Brian Ruhe

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Part 1 of 2. The sound was a bit distorted here but it is fixed in Part 2.
Sixto Paz Wells spoke Spanish and his interpreter was Cesar Reategui. Sixto (born Lima, Peru, December 12, 1955) is an author and lecturer focused on the UFO phenomena, particularly alien contact, from a spiritual viewpoint. Known as the visible head of the Rahma Mission in Spain and a number of Latin American countries, stands out among the ufologists for having summoned the international press to sightings scheduled in advance in more than ten occasions. As a self proclaimed contactee, he has published 20 books in Spanish and one in English about this subject so far (July 2017). In his works about UFOlogy he promotes a systematic method of physical and mental preparation for contact, as well as protocols for documenting, validating and confirming contact experiences.

AI Notes: UFO contact and spiritual awakening with Sixto Paz Wells.

Sixto Paz Wells explains how they prepare for UFO contact through meditation and yoga.
Sixto investigated a message from an embassy regarding contact with extraterrestrial beings.
Sixto recounts witnessing UFO sighting in Spain with his father and military personnel.
Sixto and his group received messages from oxal and other beings, including visions of a future event.
The group grew to 60-70 people, with messages indicating they were preparing for physical contact.

A paranormal experience with a group of friends.

Sixto experienced a strange separation during walk in desert.
Sixto saw a being with hands stretched out in a dome, causing fear and terror.
Sixto encountered a being that invites them to come close, but with different sensations each time.

Time travel and extraterrestrial life.

He describes encountering a tall, oriental person with straight hair inside a dome.
Sixto describes experiencing time dilation and traveling through the universe with advanced technology.

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Bhante G. in Thailand met me on July 2/3, 2024 and this is the first five minutes of this video:
Devastation of Buddhism in India by Moghal Muslims.
Please go to the Buddhists for Truth channel and subscribe there, thank you.

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Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

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This video is on The Anti Brian Ruhe playlist of videos at:

0mistercynical0 gave this warning: The Surgeon General and advised that
this video could lead viewers to Ruhe Derangement Syndrome (RDS).

The comments on the original video are at

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Brian Ruhe and Rebecca Hardcastle Wright delve into the complex relationship between consciousness, ET contact, and community, emphasizing the importance of integrating these experiences into daily life and preparing for ET contact by educating the public and organizing a collective response.

Her websites are at:

They also discuss their experiences and perspectives on extraterrestrial life, critical thinking, mystery schools, and the importance of discernment when dealing with this knowledge. They discusse their galactic vision and contact modalities.

She meditates and practices various psychic arts to communicate and CO-create with extraterrestrials. Rebecca Hardcastle Wright: From chaplain to therapist to coach, helping contactees connect with their spirituality.
Wright and Ruhe discuss the importance of organizing and sharing UFO experiences to prepare for ET contact.

Zero-point energy, extraterrestrial life, and government secrecy.
Rebecca Wright discussed her work with Dr. Mitchell, including contact with extraterrestrial beings and zero point energy research.
Wright and her team attempted to secure funding for lab experiments on zero point energy, but were unsuccessful.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright and Dr. Mitchell worked on overunity devices, facing challenges.
Oil industry showed interest in their work, supporting their efforts, indicating a desire for something better.

UFOs and government connections in Washington DC.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright reached out to John Podesta in 2014 to arrange a meeting with Barack Obama for Dr. Mitchell, but Dr. Mitchell was unable to attend due to poor health.
WikiLeaks released emails exchanged between Rebecca and Dr. Mitchell.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright describes her experiences meeting influential people in Washington, DC, including a former CIA agent and a congressman's wife.
She highlights the kindness and generosity of these individuals, who opened doors for her and made her feel welcome in the city.

UFO/ET experiences, critical thinking, and integration.
Rebecca Wright discusses her work with the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute and the data from experiencers, highlighting the positive experiences of contact and the importance of Russ Scarponi's statistical analysis.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright discusses her work with extra consciousness, sharing ideas and experiences with a welcoming community.
The group critically examines information and hypotheses about ETs and their actions, using creative thinking and discernment.

Brian Ruhe and Rebecca Hardcastle Wright discuss their group's function as a working community, challenging each other and sharing experiences.

Remote viewing and its connection to ancient abilities and military protocols.

ET contact, reincarnation, and community.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright discusses her experiences with transhumanism and the potential implications for children and grandchildren.
Brian Ruhe expresses concern about the negative implications of transhumanism, as discussed by Richard Dawkins.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright connected with John Mack's legacy through Dr. Ruth Hoever's contact group.
Rebecca Hardcastle Wright believes in reincarnation and consciousness, and thinks a community is necessary for people to share their experiences.
Brian Ruhe agrees that a community is important for people to connect with others who have had similar experiences, and they are working on developing one through their university.

Wright emphasizes the importance of involving experts in et-related studies to guide curriculum.
Brian Ruhe invites Rebecca Hardcastle Wright to help guide the curriculum of his channel, sharing their first meeting and plans for future collaboration.

