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Continuation from 303A. Considered here from II Chronicles 34 is the reign of king Josiah in the days of Jeremiah the prophet. The king cleaned house and heard the book of the law, and realized that judgment was still coming to the kingdom of Judah and to Jerusalem. It is a reminder - and a warning - that he United States faces judgment in like manner unless it returns to God. God is no respecter of persons or of nations. Cover is a late night July 4 Fuzee lighting up the desert in Arizona.

This Independence Day weekend, an examination of Scripture directed to nations far from God is provided. Here, in the book of Jeremiah chapter 2, a heartfelt message from God Himself directed at Jerusalem, Judah and Israel, is provided as a plea and a warning for His people. America also has received similar pleas and warnings. Cover shows one way to celebrate Independence Day without explosives; a Fuzee lights up the July 4 night.

Continuation from WW 302A. Two Colorado 14ers: Mount Bross (left) and Mount Lincoln (right) guard the approaches to the east side of Hoosier Pass in Park County.

Further examination of details found in video WW 301, with emphasis on unrestricted abortion and transgenderism advocated by the Democrat party. The Russia-Ukraine war is just one small error or misstep away from enveloping Europe and America into a nuclear conflagration. Will Joe Biden live long enough to receive at least 48% of the national popular vote in November? Cover shows an oil-productive effort in North Dakota, complete will drilling rig and gas flare, working the Bakken and Three Forks formations in late summer 2014.

Today we consider the first of two e-mailings provided by Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel ( The matter concerns the case of investigative journalist Sandra Merritt, who uncovered the activities of Planned Parenthood, et. al. to market baby bodies parts from unborn children why they were still alive. You can do more investigations about this by visiting the website. Next video will concern another similar case involving an LGBTQ-charges case of surgical and chemical mutilation of children to become transgender, at the expense of a whistleblower who is being punished for this inhuman exposure. Cover is a view of the Colorado Rockies from a trail high above Loveland Pass.

Continuation from WW 300A. Age-Date theory considered, and why it is invalid Scripturally. More from Genesis 1, days 5 and 6. Eternity is forever; be sure you are ready for Christ's imminent return. II Corinthians 6:2, I Thessalonians 4:13-18. Cover shows the Sawtooth, prominently placed in Colorado's Mount Evans wilderness, rising to 13,780 feet.

No Pop Joe continues his ongoing war against God by proclaiming transgenders were made in the image of God: Genesis 1:27. He is incorrigibly evil and despiteful of all that is of God or that God is worshiped. He has good company as about 48% of people residing in America today are also unapologetic haters of God: Romans 1:28-32. Days 5 and 6 of Creation are considered today. Don't miss the good news. Cover shows southern Front Range peaks in Colorado, with Mount Squaretop (13,794 feet) dominating the view on the left. This view is observed as one ascends a trail approaching Mount Bierstadt, one of Colorado's most popular 14er hiking trails.

Continuation from 299A. Sorry for the delay since last posting. Discussion here includes the ongoing effort for the WHO to assume worldwide dictatorial powers at the expense of national sovereignty worldwide. Iran has nuclear weapons whether anyone believes it or not. What is uncertain is the will and timing they have to eventually use them. Consider these news pieces in light of Romans 3:10-18. Cover shows a healthy fig tree in June several years ago, giving promise of an eventual good fig harvest.

News is hard to come by, unless your creative search efforts lead you here or to other non-traditional sources of news. Today, this video (part A) re-examines the proximity of an agreement between World Health Organization (WHO) and the rest of the world (especially America) that could lead to unprecedented totalitarianism, wherein even the Constitution of the United States is overruled or irrelevant. Also, some useful old news from Cutting Edge, reviews the status of a nuclear-armed Iran - which has so been since at least 2002. You will note that all the flaming rhetoric about Iran about to build a bomb - as far back as George W. Bush - is hooey. Most in America know nothing about this if they even watch news, since almost all commercial networks have avoided truth regarding the atomic weaponry of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Cover shows a blooming palo verde tree embracing a blue cypress tree in the Sonora Desert of Arizona.

Continuation from 298A. Here, Genesis 1:9-19 are considered. Day 3: dry land appears, and with it soil. Also with dry land and soil, seed-bearing plant life is established. Day 4: new light sources created in outer space, including sun, moon, galaxies and other incredible deep-space manifestations. Sun was necessary to enable created plants to perform photosynthesis, while gravitational forces produced by an orbiting moon enabled tidal effects on earth necessary for some life forms that were created on Day 5. Do not gamble with your eternal destiny. Cover shows picturesque light house at Wind Point on Lake Michigan, north of Racine, Wisconsin, and about 10 miles from the railroading/farming community of Sturtevant.

News that means something is getting harder to find in America. While Ukrainian forces retreat under a Russian offensive, and the president of the Islamic Republic of Iran goes missing from an apparent helicopter malfunction in poor visibility in Iran, America gets is daily digestion of the Trump trial in New York, complete with "truthful" statements from attorney Michael Cohen. Rudy Giuliani was picked up recently in Arizona, and not near a river. Cover shows a stark Monument Valley landscape near the Utah/Arizona border.

Continuation from 297A. Emphasis in Genesis 1:6-8 where the pre-Flood atmosphere (firmament) is discussed. Ongoing events such as the war in Ukraine continue to warn this world that judgment is coming. After this, eternity. Secure your eternal destiny in Jesus Christ, and do not delay. Cover is a thick forest in Arizona's Kachina Wilderness, high in the San Francisco Peaks volcanic field near Flagstaff.

