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Der wahre Grund für Klaus Schwabs Rücktritt beim WEF (schlimmer als gedacht)
Prawdziwy powód rezygnacji Klausa Schwaba z WEF (gorszy niż oczekiwano)

Szatan uczy Demokratów jak kłamać | Napisy PL

What Do You Notice? They Can’t Deny This

Parodia przebudzonego marksistowsko Jezusa | Napisy PL

Do NOT Activate This Stargate - Sakwala Chakraya, Sri Lanka
NIE aktywuj tych Gwiezdnych Wrót – Sakwala Chakraya, Sri Lanka

Should President Joe Biden Be Removed From Office?

9/11 preprogramming. They think you're too stupid to notice.

Recent Key Decisions of Supreme Court
Najnowsze kluczowe orzeczenia Sądu Najwyższego

Pre-Historic Megalithic Jars Built by Giants Found in Indonesia, Laos & India
Prehistoryczne megalityczne dzbany zbudowane przez gigantów znalezione w Indonezji, Laosie i Indiach

Czas na grilla ?

Savanna version - Wildebeest from Birdbox Studio

This is Ancient Temple in India Is truly one of the wonders of the world. The entire temple was cut out through solid basalt bedrock from the top to bottom.

The archaeologists have confirmed that over 400,000 ton of rock had to be cut and removed just to construct this temple alone.

The temple was carved from top to bottom with supposedly only simple hammers and chisels with perfect precision. It's a work of art to say atleast.

Judge it for yourself, even with our modern technology the Kailasa temple would be extremely difficult to recreate.

This is one of the places on Earth that poked the finger directly in the eye of mainstream history.

This is where we start asking questions!


A couple of birds try to save their eggs from a volcanic eruption


Przygotowanie Bidena do debaty

China has Revealed its World's First Army of Robot Dogs
China has unveiled its first-ever army of robotic dogs, sparking significant interest among researchers and the public. These innovative machines promise a wide range of applications, from military operations to assistance in everyday tasks. China's move demonstrates its commitment to technological advancement and the integration of cutting-edge solutions into practical aspects of life.

FEMA Camps for American Dissidents

Jak pokonać wszystko tanimi podróbkami

Whole Foods Selling Rubberized Fruit As Organic!
Cała żywność sprzedawana gumowanymi owocami jako ekologiczna!

🇺🇸 Fox News—1 Month Ago: Trump confirms he’ll declassify Epstein, 911, & JFK Files (14-seconds) 🔥🔥🔥

Prison Camps for Political Dissidents in All 50 States

⚠️Bill Gates' Apeel Treatment Turns Food Into Rubber Zombies

🔺The WEF Great Reset Agenda: There are people who still think 'The Great Reset' isn't a real agenda.

Despite Klaus Schwab writing a book on it, coverage in 'Time' magazine, and a whole website


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

5076 videos

Category News & Politics

"Nasza historia to zbiór kłamstw, w które zgodziliśmy się wierzyć".
"Our history is a collection of lies we have agreed to believe."

~Napoleon Bonaparte~