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The loser's dad did worse than him 😂 how pathetic are yall lol

That sista really whooped him 💪🏿

Never mess with the toughest race cuz even our females are dangerous.

That lady fell for it. lol

The white man decided to call the black bus driver the N word multiple times and then he spit on the bus driver which made him snap. In no way is the bus driver in the wrong.

more greatness from ma culture 💪🏿 we da coolest race!

Imma become a rich famous rapper just like him!

Before he kept on calling us niggas and deny we are the strongest race but ever since a brutha put him in his place with his BBC he changed for the better 😂💪🏿

I already did a video like this. What is with you doordash people being such racist clowns?

He thought he so bad but that brutha be badder. Never mess with the more gangsta tougher race 💪🏿

RIP brutha. Those pigs can rot in hell! This is why I support BLM

This is what you racist pussies get if you ever dare to say that word to our face!

so much for white supremacy 😂🤣💪🏿

more great music and a great message from my culture 💪🏿

more greatness from my physically powerful race and culture 💪🏿

😂 even yo criminal redneck thugs aint no match for an old man from the strongest race 💪🏿

more great music from my culture 💪🏿

Fire upon those hypocrites!

If that was a brutha he would have lifted that easily. 💪🏿 Yo race is so weak and pathetic. No wonder yall lose fights against us. 😂

You white boys want to be like us so badly 😂 and these white supremacists are mad that yall are betraying yo race because we are cooler 💪🏿

Based laundry commercial

💪🏿 One of the strongest wrestlers I have ever seen who beat up so many including Kane.


Created 2 years, 9 months ago.

410 videos

Category Vlogging