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I started on YouTube on Sept 5, 2011 during 'Occupy Wall Street' so that's 4,690 days of making videos or 12 years, 10 months, 3 days and I'm done! Advertising is too much and I have better things to do with my life than provide content for these websites that don't care about the people and money is more important to them! That's not the country I want to live in! I quit!

When you use a term, know what it means. Don't fail to think! Most people are not original. They are incapable of thinking.


Gold dealers make fools out of us. They try to trick us by not mentioning inflation! I get tired of hearing about gold's ATH. It's all inflation and everyone should know that we are having very high inflation at this time. No price of gold is an ATH. There is no increase in value, only price and the price of everything went up, so where is the gain? Do gold dealers know they are lying to you by not mentioning inflation? Funny how they stand to benefit when you buy the bullshit! A true ATH should give you more today than a much lower price purchased in 2011; More real estate, more food, more everything. Fact is, $2,400 today buys much less real estate than $1,900 bought in 2011. The gold dealer's assumption is that he's smart and you're stupid! Challenge that notion!

Those who are depending on Social Security at retirement are going to be cheated, because the system goes broke, before they retire. An alternate plan must be set up. You depend on yourself, never government! They will cheat you out of your contributions. A small amount of money invested in bitcoin could make you a billionaire, before 45 years have passed. That's how long you will pay into Social Security. A 9 minute video explains.

Major Changes Would Take Place In Our Society, With The Following 30 Achievements! All Of Them Are Possible, Today! We have the technology. None of the candidates are talking about real issues. They avoid them. Real issues require changes that nobody in government wants, because they are running rackets and they all belong to a crime syndicate, but I have some ideas for change that I would like to present, if you have 18 minutes to hear them. If you think that voting for Democrats and Republicans is the solution, why don't you skip this video and watch debates between a con man and an actor, playing the part of a likely dead Joe Biden? Knock yourself out! You are useless!

If you have an hour to hear a reading of Contact Report 008 between Semjase and Billy Meier, this video will entertain you in your free time. They discuss the dangers of traveling faster than the speed of light in hyperspace. Mass increases to infinity and space travelers need shields for protection. Therein lies the proof that we never went out into space with men on board. Why did we stop? Because it was all faked! Why isn't there a fake colony? Because astronauts stopped cooperating. Nobody wants to be part of a scam! It's criminal and Buzz Aldrin knows it! He's not a hero. He's part of the crime syndicate that robbed American taxpayers. He enjoy the bribe money and he went around being admired as a hero! Something to be proud of, isn't it? For more than 50 years Aldrin kept the secret and now, in his 80s, he knows he's going to die. He wants to confess. Recall that he would not put his hand on the Bible and swear that he walked on the moon and that's because he fears the wrath of God! So he confesses and everything is fine! No! I don't think so! I doubt that God is a chump! Aldrin should have confessed in 1969 after he realized what he had done! He got violent with Bart Sibrel when he was called a liar and a coward, but that's what he is. He is a cohort in a felony. Adrin is a criminal and so are the astronauts who remain alive, six of them. They were part of a Mafia that robbed the nation and swindled the world with a lie and a theft of taxpayer money!

What happened to the dinosaurs? Did the magnetic field drop and radiation poured in? If you have been wondering, this reading might help with ideas of what happened. Some cosmic rays have a lot of energy. Do they cause mutations? Can we stick with Darwin or should we open up to other explanations about evolution? This is an important reading!

Cataclysmic Evolution - Earth in Upheaval by Immanuel Velikovsky

If you have 28 minutes to know more about Immanuel Velikovsky, this interview shows aspects of who he was, what he thought and how he suffered from the ignorance of the world of science in his day. He died in 1979 at age 84 having been born in 1895 in Belarus, Russia. He was age 69 in this interview.

The fairy tales being pushed by AI are so obvious that a moron, like George Bush, could see it! Do you actually think this actor-impostor lives in the White House? How delusional are you?

A quick summary of what happened to reveal their plot and put 'Conspiracy Theorists' in proper light, deserving credit for getting it right

Compare $500,000 per month with $500 per month. Which is better? Someone should tell Warren Buffet. He thinks bitcoin is 'rat poison, squared'. He thinks he's smart. I think he's old. Old may be wise, but not always!

We do not know much about the mind and in this tale, the psychic stabs the killer, but not with her own hands. She does it psychically. I was very surprised! He was stabbed in the back, so how could they conclude that he had stabbed himself? A dark haired woman ran him off the road and stabbed in in the back. Wonderful! I wish I could have seen it. He made up the story? It actually happened, as a result of the circle of psychics? This one is an enigma! What happened? Good brought evil to justice. Why do some people have special powers?


