Dr Kevin Barrett

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Dr Kevin Barrett



Are we living under disguised Jewish theocracy, administered in part by fake "Christians" like John Hagee? Anthony Hall, professor emeritus at the University of Lethbridge, discusses his new essay. https://anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/the-influential-role-of-jewish-theocracy

State Department whistleblower J. Michael Springmann joins Kevin Barrett to break down the week's one good news story and 29 bad news stories.

More info: www.KevinBarrett.substack.com
Since my last interview with Fadi Lama, Israel has edged closer to the full-scale attack on Lebanon that could be the Zionist Entity’s undoing. As Fadi told me:

“If Israel attacks (Lebanon) it’s real war. I mean real war. Now there are, if you want to call them, serious skirmishes, but it’s not a real war like they’re doing on Gaza. If they do (start) a real war, then it may be considered that from a religious standpoint that Hezbollah can enter into a full war.”

Fadi Lama is the author of Why the West Can’t Win: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World.

AJ used to be within hailing distance of consensus reality. He once made a living editing work that fell squarely within the Overton Window of acceptable discourse. But somewhere along the way, something happened.... (more at www.KevinBarrett.substack.com )

More: www.KevinBarrett.substack.com
"They are absolutely dedicated to going after Lebanon and to fighting it out with Hezbollah. They are still licking their wounds from having been defeated in 2006. And somehow they imagine that they're going to get a better outcome this time, even though the balance of forces has shifted significantly in favor of Hezbollah."

www.PressTV.ir : International affairs analyst Gilbert Doctorow proposes that a multination coalition of relatively non-Zionist-occupied nations should break the Israeli blockade of Gaza. Kevin Barrett agrees. More: KevinBarrett.Substack.com

John Milor, one of the biggest names in Christian UFOlogy,  discusses The Paranormal Christian and other works on related topics. “Public disclosure of ET life is in the works; the government is moving in this direction, with the Navy taking the lead.”
More info: www.KevinBarrett.substack.com

Wyatt Peterson, author of The Perfidy of Zion, joins Kevin Barrett to break down the week's news from a, shall we say, politically incorrect perspective.

Glenn Diesen discusses his book The Ukraine War and the Eurasian World Order. He sketches the historical background from a geopolitical realist perspective, and argues that “to understand the war it is necessary to acknowledge that it has three participants: NATO, Russia, and Ukraine, with their respective objectives. NATO under U.S. leadership explicitly seeks to defeat Russia to end its great power status…Russia considers the war to be an existential threat and has acted accordingly…Ukraine obviously also considers the war to be an existential threat, although different factions within Ukraine may turn on each other…Irrespective of the outcome of the war, the unipolar world order has come to an end…A Eurasian world order is now finally emerging as the international distribution of power continues to shift from the West to the East, and the legitimacy of the Western-centric world order has been severely weakened.”

Jason Kessler, permit-holder of the (in)famous Unite the Right rally of August 2017, discusses his book "Charlottesville and the Death of Free Speech."

"I don't really harbor like hate in my heart or whatever. I say controversial things online sometimes because the reaction to even tepid race realism is so over the top. If you're a free speech guy, at a certain point, you're just like, screw it.
Sometimes I'm just going to say very controversial things because I don't like
people telling me what I can and can't say." More at www.KevinBarrett.substack.com .

Norwegian playwright John Steppling and I respond on Press TV's News Review. More: www.KevinBarrett.substack.com

*TINA = There Is No Alternative: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/There_is_no_alternative
Is Trump an "alternative" just because he's been lawfare-crucified? Cat McGuire and Kevin Barrett don't think so.

Fadi Lama discusses his book Why the West Can’t Win: From Bretton Woods to a Multipolar World. Lama’s thesis is that the West, dominated by private central bankers a.k.a. “the Money Power,” has met its match in the form of the RIC (Russia-Iran-China) de facto alliance.

