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Fully illustrated and fully indexed, the Biomagnetism Practitioners’ Guidebook provides a comprehensive review of the placement of over 340 biomagnetic pairs, detailing the clinical aspects of the associated conditions and pathogens. In addition, Dr. Garcia draws from his years of experience to incorporate how pairs can be interrelated. Equip yourself with the guidebook that will enhance your knowledge and effectiveness as a Biomagnetism practitioner.

Find it at our website:

When separating large magnets, use a twist motion. It's so much easier than pulling.
Empower your biomagnetism sessions with our premium 1,500 Gauss Strength Neodymium Magnets. Made to last. Available in four sizes. Proudly made the USA. Purchase here:

During a live breast-scan demo, Dr. Garcia identified the exact spot were Jennifer's breast was previously biopsied.

You too can be part of this life-changing experience! Join us:
- Level 1&2 Online Training – Available Now
- Level 1&2 In-person Seminar – October 2024
Learn more at

Pro tip: When exposed to residue or body secretions (e.g. make-up, oily faces, acne, saliva, tears, sweat in armpits, etc.), disinfecting your magnets is recommended. Lightly spray them with isopropyl alcohol.

Empower your biomagnetism sessions with our premium 1,500 Gauss Strength Neodymium Magnets. Made to last. Available in four sizes. Proudly made the USA.

Health Conditions Address By Biomagnetism | Natural Approach to Achieving and Maintaining Wellness

Discover the powerful benefits of Biomagnetism with Dr. Luis F. Garcia, MD! In this video, we explore how Biomagnetic Biofeedback™ can address a variety of health conditions by rebalancing the body's Ph balance using special magnets.

Conditions Addressed by Biomagnetism:

Immune System: Boosts normal immunity and manages systemic concerns.

Heart Health: Supports good heart health.

Neurological Function: Enhances normal neurological function.

Hormonal and Glandular Health: Aids in managing PMS and mild menopause symptoms.

Digestive Health: Helps with reflux, parasites, digestive disorders, and heartburn.

Inflammation: Supports the immune system's response to inflammation.

Emotional and Energy Balance: Addresses emotional issues, stress, anxiety, and energetic imbalances.

Musculoskeletal Health: Relieves muscle and joint discomfort.

Metabolic and Endocrine Health: Manages metabolic and endocrine conditions.

Respiratory Health: Assists in normal respiratory function.

If you're seeking an alternative way to support your immune system, consider exploring the benefits of Biomagnetism as taught by Luis F. Garcia, MD. This method uses pairs of medium-strength magnets placed according to specific protocols, verified by subjective biofeedback.

Remember, your health is your greatest asset. Embrace holistic options like Biomagnetism to lead a happier, healthier life.

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Biomagnetism Training with Dr. Luis Garcia | Biomagnetism Online Training | Biomagnetism Therapy

Discover the transformative power of Biomagnetism with Dr. Luis Garcia! With 17 years of clinical experience, Dr. Garcia is a leading expert in the field. In this video, you'll learn the basics of Biomagnetism, its potential to revolutionize health, and how you can master this simple yet effective system.

What You'll Learn:

Understanding Biomagnetism: Unlock the potential of Biomagnetism for global health.
Meet Dr. Garcia: Learn from a seasoned professional with extensive experience.
Course Benefits: Master principles, use magnets for various conditions, and start natural healing.
How to Start: Online and in-person training options with certificates of completion.
Resources: Access guides, community support, and specialized tools for effective practice.

Get Started:

Online Training: Learn at your own pace from anywhere in the world.
In-person Seminars: Gain hands-on experience with foundational and advanced techniques.
Resources: Practitioner guidebook, online communities, and high-quality magnets for precise therapy.
Reclaim your health and start your Biomagnetism journey with Dr. Garcia today!

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I knew that I had head injuries, but I accepted my symptoms as my normal." Christine didn't have to accept them any more. After her TBI demo session, her body was rebalanced and she experienced a profound shift in her health.

Expecting her health to be fully restored after her cancer recovery, Catherine was disappointed. It was only after Biomagnetism therapy with Dr. Garcia that she experienced profound health.

Frustrated after consulting numerous specialists for his wife's illness, Hernán turned to Biomagnetism. Despite English being his second language, this didn't stop him from completing our three levels of training, which yielded amazing results for his wife.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

68 videos

Category Health & Medical

Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair is a revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to wellness that differs from traditional medicine, homeopathy, herbs and natural therapies.
Dr. Luis Garcia is a trained professional in the field of Biomagnetism and Bioenergy. A licensed medical practitioner of Columbia, Dr. Luis Garcia is a visionary when it comes to applying his complementary knowledge to offer alternative modalities. He aims to Eradicate Lyme disease from the North East region by using his medical expertise in BioMagnetism and wills to create awareness through USBiomag which is his official website.
Luis F Garcia MD conducts Biomagnetism and Beyond Training seminars every year. The upcoming Biomagnetism training seminar falls on March 11-15, 2020 at Kean University 1000 Morris Ave. North Avenue Academic Building 606, Union, NJ 07083

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