Take an objective look at our money system and tell me if you would vote for such an arrangement with the PRIVATE central bank. You would have to be nuts! How would you design our money system and what do you think of bitcoin?

Attorney Michael Connett, Fluoride Action Network gives a report on the trial and the history of water fluoridation. He's done the work and has the facts! This is a 'must see' video for everyone who is concerned with fluoride poison in our drinking water. This is a battle we cannot afford to lose. We must have this poison removed from our food, water, soil and the air. It damages the health of everyone!

Read the entire summary of the 8 year trial here:

Aureon Enegy; How do we dispose of radioactive wastes and toxins? There is fusion and fission and then there is the third method, discussed in this video. I was amazed at what I saw. If you are concerned about fluoride in your water, this video gives you an idea how we can convert fluoride into phosphorus, maybe, to have fertilizer, instead of poison.

I started this video when bitcoin was higher, but the report was true when I created the video. My internet was out for 10 days from June 21, 2024 to July 2, 2024. Bitcoin frees the slaves and so this is a political issue

Calculate the Compounded Annual Growth Rate at and then go down to the bottom of the page to see how bitcoin has grown and it is obvious that you should not sell, because in a year, your money will double again and you won't ever want to sell them. There is always one more year of doubling to have twice as much. My calculations are all based on the April of 2011 price for bitcoin of $1. That's when bitcoin stabilized enough to have a price. It never returned to $1 after that year.

Ask any holder of Ethereum how many tokens there are? They don't know. What about Dogecoin? Holders don't know. The value depends upon how scarce they are. Amateur investors don't know that. Supply and demand are not of interest to them. They buy a 'Proof Of Stake', centralized token and don't know how many were produced. I read over 200 million. Bitcoin is at 19.7 million. Which is more scarce? I don't think Dogecoin is worth 15 cents and I don't think Ethereum is worth $3,500. Speculators are not investors. They are more akin to gamblers. When there is a market crash, do you want 19.7 million holders trying to sell all at once or do you want 200 million? Dogecoin has 200 billion tokens. The stock market has P/E ratios of 7,000. No stock is worth 7,000 times annual earnings.

The last video in this series, discussing solutions to problems like inflation, hunger, unemployment.

Some facts... From:
Hydroponic Stats:
Small (less than 10,000 square feet) indoor vertical farms spend an average of $3.45 per square foot on energy, which is 12% of total operating expenses.

For comparison, large (more than 10,000 square feet) indoor vertical farms spend an average of $8.02 per square foot on energy, which is 25% of total operating expenses.

Small hydroponic farms spend on average 6% of total operating expenses on seeds, growing mediums, and nutrients.
Conversely, large hydroponic farms spend an average of 13% of total operating expenses on seeds, growing mediums, and nutrients.
Hydroponic farm systems generate an average revenue of $21.15 per square foot.
Vertical farming systems earn an average of $41.16 per square foot, but that number can range anywhere from $2.13 to $100.
Only 27% of indoor vertical farms make a profit. Meanwhile, half of all container farms are profitable.
Hydroponic systems, regardless of what structure they’re used in, profit about 60% of the time.
Leafy greens like lettuce are the most profitable crops to grow in hydroponic systems because they have some of the lowest operation costs. One square foot of lettuce costs about $20 to maintain.

All hydroponic flower growers reported having profitable farms.
Only 7% of indoor farms are container farms, probably due to the newness of the technology.
75% of farms that used a combination of farming systems were not profitable, meaning it’s best to stick to just one system like hydroponics.
Hydroponically grown leafy greens and microgreens have the highest profit margins at 40%.
On average, profitable indoor vertical farms make $14.88 per square foot after operational costs.
Labor costs are typically the highest operating expense for all indoor farms. One small hydroponic farm spends on average 57% of its budget on labor.

If you list all the problems the world has, you wind up with 6 videos and this is #5. I'm enamored with the idea of using the seas and that space under the earth's surface, especially those areas near big cities with lots of demand for food. We can grow it very cheaply and it's worth at least $1/lb. Fertilizer is only 1.3% of the retail value of the food.

When people talk about bitcoin inflation, they only tell part of the story, the number mined. Seldom do they mention those lost and it's quadruple the number mined. If you don't have the correct figures, how do you make decisions? The supply is not inflating. It's shrinking!