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Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

This was filmed when I was a full time Buddhist teacher in Vancouver, when I started my videos in late 2011. This was before my conspiracy or UFO type videos.

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Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 3 of 3. Dr. Joseph Farrell believes ETs may be involved in human affairs, but questions their motives and morality. Joseph cites ancient texts and human lore suggesting ETs have been interfering with humanity for millennia.

Extraterrestrial life and its potential relationship with humanity, with a focus on caution and nuance. Joseph discusses ancient texts and their parallels with modern science, highlighting the possibility of extraterrestrial contact and the need for caution in interpreting evidence.
Brian Ruhe joins the conversation, discussing royal bloodlines and the manifestation of contact in various forms, including the use of humans as slaves or cannon fodder.
Secret societies and mystery schools may play a role in guiding humanity through extraterrestrial contact.
Brian Ruhe proposes a hypothesis on the nature of good and evil, involving reptilians and other extraterrestrial beings.
Joseph critiques dualistic systems, arguing that they reduce morality to relativism and lead to constant warfare.
UFO experiences and the possibility of hybridization with extraterrestrial life.
Joseph speculates that hybridizing humans with other beings may reinforce humanity's fallen state.
Joseph and Brian discuss Whitley Strieber's transformation from fear to acceptance of his UFO experience.
Discrete phenomena vs. generic approach in studying UFOs and consciousness.
Ancient civilizations, extraterrestrial life, and interdimensional beings.
Brian Ruhe and Joseph discuss the study of higher beings, including angels and demons, and the challenges of understanding their intelligence and influence.
Brian Ruhe mentions Richard Dolan's book "The Alien Agendas" and how it relates to the expansion of the human brain 40,000 years ago.
Brian Ruhe and Joseph discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial intervention in human evolution.
They suggest that aliens may have influenced human development.

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My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 2 of 3.
Nazi secrets, technology, and influence after WWII.
Nazis set up extra-territorial state in Argentina for research & power return.
Joseph argues that the European Union's structure is similar to a Nazi plan from World War II.
Joseph believes that Roswell incident involves Nazi technology, despite Laura Eisenhower's claims.
Nazi secrets in Argentina and US government cover-up.
Brian Ruhe and Joseph discuss the Roswell incident and the US government's denial of recovering Nazi technology. Brian disagrees with Joseph's view on this.
Joseph suggests that the Nazi party never surrendered and that the US government invented the Roswell mythology to cover up the truth.
Roswell, UFOs, and a former Nazi scientist's involvement in Apollo space flights.
Joseph reveals McCarthy's committee transcripts expose secret military bases and programs.
Joseph and Brian discuss McCarthy's involvement in the UFO subject and his assassination.
Former Nazi Dr. Kurt Davis led Apollo spaceflights, ran UFO desk after retiring from NASA.
Nazi technology and extraterrestrial life.
Joseph argues that Nazi technology was used in the moon landings, citing inconsistencies in the footage.
He believes that this technology enabled the astronauts to leave the moon and return to Earth.
Joseph argues that Roswell crash is not extraterrestrial, but advanced human tech.
Roswell UFO incident and extraterrestrial life, with a focus on the morality of ETS involvement.
Joseph suggests that the Roswell incident may be related to radar interference.
Brian Ruhe agrees that there could be truth to the radar interference story, but thinks it is extraterrestrial life.

Born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and "strange stuff". His book The Giza DeathStar was published in the spring of 2002, and was his first venture into "alternative history and science". Following a paradigm of researching the relationship between alternative history and science, Farrell has followed with a stunning series of books, 41 in total, each conceived to stand alone, but each also conceived in a pre-arranged sequence.

Giza Community is a community of speculation, commentary, and opinion centered around current events, history, humanities, and the sciences, and the written works and commentary of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. The website is

You can see many videos he has done with Daniel List on his YouTube channel at .

In this three part series Brian Ruhe and Joseph Farrell discuss alleged connections between Nazi Germany and UFOs, including claims of extraterrestrial encounters and military intervention in Antarctica. They also explore unconventional historical events and technologies, such as Operation Highjump and the mystery schools. Finally, they discuss the possibility of extraterrestrial life and its potential relationship with humanity, with Brian expressing belief in advanced beings involved in human evolution and Joseph expressing reservations about potential harm.

Part 1 of 3. Outline
Admiral Byrd's Antarctic expedition and alleged UFO encounters.
Brian and Joseph discuss Admiral Byrd's expedition and alleged UFO encounters, with Joseph and Brian dismissing the Nazi claims as false.
Joseph suggests that a story about Admiral Byrd's expedition to Antarctica may be based on a real event, but with exaggerated details.
Admiral Byrd's diary is believed to be a hoax.

Brian Ruhe and Joseph discuss the authenticity of a story about Admiral Byrd's expedition to the South Pole.
Joseph believes the story is a rehash of the Hollow Earth theory.
Joseph and Brian Ruhe discuss the mysterious death of Admiral Byrd's son who was invited to give a talk in honor of his father in 1988. Bryd's son disappears from a train en route to Washington, D.C., and is later found murdered, with the case remaining unsolved.

