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The C@vid Criminals
K@vid Kriminalci

Committee of 300 - Shadow World Government
Komitet 300 - Svetska vlada u senci

Predviđeni za nestanak - Srbija, zemlja rudarskih jalovišta
Predicted to disappear - Serbia, the land of mining tailings

FEMA Camps for American Dissidents
Internment Camps Are Being Expanded Across The United States!
FEMA kampovi za američke disidente
Kampovi za interniranje se šire širom Sjedinjenih Država!

Red Button of The World

We can all agree the men behind the curtain are power-drunk genocidal psychopaths hell-bent on depopulating the world, obviously.
Crveno Dugme Sveta

Svi se možemo složiti da su ljudi iza zavese pijani genocidne psihopate, očigledno željne depopulacije sveta.

Alex Jones Stops Smugglers From Illegally Transporting Children At The Border
Aleks Džons sprečava krijumčare da ilegalno prevoze decu na granici

Fire and total destruction of the lithium battery factory in South Korea!

In a fire and explosion at a lithium battery factory on June 24 in South Korea, 23 workers died and the factory burned down.
This is another in a series of environmental disasters in the lithium battery industry!
Just think of the devastating environmental consequences of lithium mining, the toxic tailings and wasteland they leave behind, all the way to these increasingly frequent lithium battery burn accidents and the extremely toxic cloud that has dissipated into the air we all breathe...
Požar i potpuno uništenje fabrike litijumskih baterija u Južnoj Koreji!

U požaru i eksploziji u fabrici litijumskih baterija 24. juna u Južnoj Koreji poginula su 23 radnika, a fabrika je izgorela.
Ovo je još jedna u nizu ekoloških katastrofa u industriji litijumskih baterija!

Pomislite samo na pogubne ekološke posledice od rudarenja litijuma, toksične jalovine i pustoši koju su ostavili za sobom pa sve do ovakvih sve učestalijih havarija sagorevanja litijumskih baterija i ekstremno toksičnog oblaka koji se rasplinuo u vazduhu koji svi udišemo...

How do you like Bill-Coyote Super Genius Gates' GMO Artificial Food!??
Kako vam se sviđa Bil-Kojote super genije Gejtsova GMO veštačka hrana!??

Did I already tell you that they not only existed, but they are alive!
Rekoh li vam ja već da su oni ne samo postojali, već su i živi!

Legend Jackie Chan finally getting his award after 56 years!
Legendarni Džeki Čen konačno dobio oskar nakon 56 godina na filmu!

A Polish Catholic priest warned about the war in Ukraine and the antichrist!
Poljski katolički sveštenik upozorio o ratu u Ukrajini i antihristu!

Nest of Serbs --- Gnezdo Srbinovo

Putin visits North Korea, Biden's mental state declines rapidly, Zelensky and his handlers fail at their peace summit, and the corporate media tries to spin it all! Tonight, we will focus on this critical moment in the information war and the importance of honest journalism rooted in the people to combat corporate narratives tied to the current corrupt power base.

We are honored to welcome Garland Nixon ‪@garlandn‬ to the show to lead our discussion on how to effectively speak truth to power in a time of proliferating globalist wars and tyranny at home. Special co-host John Jackman joins us to illuminate the need for a popular political movement to build a real material force to challenge the hegemony and free the American people.

Police in England deliberately hit and trample a young cow in the street with an official car!

"The recent incident, in which police officers from the Surrey force cruelly rammed a cow with their police vehicle, is deeply troubling and unacceptable. Such behavior not only violates the principles of animal welfare, but it also tarnishes the reputation and integrity of our police force—a force meant to serve and protect all life. "
Sign this petition and demand immediate corrective action:
Policija u Engleskoj službenim autom namerno udara i gazi mladu kravu na ulici!

DIY a cheap Luxury Campervan!
Turn a van into a cheap and luxurious camper van
Uradi sam jeftino luksuzno kamper vozilo!
Napravite od kombija jeftino a luksuzno kamper vozilo

Massive floding sout florida after.... Russian nuclear scare event in the shadows!??

"The National Weather Service in Miami has issued a Flash Flood Emergency for significant to catastrophic flooding in Miami-Dade, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, and Miramar, FL. Officials are calling this a catastrophic, life-threatening situation due to ongoing stationary thunderstorms producing heavy downpours, causing extreme flooding."
"Reports indicate multiple homes and roadways are flooded, and multiple water rescues are underway. Estimates suggest 10 to 17+ inches of rain have fallen across a large area in the past 24 hours, with some areas possibly exceeding 20+ inches, resulting in life-threatening flooding. Many roads have been closed due to high water levels."
Ogroman potop južne Floride posle... Ruskog nuklearnog zastrašivanja u senci!??