Beside a recent solar eclipse and an ongoing solar electromagnetic storm bombarding the planet, an Israeli offensive into Rafah against Hamas is being stifled by President Joseph Robinette Biden, who is withholding essential and agreed upon armaments from Israel to enable the Jewish State to finish the operation. Real news is hard to find in America. Non-traditional sources of news are necessary to obtain a clearer picture. But never fear, Joe Biden is here. American rejection of the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation advances frighteningly, and at breakneck speed. Cover shows a spruce grove occupying part of the Arizona Snow Bowl property near Flagstaff.

Continuation from 296A. DOJ will not use Wild West gunslingers to arrest unsuspecting law-abiding Americans, as shown here from Williams, Arizona. It will use FBI, CIA, other DOJ law enforcement, county sheriffs and local police to ensure that many will lose their rights and be detained indefinitely. Thanks to GW Bush's Patriot Act. Of course.

Are you ready for the nation to go totalitarian? You may get your desire sooner than you think. Today we resume consideration of Scriptural facts regarding origins, the foundation of he Word of God. Cover is a reminder: when will you end up on Joe Biden's DOJ Wanted list? Stay tuned ...

Continuation from WW 295A. Examine the photo and compare it with the cover photo from 295A. This part of Gunnison National Forest has always had thick foliage, but an infestation of spruce beetles invaded the area, and many trees present 7 years earlier are gone. The National Forest Service (US Department of Agriculture) has been delinquent at maintaining national forests by not proactively thinning thick stands of trees so new tree stands may replace them naturally. Forest management requires stewardship, not environmental extremism, to maintain a healthy forest. All the trees are products of God's amazing creativity.

Beginning here, a reconsideration of the importance of Genesis chapters 1-11 is presented. These, also called "the forgotten chapters" form the foundation for the entire Word of God. One source has stated that Israel may be ready to sacrifice a red heifer on Passover, which begins at sundown April 21. Cover shows author at heavily-treed Slumgullion Summit in Hinsdale County, Colorado in the summer of 2011. Video WW 295B will provide another visual expression showing how this area changed in just 7 years.

Are you ready to meet God? Is your salvation sure? A close relative of this Watchman recently went home. The purpose of this video is to share Scripture that Jean believed. Saints have assurance in Christ that soon, the Resurrection of the saints will usher all believers, living and dead, into the presence of God. Be ready. Jean was.

Continuation from WW 293A. Sorry for delay. The Church has failed to study, and understand, the significance of the Feasts of the Lord, both fall and spring. The Spring feasts are historic, whereas the Fall feasts are yet prophetic. With the imminent return of Jesus still in view, it would do the viewer well to study the meaning of the yet unfulfilled Fall feasts. This understanding may enable the viewer to conclude that the trump of God could blow at any time. Cover shows the crowning glory of Colorado's northern Front Range, Longs Peak (14,256 feet), flanked by Mount Meeker (left) and Mount Lady Washington (right).

With adversarial responses flying in his face, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has some 'splainin to to as to why he despises the Jewish State of Israel while pushing for new elections in Israel. Chuck should pack his bags, get out of town and get right with God before time runs out and hellfire awaits: Luke 16:19-31. In 2009 Israeli leadership was in trouble because of its association with Freemasonry while paying terrorist payrolls in Gaza. Unbelieving Israel fails to respond to their Messiah who they rejected nationally about 2000 years ago. Cover shows outline of the rugged Bradshaw Mountains in Yavapai County, AZ near the state's territorial capital of Prescott.

Continuation from WW 292A. Mega-church ministers still constitute a serious threat in the 21st Century Church. Sound doctrine is lacking, Scripture is ignored, and whole congregations are tootling around like so many drunks in a fog - not sure of where they are headed. The whole counsel of God must replace the destructive vain philosophies of mean from fancy, festooned pulpits. Cover shows a Rail Runner commuter train consist preparing to leave Albuquerque for its destination in Belen NM.

Are you concerned about a declining population without wars or famines? Are you concerned about the identity of those who promote a false, lifeless message from God's Word? Do you believe a major judgment on America is near at hand? This video may answer these questions. The cover photo from Lakewood, Colorado in late April, 2008 shows magnificent crabapple blossoms.

In case you haven't gone beyond legacy news sources, you need to know that the CIA has had bases for a number of years near the Ukraine-Russian border. May these explain why Putin invaded Ukraine in 2022? Also, don't rest easy as terror cells in America are preparing major attacks from multiple sources in the good ole' USA. Hint: Ramadan is just ahead. Cover shows a plum tree in full bloom in Arizona's Sonora Desert. Spring is near at hand.

Those who say they are LGBTQ need to sit up and take notice. They can be saved, but they must come God's way. The only Way, Truth and Life is in the person of Lord Jesus Christ. Those who believe that man-made global warming is for real are fools of those out to destroy them. Those who cling to MMGW/Climate Change ignore God's Word that all things, including climate, were created by Him. Genesis 8:22. Those who go their own way are without excuse. Cover shows Uncompahgre Peak (14,314 feet) in Hinsdale County, Colorado, viewed while ascending Slumgullion Pass in October, 2006

Several news articles from Cutting Edge News are presented and summarized here. One amplifies the significance of the invasion of America across its southern border by those hostile to freedom in America. Armed groups are organizing in the interior and preparing for calamity leading to a violent end of America, thanks to no-pop Joe and his communist adherents. Meanwhile, all of America is tasting the fruits of iniquity from Biden's totalitarian, dictatorial mess that, of itself, has fundamentally changed America as divine judgment against a thankless nation stands at the door. Cover shows a parlor car, part of the consist provided for travelers of the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad in rainy Silverton, Colorado in July 1999.


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

216 videos

Category News & Politics

The mission of Western Watchman ministries is to aid viewers of presented videos of the end times in which we are living from a Scriptural perspective, and that the imminent appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ for His Bride (the Church) is very near at hand.