Nazi UFOs, Antarctica, and hoaxes.
Brian Ruhe suspects a diary claiming to be from Admiral Byrd's Antarctic expedition is a hoax.
Joseph discusses his books on Nazi technology and Antarctica, with a focus on the Bell and his book, "Hess's Penguins".

Antarctica, UFOs, and Nazi bases.
Joseph and Brian discuss the strange list of people associated with Antarctica, including John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, and Herman Goering.
They speculate that whatever was found in Antarctica may be an advanced ancient technology or a lost global civilization.
Joseph connects the bell to the Kecksburg UFO crash, highlighting similarities in dimensions and levitation capabilities.
Joseph suggests that post-war Nazi research projects may have resulted in a crashed UFO in Kecksburg, with evidence of German involvement.

Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word.

All video playlists: or click on "The Brian Ruhe Show" and scroll down.
Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
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My websites:
MP3 audios and video at:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 2 of 2 Q & A with the Meetup group. MARY RODWELL is recognized internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. Her website is . Mary has been on the Brian Ruhe show a couple of times over the past three years but this time I hosted her with two Meetup groups with 26 people on this Zoom video. This was her best visit yet!! Her power-point presentation is fast paced and packed with pithy knowledge and insights!

Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002); and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:- Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Her new book ‘The New Human’ which describes and documents star children is due to be released in late 2016.

Mary is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) which was established in 1997 to provide professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences and abduction-­‐contact experiences. Mary is also Director and Chair of the Experiencer Support Programs of Dr Edgar Mitchell: Foundation for Research into Extra-­‐terrestrial Encounters (FREE); and an advisory Committee member of Exopolitics ( Mary also organised the inaugural 'Hidden Truths' international conference held in Perth, Western Australia in 2003.

Mary has researched more than 3000 cases and suggests extraterrestrial encounters are a global phenomenon and this is evident in the new humans referred to as star children. Mary affirms that star children exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years and have an awareness and connection to spiritual realms. ‘Indigo’s’ or ‘crystal’ children as they are also known have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened, and can describe many species of non-­‐human visitors with a feeling that they are as real to them as their ‘real’ family because they feel supported by them.

Mary’s research also explores evidence from a scientific, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and historical perspective to support what she believes is a ‘genetic’ engineering program, leading to a paradigm shift in human consciousness. Data suggests children are being altered through extraterrestrial encounters. Some of the latest DNA research that could qualify how this upgrading may occur and how it may be linked to such conditions such as ADHD, Asperger’s and possibly Autism is also explored as many of these individuals demonstrate awareness of the non-­‐physical realms.

Although many medical professionals claim to be sceptical about Contact experience, in November 2003 Mary’s work was featured and she was interviewed for the article Alien Invasion: Why We Need to Believe in Australian Doctor Focus Magazine, and a growing number of professionals in the medical community now share similar conclusions and have spoken publicly. These people include the late world-­‐ renowned Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry, Dr. John E. Mack, author of Passport to the Cosmos and Dr. Janet Colli, author of Sacred Encounters.

Mary has lectured in Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Hawaii, UK, Ireland, France, Malta and New Zealand, appearing regularly in national and international media news programs and in documentaries including; OZ Files, My Mum Talks to Aliens featured on SBS Australia in 2010, and now shown globally. Paranormal Files in the UK for BBC TV, and Animal X for the Discovery Channel, as well as participating in University debate forums on this phenomenon, including Oxford University, UK in 2006 and Australian National University, Canberra in 2010.

Mary’s full profile was included in the Biographical Encyclopaedia of People in Ufology and Scientific Extraterrestrial Research (2008) for Times SQ Press. In addition, Mary has also produced a collection of meditation and relaxation CD’s. For further information please visit Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform your Life was re-­‐published by New Mind Publishers in 2010 and author and Physician, Dr Roger Leir was quoted as saying, “In my opinion this book will become the Bible of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon.”

Mary was born in the United Kingdom (UK) and migrated to Western Australia in 1991 and now resides in Queensland. Mary is a former nurse, midwife, and health educator and was employed as a professional counsellor for the National Health Service UK and Australian counselling agencies, Silver Chain and Centrecare. Since 1994 Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, Reiki Master, and international speaker.

Part 1 of 2. MARY RODWELL is recognized internationally as one of Australia’s leading researchers and writers in the UFO and contact phenomenon areas. Her website is . Mary has been on the Brian Ruhe show a couple of times over the past three years but this time I hosted her with two Meetup groups with 26 people on this Zoom video. This was her best visit yet!! Her power-point presentation is fast paced and packed with pithy knowledge and insights!

Mary is the author of the highly acclaimed book ‘Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform Your Life’ (2002); and producer of EBE award winning documentaries:- Expressions of ET Contact: A Visual Blueprint? (2000), and Expressions of ET Contact: A Communication and Healing Blueprint? (2004). Her new book ‘The New Human’ which describes and documents star children is due to be released in late 2016.

