountain View CA NASA Ames Research Center (Mountain View CA) adjacent to Moffett Field– Believed to be involved in the research of downed UFOs and debris.

10108 NASA HQ Government

10110 NASA Johnson Space Center Government Houston, TX – Alleged location of a Satanic ET craft.

10111 Naval Air Station Government New Brunswick, Maine Naval Air Station (New Brunswick, Maine) – Alleged location where a black and white movie depicting an ET craft and 3 deceased ET bodies was shown to an Air Force Colonel in 1956.

10112 Naval Station Great Lakes Government North Chicago, IL Teardrop shaped UFO seen in Quonset hanger in 1973 by a gunnery school instructor

10113 Nellis AFB Government Nevada Nellis AFB (Nevada)

10114 Nevada Test Site Government Northern Range - Delta Force Helo Base

10115 NORAD Cheyenne Mountain Colorado Deep Space Network, dedicated console for tracking UFOS.

10117 Northrop “Anthill” Government Tejon Ranch Northrop “Anthill” (Tejon Ranch)

10118 Northrup Grumman Government Northrup Grumman

10119 Norton Air Force Base Government San Bernardino, CA – Closed Air Force Base. Location of classified military aerospace exhibit on November 12, 1988 which featured three AGCs. Also, location of ET craft in hangar. Location of Air Force Audio Visual Center where classified films were made.

10116 Noth American Rockwell Government Noth American Rockwell

10120 NRO Government National Reconnaissance Office NRO (National Reconnaissance Office)

10121 NSA Government National Security Agency NSA (National Security Agency)

10122 Oak Ridge National Laboratory Government Tennessee

10123 Offutt AFB Government Nebraska Offutt AFB (Nebraska)

10124 Orgun-E Delta company, 3/504 PIR, 82nd Airborne Division Special Ops in Afghanistan

10125 Padang, Indonesia – clandestine operations using AGC for drug running and weapons witnessed by L/CPL Michael Herrera and 5 other marines in 2009

10126 Pahute Mesa and Area 19 Government Pahute Mesa and Area 19

10164 Parker, AZ "engine test" facility south of Parker and north of Quartzsite, AZ on the east side of the road. Test site of unknown equipment. Bouse area use of unusual equipment that uses Mexico's airspace.

Government Livermore Labs

10127 Pease Air National Guard Base Government New Hampshire Pease Air National Guard Base (New Hampshire) – A Satanic ET craft is believed to have been stored here.

10171 Peasemore Government UK Berkshire, UK Underground facility run by the NSA manufacturing PLFs - "Greys", genetic experiments

10128 Pentagon Lower basement/vault Government Washington, D.C. Pentagon Lower basement/vault – Believed to be a storage facility for at least one Satanic facsimile ET body, which was being preserved in a large glass container in 1952. A special division within the Pentagon known as the “Artificial Intelligence Group” is believed to have had an on-going UFO research project. Technology Management Office (TMO) – SCIF at the Pentagon

10129 Pine Bush, NY Government

10130 Pine Gap underground facility in Australia Majority 12 U.S. and Australian

10131 Pratt & Whitney – company producing advanced propulsion systems

10132 Pueblo Army Depot Government Colorado Pueblo Army Depot (Colorado) Believed to be the location where two small Satanic ET craft were stored along with a EBE facsimile ET that lived for 18 months.

10166 RAF Lakenheath Liberty Wing. Projects there correlate to Sandia National Labs

10133 RAND Corp. Government

10134 Red Stone Arsenal Government Alabama Believed to be the location where Satanic ET wreckage was stored. Transdimensional energy lab

10135 Research Triangle Park North Carolina UFO studying Satanic ET tech

10136 Rickenbacker Air National uard Base Government Ohio

10137 Rockefeller STPI University Government

10138 SAIC Government Science Applications International, Inc. SAIC Admiral Bobby Ray Inman's outfit

Continued in COMMENTS.

10053 Eglin Air Force Base Government Florida Eglin Air Force Base (Florida) – Believed to be a depository for ET bodies. Site 6 classified radar site that monitors 70% of what goes on in space. Their sign reads “We monitor all space activity terrestrial and extraterrestrial from planet earth”. Site 6 is 15 miles deep into the base. Radar can detect objects as far as 20,000 miles out the size of a basketball.

