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This version of the video includes comments by Leo Koehof, the person who trained the Red Cross staff on the proper treatment protocol and is seen numerous times in the video. Koehof also produced his own video that he released before this one came to light

1:50 – Klaas Proesmans talks about how he came across several interesting technologies in the field of water, health and energy, including sodium chlorite.

2:32 – Klaas Proesmans: “It has been said and written that the use of sodium chlorite cleans the body within one hour to four hours of the malaria parasite. That was too good to be true not to go further and do an investigation…”

3:44 – The waving flag of the “Uganda Red Cross Society” clearly shown at the field test site.

6:20 – Leo Koehof speaking at the clinic to Proesmans and staff that he just received test results back from the local jail where prisoners were treated for malaria and cured within 24 hours.

7:08 – Klaas Proesmans: “In total we identified 154 malaria positive patients, together with the local health {authorities} or the doctors. All of them were treated. All of them were, between 24 hours and 48 hours, malaria negative… without any side effects!”
Note: One of the excuses Proesmans gave to Jim Humble as to the reason for not releasing test results was his concern over side effects, even though he states clearly in the video that the use of sodium chlorite was “without any side effects.” It should be noted that the World Health Organization estimates that 1.2 million people die each year of malaria. It would seem that the side effect of death from malaria is worse than any side effect MMS could produce.

7:32 – Hannington Segirinya, Former Uganda Red Cross Youth Council President: “I’m so much impressed by this water. It’s so unbelievable. From, a layman’s view, you may think it’s impossible. But, I… It’s very possible. I’ve seen people healed. Looks like there are results from yesterday and seeing the results of today after taking the water. It’s super impressive.”

8:40 – Red Cross worker clearly showing the activated MMS (sodium chlorite + citric acid combination) at the bottom of the plastic cup before adding water.**

9:00 – Vincent Okonera, URCS (Uganda Red Cross) Senior Branch Manager, Iganga: “I’m excited because of the instant results that are happening among all the people that we have so far tested. It is incredible… unbelievable to see that some were tested of malaria positive yesterday… turns up to be negative today, and feels quite extremely better and more happier and healthier. So, to me this is a very good partnership… and I feel that… if there is opportunity to increase this to this communities, it will be so much of great impact and beneficial to us… to the health of these good people. ”

BioPhysicist which Researched MMS in every way, and then went all over the world to verify and proved it works. Years later he will actually have applied and received 3 patents in how to use it, even to 100% clean contaminated blood without any damage to the blood cells. Meaning MMS is 100% safe for human consumption. As also Evidenced by a Public Letter to President Trump at https://AmericaWeServe.Com

Understanding MMS give you all vital information on every aspect of MMS. Over 20 Million People are using it worldwide. Estimated 11 Million in the U.S., we have been personally using it for 5 years, and it has worked every single time for everything which has hit the family. A Public Letter to President Trump here at https://AmericaWeServe.Com which has a massive amount of evidence showing it has been scientifically proven and well tested, and it works.

Now that MMS has been proven to work with over 20 Million People worldwide are estimated using it and many using it for up to 20 years without any harmful effects. The Drug Industry does not want MMS to hurt their $844 Billion per Year Revenue, which if People knew that MMS really works, it could cause over several hundred drug products being removed from the shelves. So they are spreading lies and disinformation on MMS ins order to discredit and mislead the People from the only real solution for almost every known ailment which can effect the body.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

4 videos

Category Health & Medical

Bringing Truth to We the People so we can take back our Own Health!

Disclaimer: You know how it is Mr. President, I have to make this disclaimer right at the top in order not to be mislabeled as some medical expert or to be confused with giving medical advise of any kind. This is for educational purposes only and, even though I have in-depth medical knowledge and natural health wisdom, I can only represent that this is from our own use, our own success, our own research and our own time being spent verifying directly with people who also have first hand knowledge of the success they have obtained as we have, with also hundreds of Written and Video Testimonies from all over the World doing exactly what we are doing.

Everyone else, please understand, you have the Right to Control your Own Health! Just use common sense and wisdom in using this amazing solution, which may be the most amazing natural booster to the immune system that has ever been discovered! Thank You for coming and supporting us in this effort to get this word out.

Thank You,
America We Serve (Initiative)