Mary is the Founder and Principal of Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN) which was established in 1997 to provide professional counselling, support, hypnotherapy and information to individuals and their families with ‘anomalous’ paranormal experiences and abduction-­‐contact experiences. Mary is also Director and Chair of the Experiencer Support Programs of Dr Edgar Mitchell: Foundation for Research into Extra-­‐terrestrial Encounters (FREE); and an advisory Committee member of Exopolitics ( Mary also organised the inaugural 'Hidden Truths' international conference held in Perth, Western Australia in 2003.

Mary has researched more than 3000 cases and suggests extraterrestrial encounters are a global phenomenon and this is evident in the new humans referred to as star children. Mary affirms that star children exhibit a maturity and wisdom beyond their years and have an awareness and connection to spiritual realms. ‘Indigo’s’ or ‘crystal’ children as they are also known have telepathic abilities, are spiritually awakened, and can describe many species of non-­‐human visitors with a feeling that they are as real to them as their ‘real’ family because they feel supported by them.

Mary’s research also explores evidence from a scientific, biological, psychological, anthropological, spiritual and historical perspective to support what she believes is a ‘genetic’ engineering program, leading to a paradigm shift in human consciousness. Data suggests children are being altered through extraterrestrial encounters. Some of the latest DNA research that could qualify how this upgrading may occur and how it may be linked to such conditions such as ADHD, Asperger’s and possibly Autism is also explored as many of these individuals demonstrate awareness of the non-­‐physical realms.

Although many medical professionals claim to be sceptical about Contact experience, in November 2003 Mary’s work was featured and she was interviewed for the article Alien Invasion: Why We Need to Believe in Australian Doctor Focus Magazine, and a growing number of professionals in the medical community now share similar conclusions and have spoken publicly. These people include the late world-­‐ renowned Harvard Medical School professor of psychiatry, Dr. John E. Mack, author of Passport to the Cosmos and Dr. Janet Colli, author of Sacred Encounters.

Mary has lectured in Hong Kong, USA, Canada, Hawaii, UK, Ireland, France, Malta and New Zealand, appearing regularly in national and international media news programs and in documentaries including; OZ Files, My Mum Talks to Aliens featured on SBS Australia in 2010, and now shown globally. Paranormal Files in the UK for BBC TV, and Animal X for the Discovery Channel, as well as participating in University debate forums on this phenomenon, including Oxford University, UK in 2006 and Australian National University, Canberra in 2010.

Mary’s full profile was included in the Biographical Encyclopaedia of People in Ufology and Scientific Extraterrestrial Research (2008) for Times SQ Press. In addition, Mary has also produced a collection of meditation and relaxation CD’s. For further information please visit Awakening: How Extraterrestrial Contact Can Transform your Life was re-­‐published by New Mind Publishers in 2010 and author and Physician, Dr Roger Leir was quoted as saying, “In my opinion this book will become the Bible of the Alien Abduction Phenomenon.”

Mary was born in the United Kingdom (UK) and migrated to Western Australia in 1991 and now resides in Queensland. Mary is a former nurse, midwife, and health educator and was employed as a professional counsellor for the National Health Service UK and Australian counselling agencies, Silver Chain and Centrecare. Since 1994 Mary has worked in private practice as a professional counsellor, hypnotherapist, metaphysical teacher, researcher, author, Reiki Master, and international speaker.

This is about the Asian region of Tartaria and erasing the memories of the old advanced white civilization, filmed Aug. 11, 2021. Here is some art inspired by Tartaria
Sylvie Ivanowa grew up in Bulgaria and she has devoted her life to exploring the nature of consciousness and the levels of reality. Spending almost two years in the Peruvian jungle with Ayahuasca and a near death experience have been the most profound transformational periods of learning in her life. She believes that her attempts to recover the lost history of the human races are not simply about correcting the records of bygone eras, but part of rediscovering who are we, as humans. Besides making documentaries on lost history she is an artist and has just launched, a platform meant to unite both professionals and laymen in research for discovering the genuine history of Earth and the various races of its inhabitants.

Links to her website and videos are below:

At the bottom of this page there is a short presentation

Welcome to a special collaboration between ABQ UFOs and the Vancouver Preparing for ET Contact Meetup. Join Brian Ruhe and Birdie Jaworski as they discuss Remote Viewing and its fascinating possibilities.

This program was recorded over Zoom on Saturday, June 15, 2024.