10054 FBI Headquarters Government FBI Headquarters

10055 Ford Government Ford

10176 Ford Island, Hawaii Government HI USA Ford Island

10056 Fort Benning Government has a space program hangar with AT craft

10057 Fort Bragg, NC 82nd – Range 19 and 18th ABC HQ – G5 war room. Location of anti-gravity SCIF and wet works events.

10058 Fort Chaffee Maneuver Training Center Government near Fort Smith, ArkansasPossible location of underground facility and staging area for test flights of both Satanic ET craft and AGCs which have been seen escorted by military helicopters

10059 Fort Hood Army Base Government Texas Believed to be a vast underground facility/runway large enough to accommodate C-130 cargo aircraft. Test flights of UFOs being escorted by military helicopters have also been reported in this area

10060 Fort Huachuca, underground storage facility, NSA and Army Intelligence complex near Ft. Huachuca.

Underground storage of Satanic ET spacecraft and previously autopsied Satanic facsimile ET life forms. HTJCOE. 9 ET craft/ET bodies/D U M B

10061 Fort Irwin/Raytheon AGC and secret government Ops Government Fort Irwin/Raytheon AGC and secret government Ops

10062 Fort Jackson, South Carolina Army base Government NCCA joint operations CIA & FBI facility

10063 Fort Knox Government Kentucky Fort Knox (Kentucky) – location of one Satanic ET craft.

10064 Fort Polk Government Fort Polk

10065 Fort Sill, near Lawton, OK – USAP with reverse engineered ET cloaking device/ET in SCIF

10165 Ft. Bliss 1990's major research and test facility using unrestricted airspace in Mexico for test flights

Government Livermore Labs

10066 Ft. Monmouth Government New Jersey Ft. Monmouth (New Jersey) – Location where a seven minute film of a Satanic ET craft with bodies was shown in 1953.

10067 General Motors Government General Motors

10068 George AFB Government California George AFB (California)

10069 Goddard Spaceflight Center Government Maryland Goddard Spaceflight Center (Maryland)

10070 Grand Forks AFB Government North Dakota Grand Forks AFB (North Dakota)

10071 Guggenheim Foundation Laboratory Government New York Guggenheim Foundation Laboratory (New York) – A small ET body is believed to have been examined here sometime after 1947.

10072 Hanger One Moffett Field Government Mountain View CA Massive blimp hanger contained a large 100-foot diameter disc shaped craft in 1950. On-going classified programs are still active at this facility adjacent to NASA Ames research center

10073 Hanscom AFB Government Massachusetts

10074 Haystack Butte Government Montana Haystack Butte (Montana)

10075 HITT Construction Government HITT Construction

10076 Holloman AFB Government New Mexico Holloman AFB (New Mexico)

10077 Homestead Air Force Base Government Homestead, Florida At least 5 Satanic ET bodies and various debris were seen by comedian Jackie Gleason in February of 1973. He was brought to the facility by President Richard Nixon

10078 Houma AFB Government Louisiana Houma AFB (Louisiana)

10079 Hughes Aircraft Company Government Hughes Aircraft Company

10080 Hunter Liggett Military Reservation – Mojave Desert, CA – military simulated ET abduction

10081 Irvine, CA Government Underground SCIF near I-5 freeway and Lake Forest studying Satanic facsimile ET bodies Irvine, CA

10083 James F. Hanley Federal Bldg, Syracuse, NY secure floor witnessed possible Satanic ET
10084 Jason Society Government HQs

10085 John Hopkins Hospital Government Baltimore, MD John Hopkins Hospital (Baltimore, MD) – Alleged location where autopsies were performed on multiple Satanic ET bodies.

10086 Kelly AFB Government Texas

10087 Kirtland Air Force Base Government

10088 Langley Air Force Base Government – Alleged site of at least one ET craft being kept in storage. Moon Building

10089 Lawrence Livermore Labs Government California Lawrence Livermore Labs (California) - AT for 70 years, delivery person in the '90s saw a chrome disc floating 3 ft off the ground in a secured warehouse area.

10090 Lewis McChord AFB, McChord, WA – UFO studying Satanic ET technology

10091 Lockheed Martin Sikorsky Government various facilities including Denver research center

10093 Lockheed Martin Sikorsky Skunk Works Government Palmdale Lockheed Martin Skunk Works (Palmdale).

10092 Lockheed-Martin Sikorsky Helendale Plant Government Lockheed-Martin Helendale Plant

Continued in COMMENTS...

MJ-12 has presented each new President with a picture of a "lost alien culture seeking to renew itself, build a home on this planet, and shower us with gifts of technology". In some cases, the President was told nothing. Each President in turn has bought the story, or no story at all; hcok, line, & sinker. Meanwhile, innocent people continue to suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of the alien and human scientists who are engaged in barbarous research [just like Noah's pre-Flood times] that would make even the Nazis look like Sunday school children. As if that is not enough, many people end up as food for the insatiable alien appetite for biological enzymes, glandulars, hormonal secretions, and blood. Many people are abducted and are sentenced to live with psychological and physical damage for the rest of their lives. In the documents I saw 1 in 40 humans had been implanted with devices the purpose of which I have never. discovered. The government believes that the aliens are building an army of human implants which can be activated and turned upon us at will [Like seen in movie, "Kingsman: the Secret Service"]. You should also know that to date we have not even began to become close to parity with the aliens. Is this technology worth it? -

I have been aided by the personal research of [aviator] John Lear, [Cattle mutilations expert] Linda Howe, Bill English, William Stienman, Paul Sheppard, Roger Scherrer, Don Ecker, Tal LeVesque, Leonard Stringfield, Ron Regehr, sources who must remain unnamed; and many others who have so freely shared the results of their labor with me. I extend to you my deepest appreciation and a very warm friendship. Thank you all.


