Deus Vult Traditionalist Australia

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Deus Vult Traditionalist Australia



Boomer cuckservative retards love any degenerate weirdo who endorses Trump. My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

Rabbi drops big truth bombs on NWO, Masonic creation of Israel etc. My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

What a shit show. Worship the new age, be a slave to your smart phone, ditch real money for crypto. My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

UK man sums up demonic liberalism as the evil death cult that has ruined The West. My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

Life in the West is now a Marquis de Sade novel. My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

Their top organisational advisor is Jewish.My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

Nationalism is approved in Western nations if it's pro-Zionist.My original music is here: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel:

I don't have time to comment on this nonsense so I'll let Juxtaposition do the talking. Source video:

This was our reward for winning WW2.

The Jew's favourite bio-weapon lashes out incoherently at the White gal.

So much for the "based Poles". This is outright global war against all European nations. Our nations are now crumbling faster than a block of fetta cheese. Time to buckle up and do what needs to be done lads! Deus Vult!

The only time they actually want whites is for their fucked up brother wars. Fuck the Judeo-Masonic filth. Their time is up.

They come in our nations and beg for sympathy, meanwhile they plot and plan our destruction.

The West is now entering peak Jewish psychosis

The father of the vaccine shows us his plan to MAGA with Bill Gates.

This is what we get for winning the WW2 brother war as part of the Jewish alliance.

Of course it's run by a woke fat lesbian. 😖 Enjoy the horror show that is the death of the West.

Dive into Kevin MacDonald's book series "culture of critique" with us.

Hugh Hefner was a CIA handler. His mansion has pizzagate tunnels connected to many other Hollywood mansions. Aren't you glad we won WW2 and we were liberated from all those evil conservative patriots who were oppressing us?

We all knew this was going to come to The West. The only time voting is allowed to function in a normal legal fashion is when everyone votes for the modern liberal agenda.

The Jewish Hollywood royalty openly bragging about how they use mass media to mindfuck the goyim hand in hand with the US military industrial complex

Ingraining "victim status" into Jewish children begins at birth.

The final stage of the Kalergi plan is here. This is THE END OF THE WEST!

I guess the Ijihadi3000 also blows up on command when the imams announce a jihad.

Orban has his downside but at least he's not selling his nation out to a bunch of liberal elite faggot stooges.


Created 6 years, 5 months ago.

1057 videos

Category Education

Aussie nationalist / traditionalist & Deus Vult kick ass Christian. Musician. Celt. Lover of history, Western culture, liberties and ideals. DOWNLOAD MY ORIGINAL MUSIC HERE ON BANDCAMP: For bookings, CDs or contact: [email protected] Donate to my channel: