Dogs are awesome!

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Dogs are awesome!



Puppy playing and having a great time.
reward your good dog with some high quality treats:

Short but fun puppy clip for you.

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#shorts #dog #doglovers #animals #joyIf you have time, please visit:

Today's challenge: Can you make it through this video without laughing? There is only one way to find out. If you can't, it's OK. I was unable to. If you have time, reward your good dog with some high quality treats:

Reward your good dog with some high quality treats:
It's a happy and fun day when Jag comes to our house to play with Bach. Try not to laugh. I'll bet you can't help yourself.
( Bach is the big dog)

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#shorts #dog #doglovers

Bach has lots of friend dogs to have some fun in the snow with. Filmed Feb 19, 2021.
reward your good dog with some high quality treats:

Watch what happens when a dog runs into a brown bear. If it weren't captured on video you would not believe it. Presentation created in less than 10 minutes with this:


Created 2 years ago.

8 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

Videos of dogs doing all kinds of crazy things. Sometimes things get really interesting when they interact with people and other kinds of animals. Get ready to be entertained. This is a happy channel for animal lovers to enjoy. Comments are turned on with the following understanding: Be nice! If you see or hear something you don't like, move on! Anyone who attempts to rain on our fun will be muted permanently. This is not the place for negativity. I.E. You hate dogs and want the world to know it.
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