Dr. Greer's D.U.M.B.s List

We changed the BS terms "UAP" and "ARV" to the accurate "AGC" and "UFO".


ID Facility Type City State Country Location Notes Original Facility

10172 633rd Air Base Wing, Joint Base Langley Eustis, VA Government Langley VA USA

This facility may be running a program that monitors UFO activity.

10173 Air Force Materiel Command, Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio Government Dayton OH USA Dayton, OH This facility may be running a program that monitors UFO activity.

10016 Air Force Office of Special Investigations Government AFOSI Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

10017 Air Force Plant 42 Government Palmdale CA Air Force Plant 42 (Palmdale CA) – Location of manufacturing facility for major classified aerospace programs. Lockheed Martin Sikorsky, Northrop and Boeing all have facilities here. In addition, there have been reports of “black contact lens” shaped craft operating out of this location.

10018 Air Force Weapons Laboratory Kirtland Government Air Force Weapons Laboratory Kirtland

Since our interaction with the [Satanic] aliens began, we have come into possession of technology beyond our wildest dreams. A[n aerospace] craft named Aurora exists at Area 51 which makes regular trips into space. It is a one-stage ship called a TAV (trans-atmospheric vehicle) and it can take off from the ground using a 7-mile runway, go into high orbit, return on its own power, and land on the same runway. We currently have and fly atomic-powered alien type [anti-gravity] craft at Area S-4 in Nevada. Our pilots have made interplanetary voyages in these craft and have been to the Moon, Mars, and other planets aboard these craft. We have been lied to about the true nature of the moon, the planets Mars and Venus and the real state of technology that we possess today at this very moment.

In 1969, a confrontation broke out between ,the human scientists and the [Satanic devil] aliens at the Dulce underground lab. The aliens took many of our scientists hostage. Delta forces
were sent in to free them but were no match against the alien weapons. 66 of our people were killed during this action.

As a result, we withdrew from all joint projects for at least 2 years. A reconciliation eventually took place and once again we began to interact.

Today, the alliance continues.

When the Watergate scandal broke, President Nixon had intended to ride out the storm confident that he could not be impeached.

MJ-12, however had a different agenda.

The intelligence community rightfully concluded that an impeachment trial would open up the files and bare the awful secrets to the public eye. Nixon was ordered to resign. He refused and so the first military coup ever to take place in the United States was promulgated. The Joint Chiefs of Staff sent a TOP SECRET message to the Commanders of all the U.S. armed forces throughout the world. It stated, "Upon receipt of this message you will no longer carry out any orders from the White House. Acknowledge receipt." This message was sent a full 5 days before Nixon conceded and announced publicly that he would resign. I personally saw this message. When I asked my commanding officer what he would do, as obviously the order violated the Constitution, I was told, "I guess I will wait to see if any orders come from the White House and then I will decide". I did not see any communication from the White House but that does not mean that none was sent.

A contingency plan was formulated by MJ-12 to throw everyone off the trail should they come close to the truth. The plan was known as MAJESTIC TWELVE. It was implemented with the release by Moore, Shandera, and Friedman of the purported genuine "Eisenhower Briefing Document". The document is a fraud. The document lists the Executive Order as #092447. A number which does not exist and will not exist for quite a long time at the present rate. Truman wrote Executive Orders in the 9,000 range; Eisenhower wrote in the 10,000 range; Ford was up to the 11,000 bracket, and Reagan got only into the 12,000 numbers. Executive Orders are numbered consecutively--no matter who occupies the White House for reasons of continuity, record keeping, and to prevent confusion. The Executive Order is only 1 of several fatal flaws contained within the document. The plan so far has thrown the entire research community off the trail for several years and has resulted in the wasted expenditure of money looking for information which does not exist. It resulted in the total waste of a grant by the Fund For UFO Research of $16,000 which was given to Stanton Friedman to research the information. Many thousands of man hours have gone into looking for a "red herring". If you doubt the secret governments ability to run you through the rose garden you had better think again.

Another contingency plan is in force and is working upon you today. It is the plan to prepare the public for eventual 'confrontation with an alien race. The public is being bombarded with movies, radio, advertising, and tv depicting almost every aspect of the true nature of the alien presence. This includes the good and the bad. Look around and pay attention. The [Satanic devil] aliens are planning to make their presence known and the government is preparing you for it so that there will be no panic.

Continued in COMMENTS.


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

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