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Just watch the hands here. You don't need to see or hear anything else.

Mini-Alt 'Trigger' LARP: Watch when she does the 'other' voices, what the nurses said. No emotion. Flips character completely. Just like in a movie!! You know they control both sides. Divide and conquer worked a treat in 2020 when we found out that most people were happy slaves, commies, or both. She flashes a lot of hand signals, McEntee used this hand signal a week ago. The crossed fingers. 'Hands are tied' for what is coming. Brace yourselves and buck up. Paris is around the corner, they are doing final preps for all the psy-ops for surveillance states will ramp up.

Get ready for a summer wave just to get you in the mood for CovirdFlu25. Apparently a bird shagged the bat from the Wuhan lab in Las Vegas at a 4th of July penthouse banger. Oh dear.

It will never be like this again. Two way traffic on the Liffey VS Jan 2025 unable to cross the city unless you drive a bus. Or if your car identifies as a bus...
Courtesy of Gemma O'Doherty.

"And I suppose you'd jump off a cliff too if 'they' told ye to?" Gimme a fricken break. Boo hoo already. These black jack players all did it to themselves. They can't even blame 'pharma'. They did it, not 'them'. Regret causes a person to blame others sometimes to make themselves feel better, to feel, not like a total fool. You're damn right I'm blunt. Remember when the likes of this lady was sniping at you for not wearing a mask?
99% got the saline anyway, they only had about 100m doses per run. Vaccinations are not the causal factor for the 21% excess death in Ireland and around the world.
It's the 5G folks. You know it is. You knew it was going to do this before the bullfighter leapt out in front of you waving the big red Covid vaccines flag to hold your gaze. They installed 5G, smart meters and the smart camera network during the tyrannical lockdowns. They needed you off the streets so you wouldn't all notice the enormity of the installation. You all saw the brand new poles all over your countries when they let you out for some recreation. That's what's killing us all, making us all sick. Jabbed or unjabbed. If you've never in your life read the children's story of 'Stone Soup', you should. Psy-op 101 right there. It's all a magic trick.
Just like in a movie.

July Edition of The Irish Light Paper. Out Now. Get your copy today before the Aliens get them!

Quick, someone phone Alex Jewones tell him he's off the 'hook'!!

The woman died due to fumbling arse coverers masquerading as doctors and HSE managers. Savita didn't get sepsis and die due to lack of an abortion. There is no record of her or her husband requesting one. And coincidentally the director of midwifery at the time upped sticks the same month, airlifted down to Limerick and was rewarded with the CEO of Limerick Hospitals Goup. Not very 'public health' sounding. For profit sounding. And low and behold, rugger bugger Fiona Steed, working from home, dropped the ball. Aoife Johnston died of, err, sepsis. Sepsis is an infection. Steed gets rewarded with the post of 'Advisor to the Department of Health!'... Fr Ted, Season 28, Episode 4... What a shit show. Typically Irish scenario right there. Most likely caused by the dirt and squalor that is every HSE and private hospital up and down Ireland. Filthy dirty kips. Whatever was wrong with you when you came in, don't worry, you'll come out double or worse. Or not at all. We won't talk about 'Dr Death' the prick con-sultant who refused to attend despite being on call. On call if he says so but on full pay none the less.

In yet another pretend 'attempted' child abduction from Late STAGED Ireland. Maybe he ate the babóg because again, the missing ingredient in this LARP is the, err, children?? Try Harder Orla Red... We won't even go there re: the 'Blonde blue eyed' crisis actor pretending to be a Migrant 🤠 'They're all a bunch a cowboys Ted..

'Meanwhile, a number of fringe social media users have blamed the Covid-19 vaccine for the incident despite there being no evidence for this.' 😂🤣😆 'No Evidence' 😂🤣😆

You might not have heard because of all of the fake 'Look over here' news, but this was supposed to be rolled out imminently, a TD has intervened and been lambasted by the lefty O'Looneys for delaying this on foot of serious concerns from retailers who would be IMO justifiably fucked up shits creek without a paddle. These same city retaillers that kicked you out for not accepting that you have NO constitutional rights, the same fuckers who went along with the FAKE thanksgiving riots last November, who whined to the media that they wanted a digital mass surveillance state. - But still, there are other reasons people want to drive across the liffey and not line the pockets of the mainly Jewish owned international stores.