Visit ABQ UFOs:

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Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
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MP3 audios and video at:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 2 of 2. New Book: The Devil & Us - A Memoir of You and Me

The Bruce MacDonald playlist of videos is at

Hidden history, conspiracies, and esoteric knowledge.
• Speaker 2, Bruce discusses the Tartarian history. Also, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Walt Whitman, and Henry David Thoreau.
• Speaker 2 believes there has been a war between wizards and magicians, with the magicians using covert warfare to gain control of the world.
• Speaker 2 discusses the erasure of ancient knowledge and the mysteries of history, including the origins of the Hungarian language and the existence of ritual sacrifice cultures.
• Speaker 2 interviews experts, including criminal profiler Corinne and individuals raised in satanic cults, to explore the human side of the devil and the culture of ritual sacrifice.
Spiritual warfare and the importance of acknowledging darkness.
• Speaker 2 emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and understanding the dark side of life, citing the need for spiritual growth and conscious participation in the ongoing spiritual war.
• Speaker 2 criticizes religious institutions like the Vatican for withholding knowledge of the dark side, instead relying on exorcisms to address problems without empowering individuals to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth.
• Brian shares personal experiences of friends affected by vaccines, including two who died after getting the vaccine.
• Speaker 2 discusses how institutions have been infiltrated and taken over by "the Devil" or "darkness," leading to infantilization of society in the West.
Psychologist's research on child killers, including supernatural elements.
• Speaker 2 shares story of interviewing child killer in rural France, where his eyes turned black and he grabbed her.
• Speaker 2 became leading expert on cult of child sacrifice and Satanism after rational psychological investigation.
Dark magic, blood rituals, and spiritual currency.
• Speaker 2 discusses blood libel cases in Germany and England, including the 1500s case of Little Simon of Trent.
• Speakers discuss black magic, blood sacrifice, and occult practices in modern society.
• Speaker 2: Negative and positive forces cooperate in reality creation.
• Speaker 1: Good and evil are intertwined, like Yin and Yang in universe.
Current events, conspiracy theories, and political analysis.
• Speaker 1: West must grow spiritually to survive, not worry about minority causes.
• Speaker 2: Antichrist figure will sacrifice own to seem like friend, temple coming back.
• Speaker 2: Jewish but not Jews, like 33rd degree Masons masquerading as Methodists.
• Speaker 2: US and Canadian governments controlled by Zionists, sacrificial lambs for great turning.
Depopulation in Ukraine and potential plans for the US and Canada.
• Speaker 2 discusses depopulation exercise in Ukraine, mentioning Neil deGrasse Tyson's explanation of modern nuclear warfare without radioactivity.
• Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 discuss the origins of the Consortium and their potential desire for their homeland back.
• Speaker 1 suggests depopulation of Ukraine is part of a larger plan for the US and Canada.
• Speaker 2 agrees, noting that control of key ports and cities would give Zionists significant power.
Gaza, Israel, and morality.
• Speaker 2 argues that Western compassion is unique and that drug violence in Central America is related to the disappearance of young men.
• Speakers discuss Israel's actions towards Palestinians, perceived motivations, and global implications.
Potential Chinese invasion of the US.
• Speaker 2 predicts US State Department will invite Palestinians to live in US, perceiving them as enemies for funding Israel.
• Speaker 2 doubts China poses significant threat, citing economic challenges and lack of socialized medicine.
• Speaker 2: Chinese are responsible and mature about managing their own karma, but unclear if they want to shift power to China or Russia.
• Speaker 2: Chinese consulate in San Francisco has a daily lineup for visa applications, suggesting an emerging world power.
Depopulation, aliens, and personal responsibility.
• Speaker 1 predicts depopulation in the US and Canada, possibly through contaminated water or disease.
• Speaker 2 suggests that people should take control of their lives by growing their own food and moving to rural areas to avoid the negative effects of depopulation.
• Speaker 2 claims that baby boomers are being targeted for depopulation.

AI Summary
In this conversation from June 20, 2024, Bruce MacDonald and Brian Ruhe engage in a thought-provoking discussion on the ongoing conflict between good and evil in the modern world. They share personal experiences, address current events, and delve into spiritual perspectives on the devil and its role in human history. Speakers also explore the significance of 1947 as a pivotal year, discuss various theories and evidence related to secret government programs and alien life. Throughout the conversation, they emphasize the importance of addressing trauma and finding ways to turn it into a positive experience.

New Book: The Devil & Us - A Memoir of You and Me
In this groundbreaking exploration of darkness, the devil, and the intricate workings of the supernatural realm, embark on a journey that transcends conventional boundaries. Beginning with a personal odyssey rooted in family and Abrahamic beliefs, this book unfolds into a revolutionary reinterpretation of the devil and demons, challenging preconceived notions with casual yet profound revelations. Delve into the heart of America's last century of development, uncovering the undercurrents of Satanism and the resultant spiritual emptiness that characterizes the nation we know today.