„Nacionalna meteorološka služba u Majamiju izdala je hitnu situaciju u slučaju naglih poplava zbog značajnih do katastrofalnih poplava u Majami-Dejdu, Pembrouk Pajnsu, Holivudu i Miramaru, Florida. Zvaničnici ovo nazivaju katastrofalnom, opasnom po život zbog stalnih nepogoda sa grmljavinom. jaki pljuskovi, uzrokujući velike poplave“.

Footage is coming from Florida of Russian missiles fired from a nuclear submarine, massive US air activity and a huge explosion!
Naval exercises with nuclear submarines just 66 miles off the coast of Florida...
Sa Floride stižu snimci ruskih projektila ispaljenih iz nuklearne podmornice, masovne vazdušne aktivnosti SAD i ogromne eksplozije! Pomorske vežbe sa nuklearnim podmornicama na samo 66 milja od obale Floride...

Christ Our Lord - 357 / Bakhmut

*Song to the Heroes of the Battle of Kosovo 1389
Hriste Bože - 357 / Bakhmut

*Pesma Junacima Kosovskog Boja 1389.

Never forget, never let it happen again!!!
Nikad ne zaboraviti, nikad ne dozvoliti da se ponovi!!!

Fauci's animal torture, fraud, lethal drugs & experiments on children!
Faučijeva mučenja životinja, prevare, smrtonosni lekovi i eksperimenti sa decom!

Film war propaganda - War in Bosnia - Srebrenica, sacrifice of their own people due to NATO intervention
How film tempering propaganda and events are staged in order to demonize the real persons and events about which the film is being shot, by adding brutal scenes, non-existent dialogues and events, by putting emphasis on evil non-existent intentions and creates a false image of brutality in dealing with people.
Filmska ratna propaganda Rat u Bosni - Srebrenica, žrtvovanje svojih ljudi zbog NATO intervencije
Kako se filmski stvara propaganda i događaji insceniraju u cilju demonizacije stvarnih lica i događaja o kojima se snima film, dodavanjem brutalnih scena,, nepostojećih dijaloga i događaja stavljanjem akcenta ka zlim nepostojećim namerama i kreira lažna slika brutalnosti u ophođenju sa ljudima.

The Hell in the Stone Desert - Croatian concentration camp Slana and Metayna - Island Pag

The video was created in remembrance of Serbs and Jews killed by the Nazi puppet state of Croatia on the island of Pag, where concentration camps Slana and Metayna were located. It was made by Vida TV from the Serbian National Council in Croatia.
Pakao u kamenoj pustinji - hrvatski koncentracioni logor Slana - Pag

Video je nastao u znak sećanja na Srbe i Jevreje koje je ubila nacistička marionetska država Hrvatska na ostrvu Pag, gde su se nalazili koncentracioni logori Slana i Metajna. Napravila ga je Vida TV iz Srpskog narodnog veća u Hrvatskoj.

How "genocide" was tempered
Bosnian Muslims shoot at Serbian positions with mortars, expecting that the Serbs will retaliate with artillery, and the projectiles would fall on civilians in the center of Srebrenica, many of whom are near the mortars. Such insidious and bloody tactics were applied by Bosnian Muslims throughout the war!
Bosnian Muslims provoke the Serbs with mortars in order to retaliate with artillery - on civilians in the center of Srebrenica!
This is the original recording from Srebrenica in 1995.
Kako se kalio "genocid"
Bosanski muslimani pucaju na srpske položaje minobacačem, u iščekivanju da će Srbi uzvratiti artiljerijom, a projektili bi pali po civilima u centru Srebrenice, kojih je mnoštvo u blizini minobacača. Takvu podmuklu i krvavu taktiku su bosanski muslimani primenjivali tokom celog rata!
Ovo je originalni snimak iz Srebrenice 1995.

Zločini muslimanskih terorista i HOS-a nad srpkinjama i drugim ženama u toku rata u BiH 1992. - 1995. (1. deo filma )
Crimes committed by Muslim terrorists and HOS against Serbian and another women in the Bosnian War 1992 -1995 (first part movie)

Zločini muslimanskih terorista i HOS-a nad srpkinjama i drugim ženama u toku rata u BiH 1992. - 1995. (2. deo filma )
Crimes committed by Muslim terrorists and HOS against Serbian and another women in the Bosnian War 1992 -1995 (second part movie)


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

467 videos

Category News & Politics

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