It's been kicked off to 'after Christmas', I would estimate in the 'nothing ever happens here' retail season of just after the BIG sales to just before Easter. You'll see big chains offer free bus connects from north to south, this will be used to claim that their 'new normal' smart fair city is a success.

So what you gonna do? Comply? Make ridicoulous plans to 'make it work' for you? Or will you do what I will do? Drive my car on my fucking bridge whether or not it says "Láná Bus" or not. I'll get done, I'll be zapped on the ANPR's, get a fine sent, do it again, get points sent, get summons, all of which will be burnt in my fire place. Free fuel is good fuel. I'll probably eventually be arrested and hauled to a court for having had too many points applied. I will de-register my car and 'travel' instead of drive from that point. I will pay no fines. They can waste the coffers resources and put me in jail, couldn't give a shit, by all accounts Irish jails are more custy than having to survive on the outside. Let them pay €1500 a day for my board. - When they finally realize I won't agree to their tyranny and let me out, I'll get to the Liffey as fast as I bloddy can and circle it until it makes national news, Down O'Connell bridge, up Capel Street Bridge, criss cross. - I'll 'identify' as a bleedin Bus.

You're all going to have to start reaching down there, right deep down inside your trousers or kilts and grab them, or even, find them if you've forgotten you were given them to be a hunter, a survivor, a warrior. As the bible says, be not afraid, Fuck 'em and their tea party. The only way out of it is to make everything they bring in unworkable, over run, become ungovernable en masse. Frustrate their operation.

Sort of like a technique I heard of, this one time, "Problem... Reaction.... SOLUTION". Get it it? Their juggernaut has been full force coming at us for years, We have to repel it and Re-Turn it back at them.

Next time you're out, open your damn eyes and see the open air concentration camp Ireland now is, see the multi cam towers 30 ft up in the air looking down on you, each one equipped with ANPR, face recognition, mobile phone IMEI scanners, wifi, bluetooth. Pre-installed awaiting 'legislative changes'... #NOB

Yip, but what they won't tell you is - where do they get the fine healthy undamaged 'headless' bodies for donation? Human-traffic much?

But ye know something, she still makes a right tit sandwich of herself. Jayses lads, where's the coaching? Come ON!!, the pay-ops are SHH-HITE!!. You are really boring us. Who'd have thought, Minister for Just Ice is dumber than a sheepdog. Director be like 'STOP NODDING NO WHEN YOU SAY YEA, HELL!!"
I did predict a summer of complete off the wall bonkeredness but I mean this just takes the pepper!
That said, they don't care that we know that they know that we know. They're doing it anyway. McEntee is just an NFC, if it wasn't her reading this script it would be someone else. Natasha the same, all NFC's. The nonsense laws will be here soon, most people will shut the fuck up at that point, or if not then as soon as the Esim / no IP / no VPN rules come into force. At that point there will be some lone wolves maybe, pure of heart but deluded to the core. When we are divided to that extent those few will be jailed or suicided. You'll all be getting fines and social credit demerits for viewing the content.
That's the point when the penny will drop late for some who've listened to probably just two people on here telling you that there are no and have been no 'grass roots' movements. It's all been a ruse or a LARP your whole entire lives. All of you even if you're 90 odd, you've all been had since the first time you heard Jingle Bells or had a scare at bedtime on Samhain. Your trauma followed by 10 weeks of being reminded you must now be good - for Santy. [Or if you're Enoch Burke, you just gotta be 'good' for Sanfy - I bet there's zero photo's of him in jail... Enoch, the fillet of Irish Julian Assanges]
Every movie, tv series, radio play, main stream papers / mags up to 1970's, ALL since then, the lot stock and keg have all been street theater. You all know what happened in your areas, all of you never correlated with the 'entertaining' news. But you just figured it was someone else 'suffering' a misfortune. Like Natasha O'Brainless
Keep calling it out but also alert people to the massive powers this new laws brings to the gardai. There is literally no mention of it whatsoever in the media - as I predicted, they are doing the 'psy-op for your safety' LARPing to completely and totally avoid 'having to' being up those 'awkward' aspects of the legislation.
It isn't going to be easy to repeal when it's as deep as constitutional change.
Get out of dodge - Fuck 'em and their tea party. Get a small holding, high up if poss, water source, trees, lots of trees. You'll figure the rest from there. Don't think about it. Get it done and the rest will work out fine. The thing of it is this, the best is still to come. Don't fear any of it. Embrace all of it. It'll blow yr fricken mind in ways you didn't think possible. All for the greater good. It's called 'freedom'.
PS, also watch the 'my hands are tied' body language throughout. Hands clasped constantly. She is telling you she is absolutely totally and utterly useless and powerless. 'Controlled demolition'
Helen, you look tired, maybe you should 'get out' too.