The Bruce MacDonald playlist of videos is at

AI Outline of Talk
Personal growth, technology, and politics with Bruce MacDonald
• Bruce McDonald discusses his new book and life in Costa Rica with Brian.
• reflects on past criticism and says, "I told you so" to those who doubted their claims in 2020
• Speaker 2 and Speaker 1 discuss the importance of the Third Temple of Solomon and its connection to secret societies and current events.
Spirituality, religion, and the end of the world.
• The speaker discusses their family history, including two suicides and their connection to the Masonic and Protestant religions.
• The speaker shares their personal journey towards spiritual awakening and breaking free from the "dark, magical system" of the Abrahamic world.
• Speaker 2, Bruce, predicts vaccine-related deaths will reach billions and warns against procreation with vaccinated individuals.
• Speaker 2 believes a spiritual war is underway, with the forces of darkness attempting to inflict damage before departure.
The end of the world, spiritual growth, and the consolidation of negative power.
• Speaker 2 believes human race will continue, with a rollback in population and increased divine knowledge.
• Speaker 2: Western mindset crippled by media control.
• Speaker 2 explains that negative forces are consolidating power through sacrifices and incarceration.
• The Antichrist will be the consolidation of negative power, with underlings being sacrificed or incarcerated.
The limitations of the "black box" of organized religion and the importance of free thought.
• Black Box: Limiting consciousness through religion, indoctrination, and fear.

• Speaker 2 claims that Jews were illegally chartering boats to return to Israel in 1947, despite lacking permission.
• Speaker 2 believes there is a profound infection in Jewish culture, referred to as "dark Cabalists" or "black magicians."
• In 1947, Roswell incident occurs, marking beginning of UFO narrative.
• National Security Act is passed, transferring military power to government, leading to dark net.
• Speakers debate Nazi ideology and technology's influence on US government.
• Speaker 1, Brian, disputes claim that Hitler was a Rothschild, while Speaker 2 raises possibility of Nazi-Zionist depopulation agenda.
• Speaker 1 denies Hitler's use of "master race" term, while Speaker 2 discusses AI translations of Hitler's speeches that sound poetic and full of passion.
• Speakers discuss the mythology of racial supremacy and its potential agents, with Speaker 1 suggesting globalist bankers and Speaker 2 proposing an inversion of their own faults onto the Germans.
• Speaker 1 suggests that aliens may have attacked Admiral Byrd's expedition in Antarctica in 1947, while Speaker 2 questions the authenticity of the event.

Alien life forms, hybridization, and paranormal experiences in 1947.
• Cynthia Crawford claims to be first alien human hybrid, creates busts of her race for $3-$5k.
• Multiple people experienced strange events after sleeping with busts of historical figures, including conversations with deceased loved ones and negative vibrations.
ETs, consciousness, and materialism.

Bruce MacDonald talks about Billy Meier and how my BitChute audience needs to get outside of the box and consider the role of reptilians and ETs on global affairs.

Thank you to Barry for video editing and the many titles.

Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word.

All video playlists: or click on "The Brian Ruhe Show" and scroll down.
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MP3 audios and video at:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Bhante G Varapanno and I met on June 19, 2024 and this is a short clip taken from the 43 minute video on the Buddhists for Truth channel. The whole video is at
The consequences of Protection vs Violence

Please go there and like and subscribe, thanks.

Brian Ruhe in Vancouver hosts Jeff Prager in Minneapolis. Jeff shows slides from the proof in the new book, "The Ground Zero Model" Heinz Pommer And Colleagues. The PDF is free and will always be available at: . The evidence is that when the towers were being built, 1970 - 1973, they built in the structures necessary to later add a nuclear device. These went off with 13 second "nuclear fizzles", not bombs, which are what brought each of the three towers down. The electromagnetic fingerprints, including from helicopters filming over the towers, provides the proof.

Heinz Pommer studied physics in Germany and France. After his diploma degree he re-trained as a technical writer, documenting complex machinery. Since 2000 he works as CEO in his small enter- prise for Automated Technical Documentation.
In respect to September 11th, 2001, many walks and hikes were needed to get him closer to the truth.

Mr Pommer writes, "Little did I suspect that this research would lead me not only to a better understanding of the dynamics and the nuclear devices that destroyed the WTC on 9/11, but to a deep and much better understanding of history, including German history. History needs to be re-written. The lie is gigantic, but it is not all- powerful. On the contrary, in respect to 9/11 it has failed. It has revealed itself.

It will completely dissolve, if we find the will to stand with the truth, with courage and with love for god’s creation. However, the lie will triumph if we cowardly or complacently accept it. The key word is acceptance. The lie is alive, incessantly courting our subconscience, and our acquiescence is the lie’s true source of energy.

We can stop it with two words, looking into the mirror: “no more!”

This present, small but challenging book is a short excerpt of “The demons trap — A handbook for understanding The 9/11 Deception of Perception”.

As the nearly 1,000 page “handbook” changes and improves over time, it might never see a print publication. However, for those who are interested in the book, which is updated on an irregular basis, some chapters are currently available at:

Mr. Jeff Prager saw the Twin Towers rise in his youth. New York was his home, night and day. He saw the Twin Towers fall, the event destroying the places of his childhood, but even more violent was the impact of his perception of America.

Since then he has fought against the lie, feeling sickened himself by the growing number of 9/11 victims and his impotence to communicate the truth of the nuclear destruction of the WTC. In 2018 he came across the work of some physicists, who—in his own words—think differently, slightly mad. Schrödinger’s cat had entered his life.