Discussing some solutions to the world's problems. Maybe you have some solutions also. To kill inflation, produce something of value, make it cheap; Food for instance. Produce food to balance the trade deficit. Central bankers would much rather make war and launder money they steal from taxpayers.

Looking at investments and comparing them with the past 13 years of performance of bitcoin

Take a look at 1969 technology and you will see that we didn't go to the moon with two men on board, soaking up all those x-rays and gamma rays. We are not ready for space! Hyperspace is needed as the Billy Meier Contact Reports stated. Hyperspace! It changes time and space.

What you are shown is never what you get! Wendy's Baconator is a scam for the ad shows a sandwich that is six inches high and what you get is one that is 3 inches, if that. Bacon piled up so tall and thick, thick paddies of meat and when you are given your order, it's a deep disappointment that you paid $13 per pound for. It weighs only 0.66 pounds at $8.19. Politicians do the same and government never tells the truth about anything! Social Security is broke. All the cash was stolen by the bankers who stuck us with T-bills in default, because they are printing money to make the payments of interest on the National Debt.


Created 4 years ago.

2428 videos

Category Education

This channel is a One-Stop for much information, related to the world takeover by a small group of sociopaths who do not have good intentions or your interests at heart. They care nothing about you. To them, power and control are all that matters and they use their power and control to make sure you can't survive. You will have NO JOB, NO FOOD, NO HOPE! They have cut your jocular vein! They put a plastic bag over your head and left you for dead! We rise up instead and radiate truth, until it is the dictatorship that is dead. Now is the time for leadership, among the people!

I have a First Amendment right to free speech. I had a channel at YT, had 45 million views and they started cutting my traffic so I quit in Jan of 2018 and 99,500 subscribers. I removed over 1,150 videos from YT

I am a conspiracy theorist. If you're still not a conspiracy theorist, what's wrong with you? There are thousands of them, everywhere you look! Why can't you see them? Is it the mind control? Maybe you are fearful of being called names, ridiculed, but I'm undaunted being called a 'conspiracy theorist'. Everywhere there is money, there is a conspiracy; Just follow the money and you'll find endless conspiracies. I want everyone to see what I see and that's why I make videos. We have a common enemy and it's the Deep State. Who is the real government, the permanent government, the unelected government, the one that profits from bloodshed of endless wars? Isn't it really the central bankers? The problem in the world is the totalitarian dictatorship they have set up in the USA, with a pervert as their puppet, pushing shots on us.

They spread hatred for others and turn us against each other, left, right, Democrat, Republican, conservative, liberal, etc. Instead, we should all be united against our common enemy, the Deep State. If you have it all figured out and you know who is to blame for the wars and the spread of hatred and you erroneously think it's one ethnic group and all members are bad, take that ignorance elsewhere, please. There are good people in all ethnic groups, all religions, so don't slander any entire group, please! The group that must be replaced, is our so-called 'representatives'. We don't need to elect representatives. Voting for them, is a wasted vote. Voting has accomplished what? The system is very bad and getting worse! Repeating a routine that doesn't work, is insanity. If you voted in the last election, you are probably on the wrong channel; Don't subscribe, because I don't want to contaminate this channel with people who think voting solves problems. Voting encourages the scum who strive for political offices. I favor direct democracy. Direct democracy! People power, not governmental power.
We need to represent ourselves and the pathway is secession and 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' on every ballot! The technology is here to do it, so why isn't it being implemented? This system has gone terribly wrong, needs change and who is going to do it? My channel is to understand more and make the appropriate changes for we need to quarrel less, cooperate more. I favor fewer wars, less spending by government, less corruption, less hatred for others, more peace, more technology for us and less for weaponry for governments. I favor bitcoin, not fiat. We know what's going on and we're not going to allow anyone to blind our view. Freedom, truth, secession, direct democracy, libertarian, Austrian economics, education and tell ten, every day.
The comments section is for people who come in peace, come with sound ideas to share. Those who have sound reasoning, clarity of thought, noble objectives and do not advocate violence or voting for the 'LESSER OF TWO EVILS' are welcome to contribute for the benefit of everyone. Comments which slander an entire ethnic group will be removed.

February 14, 2022 Stats
Created 1 year, 7 months 4 weeks, 2 days ago; 609 days (June 15, 2020 to Feb 14, 2022)
656 videos
2,938 subscribers; Gaining 4.82 per day
668,508 views; 1,019 views/video
1,097 views per day