Evolutionary psychology scholar Kevin MacDonald discussers his new article “The Extreme Hyper-Ethnocentrism of Jews on Display in Israeli Attitudes Toward the Gaza War.”

A UN agency has warned that an estimated 15-thousand pregnant women are among half of Gaza's population that is at the risk of an imminent famine.The United Nations Population Fund attributes the situation to the continued Israeli blockade on life-saving aid to Gaza. The UNPF said that Israel has closed the doors to humanitarian aid and opened the gates to starvation in the territory. The agency added, the catastrophe is incomprehensible and entirely avoidable. The UN and other international aid agencies have repeatedly issued such warnings to Israel but to no avail. Israeli forces on the ground have rather attacked aid workers and Palestinians waiting for food assistance on numerous occasions. According to the UN, 254 aid workers have been killed since Israel launched its war on Gaza late last year.

ichard Gage, AIA, is best known for his work on controlled demolitions at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Recently he has taken an interest in questions about what really happened during the Palestinian Resistance’s Al-Aqsa Storm operation on October 7, including speculation about Israeli foreknowledge. Richard has been invited to speak at the Red Pill Expo in Rapid City South Dakota on June 15/16 on “Gaza: the astounding parallels with 911.” https://richardgage911.org/a-series-on-gaza-its-astounding-parallels-with-9-11-part-1-a-territory-or-country-is-targeted-for-previously-established-geostrategic-goals/

For my take on the limitations of Richard’s thesis, see “9/11 and October 7: Parallels—and Stark Differences.” https://www.vtforeignpolicy.com/2024/05/9-11-and-october-7-parallels-and-stark-differences/

We begin with the usual news roundup, followed by a discussion of E. Michael Jones’ conference “The Dangers of Beauty” held in Krk, Croatia May 5-11.

On-scene reporting specialist Brett Redmayne-Titley discusses his new article “UC’s War For Your Mind?: Students Defeat Cops in Opening Battle.” It provides an in-depth look at one of the more than 100 protests/encampments that have sprung up on American campuses protesting the genocide of Gaza: “On the weekend of April 27, 2024, UC/ San Diego campus administrators got wind that Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) was going to set up an ‘encampment’ at a point yet unknown. They had been waiting for this opening salvo of the constant of conscience and its visual appeal—tents—to finally come to their campus. For months, they had previously been summoned to meetings at UC Davis, UC Los Angeles, and UC Berkeley to, in part and priority, address the growing student awakening…And how to stop it.”

Brett Redmayne-Titley is the author of THERE! On-Scene Reporting from a World Gone Mad.: From Ukraine to Moldova, Erdogan’s Turkey to Hizbullah’s Lebanon, the US Police Killing of Evan Quik and Further Down the Rabbit Hole of Media Lies. His work is archived at WatchingRomeBurn.uk.

"J-Mike" Springmann and Kevin Barrett break down the headlines...with a battering ram! Links: From Lone Nuts to Transitioning Alligators (with J. Michael Springmann) Donate: https://fundrazr.com/42OjG9

The 9/11 perps really DO hate our freedom - as we learned this week. So who are these freedom-haters? Watch and find out! Links: https://kevinbarrett.heresycentral.is/2024/05/ffwn-they-hate-our-freedom-but-which-they-with-cat-mcguire/ Donate: https://fundrazr.com/ffwn-bibi-bans-river2sea

Most Jewish students, unlike the billionaires, oppose genocide. More: www.KevinBarrett.Substack.com

Ron Unz discusses his new articles “Israeli Assassinations and Public Scrutiny” and “After Four Years and Thirty Million Deaths.” The former reflects on the hidden history of Israel’s outrageously bad behavior, some of which is now becoming better known in the wake of the accelerated genocide of Gaza, while the latter summarizes and updates Ron’s work on COVID, including his groundbreaking articles arguing that the pandemic emerged from a US bio-attack on China and Iran.

USA leads the way. Neocons are the worst culprits


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

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