The ‘cat thought experiment’ of quantum mechanics is absurd and anticipates that you can’t tell if a cat which hides in a box does actually exist or not. It may have two states. Since this contact Mr. Prager adapted his physical world view. Did the World Trade Center ever symbolize a state of stability and power, when at the same time an internal nuclear destruction scheme was present below it?
By all means, Mr. Prager has become a physicist as well. Mr. Prager retired in 2005 and has published over 100 books since then. Some are located at research and they are all free.

T Mark Hightower's book review:
5.0 out of 5 stars
The Ground Zero Model by Heinz Pommer and Colleagues presents a compelling model for how underground nuclear devices of very high energy were likely used to bring down the Twin Towers and Building 7, explaining very well much of what was observed in their destruction. Calling their explanation a model is very much in keeping with the scientific method when one is seeking to explain observations without knowledge of exactly how the deed was carried out.

When I was on Jim Fetzer's show The Real Deal on July 06, 2011 I presented rough calculations for how much conventional high explosives would have been needed to bring the Twin Towers down by just severing the load bearing members. I did not attempt to calculate or estimate what additional quantity of explosives would have been needed to account for the high degree of comminution or pulverization observed... (lack of space to print the remainder here).

PART 1 of 4. Dennis Wise starts off, followed by Pete Papaherackles. The conversation revolves around historical events, media manipulation, and secret societies. We discussed the atrocities committed by Nelson Mandela and how he was the opposite of the saint that the media made of him. We also discussed the atrocities committed during World Wars I and II, challenging the narrative of Hitler as a demon. We also debate the annexation of Crimea and the manipulation of history for political gain. Additionally, we delve into the realm of secret societies, exploring their connections to supernatural entities and the evolution of Freemasonry. The conversation raises questions about the reliability of historical accounts and the influence of powerful groups on public perception.

Outline by
World War II, Churchill's actions, and rape of German women.

Dennis Wise discusses his video on a secret Masonic victory of World War Two.
We discuss Churchill's WWII atrocities, including rape of German women by African soldiers.

Immigration, race, and violence in Europe.

Speaker 2 discusses the irony of white populations complaining about race mixing while their own ancestors were involved in colonialism and slavery.
Speakers discuss immigration policies in Germany and UK, focusing on undemocratic decisions and black on black violence.
Speaker 2 discusses how second and third generation immigrants in Britain refuse to take abuse from white people, leading to riots.

Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, and South African politics.

Speaker 3 expresses conflicting views on Nelson Mandela, from calling him a "mass murderer" but he was praised at Wembley Stadium.
In Brazil, a concert dedicated to Mandela sparks excitement and admiration, despite his controversial past.
Speakers discuss Nelson Mandela's prophesied leadership.
Speaker 2 reveals Thatcher was a Rothschild puppet, contradicting popular perception of her as a strong leader.
Speakers discuss South African politics and the agenda of labor and conservative parties, including Thatcher's role in European Union.

Mandela's legacy, historical context, and media manipulation.

Pete shares their article on Mandela's true history, which went viral with over 200,000 reads.
Speaker 3 discusses how the media portrays Mandela as a hero, despite his controversial actions.
Speaker 3 describes South Africa as a "third world country" with frequent electrical blackouts and a history of violence under Jacob Zuma.
Speaker 2 believes the Freemasons are behind the "genocide of whatever race" through their manipulation of global events, including the treatment of Native Americans.
Speaker 2: Hitler united anti-Christian forces under swastika, including Jews.
Speaker 1: Christians were duped, attacking Germany, while others understood Hitler's message.
Speakers discuss Hitler, Stalin, and communism, with one speaker claiming the truth about Hitler will rise from the grave.

Historical events and their misrepresentation.

Speakers discuss manipulated history, including misrepresented events like Hitler's invasion of Austria and Putin's annexation of Crimea.
Speakers discuss theories about Russian control of vaccine distribution in Crimea.

Freemasonry and its alleged connections to Lucifer.

Speakers discuss Masonic influence in US history and Freemasonry.
Speaker 2 shares someone's personal experience of being asked to spit on a cross during a Masonic initiation ceremony.
Speakers discuss the alleged 33rd degree ceremony involving an oath to Lucifer and the potential consequences for refusing to take it.
The speaker describes a gradual shift in beliefs from Christianity to a more secular view of God, with each Masonic degree representing a new level of understanding.
The speaker suggests that the Masons' belief in the Great Architect of the Universe is actually a form of worship of Lucifer.

Freemasonry, demons, and aliens.

Speaker 2, Dennis Wise, claims to have heard information about a higher level than the 33rd degree in Freemasonry.
Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 discuss the idea of useful idiots in the context of Freemasonry.
Speaker 2 suggests that the Rothschilds may be in league with Luciferian beings.
Speaker 3 shares a painting of 12 hooded figures with an empty seat at the head table, possibly representing Lucifer.
Speaker 2 discusses Satanism and demon worship on YouTube.
Speaker 3 discusses the 72 demons mentioned in the Book of Enoch and their connection to numerology and the Sanhedrin.
Speaker 1, Brian, encourages listeners to support the videos and subscribe to the channel.

