Dave Heinze's Dogs, Wildlife, Travel and more

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Dave Heinze's Dogs, Wildlife, Travel and more

Dave Heinze


A slide show of Deer, Moose, Geese and Rabbits. There is some some video and sound but it is mostly slides. Hosted by Golden Retriever Jeannie.

Leaving San Diego, View from on top of the Bridge
Ruby Princess
Shot in 2017
Visit our web site: http://heinzegroup.com/

Helicopter ride over Kauai in 2014
The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Oldman River, Alberta, 18' Rainbow on #14 Dave's Nymph, Spring of 2016

Two year old Golden Retriever, Jeannie, has fun in the boat looking for the fish that never appeared.

A sort of a Zoo in Guatemala, where you drive through part and walk through part. Includes many different types of animals.

Golden Retriever, Jeannie, in the boat on the Old Man River Reservoir in Southern Alberta. Time Lapse video (rate: 1 second = 7.5 seconds) plus slides. She has so much fun and is fun to watch.

The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Two year old Golden Retriever (Jeannie) tries to catch the spray from a hose. Pictures and video.

The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Time lapse to make it look like the puppy is driving at 1500 klms (900 miles) per hour, followed by some geese telling her to slow down using the lyrics from Simon and Garfunkel's Feelin Groovy.
Kind of fun.
The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

A short slide show of Dave and Spree in the boat.
The background soundtracks except for the outboard motor comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Golden Retriever Jeannie loves to watch TV when there are animals on, and especially when there are dogs in the show.

In 2017 we visited the Everglades in Florida. A short little fun clip.
The background soundtracks comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Golden Retrievers playing in the snow. Pictures followed by video. Happy New Year, 2022

Video 1 of 4: Time Lapse video with slides going eastbound through the New Locks on the Pacific side. Narrated by Dave Heinze.
Here is a link to the Panama Canal web site: http://www.pancanal.com/eng/index.html
Here is a link to a PDF map with information on the new locks from the Panama Canal web site: http://micanaldepanama.com/expansion/...

Golden Retriever Cari goes plowing through the snow while on a winter walk.
Shot in April of 2020.
The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Young Golden Retriever, Cari, loves to raid the toilet paper.
Ever wonder what really happened to all the toilet paper?

A slide show tour of San Diego Harbour. Includes ships, Navy Seals, Aircraft and more.
The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

We Love all our Golden Retrievers
Slides and Clips of our first five Golden Retrievers, Teak, Shea, April, Star and Spree
Sadly, these ones are gone now but we currently (September 24, 2021) have 2 more Cari and Jeannie.
Each one was/is an individual and brought their own special joy to our lives.

The background soundtracks comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Our visit to Harrison's Cave in Barbados. Videos followed by slides.
My goal here is to give you a feel for the tour experience. If you visit Barbados, be sure to visit Harrison's Cave.
The main voice you are hearing in the background on the video part is the tour director over a speaker. With the GoPro cover closed to keep out the drip and the echoes in the cave, none of the background sound is clear. But hopefully it gives you an idea of what the experience is like, which was my goal.

Golden Retriever Cari's puppies are 5 and a half weeks old. They have been at the breeders but we have them for the weekend. Our one year old Jeannie really loves them.

Five month old Golden Retriever has her third Agility Lesson. She has her own plan though and it appeared to work.

The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

A short slide show of two Mule Deer that were enjoying our berries.

The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

While visiting St. Maarten in 2017 we went Kayaking on the Lagoon around the Yachts. This is a slide show from that afternoon.

The background soundtrack comes from the soundtrack options included in Adobe Premiere Elements 2018 software.

Video of clips of us trying to get Jeannie to swim when she is about 3 months old. She loved the water but wanted to keep her feet on the bottom. Then the water level dropped and the swimming area got muddy so we did not let her swim which she did not understand. Ten months later, June of 2021, we were at it again and she quickly got it. Now she is doing great, just watch her.

One year old Golden Retriever, Jeannie, loves being in the boat with Dave.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

50 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

Videos with our Golden Retrievers, wildlife, fishing, scenic country and from our cruises and travels created for your entertainment.

To learn more about us, our business interests and web pages visit us at: http://heinzegroup.com/

For an overview of what to expect on this channel, see my short 4 minute Dave Heinze's Channel Trailer video: https://www.bitchute.com/video/UsM1bBimSpXH