The horse manure is Natasha O'Brien and her literal 'big bad wolf' story 'Wolf.. WOOOOLF' hoax attack off the wall bonkers story of a queer being called a faggot, arse bandit, fudge packer, or some other type of unspecified 'homophobic slurrrrr', as she slurred it on Ireland AM. I'm sure some of you can think of some other examples of 'homophobic slurrrs' than I can right now, feel free to put them in the comments below while you still can!

Reality check. The goonsquad in d'dail had their arses handed to them last February by the EU courts for NOT having implemented an online harms bill / online hate speech bill by the deadline of 2020 as per the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, aka agenda 30, aka 'The Great Reset', signed up to by Ireland in 2015 with no referendum as per Lisbon eroding that power from the Irish people. Fined €2.5n + €10k a day [currently €900k - for not having this done already. Ireland on this issue, is the bold boy in the corner. Can't come back to the cool kids lunch table until they just get it done! 'Irlande, you need ze hate speech und then you can come beck und join your brethren - na na na-na naaah'. They don't care about you, the Irish people, zhey care about ze globalists.

The horse manure coming from Natasha O'Brien is the bullfighter dangling the red rag in front of you, as he did with the fake Parnell triple national variant migrant who was stabbed at the AHEM... 'Gael'scoil... and the follow up, "I know what you did last thanksgiving" LARP with the double knife sword weilding migrant, turned out to be a nutter from Athlone with a penknife, err, his 'character' was.

Reality people. They need the dummies sidetracked with "Jesssesss Mara na Jossp, did a har abaouh N'N'N'N'N'... Tasha n de GAA lad wih de homophobic shlurs. Jeeezzz, Marra na Josep, praise de babba heart-a-God. Ne Know whah w' need t' combah thah?? - Hate Speech Laws,

Hate Speech laws incoming to the dumb motherfuckers in Ireland who were too busy 'just doin their jobs' to notice the damn thing in process, who were too preoccupied with Santy to notice it was up for submissions in Dec/Jan, who didn't notice the same day the repeat of 'Fake Parnell' was run, Niamh Hodnett Commi[e]ssiun na Meain mega millionaire sent her homework, Ireland's 'proposal' for Online Hate Speech to Teacher, Brussels, to be told if it meets requirements for the directive. End of.

Natasha O'Brien is a live version as if one of the shitheads on 'Fairly Crap' did it in a show story line. It's 'for your safety'.

PS, The Irish People's party have evaporated into dust. Maybe just on the holliers, the Telegram is gone. That didn't even last a wet week. They're probably gone over to Lagos with the new mayor, Paddy to help them with their library issues. [but never action a single one; #LARPers] Count the number of times you go on the social media accounts and find tumbleweeds, 'Gone Fishin' or just the 404, not found. I'm ticking off my tick sheet, all the thicks that are no longer present. I've not had to add any names to it. One by one, dominos. Anto was in the park last week, finds a letter he probably wrote himself, see, he 'redacted' it, so you can't tell who it was for, claiming to be for a migrant offering ppsn number with no interview to verify. Everyone knows Anto knows how to operate a PC. Barely. Anto's Panto summer special coming up any day soon I bet. He's still in training, the others have mostly retired, are done and dusted. No one would believe their bullshit nonsense the second time around.

