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#bobtheorc #panzergeneral

Episode 4 involves the German invasion of France. The plan is to send a fast moving army to bypass major cities and grab key airfields. A slower army will then march on Paris and secure the win. This should be similar to historic German early war tactics which involved high mobility against a less mobile French defense, and combined arms attacks. Hopefully I can win this battle much faster than last time.

*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***
Obviously the Germans were the baddies in WW2. This was one of the most popular strategy games in the 1990's so don't freak out. It's just a game and the world will be ok. I'll do a playthrough of Allied Generals in the future (the sequel) just to make it fair. No actual genocide takes place in any of my videos. It's just a game so chill.

More info on the Germans being the baddies here:
*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***

Although I own a copy on cd, it's in a box somewhere and I couldn't find it. So I downloaded a patched version for modern computers.

I found this game for free at the website below:

*** Warning, This Video Probably Contains Satire. Watch At Your Own Risk! ***

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

#bobtheorc #panzergeneral

So I really screwed this mission up and am having to redo it. Invading Poland is apparently more difficult than I thought. What kind of baddie am I anyway?

The good news is it looks like the game plays, though the emulator lags my computer a bit and eats a lot of memory. The planned background music didn't work out so well at first, and then started working at the end. So I'll give it another try with the second mission. Mission 2 involves capturing Warsaw Poland and finishing them off.

*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***
Obviously the Germans were the baddies in WW2. This was one of the most popular strategy games in the 1990's so don't freak out. It's just a game and the world will be ok. I'll do a playthrough of Allied Generals in the future (the sequel) just to make it fair. No actual genocide takes place in any of my videos. It's just a game so chill.
More info on the Germans being the baddies here:
*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***

Although I own a copy on cd, it's in a box somewhere and I couldn't find it. So I downloaded a patched version for modern computers.

I found this game for free at the website below:

*** Warning, This Video Probably Contains Satire. Watch At Your Own Risk! ***

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:


#bobtheorc #panzergeneral

This is a test to see if i can make good 'ol Panzer General work on my computer. I haven't played this game in 20 years. I'm going to live play a campaign through from start to finish and see if I can still beat this game. I'll do a separate live stream for each mission most likely to make it easier to follow along mission by mission later on.

*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***
Obviously the Germans were the baddies in WW2. This was one of the most popular strategy games in the 1990's so don't freak out. It's just a game and the world will be ok. I'll do a playthrough of Allied Generals in the future (the sequel) just to make it fair. No actual genocide takes place in any of my videos. It's just a game so chill.
More info on the Germans being the baddies here:
*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***

Although I own a copy on cd, it's in a box somewhere and I couldn't find it. So I downloaded a patched version for modern computers.

I found this game for free at the website below:

*** Warning, This Video Probably Contains Satire. Watch At Your Own Risk! ***

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:


#bobtheorc #panzergeneral

Episode 3 involves the Low Countries mission. This is where the Germans blitz through Belgium to bypass the French defenses and race towards the sea, culminating in the evacuation at Dunkirk. Let's see if I can do better this time than in the previous mission. Besides, gaming is a nice way to pass the time when I'm working late copying lots of boring data. :)

*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***
Obviously the Germans were the baddies in WW2. This was one of the most popular strategy games in the 1990's so don't freak out. It's just a game and the world will be ok. I'll do a playthrough of Allied Generals in the future (the sequel) just to make it fair. No actual genocide takes place in any of my videos. It's just a game so chill.
More info on the Germans being the baddies here:
*** Note to people not alive in the 1990's ***

Although I own a copy on cd, it's in a box somewhere and I couldn't find it. So I downloaded a patched version for modern computers.

I found this game for free at the website below:

*** Warning, This Video Probably Contains Satire. Watch At Your Own Risk! ***

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

It's the weekend so time to stomp some robots with friends.

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #france #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 12 sees us finishing off the French fleet and conquering the rest of French Southeast Asia. Eventually France has the good sense to surrender, giving us a few small islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. This video ended up being shorter than expected, largely because we did not have very many major battles. But I think the video wraps up at a good stopping point, and it allows us to move on to new goals in the next video. I hope you enjoy!

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversation..

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

This is an amazing match! When our left flank collapses, the enemy team jumps Uncle Jim. His 90 LURMs make him very popular with the ladies. With our team quickly dying, Voragaath and I put our backs to the wall and cover each other against the enemy assault. I didn't think we were going to pull it off!

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

Just finished work so Uncle Jim and I will blast some big stompy robots before we call it a night. I bet you guys wish your uncle played video gams with you! :P

But then his laptop started messing up again and we were sad. :(

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

Uncle Jim's computer is fixed so time for MWO!

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #france #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 11 involves a lot of intense battles. Some go well, and others not so well. But the only way for Japan to prevail is to murder the entire French fleet... Or as much of it as I can. Good thing this is just a video game or there would probably be some war crimes!

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on ..

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

Just finished work and thought I'd hang with Bubba for a while. He has been busy playing poker and I've been busy working. Time for some stompy robots! I'm going to play my Raven scout mech, upgraded with some spicy rocket launchers!

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #life #lifehacks #lifestyle #lifelessons #nature #health #healthylifestyle

Life often sucks, and it's hard to keep your sanity. Spending time alone, in nature, or at least in a peaceful location, does wonders for your health and sanity. Before you can fix the world, you must first fix your life. Let's go on a journey together.

I recorded this video the other day while driving to a jobsite. I meant to upload it that evening, but then upon returning to the office, I learned that the Associated Press was suing me. Sorry this video was uploaded late, but I got a little busy with unexpected BS.

