404 Studio

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404 Studio

Britannica Industry


Announcing the Indiegogo campaign for issue two of the comics for Dædscúa.
Link to the campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/daedscua-issue-2#/

social media links:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/Britannica_Industry/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BritannicaIndu1

special thanks for our artists for issue 1, artrobin, who you should check out over on twitter and twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/artrobin98 & https://twitter.com/ArtRobin6

Dædscúa Test Trailer 002 is the second of several trailers we will be doing to develop the finalized look of Dædscúa, with 002 being the one to finalize the overall look. The next lot of test trailers will being focusing on finalizing the animation and the FX. So please give us your thoughts and feedback on what you think so far.

Special thanks goes out to:
Alice Robinson, Concept Artist - https://www.artstation.com/alicerobinson
Agata Kotynska, 3D Character Artist - https://www.artstation.com/wilczysmok
Thery88, Rigger - https://www.fiverr.com/thery88
Ivan Tomovic, Lead VFX Artist - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-tomovic-a171931b5/
Julianbuitragog, Sound Desginer - https://www.fiverr.com/julianbuitragog
You are all an amazing to work with.

Dædscúa Test Trailer is the first of several trailers we will be doing to develop the finalized look of Dædscúa, so please give us feedback to help us along the way.

Special thanks goes out to,
Alice Robinson, Concept Artist - https://www.artstation.com/alicerobinson
Agata Kotynska, 3D Character Arist - https://www.artstation.com/wilczysmok
Thery88, rigger - https://www.fiverr.com/thery88
Ivan Tomovic, Lead VFX Artist - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-tomovic-a171931b5/
Thomas Boyes, Audio Lead - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasboyes/
You are all an amazing team to work with.

First two pages of the Dædscúa comics - now available for your viewing pleasure on Webtoon and Tapas!

There will be a new page each week. The release will be primarily in black and white, with the first and last two pages of each chapter being in full colour, as well as any two-page spreads. A full-colour version will be available for purchase once a chapter has been fully released.


Minds: https://www.minds.com/Britannica_Industry/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/britannica_industry/

R.W Smith, the creator of DÆDSCÚA is proud to announce the upcoming comics of DÆDSCÚA. Watch the video to find out more. Like, Share & Describe.

Any questions for our Q&A video, please leave them down in the comments.

Special thanks to our lead artist, Alice Robinson.

Follow us on our social media:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/Britannica_Industry/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/britannica_industry/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BritannicaIndu1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/britannicaindustryofficial/

R W Smiths Minds: https://www.minds.com/RWSmithBI/

In the not-so-distant future, The United Kingdom is just one of many states making up the superpower known as Europa.

Dædscua is the story of Darneil Ridend, a young, drug-addicted, working-class white male who is pushed down by the society he lives in. After hitting rock bottom, Darneil takes on a crusade to rescue his sister from human trafficking and clean up the streets of London.

Helping Darneil in his mission is a goofy, lovable tech nerd, a street-smart musician, a former vigilante and a genetically engineered super-soldier.

Special thanks go out to,
Alice Robinson, Lead Concept Artist - https://www.artstation.com/alicerobinson
Agata Kotynska, Lead 3D Character Artist - https://www.artstation.com/wilczysmok
Thery88, rigger - https://www.fiverr.com/thery88
Ivan Tomovic, Lead VFX Artist - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ivan-tomovic-a171931b5/
Thomas Boyes, Audio Lead - https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasboyes/
You are all an amazing team to work with.

#animation #anime #britannicaindustry #comics #Dædscúa #manga

This is an update on what going on and what we are planning on doing with this site, from what's happing with us vs pigeons and what we are planning for the 2020s.

social media Links:
Minds: https://www.minds.com/Britannica_Industry/
Gab: https://gab.com/Britannica_Industry
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Britannica_Industry
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/britannica_industry/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYEZkfyFOSarvtn42x9oRcA/videos?view_as=subscriber

#usvspigeons #animation #404studio #britannicaindustry #newproject #socialmedia

In celebration of our one year anniversary here on BitChute, here is a look over the content we've produced over the past 12 months.

Thank you to everyone who has subscribed to our channel. Here's to another (and hopefully better) year!

Well, it's finally here. Only a little over a month later, sorry about that. Wish it come out a bit better but seeing that us vs pigeons is taking a back set for a while but more on that later.

Leave a comment down below on what you think of the Us vs Pigeons shorts so far.

special thanks to;
A Stoner and a Grizzly Bear for Voice acting
Russian Hitler for the FX and character models
and a really special thanks to the Bosses Mistress for the house model.

Like, Subscribe and Follow us on:
BitChute - 404 studio
Minds - @Britannica_Industry
Gab - @Britannica_Industry
Instagram - @Britannica_Industry

Alright, mates? Here's the preview. For the prequel. To the teaser. And this is only the first prequel. That's right, we're doing a trilogy of prequels to a five minute TEASER. And THIS is only a fucking preview. It's also a year late to due to our gods celebrating this absurd tradition. I mean, the Earth did a full rotation on its axis, big whoop. The average person doesn't even think about that kind of shit.

Anyway, I've waffled on enough. Here you go.

Uhhhhhh… suuuuup? … … … … … … … … … … … what am I meant to say again?

“Mate put the zoot down and read the fucking script!” - Marchael Gee Phox

Minds: @404_Studio
Instagram: @Britannica_Industry
Gab: @Britannica_Industry

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on, what the hell is this?! A new video this quick after the last one? Was this pile of shit produced over a bad weekend? We've got no words for this one, so... just watch.

"I dunno what that fucking thing is, but... I... like?" - Mojo Stonerfeld

Minds: @404_Studio
Instagram: @Britannica_Industry
Gab: Britannica_Industry

Wait… it’s been nearly two months? Have they fuckin’ forgot about us?! I mean, just look ‘ow much hair I’ve fuckin’ grown! That’s right, children, this one’s all about me. Don’t believe the bullshit the fox tries to feed ya. I’m not a monster, I’m just like your favourite uncle.

“Where’s my promo? I’ve changed my gender 36 times in the past two months!” - Tytalius Johnson

Minds: @404_Studio
Instagram: @Britannica_Industry

Howdy fellas! It's been a while, hasn't it?

For those of you who have seen our shit before, bask in the presence of my new sexy coat. For those of you hearing about us for the first time...prepare yourselves...(for cringe). This upcoming show (if you can even call it that) will make you question if reality even is. "Even is what?" I hear you ask. Just is.

If you have the low number of brain cells required to enjoy something like this, be sure to like, comment and subscribe.

For updates:
Minds: 404_Studio
Instagram: @britannica_industry

Aight, geezers? It’s ya boy Bubbly back again with another long-awaited update. Sorry about the wait, we’ve been having a Harvey Weinstein situation going on. So as you’d expect, we’re not receiving funding from our producers to buy equipment (prob’ly ‘coz we keep spending it on weed).

I hope this video down below makes up for it in some shitty, insignificant. It is a video of me, after all.

“I’ve done my part, I’m going home now.” - Al Bubbles

Follow us on:
Instagram: @britannica_industry
Minds: 404_Studio


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

27 videos

Category Anime & Animation

Britannica Industry is a umbrella company mainly covering the media industry. This channel is dedicated to our self produced and published animation work from our 404 and 101 studios.

Founded in 2017.