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The best way to deal with people is to do so in such a way that they know they can trust you. Be honest, dealing in integrity. If you do not, consequences will come.

#Honesty, #Integrity, #DealingInIntegrity

America is supposed to be the best nation on Earth. Behold, though, our abominations, our sins—so much wickedness and evil, unrepented.

America needs repentance.

#America, #Abominations, #Repent

Yesterday became, for me, a day of fear. I had forgotten the Lord’s promise to me. Instead of trusting Him, I was biting at Him. This video documents my repentance.

#TheLordsPromise, #Sin, #Repentance

One command that both Peter and Paul give us in their letters is to honor our leaders. That, necessarily, means do not insult them.

#Honor, #DontInsult, #PeterAndPaul

Yes, folks, we are living through Psalm 2:4, where the so-called experts have gotten things so screwed up it’s gonna take God to straighten them out. Might as well grab some popcorn, folks. Might as well grab some popcorn.

#Inanity, #Comedy, #PsalmTwoVerseFour

There are storms approaching, so be prepared. Personally, I am tired, so I will be cutting back on these short videos, at least for a while, because I need rest. Know this though: God has us in His hands, so keep trusting, keep praying, and keep communing with Him.

#Storms, #Rest, #InHisHands

When you run into something online that makes claims about the Bible and what it means DON’T JUST BELIEVE THEM. Take that claim and run it past a scholar of the Biblical languages. Verify.

#GenesisOneOne, #Verify, #InTheBeginning

Have you ever seen a house build itself? You say that’s crazy? The same is true about people.

#Architect, #Designer, #WhoIsYourFoundation

For those of us who have been walking with Christ, and patiently waiting, this has been a week of good news. Things are starting to turn back from insanity to hope for the righteous.

#GoodNews, #GoodNews, #PatientlyWaiting

Suffering does not usually mean you are being attacked by the devil or his minions. Rather, you just might be in the refiner’s fire, destined to come out as gold, or silver.

#Gold, #Silver, #TheRefinersFire

Why does God put us through trials? Sometimes they’re punishment, but, if you are faithfully walking with Christ that is not usually the case. For those walking with Christ it is usually to strengthen and prove your faith. So know this, my friend: God will get you through.

#StrengthenFaith, #ProvenFaith, #GodWillGetYouThrough

The Scriptures tell us that when Jesus genuinely comes into your life you will be given a new heart—that He will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. This means that you will change from the inside out: your worldview will change, your interests will change, your attitudes will change—in short, your reactions to the world and the people around you will change. YOU will change. So, again, have you been changed?

#AChangedHeart, #ChangedAttitudes, #HaveYouBeenChanged

In hard times there just might be only One Who can help—so listen, and watch, and pray.

#listen, #watch, #pray

First things first: My apologies for the “pumping effect” of the new headset while I was singing. I am still learning my way around them.

I used the PUBLIC DOMAIN hymn, “Abide With Me” to illustrate the point that, like Henry Francis Lyte, even on your death bed you can accomplish great things for God.

All you need do is let God work.

#AbideWithMe, #HenryFrancisLyte, #LetGodWork

I am the target of many evil things that are trying to get me off of my true course. They use many tricks—flattery, deception, false prizes being made to appear real (you get the point)—in their efforts to pull me away from the calling assigned to me by Christ. Don’t fall for it. Don’t Get Distracted.

#Satan, #Christ, #DontGetDistracted

If something foul, wicked, and evil has been done to you, but you don’t known who it was that did it to you, what do you do? The answer might seem overly simplified, but here it is: As best you can, walk with Christ.

#UnknownAbuser, #DontDwellOnThePast, #WalkWithChrist

Sometimes God will positively answer our prayers for relief from one crisis by bringing another. This keeps us in prayer—in communion—with Him, and that is a marvelous place to be.

#Storms, #Relief, #AMarvelousPlaceToBe

There are (yes, I know, it’s really, really hard to believe) times when people take themselves entirely too seriously. They get defensive, they claim this thing that thing and the next thing happened, but what the Scriptures tell us is to closely examine yourselves.

#WellDuh, #DontGetDefensive, #CloselyExamineYourselves

This hymn is a crying out to know God.

Many of my hymns can be found at

#Mercy, #Grace, #Love

Each day (maybe every few days) it becomes clear to me that there are those who do not understand the point as to why I do this. They keep trying to sucker me in with promises of fame and gobbagazzoogles of viewers and clicks and what have you. That holds ZERO interest for me. I do this to glorify Christ. He Is The Point—I Am Not.

#GlorifyingChrist, #HeIsThePoint, #IAmNot

Don’t surrender to the tumult of the media and the elites. They only seek to lead you away from Christ. Instead, you keep your peace, and walk with Christ.

#Tumult, #Peace, #WalkWithChrist

When you come across someone having a horrible, no good, very bad day, don’t miss the opportunity to help them. Show some compassion.

#DifficultTimes, #HelpThem, #Compassion

Some might take issue with the title of this video, but God DOES always provide. He provides what you NEED to accomplish HIS purpose—not yours.

#GodProvides, #Always, #GodsPurpose

No matter the efforts of the wicked, the truth of the matter finds its way into the light, where all can see.

#TheTruthOfTheMatter, #EffortsOfTheWicked, #IntoTheLight

Sometimes talk is not going to help.

#Wisdom, #Humility, #Compassion


Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

1196 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

For years on end, now, I have put forth the effort to obey my calling from Christ in a fashion that could be seen nearly worldwide. Some platforms have come and gone, but BitChute has been faithful.

Don't just watch my efforts here, though! They can also be found on Brighteon, Rumble, Facebook, and Telegram. I even share them to X.

I went for years resisting what the Lord had told me of my task for Him. You see, it meant that I would not have anything that I wanted. Then one day, in my office, while she was conversing with me, a woman who barely even knew my name, much less anything about me or my walk, asked the Lord what my life verse was. I asked her what He told her (you see, this was the independent witness that He most graciously sent me). She told me the reference; I will give you the passage.

Taken from the ESV Bible, my calling is, “‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.’

Then I said, ‘Ah, Lord God! Behold, I do not know how to speak, for I am only a youth.’ But the Lord said to me,

‘Do not say, “I am only a youth”, for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord.’

“Then the Lord put out His hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, ‘Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.’”

Thus, for some years, now, I have been putting forth the effort to obey that call upon my life.