DePrescribing Pharmacist

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DePrescribing Pharmacist

DePrescribing Pharmacist


Guest speaker Marie Anne Boularand will return for a second session to talk about Biodecoding. For this session Marie will talk about the emotional trauma or conflict that are involved with the different types of cancer.

Biodecoding is a fascinating approach to health and one of my favorite theories as it shows the "biological meaning of disease". There is a lot to Biodecoding, but to name a few highlights, she will share how a trauma can be the onset of a disease, and how our own thoughts and beliefs can create the disease or help us heal. The theory also shows how diseases are not random, but the body's attempt to create balance and restore equilibrium after a trauma.

According to biodecoding, a disease starts with an acute and traumatic event. This leads to changes in the brain, and eventually symptoms will appear. It is important to address and resolve these emotional traumas when dealing with any health condition or disease, especially cancer.

Our guest for this week is Art San. Art San is a massage therapist and the owner of Sports Massage Extreme in Los Angeles. He also the chapter 7 interview in my book, Off Balance The American Way of Health, A Pharmacist's Perspective on Why Drugs Don't Work .

After a motorcycle accident, Art struggled with severe pain for 20 years and the doctors told him that he’d be in pain the rest of his life. He found a tool at a garage sale and intuitively he knew this would help him relieve his pain. He not only got out of pain but has continued on to create his own methods of relieving pain using combinations of massage, muscle releasing techniques, and his new Three Point Method and has now helped thousands of people relieve their pain.

Art will share his story of healing as well as the methods he uses to help others relieve pain. He will also share his daily routine and techniques that can help prevent pain.

To follow Art San on Facebook:

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Our guest presenter this week will be Terry Chamberlin. Terry is the creator of the facebook group The Natural Health Library with over 300,000 members. He has built an amazing community where he shares a wealth of information. He will talk about the many uses and amazing benefits of colloidal silver.

Terry grew up with the SAD (Standard American Diet) of high sugar and
processed foods. He suffered with allergies, dry, itchy, flaky skin,
and, because of low blood sugar could sleep 12 hours and wake up still
feeling exhausted. He went to three different doctors, and each told
him "It's all in your head." Meanwhile, none of his doctors asked him
any questions about his diet.

One day, at a yard sale, he found a book called "Body, Mind and Sugar"
that got him on the road to recovery and started his passion for
learning about health and helping others.

Terry was mentored by Dr. Carey Reams, a biophysicist/biochemist who
was one of the first to develop an accurate biochemical testing
procedure in the early 1930's.

Terry's facebook group is one of my go-to sites when I am doing research, his facebook group:

and on his membership website:

To buy one of Terry’s colloidal silver brewers click here:

To sign up for announcements for future Deprescribing classes:
contact: [email protected]

Dr. Michael E Bohan is a medical doctor and is Board Certified in Addiction Medicine and Internal Medicine and specializes in helping patients get off benzodiazepines. This class of medication is often used to treat anxiety includes diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonpin) which are often used to treat nerves, anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. However, some patients who take these medications have a very difficult time getting off of them. Some can struggle with a variety of withdrawal symptoms including sleep disturbances, tremors, panic attacks,and sometimes heart palpitations.

Dr. Bohan will talk about his experience with addictions and how he helps his patients stop taking addictive medications like benzodiazepines.with good integrity.

For more information on dealing with benzodiazepine withdrawals:

Dr. Alan Goldhamer is an expert in the use of medically supervised, water-only fasting and the founder of TrueNorth Health Center in northern California, a state-of-the-art facility that provides medical and chiropractic services, psychotherapy and counseling, as well as massage and body work. Dr.Goldhamer will speak about the results he has published on the successful treatment of high blood pressure and other conditions with the use of nutritional medicine, including medically supervised water-only fasting.
True North Health Center:

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Lance Schuttler is the Owner and CEO of Ascent Nutrition, a nutrition and wellness company with the mission of offering deeply transformative and helpful nutrients to as many people as possible and to help bring about a great collective shift in human consciousness and health.

Having graduated from the University of Iowa with a degree in Health Science, Lance brings deep experience within the health and wellness fields, as well as a well rounded perspective of the nutraceutical industry.

Lance has worked in the three major areas of this industry and saw many inefficiencies and short cuts that were and still are being taken by many in this field.

Lance is going to talk about Choosing Clean Products, and what to consider when looking for safe, effective products created by a company with good integrity.

Researchers estimate about 20% of the population struggle with acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Medications for acid reflux like omeprazole (Prilosec) and esomeprazole (Nexium) are very accessible as they are available by prescription, as well as over the counter, and are usually covered by insurance. But are these safe to take long term? What natural or holistic remedies are available to treat acid reflux?