#bobtheorc #life #lifehacks #lifestyle #lifelessons

I recorded this video the other day while driving to a jobsite. I meant to upload it that evening, but then upon returning to the office, I learned that the Associated Press was suing me. Sorry this video was uploaded late, but I got a little busy with unexpected BS.

#bobtheorc #associatedpress #lawsuit #lawfare #censorship

Why is the Associated Press suing Bobtheorc? Well technically, they are suing my computer company because Bobtheorc is not a commercial entity, and therefore has no money.

Is the Associated Press legitimately upset over my video? Or is there an ulterior motive?

Or maybe I've finally pissed off the wrong people with my anti-establishment opinions?... I guess we will find out.

If you do a google search on the Higbee & Associates law firm, you get some interesting results.

*** Warning, This Video Probably Contains Satire. Watch At Your Own Risk! ***

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You can find my SPICY content at:

My tame videos are often on YouTube at:

You can also check us out on our website, where you can also downlo..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #france #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 10 is pretty long (I was having a great time playing and lost track of time). I fail at my initial invasion of the French colonies in Southeast Asia, and there are a series of difficult battles. My fast battleships preform wonderfully, however I only have FOUR of them, and TWO spend much of the episode in repair. The rest of the time, I'm relying on my less capable ships to do the heavy lifting. I hope everyone enjoys, and let me know if you like the longer play video, or if you prefer I keep future videos closer to 2 hours.

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #france #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 9 is mostly a series of battles against France. France has a big numerical advantage, and their crews have better training. But my ships are really fast, and my hit and run tactics are pretty successful. This is a longer video, but I hope you enjoy the battles!

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on ..

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

I had two of the most amazing matches last night while playing with Mike and Uncle Jim. I'm playing a multi-range, flexible support build with my Marauder IIC-D. It doesn't do a lot of damage with any one shot, but it can continue to put fire on enemy mechs consistently, and without building up too much heat. I hope you enjoy!

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

Just finished work and thought I'd hang with Bubba for a while. Time for some stompy robots!

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #france #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 9 begins the preparation to fight one of the major European powers, either France or Britain. We use a strategy of even faster raiding ships. We also mothball our older ships comprising the invasion fleet, for use later. Eventually we provoke France and they attack. There are some good battles at the end of the video.

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #germany #strategygames

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 7 focuses on the war with Germany. There are several major battles, and a small battle that had a very unexpected ending. Germany has more powerful ships than Spain, but my ships are also better than before. Will my preparation pay off? Will Germany surrender once the victor has been decided?

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get b..

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 6 focuses on securing the borders of my empire and chasing down the remaining Spanish ships until they finally surrender. It's good timing too with tensions increasing with Germany, Can we secure our empire before war breaks out with Germany?

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You ..

#OurAdventurerGuild #Bobtheorc

So I guess we have to fight a dragon. I'm not sure how i feel about this, but I guess we will just dive in and see what happens. I'd better get prepared first.

Also, does anyone remember Final Fantasy Tactics? The combat reminds me a little about that game... Granted this game came out around 1997 and not everyone likes retro games.

I bought "Our Adventurer Guild" from Steam. It was only about $15.

***This video probably contains some satire***

#battletech #mechwarrioronline #MWO #bobtheorc

I woke up early and found myself some Auzzies. Hide your children since you never know what they will say.

You can get Mechwarrior Online at:

***This video probably contains some satire***

#bobtheorc #ultimateadmiraldreadnoughts #japan #playthrough #china #taiwan

This video series will be a playthrough of Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Legendary Difficulty! I'll play the Empire of Japan, beginning in 1890, and see how far I can get. I'll put a heavy focus on explaining my strategies and methods for beating games on impossible difficulties.

Episode 5 prepares for the coming war with Spain (because they never really liked me anyway). Will my preparations pay off? There are not a lot of battles in this video as it is mostly strategic planning and preparations. I also discuss how I limit my strategic goals to what I know can be achieved given my limited resources. As always, I don't fight fair, and I jump on Spain while they are busy fighting with the other European powers. But this is all just part of the plan. I hope you enjoy!

You can buy Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts on Steam. It's a great game and I've enjoyed playing it since it's early development. I highly recommend it. (Though it is still sometimes a little bit glitchy, so save often just in case)

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Beat Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we ..

#bobtheorc #Inflation #Economy #Recession #Big Government #success #selfimprovement #independence

"Good Luck" is often the combination of planning, preparation, and the sufficient allocation of resources.

It also helps if Big Government / Special Interests aren't robbing you blind at every opportunity.

Useful Links Below:

Dad's Book, "How To Bead Inflation" Robert Deaver PhD:

The Three Keys To Unlocking The World, Or Binding It In Shackles:

Explaining Guns, Mass Shootings, & The 2nd Amendment:

Brace For Impact! The Impending Collision With Reality:

Diabetes Health Fair 2021:

COVID And Your Health:

How To Have A Great Day EVERYDAY:

Please like and share my videos, and subscribe to this channel. Leave a comment if you would like to add to the conversation. Together, we will enjoy good conversations with interesting people, expand our insights and abilities, and enjoy the games that we all love.

This video is hopefully tame enough that I won't get banned, so I'll post it, both on YouTube, and on Rumble.

You can find my SPICY content at:

My tame videos are often on YouTube at:

You can also check us out on our website, where you can also download Dad's book about inflation at:




Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

408 videos

Category Entertainment

Gaming, Self Improvement, and Interesting Conversations!