These words that were never written by anyone ever on any forum in existence anywhere in cyberspace or elsewhere about this 'whole lotta Rosie'. A lie told by Ireands biggest, fattest liar. Can you spell m-u-f-f-i-n top? A traitor to the Irish nation. All I'll say is this, Karma's a motherfucker. Here we see dumb dumb 'I can't stop laughing' Natasha d'Larper reading her script off her phone. What a total joke. If there is any justice, no seed will ever grace the loins of coked up off her bleedin NUT - Natasha O'Brien. Let it be so that she leaves this world without 'dropping' anything. May she die childless, may she be as dry and as barren as the Sahara in a sand storm. if the time ever comes where she tries to get pregnant. I cast this on you Natasha O'Brien. May you never find true happiness in this world or the after. And may your mother live long enough to see the damage she and you have done to Ireland. The O'Briens of Cappaghmore, traitors to the Irish people, Black and Tans for sure. Make them pariahs in all of Limerick, turn your back on the O'Briens, they are not Irish anymore.

PS, try and find out about Ray Crotty now, the man who held the Governments nose in it's own wee to re-establish the fact that Irish people must have referenda on international treaties. It held until Lisbon 2 where it was announced post 'referendum' that the Irish People voted to amend the con-stitution to allow those fuckers sign international treaties on behalf of the Irish people, never 'having to' come to them again for a vote. Hence TEU / AMIF = the shitshow we are in now. I dare you, google 'The Crotty Case' - What do you find now? I bet it's the fake, non existent 'Cathal Crotty', the image is a dead soldier, an old image. They are burying the real Crotty case with this shitshow. They want the dumbass Irish to never know, none of them do anyway. Ask any Irish man who Ray Crotty is and you will be met with a bemused 'Who?'

PPS, if you HATE the new bitchute, try it sucks a bit more pleasently than, which sucks like a false teethed stroke victim. ie, NOT GOOD!! But hey, at least it doesn't SUCK as badly as Natasha O'Brien. Apparently.

Irish Health Minister dances in the 'stick it up yer arse' parade, Dublin, Ireland. Many of the crowd really enjoyed being pissed on. A little too much if you ask me.

Allah is so Akbar he can see if the Burqa is on when you want to wash your beard in the ladies jacks! He's like 5G, he can see through walls!

Do it in the 'summer holidays' when everyone's eye is off the ball. They'll lift the clouds and murk any day now so you can go off and 'enjoy' yourselves. The Yank handlers and didly-Irish Paddy McPlants will be null and void, half of them off the team and new subs lined up for the next round of nonsense to kick off at the Start of September, get yezz all warmed up for the return of the pack. I see Paddy just got elected mayor of Lagos....

Ruth Coppinger teaches the crowd what chants they will be chanting for when RTE are shooting the newsreel. Dangerously similar to the Savita nonsense, where the nonsense was that she didn't die of medical misadventure, ie, Doctor negligence. Just as they used that to bring in abortion on demand, they'll use this to tell you the new hate speech laws are needed 'for your safety'. Digital ID, Cashless society, Judgeless courts technocracy, medical passport, Esim for every man woman and child to access the web pre authorized with their government digital ID code. Welcome to the machine.

The full clip including Natasha repeating the same script, or the bits she can still remember, totally leaving the Gay out of the story now, he's to be forgotten.

Veronica Guerin shot dead on her way back her office from a court sitting in Naas District Court for a speeding fine 06/28/1996 at Newlands Cross. Those closest to her, her husband and one or two trusted colleagues knew her movements prior. As well as certain court clerks, some lawyers, the judge and, An Garda Siochána. Many people at the time figured there was only one way her whereabouts could have been known by the bike rider and pillion shooter.

"To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize."

Looking for few quid for a hostel. Probably not a bad man. He's afraid to go back to Palestine because if he did, the local starving famine victims would cook and eat him.

I bet Allah will provide funding for a new one.

Yea Tommy.. YEAH.. Canadian cops leave you with your Apple iphone 16 plus max dip-shit edition ROFLcopter. 🤣 😂 #fakearrest #tommyrobinson


Created 1 year, 10 months ago.

867 videos

Category News & Politics

Disobey and it will all be over.