We discuss the problems with long-term use of acid reflux medications, as well as other ways to address acid reflux.

Today's guest speaker is Scott Porter, who is a pharmacist and owner of Sandpoint Super Drug in Sandpoint, Idaho. He is trained in functional medicine and very proactive as he educates other pharmacists and practitioners in functional medicine and clinical nutrition. He has given several talks around the country relating to diet, foundational support and functional medicine so as to keep people off prescription drugs.

He will be sharing the different types of vaccine injuries he is helping his patients with as well as long covid, what therapies can help, as well as his journey of dealing with own myocarditis from vaccine injury.

Learn more about Scott and his pharmacy here

Biodecoding is a fascinating approach to health and one of my favorite theories as it shows the "biological meaning of disease".

There is a lot to Biodecoding, but to name a few highlights, she will share
— how a trauma can be the onset of a disease, and
— how our own thoughts and beliefs can create the disease or help us heal.

The theory also shows how diseases are not random, but the body's attempt to create balance and restore equilibrium after a trauma.

We will also have the opportunity to hear from a pharmacist, Kathy Malacha, who has been studying Biodecoding for the past few years. She will share her insights and experience.

For more information on biodecoding:

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Let's talk about blood pressure.
What is blood pressure, and why is it important?
Who set the standard guidelines for an acceptable blood pressure range?

What do you need to know about blood pressure and what are the different ways to address blood pressure that is too high or too low, beside prescription drugs.

What natural food or remedies or other practices can help control blood pressure?

We are going to discuss what a new healthcare system would look like. We are trying something different this week compared to our regular Deprescribing.

There are so many parts of the healthcare system that need improvement. When I talk to people about their ideas and experiences, many have different ideas of what the healthcare system needs.

This is an opportunity to discuss and share ideas and put it all together. We will in essence plant a seed to imagine the healthcare system we want to create.

Dr. Dennis Kinnane is a former pharmacist and a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner. One Dr. Kinnane’s epiphanies came when he lost a close friend to hepatitis under the care of a prestigious hospital in Los Angeles. He later learned that dandelion root tea could help heal hepatitis.

That was one of the incidents that inspired him to leave the pharmacy profession and start a new career.

Dr. Kinnane is going to talk about his practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture and when and how it helps patients compared to Western Medicine. He is an amazing resource of information as someone who has been trained in both Eastern medicine and Western medicine.

For more information:

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Allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the U.S. with an annual cost in excess of $18 billion. More than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies each year.

Including seasonal allergies, food allergies, anaphylaxis.

We will discuss natural ways to address allergies.

Discussion includes The Pulse Test, NAET, essential oils, bee pollen, netti pot, probiotics, acupuncture

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)106,699 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States in 2021.

Opioids were involved in 80,411 overdose deaths in 2021 (75.4% of all drug overdose deaths).

If you are in pain and go to a medical doctor, you may get an anti-inflammatory to start, but may eventually be introduced to an opioid like hydrocodone or oxycodone.

Yet there are many other ways to help get out of pain. We discuss the different options that can help to relieve pain.

This is an EFT healing session that viewers can watch and participate on their own.

Don Milton is a life coach and energy healer who helps individual clients as well as companies achieve goals with efficiency and utmost satisfaction. Don employs a variety of proven methods that help individuals accomplish their dreams and desires. Don focuses on helping clients release the emotional baggage that stands in the way of improving their lives. His own life has been a testament to his work as he continually does his own inner work , thereby having a direct experience of the methods he teaches.

The session will be experiential to get a taste of 3 techniques, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT), and Matrix Reimprinting. You can review these pages to get an idea of results that clients consistently get.

How to prepare:
Make a list of 4 one time events from the past that each bring up strong negative feelings when you think about them today and 2 events that are more global in scope such as chronic health issue, broken relationship, death of a loved one, financial problems, etc.

If you have a food or tobacco craving that you would like to reduce then have the item you crave on hand. Also have a pad and pen with you. Everyone will be able to address their own issues at the same time with EFT and TAT and I will demo Matrix Reimprinting with one person while others observe the process. No need to reveal the issue you are addressing unless you want to.

Some believe emotions are one of the most overlooked yet important aspects of our health.

Yet most of us don’t learn anything about emotions growing up or in school.

In pharmacy school, we only learn how to medicate uncomfortable emotions: Depression is treated with Prozac, and anxiety is treated with Valium.

Emotions are meant to be expressed and released. Unexpressed emotions can lead to health conditions and disease.

Dr Siegel, who prefers to be called "Bernie" is a retired pediatric surgeon and author. His first book was Love, Medicine, and Miracles written in 1984 and he has written over 30 books since.

He runs workshops across the country and is devoted to humanizing medical care and medical education.

In 1978, he originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings.