ET Experiencers vs Conspiracies, by Brian Ruhe
People who have spent their lifetime associating with extraterrestrials give us the highest level raw data to understand this most important of all phenomena.


This higher realm contact does not give them the equivalent of a Ph. D. in all fields of human endeavour. I and my members at have gotten into arguments with contactees because we know more about conspiracies related to their experience, than they do. Such as, the fake moon landings, government suppression of UFO truth, back engineered UFOs, the climate change scam, the secret space program, government relationship with aliens, etc.

It’s a shame that genuine experiencers who risk their reputations by telling the real truth about their actual ET contact, damage themselves in the eyes of video viewers, by displaying an embarrassing lack of knowledge on serious conspiracies that are associated with their ET relationship.

What is to be done about this? I want to promote the truth about experiencers who I trust. Some of them refused to do videos with me, after I challenged their cherish beliefs, with good evidence. They are normal people, who had extraordinary experiences. They do not claim to be fully enlightened beings who have a full grasp on the truth about UFOs and ETs.

My ideal is that people work together, sharing the best of what they have to offer. Those of us who know much more about how the world really works, can help experiencers who don’t know how the world really works. Currently the state of people working together in the UFO community is dismal. Mary Rodwell told me that Rey Hernandez doesn’t even call it a “community” because of all the fractious in-fighting.

So, how should we work with these experiencers? How can we work together as a community with a wholesome purpose?

Please leave a comment below.

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My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

In this talk I refer to this video: Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson Decoding The Ice Age Flood

Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word.

All video playlists: or click on "The Brian Ruhe Show" and scroll down.
Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
Volunteer your time. Be part of a group.

My websites:
MP3 audios and video at:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at

Part 2 of 2. Charles Upton's website is . Spiritual journeys and traditions, including Sufism, Catholicism, and Orthodox Christianity.
• Charles Upton joined a Sufi group in San Francisco in the 1980s, seeking a spiritual tradition after becoming disillusioned with the New Age movement.
• Upton's wife connected with another spiritual group, Mariamia Tarika, under the guidance of Fritz Joan, a metaphysician and guru.
• Charles Upton and Brian Ruhe discuss Jenny's spiritual journey from Thelemic to Orthodox Christianity, then to traditional Catholicism, and their criticism of the current Pope's views on God not existing.
Homelessness, local politics, and celebrity encounters.
• Charles Upton shares personal experiences with spirituality, social service, and loss.
• Charles Upton recounts meeting Robin William's mother and almost having the Grateful Dead for a benefit event.
Islamic covenants and their relevance in fighting extremism.
• Charles Upton discusses the historical covenants between Muslims and Christians, and how they were forgotten and re-discovered in response to ISIS attacks.
• Charles Upton highlights instances of Muslims protecting Christians from harm.
• We also discussed the impact of Covid-19 on social interactions and habits, with some people still experiencing trauma and anxiety.
Hippie culture and history with Charles Upton.
• Charles Upton discusses his spiritual autobiography.
• Brian Ruhe and Charles Upton discuss Upton's experiences as a hippie in the 1960s and his book about the subject.
• Upton shares stories about the dark side of the hippie movement and his own personal history.
• Charles Upton discusses the hippie movement and its evolution, highlighting the different groups that emerged within it.
• Brian Ruhe interviews Charles Upton about the movement and its impact, with a focus on the third group of hippie rednecks.

Please do download any of my videos and copy them to your own channels to spread the word.

All video playlists: or click on "The Brian Ruhe Show" and scroll down.
Bitcoin: 15Ls63J21zzhAPE7ke4P2JhaHyAEhUrJVe
Volunteer your time. Be part of a group.

My websites:
MP3 audios and video at:

My three books are available at Amazon.

Phone into Brian Ruhe's live radio show at 1-603-635-4946 any Tuesday from 6-8 pm EST at Studio B at


Created 6 years, 10 months ago.

3913 videos

Category Education

Brian Ruhe’s top priorities for humanity.
Follow the alien agenda for planet earth with their centuries long process. Aspire for humanity to transform into human/ET hybrids and join a good federation of planets as the absolute goal for the new humans on Earth.

Full government UFO disclosure is wrong because the world can’t handle the truth. Politicians, the armed forces, as well as the general population cannot be trusted with the exotic technology of anti-gravity, free energy, back engineered UFOs, etc. I support gradual disclosure and believe that governments probably are following the Grey’s wisdom on how much to disclose and when.

The mysterious truth about the Rothschilds globalist power, working for negative repterrains and good aliens too. The Rothschilds control all major aspects of human civilization – national governments, politicians, the media, academia, international banking, medicine, you name it – everything of importance.

The falsification of history. In the present moment, the media is grossly lying about today’s history. We’ve been lied to about this century, the 20th century, past centuries, advanced ancient global civilizations, going back billions of years.

Give us our true history to illuminate our culture and give us advances in knowledge but not advances in technology, as in #1 above.

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