Some of Bernie's messages include:

- Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant of the immune system. The truth is: love heals.
- Miracles happen to exceptional patients every day—patients who have the courage to love, those who have the courage to work with their doctors to participate in and influence their own recovery.
-Supports the choice to live fully and die in peace.

#Our thoughts can make us sicker, or can make us stronger and heal.

The medical system bombards with disempowering messages.

Learn to be aware of them and learn how to tap into the power of your mind to help you heal and stay healthy.

To join sign up at

Get me off my meds!
It is an introduction and overview of the ideas behind Deprescribing.
Deprescribing is a relatively new concept, and there is no standardized approach.

This is the first of a series where we will look to find alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. We welcome all approaches to health.

Robert Lambert is the founding partner of the Samurai Business Group LLC®, a sales & business
development performance firm that has developed revolutionary, results-driven
Samurai Sales & Sales Management MasteryTM programs.

He has over 40+ years of experience in strategic business development, marketing, and sales for Global 50 and Fortune 500 companies and is the founder of four successful entrepreneurial start-up companies.

Robert shares tips for those who are starting or running their own businesses.

[email protected]

Katie is a pharmacist who was fired for refusing to give the jab to minors. She is now a Cannabis Pharmacist and Integrative Fertility Coach. Katie shares her story about becoming a fertility health coach and how she supports her clients, as well as how she's advanced her business.

Her website is
To connect with her - her linktree is

Moving Beyond the Counter: Elevating into Entrepreneurship

Christina talks about how pharmacists can expand on their innate gifts, talents, experiences, and life lessons to elevate into entrepreneurship and scale a profitable business. She discusses topics around releasing blocks (imposter syndrome, perfectionism, fear of being seen), owning and communicating your brilliance as a pharmacist entrepreneur, and smart systems to scale a profitable business.

As a gift and 'Thank You' I'm giving a gift to the entire group with my Elevate Membership/Ascension collection bundle (normally a $297 cost.) This membership takes you through the 12 most common blocks pharmacists experience and gives practical videos, tools, worksheets, and meditations to help you shift this.
Just scan the QR code with their Camera app, enter their name and email, and get the content.

Check out her book here -
[email protected]

Dr. Joel Wood is a medical cannabis pharmacist who shares his experience working for Vireo Health. He shares the many uses for medical cannabis, which health conditions it is most effective, and the different dosage forms available. He also talks about how other pharmacists can get involved in this expanding industry.

Dr. Mark de Dubovay, is a chiropractor who ran a Wellness Center for many years.

He will share tips on info on running a wellness center, as well as info for those who want to start consulting patients. He also will share how he treats some of the health conditions that we learned are long-term or incurable diseases.

Duncan Tooley is a former computer programmer and systems analyst for 35 years when he developed neuropathy that was severe to the point he would fall down when he walked. His employers put him on disability. His doctors told him there's nothing they can do for the nerve loss but they would continue to give him drugs to treat the pain. They also put him on biweekly hospital infusion to lessen his symptoms from the autoimmune damage.

He then joined his wife in a hypnotherapy class intending to improve his stained-glass artwork and came out with techniques to treat his own neuropathy.

After learning the many possibilities of hypnotherapy he has been able to fully heal his neuropathy. He now shares his time between helping others heal with hypnotherapy and being and artist.

email: [email protected]


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

55 videos

Category Health & Medical

We are doing a weekly Deprescribing class to help people find better solutions for their health. We are having a weekly topic or guest speakers.

Join live on Mondays at 11AM PT. Sign up to receive the zoom link and announcements at
Or watch the recordings here on bitchute.

Deprescribing: to taper or stop medications with the intention to achieve improved health outcomes.

Dr Leyla Ali is a pharmacist and author of Off Balance, the American Way of Health, A Pharmacist’s Perspective on Why Drugs Don’t Work.


The So You’ve been Diagnosed with Cancer and now You’re in a Panic Handbook, an Overview of Options

Dr. Leyla Ali:
I've worked as a pharmacist for over 20 years, and worked in pharmacies for over 25 years. As a pharmacist, I always worked to help customers find the safest and most effective drug treatment. But over the years, I’ve seen many people’s health slowly deteriorate over time as they took more and more medications.

I then started learning about holistic and alternative healthcare options. I was surprised and disappointed to find there are safer and less costly alternatives for several health conditions and diseases that my customers were struggle with for years.

My mission is to help people understand the limitations of doctors and drugs, and to inspire people to seek alternative and holistic healthcare solutions.

I want people to see—so they truly understand—that for most chronic conditions doctors and drugs offer temporary relief at best. And I also want to show there are a variety of holistic and natural solutions for many health conditions that medical doctors are only trained to assist with prescribing medications.